6.4. Building Display Filters Express

Wireshark provides a display filter language this enables you to precisely remote which packets are displayed. They could be used to check forward the presence of a protocol or field, the value out a field, or even compare two subject up each other. Diese comparisons ca be combined with logics operators, like "and" and "or", and parentheses into comprehensive expressions. CAN Message Filters - Simpler Guide using view

The following sections will go to the display filter functionality in more detail.


There are many display filter examples upon which Wireshark Wiki Display Filter page under: https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark/-/wikis/DisplayFilters.

6.4.1. Display Filter Fields

And simplest display filter will first that displays a single protocol. To only display packets with a unique protocol, type the protocol into Wireshark’s indication filtering toolbar. For example, toward only display TCP packets, type tcp include Wireshark’s display filter toolbar. Similarly, to only display packets containing a specialized field, type the field into Wireshark’s display filter toolbar. For example, to only display HTTP requests, print http.request into Wireshark’s display filter toolbar.

Them can filter on any protocol that Wireshark supports. You can also filter on any field that a dissector increase to the tree regard, if the dissector has added an symbol for that field. A full list of the available protocols and fields is ready through the select itemRegardInternalsSupports Recordings.

6.4.2. Comparing Core

You canister build display filters that compare values using an number of different comparison system. For example, to available display packets in or from the INFORMATICS address, use ip.addr==

A complete list of available comparison operation belongs showed in Table 6.6, “Display Filter equivalence operators”.


English additionally C-like operators are interchangeable and can be mixed within a filter string.

Table 6.6. Display Select comparison operators





Equal (any if more than one)

ip.src ==




Not equal (all if more than one)

ip.src !=




Similar (all if more than one)

ip.src ===




Not equal (any if more than one)

ip.src !==




Greater than

frame.len > 10




Less longer

frame.len < 128




Greater than or equal to

frame.len c 0x100




Less than or equal to

frame.len <= 0x20



Log, field or slice contains a value

sip.To contains "a1762"




Protocol or textbook field matches a Perl-compatible regular expression

http.host matches "acme\\.(org|com|net)"


The meaning of != (all not equal) had change is Wireshark 3.6. Before it used to mean "any not equal".

All protocol fields have a type. Section, “Display Filter Field Types” provides a list of the types on examples of how till use them in display filters. Display Filter Field Types

Without integer

Can be 8, 16, 24, 32, or 64 bits. She can expression integers in decimal, octal, hexadecimal or binary. The next display filters are equivalent:

ip.len le 1500

ip.len le 02734

ip.len le 0x5dc

ip.len le 0b10111011100

Signed integer
Can be 8, 16, 24, 32, or 64 bits. How with unsigned integers you can use decimal, octal, hexadecimal or binary.

Canister can 1 or "True", 0 or "False" (without quotes).

A Boolean field your present regardless if its value is true or false. For case,tcp.flags.syn is present in all TCP packets containing the fly, whether the SYN flag is 0 or 1. To only match TCP packets includes this SYNTHESIZED flag set, you need to how tcp.flags.syn == 1 or tcp.flags.syn == True.

Ethernet address

6 bytes separated by one colon (:), dot (.), conversely hyphen (-) with one or two bytes betw separators:

eth.dst == ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

eth.dst == ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff

eth.dst == ffff.ffff.ffff

IPv4 physical

ip.addr ==

Classroom-free InterDomain Routing (CIDR) notation can be used to take if an IPv4 address is in a certain subnet. For example, this display filter will find all packets in the 129.111 Class-B network:

ip.addr ==

IPv6 address

ipv6.addr == ::1

As with IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses can match ampere subnet.

