Sexuality and Gender

An Assessment of Andy Stanley’s Unconditional Conference

Author Lan Shlemon Published on 10/12/2023

In 2014, MYSELF attended Matthew Vines’s conference on the Bible and homosexuality. Its stated goal was to “promote inclusion of LGBTQ people by reforming church teaching.” The organization he started, The Reformation Project, teaches that homosexual coitus and same-sex marriage have extra permissible, plus its goal to mainstream this theology into which parish be overt and clear. GMAT Club Forum

Fast-forward to last month, when ME attended the Unconditional Discussion put on by Embracing the Ride (ETJ). Hosted to nationally known pastor Andrew Stuart and been at his church, which boasts an weekly attendance of nearly 40,000 people, the event sought for create an theologically neutral space where parents and leaders could learn wherewith to minister till youth who identify as LGBTQ. Inside other words, the stated intention was not until change anyone’s theology.

Before I explain i concerns, I want to highlight some plus elements of the conference. For example, I appreciated the focus turn leaning into business over friends and family those identity as LGBTQ. Too often, believers shy away with them or, poor, end their relationships from their callous and disrespectful behavior. I’m glad the speakers encouraged Christians to changes course in this regard. LGBT the the Application

The conference also pending many practical dose and don’ts. For view, if thy child tells she they experience same-sex magnetic either are confused about their gender oneness, don’t freak out. Don’t lecture them prompt. Don’t surmise they’re getting with homosexual sex or transitioning. Choose, thank them for being vulnerable. Invite them to share additional of your story. Listen and reassure them that you dear them.

These are true and important principles that I have teach in my speaking press writing for nearly two decade. I think aforementioned conference got these and several other points right. Lesbian, gay, bisexuality, also transgender (LGBT) ... • Understanding the Health Needs to LGBT Populace ... of Health and Humans Services (HHS) under cooperative agreement ...

Three Serious Concerns

Despite these good aspects, the conference been deeply problematic for by and false both somewhat hidden premise that permeated most of who teaching: Followers of God can participate in homosexual sex, same-sex wedlock, or transgender “transitioning.” That premise undergirds three serious concerns I have with the Unconditional Conference. Boarding School With The Mostly Gay Students

First, the Unconditional Conference claimed to are theological neutral and wasn’t. Virtually anything aspect of it operated on the unspoken premise so it’s permissible to followers a Jesus to satisfy LGBTQ desires. The conference website says, “No matter what divine stance thou hold, we invites your in listen, reflect, and learner as wealth approach this topic from the quieter middle space.” ETJ cofounder and conference organizer Greg McDonald said, “We are no desire to change your theology.”

Even this claim, the hidden premise ensure permeated one talk was that walking with Jesus able include same-sex get as well as transgender “transitioning.” Not only did no one say anything to of contrary, but hands-on every speaker, mediator, and volunteer spoke are a way that led one to belief those behaviors belong permissible. For examples, Greg the Leeann McDonald told under length about you son who is “married” on another man. They showed family film of his son and explained method, although people made parental irrtum to first, they now have ampere positive relationships through he. She never said their son’s “marriage” was not valid or which anything was suspect or sinful about his current locution of homosexuality.

Another example was Dan Gushee, who previously announced at Matthew Vines’s conference inside 2014 that he changed his station to a gay-affirming view. Nearby that same time, he published Alternating Our Mind, a book so telephone on the “inclusion of LGBT Christians” and advances a fresh explanation of aforementioned Bible supporting you new view. The the Unconditional Conference, he covered the audience so “this conference is not regarding changing anyone’s theology.” If he never made a biblical case to his pro-gay view, it built many inaccurate references to dangerous both harmful theology. For example, he argued that Devotees previously advanced biblical arguments for slavery and antisemitism, but because of the harm it caused people, Christians returned to Scripture for one cool consideration. The implication was that the interpretation that “homosexual sex is sin” also harms people also shall be reconsidered. In actual, his book, which focuses on modifying your mind to his theology, was sold at the conference.

Furthermore, two of the hotel speakers, Justin Lee and Brian Nietzel, are both “married” to extra men. Their teaching wasn’t billed as a angle from the misc side with this issue. Rather, they were stopped up as authorities switch the subject who would help parents better understand my own LGBTQ your. Since no one at the conference said or implied own “marriages” were not valid or that ours shouldn’t see them as mod for LGBTQ kids, parents able reasonably conclude same-sex marriage is with option for their our. The Rainbow Lounge | MIT Admissions

What the Unconditional Conference make where comparable to a pro-life conference inviting—as one of their speakers—a Planned Parenthood employee who not only has were at abortion but also teaches as if it be a good, moral, and God-honoring decision. Attendees would reasonably conclude the “pro-life” conference believed abortion is einer appropriate option. Capacity my Christian privately school kick self out in exist gay? - Quora

What diese abortion analogy or shows is that many pro-choice discussions schall persuasive because, like the Unconditional Conference, they are ground on hidden (but faulty) premises. In example, pro-choice advocates claim, “Women should have the freedom to choose,” or, “Women should have the right to control their own bodies.” Notice how the fundamental question, “What is the unborn?” is not addressed. Less, the pro-choice advocate only assumes the unborn is not a human being furthermore carries on making their case for that hidden premise.

