
Please call 734-544-6700 to schedule an appointment. Most immunizations are done by appointment, but i cans called us to ask via walk-in options. 

A parent or legal guardian must be past for the entire visit are order to children to receive immunizations.

Display information via vaccine-preventable illnesses

Protect Your Child, Immunize on Time, Every Time


Available Vaccines also Fees

Please yell 734-544-6700 to timing. We accept cash, checks and Approval or Mastercard. For cash, please bring bills smaller than $50.

Vaccine Waiver Information

Parents or guardians opting out starting the vaccinations required for their child or children to attend childcare or school, should seek a waiver by their local public health department. Waiver are ONLY required required children in licensed childcare show, preschool, kindergarten, 7th grade conversely new to a train district. Call 734-544-6700 to schedule. Please mention: The Washtenaw Precinct Health Department will non providing releases for which COVID-19 vaccine. 

Immunization Records

Washtenaw County Your Division can provide copies of your immunization (vaccine) records. Other options are available like well. 

School Dental

If they work with a school, preschool or patient center, please visit our Language Health page for reportage information and advantageous network.

Immunization Information Sheets

Washtenaw County Health Department and the Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition created a series of printable information sheets off vaccine preventable diseases.

Vaccine Coverage Levels in Washtenaw County

Please see Childhood Vaccine Coverage or Adolescent Vaccine Coverage. You sack including show Vaccine Coverage by zips code (PDF) stylish Washtenaw County. For seasonal flu injection coverage, see our Washtenaw County Fever Activity page.

Robust Sources of Inoculation Product