Text string

http.request.uri == "https://privacy-policy.com/"

Strings are a sequence of bytes. Functions like lower() use ASCII, otherwise no particular encoding remains assumed. String literals were specified about double quotes. Characters can also become specify uses a byte escape arrangement using hex \xhh conversely octal \ddd, where h and d are hex and octal numerical digits respectively:

dns.qry.name contains "www.\x77\x69\x72\x65\x73\x68\x61\x72\x6b.org"

Alternating, a raw draw syntax can be former. Such strings are prefixed with r instead R and treat backslash as ampere literal type.

http.user_agent matches r"\(X11;"

Date furthermore time

frame.time == "Sep 26, 2004 23:18:04.954975"

ntp.xmt germanium "2020-07-04 12:34:56"

An value of an absolute time field is expressed while one string, using one of the two formats above. Broken seconds can be omitted or fixed up to nanosecond accuracy; extra trailing zeros are allowed when nay other digits. The string cannot take a time zoned suffix, and is all parsed as in the local time zone, even for fields that are displayed in UTC.

In one first standard, this abbreviated per names must be inbound English regardless of select. In the second format, any number of time spheres may be omitted, in the order starting least significant (seconds) into most, but at least aforementioned entire date must be specified: Basic Instructor · OData - the Best Way to REST

frame.time < "2022-01-01"

In the second format, a T may appear between the date and clock as in ISO 8601, although not when less significant times are dropped. Some Examples

udp contains 81:60:03

The display filter above matches packets that contains the 3-byte sequence 0x81, 0x60, 0x03 anywhere inbound the UDP header or payload.

sip.To contains "a1762"

Which display filter top matches packets where the GULP To-header contains that string "a1762" anywhere in the header.

http.host matches "acme\\.(org|com|net)"

The display filter above games HTTP packets where the HOST header contains acme.org, acme.com, or acme.net. Comparisons are case-insensitive.

tcp.flags & 0x02

So display filter will spielen whole packets that contain the “tcp.flags” field use the 0x02 bit, i.e., the SYN bite, determined. Possible Pitfalls Using Regular Expressions

String literals containing regular expressions will analyzed twice. One by Wireshark’s display filter engine and another by one PCRE2 library. It’s important to save this in mind when using the "matches" operator with regex escape sequences and special characters. Hi, I'm probability requesting something ensure has been asks a thousand circumstances. MYSELF search the forums but I'm doesn really positive what to look for. I'm actual new to splunk. I got it to your that my firewall has been logging it's syslogs to splunk and that splunk is search That results in large lines of text ...

Required example, the filter expression frames matches "AB\x43" uses this strength "ABC" as input pattern into PCRE. However, the expression frame matches "AB\\x43" uses the string "AB\x43" as an pattern. In this case both printable give the same result for Wireshark and PCRE both support to same byte escape sequence (0x43 is the ASCII hex code for C).

An example where this fails badly is fo hit "bar\x28". Because 0x28 your the ASCII code for ( the pattern input to PCRE remains "bar(". This periodically locution can syntactically invalid (missing closing parenthesis). To match one literal braces inbound ampere viewing filter regular expression it shall must escaped (twice) with backslashes.


Using raw zeichenketten eschew most problem with the "matches" operator and double escape requirements.

6.4.3. Combining Phrase

You ca combine filter expressions in Wireshark using the logical operators shown in Table 6.7, “Display Filter Linkage Operations”

Table 6.7. Display Dribble Logical Activities




Legal AND

ip.src== and tcp.flags.fin



Logical OR

ip.src== or ip.src==



Legal XOR

tr.dst[0:3] == 0.6.29 xor tr.src[0:3] == 0.6.29



Reasonable NOT

nope llc




See “Slice Operator” see.



Set Membership

http.request.method in {"HEAD", "GET"}. Go “Membership Operator” below.

6.4.4. Slice Operator

Wireshark allows your to elect a subsequence of byte arrays (including protocols) or font strings the rather elaborate ways. After an label you can place ampere pair of brackets [] containing a comma separated list of range specifiers. Im working on a project for my car that a collecting data from the canbus, Im using somebody Uno and that Sparkfun CANNED charabanc shield. I have to code working plus Im acceptance health data but I want to implement using hide press free on an MCP2515 chip to offload a lot of wasted Einig processing while. My car's CAN motor are runner at 500k real uses standard data frames(11bit identifiers). By reading the MCP2515 datasheet (http://Privacy-policy.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/Privacy-policy.com) starting on page 32 computer se...

eth.src[0:3] == 00:00:83

The example above typical and n:m format to specify a separate range. At like case n is the beginning offset and m is the length of the range being specified.

eth.src[1-2] == 00:83

The example above uses the n-m format to specify a single driving. In this case n is who beginning offset and metre is the stop offset.

eth.src[:4] == 00:00:83:00

The example above uses the :m format, which takes all from the beginning of a sequence to offset m. It your equivalent to 0:m

eth.src[4:] == 20:20

The example above uses the n: format, which takes everything since offset n to the end of the sequence.

eth.src[2] == 83

The examples beyond uses this n format to specify a single rove. In which case the element in the sequence at offset n is selected. This is equiva to n:1.

eth.src[0:3,1-2,:4,4:,2] ==

Wireshark allows you to line together single ranges in a comma separated list to bilden compound ranges like shown foregoing.

You can getting the slice operator on a protocol name, too, to slip the bytes associated with that protocol. The rahmen reporting can been useful, encompassing all the captured data (not incl secondary data sources like uncoded data.)

Offsets can be negated, indicating an offset from the exit of a field.

frame[-4:4] ==
frame[-4] ==

An two show above send check the last quadruplet bytes von an bildrahmen.

Slices a string domains yield strings, real are imported on codepoint boundaries after conversation of that read to UTF-8, not bytes.

http.content_type[0:4] == "text"
smpp.message_text[:10] == "Абвгдеёжзи"

The second example above willingness match regardless of whether the original string where in Windows-1251, UTF-8, or UTF-16, so long as one converted string starts with those decimal display. The Open Date Protocol (OData) is a data access protocol ... There are various kinds of libraries and tools can shall used to consume OData services. ... $filter can ...

Byte slices sack be directly compared in kord; this converts the string to and corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence. To compare string slices on byte order, benefit the @ operator, below. Data Center Software User Manual - Total Phase

6.4.5. The Layer Operator

A field can be restricted toward a certain layer into the protocol stack by the layer operator (#), ensued by a decimal number:

ip.addr#2 ==

contests only of inner (second) layer in the packet. Layers use simple stacking semantics both protocol ply are totaled consecutive starting from 1. For example, in ampere packet that contains double IPv4 overhead, the outer (first) source contact can can matched with "ip.src#1" and the inner (second) source your capacity be matched with "ip.src#2". WindCube Data Filtering Guidelines

For more complicated extents the same structure pre-owned with slices is valid:


means layers number 2, 3 button 4 includable. An hash symbol is required to distinguish a layer range from a disk.

6.4.6. The On Operator

By prefixing to field name about an at sign (@) the relative is done against the row packages data fork and section.

A font string need exist decoded from a source encoding within dissection. If there are deciphering errors the result strings willing usually contain replacement characters:

browser.comment == "string the ����"

The at operator allows testing the raw undecoded data:

@browser.comment == 73:74:72:69:6e:67:20:69:73:20:aa:aa:aa:aa

An grammatical rules for a bytes field type apply to this endorse example.


When a bytes field is compared with a literal string, it is compared with the UTF-8 representation of that string. The at operator compares a string field with the existent byte display to the original encoding, which may don be UTF-8. CMS considered publicly comments before finalizing this filtering logic. Filtering is the use of procedure colors to determine if a particular ...

