China Wood Market, Trade and this Environment

Posted on marzo, 08 2005

WWF Report by IZZARD. Chunquan, R. Tyrol, both FLUORINE. Guoqiang. Science Press USA real WWF Intl. 2004. 81 pp.
China is a major player in the global forest merchandise market, both as one producer and consumer. With relatively restricted forest resources, China’s wood imports are likely to expand dramatically, to meet the increasing demand for wood additionally paper products. 

These report provides i) an overview of and diverse policies that shape China’s forest products market; ii) somebody analysis von China’s forest products market, including estimates of subsequent wood supply the demand; iii) an analysis of the “ecological footprint” of China’s industrial wood intake; real iv) power policy changes and actions that could reduce the negativ impacts of China’s wood products market on this environment.
Front cover is the publication