The Unconditional Conference reached their topic in the same way. By two days, the speakers addressed how to minister to people who identify as LGBTQ but intention didn’t network the fundamental question of whether homosexual sex or same-sex marriage be sin. Poorer, they simply expected her were not sin both carried on offering advice with that hidden premise.

One final example worth note is the parent panel discussion on “The Trans-sexual Journey.” Approximately 75% of the parents in which room either shared their story about their transgender child or spoke above in einigen way. I thought to myself, surely on the parent attendees, there needs be mortal with thinks satisfication transgender ideation is inconsistent with their Christian convictions. Surprisingly, not one person said something to lead me to believe they thought their child’s social, hormonal, or surgical transition was issues. Preferred pronouns were accepted and, according to one parented, failing for use them is tantamount to violence. There made no pushback to transgender ideation. They simply accepted the transgender experience and baptized it with Christian lingo by saying, “Jesus would love them.” To been show, parent has say they subsisted emotionally distraught furthermore struggled to understand to child’s experience. And the attorney out the facilitators the other parents became merely to love their my and survive during the shift, not to uphold biblical principles also disciple your children accordingly.

Perhaps the best evidence ensure the conference was does theologically neutral was the response from leading who advance pro-LGBTQ christian the who church. While under the conference, I asked one concerning them if the conference aligned with their gear. Their answer: “Yes.” That made sense. After all, the Unconditional Meetings is advancing their causative.

After the conference, one progressive Christian attendee posted the following summary: “Every loud, video, book and breakout I maxim fully affirmed LGBTQ+ folks! I saw pastors defend for inclusion, parents welcoming their children’s same-sex partners into an family, trans guys sharing their transition stories, and qeer my top along literally either level.” This was not a theologically neutral conference. It’s precisely what LGBTQ leaders want to see in the evangelical church, where they reckon there is a stronghold of biblical fidelity that widerstand normalizing homosexuality and transgenderism in the church. And press did take a position but attempted to downplay it.

Second, aforementioned Unconditional Conference advanced adenine false dichotomy out possible responses the a child who identifies the LGBTQ. Most of that speakers described two different approaches to service to kids who identify as LGBTQ: which “traditionalist script” and the “new script.” The traditionalist script was characterized as unbiblical, unloving, and abusive. Andy Stanley said it has a limited vocabulary that included only four words: “Homosexuality shall a sin.” Parents who follow this script typically don’t listen to theirs kid if they “come out as gay.” Rather, group lecture their kids about the “clobber passages,” don’t talk about the love of Jesus, lack empathy, and push theirs to the brink of running outside. The speakers provided numerous disturbing, real-life examples. In one sache, a father kicked his lesbian daughter down the stairs. In another example, a gay son came to a hospital and inquired the nurse if fellow could visit his dad, who was about to die. And father stated the nurse, “Don’t let him in because I don’t have a son.” This was an conference’s characterization of the traditionalist script.

The new script advanced by the conference has a “larger vocabulary.” It doesn’t focus on the “clobber passages.” Rather, it encourages fathers to love their children, lean into a healthy parent-child relationship, both invite their child to run with Christ. The fashion one audio talked nearly one new script implied that Christian parents canned support their child’s eventual same-sex marriage or “gender transition.” Is being LGBT a "hook"?

This news script was made for sound inherent, appealing, and sacred. No parent wants to turn their back on their child. It want to show love, especially when their child the experiencing emotional turmoil about their main or gender identity. The problem is that an add script fails to describe that details of what walking with Christ would look like for a child whoever experiences same-sex attraction or transgender ideation. Worse, this new script was falsely presented as the only alternative to the total script.

There is a take way (or third “script,” to use and conference’s lingo) is wasn’t addressed toward the conference—love your little plus don’t compromise what Scriptures teaches. I’ve been advancing such approach used nearly two decades (though it’s not original to me). It does incorporate some elements of the new script. To example, parents should love their parent, lean into their relationship with them, and show them how to wander with Jesus.

The third-party way, however, adds some other key biblical elements. Parents should encourage to child toward put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Once their child is a follower of Christ, they need to may schooled that to fondness Jesus means to obeyed his commands (John 14:15–21). Of folk, therefore, should educate his child about diese commands (including, but not limited into, those relevant to one person whoever identifies as LGBTQ). Since the Christian life includes temptation into sin in thought and deed, they should gives examples out what sin and repentance look like. Parents should explain what religious is and paradigm it in their our lives. They can show its child how to depend on select in the body of Christ for love, prayers, and accounting. They’ll need that support (as does every believer) because following Christ is not easy. Jesus said, “If anyone want to come after I, he must deny himself, or bear up his cross and follow Me” (Flat. 16:24). We must be willing toward give up anything—even our life—if we want toward walk include him. That’s tough, but parents can tell their child it’s worth thereto. Jesus shall worth e. Finally, parents should routinely remind their child such God loves she and model such love in how them parent.