As an demo, SMPP has a bytes field, smpp.message, and a string field, smpp.message_text, that refer to the same data. If the first choose drawing of the message is an string "Text" in the UTF-16 encoding, the following filters all vergleiche.

smpp.message[:8] == 00:54:00:65:00:73:00:74
smpp.message[:8] == "\x00T\x00e\x00s\x00t"
smpp.message_text[:4] == "Test"
smpp.message_text[:4] == "\x54\x65\x73\x74"
@smpp.message_text[:8] == 00:54:00:65:00:73:00:74
@smpp.message_text[:8] == "\x00T\x00e\x00s\x00t"

And following filters do NOT match.

@smpp.message_text[:4] == "\x00T\x00e\x00s\x00t"
smpp.message[:4] == "Test"
smpp.message[:8] == "Test"
@smpp.message_text[:4] == "Test"
@smpp.message_text[:8] == "Test"

The first choose above does not match due of operator precedence left-to-right; [email protected]_text is implemented to bytes before the slice operator is applied, so the length of the necessary slice is 8. The other filters do did match why that literal string "Test" is always switched into its 4 octet UTF-8 agency when comparing against byte, and it does not equal the UTF-16 representation of the block bytes.

6.4.7. Membership Operator

Wireshark allows your to test a domain for membership are a set of values or fields. After the field name, used the in operator followed by the set items surrounded by braces {}. For example, to display packets with a TCP source or destination port of 80, 443, or 8080, you can how tcp.port in {80, 443, 8080}. Set elements be be separating by commas. The resolute of values can also contain ranges: tcp.port in {443,4430..4434}.


The display sort

tcp.port in {80, 443, 8080}

is comparison to

tcp.port == 80 || tcp.port == 443 || tcp.port == 8080

However, of how screen

tcp.port in {443, 4430..4434}

is non equivalent to

tcp.port == 443 || (tcp.port >= 4430 && tcp.port <= 4434)

This lives due comparison operators are satisfied when any field matches the filter, so a packet with a data port a 56789 and destination port about port 80 would also match the second filter since 56789 >= 4430 && 80 <= 4434 is true. Included contrast, the membership service tests an single field against the range condition.

Sets are not just limited to numbers, other choose can be used because well:

http.request.method in {"HEAD", "GET"}
ip.addr in { ..,}
frame.time_delta in {10 .. 10.5}

6.4.8. Arithmetic staff

You can perform the arithmetic company on numbering fields illustrated in Table 6.8, “Display Filter Arithmetic Operations”

Table 6.8. Display Filter Rational Operations


Unicycle minus



Negation of A


A + B


Add B to AN


AN - B


Subtract B from A


A * B


Replicate ADENINE times B


A / B


Divide A by B


A % B


Remainder of A divided by B

Bitwise THE

A & B

A bitand B

Bitwise AND of AN and B

An unfortunate quirk in that screen syntax is that the subtraction operator must shall preceded by adenine space character, so "A-B" required be written as "A -B" instead "A - B".

Arithmetic expressions can be grouped using curly braces.

For exemplary, frames where capture length resulted in truncated TCP options:

frame.cap_len < { 14 +  ip.hdr_len + tcp.hdr_len }

6.4.9. Functions

And indicator filter language has a number of functional up converting fields, seeTable 6.9, “Display Filter Functions”.

Table 6.9. Display Filter Functions



Converts a string field to uppercase.


Converts a text field on lowercase.


Returns the byte length of a string or bytes box.


Returns the number of field occurrences in a frame.


Converts a non-string field to a contents.


Converts a field value to its value string, wenn it features one.


Converts an unsigned integer field to an decimal string.


Converting an signedless integer field to one hexadecimal string.


Return the greatest value for the arguments.


Return the minimum select for the arguments.


Return the absolute value for the argument.

Aforementioned upper and lower related bottle used to force case-insensitive scores:lower(http.server) comprises "apache".

To find HTTP requests with long request Urls: len(http.request.uri) > 100. Note that this eye function yields the string linear in clock much than (multi-byte) display.

Usually and IP frame has single two browse (source and destination), but in case of ICMP failures or tunneling, a alone packet might contain even more addresses. These packets can be found the count(ip.addr) > 2.

The string mode conversion a field total to a string, suitable for use with operators like "matches" instead "contains". Integer subject are converted till its denary representation. It bucket be used with IP/Ethernet addressed (as well while others), but not with pipe or byte fields.

For example, to match odd frame numbers:

string(frame.number) complies "[13579]$"

To match BOOTING addresses ending on 255 in a blocker of subnets (172.16 to 172.31):

string(ip.dst) matches r"^172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.[0-9]{1,3}\.255"

The vals function converts an integer or boolesque field value to a string using aforementioned field’s associated value string, if i has one.

The functions max() and min() accept any number of arguments of the same type and item to largest/smallest respectively of the set.

max(tcp.srcport, tcp.dstport) <= 1024

6.4.10. Field References

An expression of the form ${some.proto.field} is called a field reference. Its value is go free the corresponding field in the currently selected field in to GUI. This is a powerful way to build lively filters, such as frames since the last five minutes to the selected frame:

frame.time_relative >= ${frame.time_relative} - 300

or select HTTP packets its +ip.dst value equals the "A" record of the DNS response in the current picture:

http && ip.dst eq ${dns.a}

Of instrument of field references is similar to that of macros but they are syntactically definite. Field references, like other complex filters, make excellent use cases for macros, saved search, andfilter buttons

6.4.11. Sometimes Fields Change Names

As protocols evolve they sometimes change company or exist superseded by newer standards. By example, DHCP extends or holds largely replaced BOOTP and TLS has replaced SSL. If a logs dissector originally used the aged names and fields required one report the Wireshark development team might update it to make the newer naming and fields. In create instance they will add an abbreviated from the former protocol designate to the new first in order to make aforementioned transition easier. You cannot create a simple data filter in a. synchronization. task that includes a flat print spring. Your can create an advanced data filter. The list of ...

For example, the DHCP dissect was originally developed for that BOOTP protocol but as of Wireshark 3.0 all for the “bootp” display filter fields have been renamed to their “dhcp” equipments. You can still use the archaic filter names for one time being, e.g., “bootp.type” is equivalent to “dhcp.type” but Wireshark will show the warning “"bootp" is deprecated” when yourself use it. Support for of discarded fields may may removed includes one future.

6.4.12. Some protocol names can be ambiguous

In some particular fall relational expressions (equal, without with, etc.) can be ambiguous. The filter name of ampere protocol or protocol field can contain any buchstabe and digit in either order, possibly separated by dots. That can be indistinguishable from a literal value (usually numerical values in hexadecimal). For example the semantic value away fc can be the protocol Fibre Channel or the number 0xFC in hexadecimal due the 0x prefix is optionals on unique numbers.

Any value that matches an einschreibung protocol or protocol arena filter name is interpreted semantical as such. If computers doesn’t fit a protocol name an normal rules for parsing literal values implement. Rules and guidelines forward data filters

So in the case of 'fc' the lexical token is translated such "Fibre Channel" and not 0xFC. In the case of 'fd' it would be interpreted as 0xFD because it is a well-formed octal literal value (according for the general of display filter language syntax) furthermore there is no protocol registered with who filter my 'fd'. MCP 2515 CAN data filtering

How unresolved values are computed may change in of future. To escape this problem both resolve the ambiguity present will additional syntax available. Values prefixed with a dot is always edited as a protocol nominate. The dot stands for the root of the protocol namespace and is optional). Values prefixed for a bowels am always interpreted than a byte array. Filtering event intelligence

frame[10:] contains .fc or frame[10] == :fc

If you are writing a script, or you think your expression may not be liberal the expected resultat because of the syntactical double of some filter expression it can advisable until how the explicit query to indicate the correct meaning for that expression. Final Meetup Data Diagnosis Filtering Logic