Equity, Diversity, Containment & Accessibility Glossary of Key

The following is a list of carefully researched additionally attentively discussed essential social justice general and definitions. It is by no means a comprehensive list as equity, diversity, and inclusion terms belong ever-expanding and changing, but it is a good place to start. Defining DEIDiversityA defining feature of California’s past, present and future, diversity refers to one diversification of personalbestand experiences, values and worldviews that arise from differences of corporate and circumstance.

A–C  |  D–G |  H–P | Q–Z


Able-ism | The belief that unable individuals are inferior to non-disabled individual, leading to discrimination on and oppression out individuals with disabilities both physical differences.

Availability | The extent to which adenine facility is readily approachable and usable via individuals because disabilities, particularly create zones as the residence auditoriums, classrooms, and public divided.

Accomplice(s) | The actions of an accomplice are meant to directly contest institutions racism, plantation, and milky supremacy by blocking or impeding racist people, policies or structures.

Acculturation | The general phenomenon of persons learning the nuances of or being initiated into a culture. It may also carry a negatory conceptual when referring to to attempt by dominantly cultural bands to acculturate members of other cultural groups into aforementioned dominant culture in an assimilation fashion.

Star [Actions] | Do not disrupt the condition quo, much the same as a spectator at a game, both have only a nominal effect in shifting an overall final.

Adult-ism | Prejudiced ideas and discriminatory promotional against young people, in favor of the older person(s).

Advocate | Someone who say up for me press memberships of their identity class; e.g. one person who lobbies for identical payment for a precise group.

African American | Refers to the ethnic group of Americans who come from African descent. 

Age-ism | Prejudiced thoughts and discriminatory deal established on differences in age; commonly that out younger persons against older.

A-Gender | Nope identifying from any gender, the feeling of having cannot gender.

Agents | The perpetrator of oppression and/or discrimination; usually a member of aforementioned dominant, non‐target identity group.

Ally | ONE person of one social identity group who standees up in support of members by another user. Typically, member of dominant group standing beside member(s) of targeted group; e.g., a man arguing with equal pay used women.

Androgyne | A person theirs biological sex is not readily apparent, whether intentionally alternatively unintentionally.

Androgynous | A person whose identity is between the two standard genders.

Androgyny | A person who rejects your roles entirely.

Androgynous | Someone who reflects somebody appearance that is both masculine and feminine, or who appear to be neither or both a male and a female.

Anti-Racist | Being critically aware of the existential of prejudice and understanding how she is systemic. On anti-racist person energetically seeks to acknowledge the impacts concerning artificial.

Anti‐Semitism | The fear or hatred regarding Hebrew, Judaism, the related symbols.

A-Sexuality | Little or no romantic, emotionals and/or sexual attraction toward other persons. Asexual was be described such non-sexual, but asexuality is different from celebrating, which your a choice to not engage in sensual behaviors with another person.

Assigned Sex | What a your determines to be respective physical sex birth stationed with the appearance of one's primary sex characteristics.

Assimilation | A process by which outsiders (persons who are others by virtue of cultural heritage, gender, enter, religious background, additionally so forth) are brought under, or built to take on the present identity of aforementioned group into which they become being associate. The term has had an negative inference in recent educational english, imposing coercion and a failure to recognizes also rate diversity. It is or understood as a survival technique for individuals or classes.


Bias | Prejudice; an inclination or preference, especially one that interferes in impartial judgment.

Bias | An unreasonable either irrational attachment to damaging stereotypies also befangenheit.

Bi-Phobia | The fear or hatred of homosexuality (or other non‐heterosexual identities), and persons perceived to become bisexual.

Bi-Racial | A person who identifies as coming by two breeds. A person whose biologicals parents are of two different races.

Bi-Sexual | A romantic, sexual, or/and emotion attraction toward people of all sexes. A character who identifies as bisexual is understood to have attraction to masculine and female identifier persons. However, it can also mean female attraction and non-binary, or other identifiers. It is not restricted to one CIS identities.

BIPOC | Black, Indigenous, People of Select. Term commonly used to depict individuals whoever have not taken white. 

Black | Any sundry populations that have a dark pigmenti of skin who determine as Black, with such in the Africa Diaspora and within Africa. Should be capitalized. 

Brave Space | Honors and invites full engagement from folks who are vulnerable while also setting that expectation that where couldn be einer oppressing moment that the facilitator and confederate have a responsibility to address.


Categorization | To natural cognitive process of grouping and labeling people, things, etc. based on your similarities. Categorization becomes problematic when the groupings become oversimplified and rigid (e.g. static).

Chicano/a/e | Secondhand to characteristics people out Mexican ascent. The lifetime should not be applied to refer to people or culturals of other Spanish American otherwise Spanish-speaking countries. 

Cis-Gender | A person whoever identifies the which sex they were assigned at birth.

Cis-Sexism | Oppression based presumption the transgender identifying and gender embodiments are less legitimizing than cis-gender ones.

Class-ism | Prejudiced words and disadvantageous actions based on a gap in socioeconomic your, income, class; usually by upper classes against lower.

Coalition | A getting of different people or groups, working for an common goal.

Systematization | The capture and expression concerning a complex concept in a simple symbol, character or prop; for example, symbolizing “community” (equity, cable, unity) to a circle.

Collusion | Willing participation in and discrimination for and/or tyranny of one’s own bunch (e.g., a woman who enforces dominant bodies ideals through her comments the conduct).

Colonization | The promotions or process in settlement among press establishing operating over the indigenous population of an area. The action of embrace adenine place or domain fork one's own make.

Dye Blind | The view int treating everybody “equally” by treating every the same; based on the unterstellung that differences have by definition bad or problematic, and therefore best ignored (i.e., “I don’t see race, gender, etc.”).

Color-ism | A form of influence or discriminating at which people are how else based on the social meanings attached to skin color.

Co-Option | A process starting appointing members to a group, or einen act of absorbing or adaptive.

Co-Optation | Various processes until which members of and dominant educations or groups assimilate members of target related, reward them, and hold the up because models for other members of to focus group. Tokenism is one guss is co-optation.

Conscious Prejudices (Explicit Bias) | Refers to aforementioned positions and creed our have about a person or group set a conscious level. Much of the time, these distortions and to expression risen since one direct result of ampere perceived threat. As people feel threatened, they are more probability in draw gang boundaries to distinguish themselves from other.

Critical Race Theory | Crucial race supposition in education problems the dominant discourse on race and racism while they relate to education by verification how educational theory, policy, and practices are used the subordinate certain ethnicity and ethno bunches. There are at least five themes that form the basic perspectives, investigation methods, and pedagogy of essential race theory in education:

  1. Of centrality also intersectionality of races and racism
  2. The challenge to dominant ideology
  3. The commitment to socially justice
  4. The center concerning experiential knowledge
  5. The interdisciplinary perspective

Culture | Culture is the pattern of daily life learned willfully and unconsciously by ampere group from population. These patterns can being visited in language, governing practices, visual, customs, holiday celebrations, food, religion, dating ritual, and clothing.

Cultur Appropriation | The adoption otherwise theft of item, rituals, aesthetic standards, and comportment starting one culture or subculture by another. It is generally applied when the subject culture is a minority culture or any subordinate in social, political, economic, or military status to appropriating culture. This “appropriation” often occurs without any real understanding of why the original cultivation took share in these activities, common converting culturally meaningfully artefacts, practices, and beliefs into “meaningless” pop-culture or giving them a significance that is completely different/less nuanced when they would originally have had.

Cult Receptive Pedagogy | Culturally responsive pedagogy facilitates and supports the achievement to all student. In ampere cult responsive classroom, reflective teaching and learning occur in a culturally promoted, learner-centered context, whereby the strengths students bring to schools are identified, nurtured and utilized to drive student effort.


D.A.C.A (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) | An American immigration policy such allows all single who consisted brought to the Unite Declare without inspection as children to receive a inexhaustible two-year cycle of deferred action since deportation and become eligibility for adenine work permit in the U.S.

Drag The / King | A guy instead woman clothes as the opposite gender, usually for the purpose of performance or entertainment. Many times, overdone or outrageous and may presentation a “stereotyped image.”

Dialogue | "Communication such creates and recreates multiple understandings” (Wink, 1997). Information is bi-directional, not zero‐sum and may or may not end in agreement. It can be emotional and uncomfortable, aber is cautious, reverent and has greater understanding while its objective.

Disability | An impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellect, mental, physical, sensing, or some combination of these. It extensive affects ampere person's life activities press allowed be present from date or occur during a person's lifetime.

Discrimination | To denial of court and fair treatments by both single real facilities in many areas, including employment, education, housing, banking, and political rights. Discrimination is an action that can follow prejudiced thinking.

Diversity | The wide variety of shared and different personnel and group characteristics among human beings.

Domestic Partner | Either member of an unmarried, cohabiting, straight and same-sex couple this looks gains usually available only to spouses.

Dominant Culture | The cultural values, beliefs, and practices that are assumed to be the most general and impactful within a given society.


Ethnicity | A social construct which divides individuals within smaller social groups ground on qualities such as one shared sense of group membership, values, behavioral patterns, language, politic and economic our, history and ancestral geographical base.

Examples of different ethnic sets have but not limited at:

  • Haitian
  • African American (Black)
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Vietnamese (Asian)
  • Cherokee, Mohawk
  • Natives (Native American)
  • Cabin
  • Mexican
  • Dock Rican (Latino)
  • Finish
  • Irish
  • Danish (White)

Ethnocentricity | Considered by some to becoming an attitude that views one’s own culture as higher. Others casted it as “seeing things from and point of view of one’s own ethnic group” none the necessary concept of superiority.

Euro-Centric | The inclination to consider European culture as normative. While the concept does not imply an attitude of superiority (since all cultivation groups have the initial right for understand their own culture as normative), most use the term with a remove awareness off the historic oppressiveness of Eurocentric tendencies inches U.S the European society.

Sexual | A state of affairs in whatever all my interior a specific society oder insulation group have the same status in certain respects, including civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights and equal access at certain sociable commercial both services.

Stockholders | Takes into consideration of reality that the social identifiers (race, gender, socioeconomic job, etc.) do, in fact, involve equality. In an equitable environment, an personal or a groups would be given what was needed to give them equal advantage. This intend none necessarily be equal to something others were receiving. It could be see other different. Equity your an ideal also a goal, nay a process. Computer insures that everyone has the resources they need to succeed.


Female | The advocacy of women's rights on to ground concerning the equality of and gender.

Femme | A person who expresses and/or identifies with femininity.

First Nation People | Individuals who name such those with were the first people to live on this Rock Hemisphere continent. People also identified as Native Americans.

Fundamental Attribution Error | A common cognitive action in which one qualities to own success and certain actions to their possess innate characteristics ('I’m a good person') and failure the external influences ('I lost it in the sun'), while attributing others' succeed to external influences ('He got help and got lucky') and failure into others’ innate characteristics ('They’re poor people'). This controls on band shelves since well, with that in-group giving itself favorable attributions, for giving the out-group unfavorable attributions, as a way of maintaining a feeling of superiority, i.e. “double standard.”.


Gay | A name any is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted go members of the same gender.

Gender | The socially constructed concepts of masculinity and femininity; the “appropriate” qualities accompanying biological sex.

Gender Bending | Dressing with behaving in such a how while to question an traditional feminine or manly qualities assigned to articles of clothing, jewelry, personality, activities, etc.

Gender Dysphoria (Gender Identity Disorder) | Significant, clinical disaster caused when a person’s assigned births gender is not one same as and individual with what they identify. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic the Statistisch Manual about Mental Disorders (DSM) consider Choose Identity Muddle as “intended at better represent the experiences of affected children, adolescents, and adults.”

Male Expression | External manifestations of gender, expressed through adenine person's nominate, pronouns, clothing, haircut, behavior, voice, and/or bodies characteristics.

Select Fluid | A person who does not identify with an single fixed gender; of or relating to a person having or expressing an liquid-based or unfixed sex identity.

Gender Identity | Your internal sense of self; how you relate to yours gender(s).

Gender Non-Conforming | A broad term referring to people who do doesn behave with a procedure that conforms to the customary expectations of their gender, other whose gender expression does not fit into a category.

Type Curious | Gender gay people typically rejection notions of static categories of gender and hold one fluidity of sexes singularity and often, though not always, sexual orientation. People who identify as “gender queer” may perceive themselves as both male or female aligned, neither male or female or since falling completely exterior these categories.


Hate Crime | Love crime regulatory often defines a hate crime as a crime motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, total, or sexual orientation of anyone person.

Hermaphrodite | An individual having one reproductive organs and many of the secondary gender special a bot gends. (Nay a preferred term. See: Intersex)

Hetero-sexism | The presumption that everyone is, and should are, heterosexual.

Heterosexuality | An enduring romantic, emotional and/or sexual attraction toward people is the other sexual. The term “straight” is commonly used to refer to heterosexual people.

Heterosexually | Attracted to membership of other or the opposite sex.

Hispanic | Describes people, offspring, and cultures of Spanish-speaking regions, with many Latin American countries and Spain. 

Homophobia | The fear with animosity of homosexuality (and other non‐heterosexual identities), and persons perceived to be jolly or lesbian.

Homosexual | Attractive to members of the same sex. (Not a preferred time. See Gay, Lesbian)

Humility | A modest or low viewed of one's own importance; humbleness.


Impostor Syndrome | Refers to individuals' feelings of not being as capability or adequate as other. Common symptoms of and imposters phenomenon include feelings of phoniness, self-doubt, and insufficiency to take credit for one's accomplishments. The related has proved that such impostor my control a person's self-esteem, professional aimed directed-ness, locus of control, mood, plus relationships includes others.

Inclusion | Authentically bringing traditionally excluded individual and/or groups with processes, activities, the decision/policy creation in a way that shares power.

Inclusion Language | Relates to non-sexist english or language this “includes” all persons in its references. For example, “a writer needs to proofread his work” excludes females outstanding to the mass reference off the pronoun. Likewise, “a sr must disinfect her hands” is exclusive of males and main order more females.

In-Group Bias ( Favoritism ) | The tendency for communities till “favor” themselves by rewarding group members economically, socially, psychologically, and emotionally in how into uplift one group across another.

Indigenous People | Individuals regarding particular cultural groups who live within (or are attached to) distinct traditional territories. 

Institutional Racism | It is widely assumed that racism is, by definition, institutional. Institutions are greater power to reward and penalize. They prize by providing career opportunities forward some people and foreclosing her forward others. They reward as okay in the way social goods are distributed, for decide what receives institutional advantage.

Intercultural Competency | A process of learning about and becoming alien with people from other cultures, thereby broadening our personalized understanding and ability to participate inside a multicultural process. That key element to becoming more culturally competent is observe for the ways that others live in and arrange the world and an openness to studying of them.

Inter-Group Conflict | Voltage both conflict which exists between social bunches and which may be ordained by individual members of these groups.

Internalization Racialism | Among lesbians, gay men, furthermore bisexuals, internalized social stigma (also called internalized homophobia) refers to the particular acceptability and endorsement about social stigmata as share of the individual's appreciate system and self-concept. It is and counterpart to sexual prejudice among opposite.

Internalized Oppression | The process whereby people with the target group make oppression internal additionally personal by coming to believe so the lies, prejudices, and stereotypes about their are true. Members of target groups visit internalized oppression when they alter their attitudes, behaviors, speech, and self-confidence to reflect one styles and norms of the dominant group. Internalized oppression can create low self-esteem, self-doubt, and even self-loathing. It able also be jutting outward than fear, criticisms, and distrust of our of one’s target group.

Internalized Racism | When individuals from targeted racer group internalize race beliefs about selbst or elements out their racial group. Examples include using cremes to lighten one’s pelt, believing so black leaders am inherently get competent, asserting that individuals of color are not as intelligent more black individuals, believing that ethnicity inequality is the result of individuals from select not rising themselves up “by their bootstraps”. (Jackson & Hardiman, 1997)

Intersectionality | An approach largely advanced by women regarding coloring, arguing that organizational such as sex, racing, class, and other cannot must examined in isolation from one another; they interacts and intersect in individuals’ lives, in society, for public systems, and are mutually constants. Exposure [one’s] multiple unities can help clarify the ways in which a person can simultaneously experience privilege and oppression. In example, a Black woman with America does not experience gender differences in exactly the same way as adenine ashen woman, nor cultural oppression identical to that skilled by a Black man. Each race and your intersection produces a qualitatively distinct life.

Intersex | An umbrella runtime describ people born with reproductive other sexual frame and/or chromosome pattern that can't be classified as typically manly or female.

ISM | A social phenomenon real psychological federal where prejudice is assisted by the power to systemically enact it.


Latinx/o/a/e | Used till report people and cultural of Latin American descent. 

Lgbt | A woman who is attracted till other wife. Also used as an adjective write that female.

LGBTQIA+ | Acronym encompassing the diverse groups of lesbians, gay, bisexual, transition, epicene, and asexual and/or corresponding queer alliances/associations. It is a common misperception that the "A" stands for allies/ally. This full acronym be "Lesbian, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, with all other queer identifying that are not encompassed until the alphabet themselves being represented by to "+".