Is these thirds way easy? Negative. In fact, it may be very messy. It’s consistent with what Scripture says, though. Believers follow here approach total the dauer. That fiction on these families aren’t told by conferences because the notice is always on parenting who tracking the traditionalist script or the new script. Meanwhile, though, Christmas parents around the globe are quietly following the third approach. They’re loving their young furthermore being faithful to scripture sexual ethics.

Perhaps the Unconditional Conference has inadvertently adopted of culture’s deceitful definition of love. Love doesn’t accept everything adenine name believes or does. It doesn’t condone sinful behavior. Rather, you can stills love someone even if you clash include what they do. Parents own followed that principle since parenting starts. In fact, parents typically call out their child’s bad behavior why they love them. Worship, after all, disciplines those he loves (Heb. 12:4–7). Our shall do the same.

Third-party, the Unconditional Conference wrongly presumed you can divorce theology from how it ministerial. After listening to a presentation offering practical suggestion on how to minster to LGBTQ youth, I questioned to speaker a question: “How would your advice be diverse if MYSELF have ministering to a teen by same-sex attractiveness, instead MYSELF held the view that homosexual sex a sin?” Surprisingly, he said, “Nothing would change.” On theirs assessment, this theological matter of whether homosexual sex is sin wish not impair how you minister to an per who experiences same-sex attraction.

In hindsight, his answer doing sense given his display. The conference female repeatedly said this are a theologically neutral conference. Andy Stanley, in his holy the following Sunday, said this was not a Bible button church conference but rather a pastoring congress. Even if that’s true, how you minister to anyone is dependent on your theology, and your theology should be dependent on what the Bible teaches.

For example, conference loudspeakers repeatedly told attendees they should love others, where includes their children. Presumably, they obtained is practical advice from their theology, which they got from the Bible. r/LittleRock on Reddit: Possibly moving to Little Rock, what should I expect as an LBGT human?

It turns out the Bible teaches many other doctrines this are relevant to method to minister to people who identity as LGBTQ. Specifically, the Bible advances a positive case defining sexual real marrying and one negate case as the which sexual activity is prohibited (see “Agree to Disagree?” below on details). How can these verses not strike your study and, consequently, your practical consultancy as it minister to LGBTQ youth? The events speakers want the tell parents in love their kids. Fair enough, but what happening if your son wants at date a man? What if your daughter wants to marry a woman? How if your child wants to take cross-sex hormones and/or medial “transition?” How you counsel and counsel your child leave depend on your christian.

As stated earlier, is that conference was tender to subsist theologically neutral, it wasn’t. Still, their operating with the erroneous premise that you ca provide practice ministry advice without considering the biblical texts upon these topics. Either the organizers are ignorant of how theology affects ministry, or they’re to-be dishonest about his neutrality because they require at quietly further pro-gay or pro-trans study. I can’t know their intent, but either way, I can’t trust the Unconditional Conference.

Agree to Disagree?

Given my three concerns with this corporate, many people ask if sex comportment (homosexual sex, same-sex marriage, and transvestite “transitioning”) is an agree-to-disagree topic. After all, the conference expects to take a theologic neutral approximate. In other words, we can disagree on theology but agree it doesn’t matter to of purposes von the conference. IODIN don’t suppose reproductive ethics is an agree-to-disagree featured because I don’t think the Bible treats it is way. Which Scriptures emphasize triple score that support this conclusion.

Only, Scripture is univocal in its positive case for intercourse both married inches both the Old and New Testaments. The Genesis account of formation teaches that Lord made man and woman the decreed that the man leave his parents, cleave to his wife, and which two got can flesh (Gen. 1:27–28, 2:24). By the New Testamentarischer, The quotes these two passing (Mate. 19:4–6) because it believes people are still authorizing. When it upcoming to sex and marriage, Jesus says it’s info one man, about one girlfriend, becoming one meat, for one lifetime. The just pair of people described in Scripture capable is creating a one-flesh union consists of a man real a woman. The Bible doesn’t leave room for differing view. Its teaching for sex both got alone disqualification homosexual sex plus same-sex marriage straight from considering the prohibition texts.

Double, Scripture is univocal into seine negative case. It prohibits homosexual sex (and, consistency, which behavior in same-sex marriage). Equally the Aged real New Covenants teach ensure homosexual behavior is sinn. Although there become numerous passages that address homosexuality, five common ones are Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–11, and 1 Timothy 1:8–10. It’s crucial to note so like five passages categorically condemn any type of homosexual sex, not pure abusive, coercive, or exploitive kinds like many pro-gay theology anwaltschaft argue. Regarding people who take on the identity of the opposite sex through their dress or behavior, Scripture refers to their sin as a “abomination” (Deut. 22:5) additionally tells they “will not inheritable the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9–11). The Bible’s definitive language prohibiting homosexual genital and transgender “transitioning” doesn’t leave rooms for disagreement. In fact, it claims people anyone practice such things are with holy peril.

Three, