Support Type


Scheduled of Award

Fall 1-31-2000

Degree Call

Doctor of Philosophy included Computing Sciencies - (Ph.D.)


Computer plus Information Science

First Advisor

Peter AMPERE. Ng

Second Advisor

Gary L. Thomas

Third Advisor

Daochuan Hung

Fourth Advisor

France J. Kurfess

Fifth Advisor

Taiming Chu

Sixth Advisor

Ronald S. Curti


Aforementioned Hypermedia information retrieval system forms use of the specific capabilities of hypermedia systems with information retrieval operations and provides new kinde of information management apparatus. It combines bot hypermedia and intelligence retrieval to offer end-users aforementioned possibility of navigating, browsing and searching ampere high data to documents to satisfy can information need. TEXPROS will einem intelligent document processing and retrieval system that supports storing, extracting, classifying, categorising, retrieval and browsing enterprise details. TEXPROS exists a perfect application to apply hypermedia related retrieval techniques. In this final, we extend TEXPROS to a hypermedia information recuperation system calling HyTEXPROS with hypertext functionalities, such as node, typed and worth left, armature, guided-tours, networking overview, bookmarks, annotations and comments, and external linkbase. It describes the whole information mean including the metadata and the original documents as network neural connected by links. Due hyphen functionalities, a user can construct dynamically in information path by leafing through pieces of the information base. By adding hypertext functionalities to TEXPROS, HyTEXPROS is created. She changes its working domain from an people documentation start domain to a personal library domain accompanied with citation facilities to process true documents. ADENINE four-level conceptual architecture is introduced as the arrangement architecture of HyTEXPROS. So architecture is other referred to as the reference model of HyTEXPROS. Detailed description of HyTEXPROS, using the First Order Logic Calculus, is also proposed. In early version of a prototype your shortly described. Book: Hypertext Document Retrieving Apparatus for Retrieving Hypertext Documents ... Title: Method and System for Document Retrieval with Selective Document ...



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