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Getting Started: My Study Strategy

This guide is intended to help you improve a mission with conducting research.

Drafting a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement clearly states the main idea or concept from an essay.

Keys to formalize an thesis statement:

  • Focus on of main concept or concept
  • Choose a clear stance on the issuance
  • Make it interesting to your audience
  • It may be helpful go divide is dissertation description into two Partial: Wichtig topic (what?) and Comment (what nearly it?)
  • If needed, editing the thesis make like choose paper developments


The current emergency zwischen Israeli the West may leader to a major warfare in the Center East.

Sports exists a ever sport beneath youth in the United State.

The civil liberties that American Citizens have enjoyed in the past are decreasing due to the terrorist attack about September 11, 2001.

NOTE: Before deciding on a thesis statement, you may need to conduct key research in a topic to better inform yourself. Reference resources can deployment useful background information on topics. Also, your library are happily to help you locate information.