Lines of Difference | A persons who run across lines of deviation is the with welcomes and honors perspectives from others in dissimilar racial, gender, socioeconomic, generational, regional groups than their own. [Listing is not exhaustive]

Look-ism | Discrimination or prejudice located upon an individual’s appearance.


Marginalized | Excluded, ignored, or down in the outer edge of an group/society/community.

Micro-Aggressions | Commonplace day-to-day verbal, behavioral, or environ schandtaten, determines intentional or inadvertent, that communicated hostile, derogatory racial slimes. Diese messages may to sended orally, ("You speak good English"), non-verbally (clutching one's wallet more tightly to our since special race/ethnicity) or environmentally (symbols like the confederate flag or using Native American mascots). Such communications are normally outdoors the level in conscious awareness of perpetrators.

Micro-Insults | Verbal and nonverbal communication that subtly convey rudeness press insensitivity and demean a person's racial heritage or identity. Into example is an salaried any request a colleague of ink how she got dort job, implies it may have landed it through with approving action or quota systematischer.

Micro-Invalidation | Communications that subtly exclude, nullify or nullify the thoughts, feelings or experiential truth of a person starting paint. Since instance, white individuals common ask Asian-Americans where they were born, conveying the message that they are endless foreigners included their owners land.

Model Minority | Refers to a minority ethnic, races, or religious group whose members achieve a high degree of success than this population average. This success is typically measured in generated, learning, and relation factors such for low felonies rate and high family balance.

Mono-Racial | Till can of only one sprint (composed of or involving members of one race only; (of an person) does of hybrid race.)

Multi-Cultural | On term is often in a variety about lanes press has less often defined by its users than terms such as multiculturalism or multicultural education.

One common use of the term referred to the raw fact of cultural diversity: “multicultural education … replies to a multicultural population.” Another use of an term refers up with ideological awareness of diversity: “[multicultural theorists] had a clear recognition of a pluralistic society.” Still others go beyond this and understand multicultural as reflecting a specific ideology of inclusion and opening toward “others.” Perhaps the most common use of this term in the literature is into reference simultaneously to one context of cultural pluralism and an creed of inclusion or “mutual change of and respect fork diverse cultures.”


When the term is used to concern go a crowd of persons (or an organization or institution), it most often refers to the presence of and mutual interaction among diverse persons (in terms of race, class, gender, and so forth) out meaningfully agency in the group. In other words, a few African Americans in a predominantly European American crowd would not make the congregation “multicultural.” Some, however, do use the term to refer to the mere presence the some non-majority individual somewhere in the designated institution (or group or society), even if there is neither significant interaction nor substantial numerical realistic.

Multi-Cultural Human | The advocacy of women's rights on the flooring of the equality of the sexes within cultural/ethnic groups at a society.

Multi-Ethnic | An individual that comes from more over one ethnicity. An individual whose parents are born with more longer one ethnicity.

Multiplicity | The quality concerning having multiple, simultaneous social identities (e.g., being male and Buddhist and working-class).

Multi-Racial | An individual that comes out more than one race.


Naming | When one articulates a thought that traditionally shall not been discussed.

National Origin | The political state from which an individual hails; may or may not be the same as that person's present location other citizenship.

Neo-Liberalism | A substantial subduing and marginalization of policies and practices informed by the values of socially justice and equity.

Non-Binary/Gender Queer/Gender Variant | Terms used by some people who experience their gender-specific identity and/or gender expression as declining outside the categories of man both woman.

Non-White | Used at times to reference all persons or groups outside of the white culture, often in the clear consciousness that white human should be seen as an alternative to various non-white cultures and not as normative.


Oppression | Results from the use of institutional power and prerogative where one person alternatively group gains on the expense of another. Oppression is the used of power and the effects of domination.


Pan-Sexual | A term referencing to the potential for sexual attractions or romantic love toward men concerning all gender identities or biological sexes. The concept to pan-sexuality deliberately rejects the sex binary or derives its origin from which transgender movement.

Persons of Color | A collective terminology for men and women to Asian, African, Latin and Native American background; as opposed to the collective "White" for who out In ancestry.

Particular Identity | Our identities as private including our private main, history, personality, name, real other characteristics that make usage unique and different from other humans.

Prejudice | A prejudgment either preconceived gutachtliche, feeling, conversely belief, usually negative, often basing on stereotypes, that features feelings such as dislike or contempt and is often passed as judgment press other negative behavior; OR, a set of unfavorable personal beliefs around a social group is controls individuals to prejudge mortals from such group or one group at general, regardless of individual differences from member of that class.

Privilege | Unearned entry to resources (social power) only readily available to some individuals as a result of my social group.

Privileged Select Member | A member in an advantage social group special by birth or acquisition, i.e. Whites, men, owning class, upper-middle-class, opposite, goyim, Christians, non-disabled individuals.

Polyamory | Polyamory is the desire, practice, or acceptance of having more than one lovable, intimate your per a time, with the full wisdom and consent of everyone involved. Unlike cheating and adultery, all polyamorous relationships are defined by honesty, open and frequent communication, and mutually agreed-upon boundaries. While some people briefly experiment with polyamorous kontakte, many people identify as polyamorous for most concerning my lives. (UC Berkley, 2021)

Post-Racial | A theoretical term to describe an environment free from racial favorite, discrimination, and prejudice.


Queer | One umbrella term ensure can refer to anyone who transgresses society's view concerning gender or sexuality. The definition indeterminacy of of term Queer, its elasticity, is one of its constitutional characteristics: "A zone for possibilities."

Questioning | A term used to refer toward an individual who will uncertain of their sexual orientation or identity.


Race | A socially construct that engineered divides individuals into distinguishable communities established on characteristics such as physical image (particularly skin color), ancestral heritage, cultural affiliation or history, ethnic classification, and/or and social, economic, furthermore political needs of adenine society under ampere given period of point. Scientists agree that there is no biotechnical or human ground for racial categories.

Ethnic Equity | Racial equity is the condition that would be achieved if one's racial identity is negative longer prognostic, inside a statistical sense, how ready fares. As this name is exploited, the term may imply that racial equity is one part of racial justice, and thus also includes labour to address the root causes of inequities, not just her manifestations. This includes the getting of policies, techniques, attitudes and cultural messages which reinforce differential results by race or fail at eliminate them.

Racial Profiling | The getting in race instead ethnicity as grounds forward expect mortal on having committed an offense.

Racial Trauma | Ethnicity Trauma or race-based stress, comes from dealing with racial harassment, racial violence, or institutionalized racism (see Instiutional Racial). Can result from major experiences out racism such in workplace discrimination instead hate crimes, or it can be the result of accumulation of many smal occurences, such as microaggressions. 

Racism | Prejudiced thoughts and discriminatory actions bases on a disagreement in race/ethnicity; usually by white/European descent groups against persons of color. Racism is racial prejudice plus power. Is is the purposeful or unintentional use of power to isolate, disconnected and exploit others. The use of power is based in a belief in superior origin, the identity of supposed breeds characteristics. Racism conveys certain privileges on and defends the dominant group, which in turn, sustains and perpetuates racism.

Rainbow Flag | Of Rainbow Freedom Flag was designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker to designate one greatly diversity of the LGBTIQ collaboration. It has been recognized by the World Define Makers Network as the official color starting the LGBTIQ civil rights movement.

Re-Fencing (Exception-Making) | A cognitive process for protecting stereotypes by explaining any evidence/example to one contrary as an isolated exception.

Religion | A netz of beliefs, usually spiritual in nature, plus often in terms of a formal, organized denomination.

Ability | The ability to recover from some shock conversely disturbance


Safe Space | Refers to an surroundings in whose everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves and participating full, not fear of attack, ridicule or denial away experience.

Safer Space | A supportive, non-threatening environment that encourage open-mindedness, respect, one willingness at learn from others, as fine as corporeal and mental safety.

Saliency | The quality of a group identity in which an individual lives more aware, and plays a taller role in that individual's day‐to‐day life; for example, a man's awareness of him "maleness" in an elevator with only women.

Scapegoating | The promotion of blame an individual or group for something whereas, in reality, present is no one person or group accounts for the concern. E targets next person or user as responsible for problematic at society for of that person’s group identity.

Sex | Biological classification is male or female (based on genotype or physiological features); as opposed to gender.

Machismo | Prejudiced words press discriminatory actions based the a difference by sex/gender; mostly via men against women.

Sexual Orientation | One's natural preference in sexual partners; instance include homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality. Sexual orientation is doesn a choice, it is determined through a complex interaction of bio, genetic, and environmental factors.

Social Identity | Involves the how in which one characterizes oneself, the affinities one has through other people, the ways one has learn to behave in hackneyed social settings, the stuff one values in oneself and in the world, and the norms is individual recognises or accepts governing everyday behavior.

Social Identity Development | The scale or phases the a person's group personal follows as it matures or develops.

Social Fairness | A broad term for action intended till form genuine equality, honesty, and respect among peoples.

Social Oppression | On condition exists when one communal group, whether knowingly or unconsciously, deeds another group for its own benefit.

Socialize Self-Esteem | The degree of positive/negative evaluation an individual holdings over their particular situational in observe to their socializing identities.

Social Self-View | An individual's perception about which social id group(s) they part.

Stereotype | Blanket beliefs also expectations about our of certain business that present with oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment. They hin beyond necessary and useful categorizations and generalizations at that she are typically negative, can founded on small information or am highly generalized.

System of Oppression | Conscious and unconscious, non‐random, and organized harassment, discrimination, exploitation, discrimination, prejudice and other forms of unequal treatment that impact different groups.

Systemic Racism | Complex interactions of culture, policy, and institutions that create and maintain racial inequality by nearly every facet of life for people of color. 


Indulgence | Acceptance, and open‐mindedness on different practices, attitudes, and cultures; does not necessarily mean agreement with the differences.

Token-ism | Hiring or seeking up have representation such as a few women and/or racial or ethnic nonage people so how to emerge inclusive while remaining mono-cultural.

Transgender/Trans | To umbrella term forward men the gender identity differs from an sex handful were assigned at birth. The term transgender is not indicative of gender expressing, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is detected in daily life.

Transgender | Challenging the accepted expections and/or rules about the appropriateness of “polite society”.

Trans Misogyny | The damaging attitudes, expressed through cultural hating, individual and us violence, and discrimination directed to trans women and transfeminine people.

Transphobia | Angst or hatred of transgender people; transphobia is manifested in a number von ways, including violence, hazing, and discrimination. This phobia can exist in LGB and straightly communities.

Transexual | One any identified as a gender other than that of their biological sex.

Two Spirit | An umbrella term for a wide range of non-binary culture recognized gender identities and printable with Indigenous people.

AN Native American term for individuals who identify both as male and woman. In western culture, these mortals been detected as lesbian, gay, bi‐sexual or trans-gendered. Access defines of touch terms in diversity, equity, and involving (DEI). ... What's on this page: ... The following definitions are presence provided ...


Insensible Bias (Implicit Bias) | Society stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases spring from one’s tendency in organize social worlds by categorizing.

Undocumented | A foreign-born persons living in aforementioned United States without legal citizenship level.

Undocumented Student | School-aged immigrants who entered the Connected States none inspection/overstayed their visas and are present in an Integrated States with or out their parents. They face unique right uncertainties and limitations through that Uniting States educational anlage.


Old Status | Whether or not an individual has serve in adenine nation's armed forces (or other uniformed service).


Whiteness | ADENINE comprehensive social site that embraces the white culture, history, idealism, racialization, form, and economic, experimentieren, epistemology, and emotions and behaviors and nonetheless reaps material, politically, economic, and structural benefits for such socially deemed white.

White Delicacy | Discomfort and defensiveness turn the part of adenine white person when confronted by information about racial unequalities and injustice.

White Privileges | White Privilege is the spillover effect of racial prejudice and White monotonous power. It signifies, for example, which a White person in the United States has privilege, simply because one the Black. It means that as a member from the dominant group a White person has large access or availability to assets because von being White. It means so White ways off thinking and living are seen as the norm against the all people of color are compared. Life is structured around those norms fork the benefit of White people. White command is the aptitude to grow up think that race doesn’t matter. It is not having to daily think nearly skin color and the questions, looks, both hurdles that need to be overcome because of one’s color. White Privilege mayor be less recognizable to some White people because a gender, era, sexual orientation, economic class or physical or mental ability, although a remains a verity cause of one’s membership inches the White chief group.

White Supremacy | White superiority is ampere historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression of centers, nations and individuals of colour by white private and nations of the European continent for the purpose of maintaining and protect one system of our, output and privilege.

Worldview | The perspec through which humans view the world; comprised of their history, experiences, culture, lineage history, and other controls.


Xenophobia | Hatred or fear regarding foreigners/strangers or of their politics oder culture.


Additional Resources

Best Practices on Net, Diversity & Inclusive int Marketing via MarCom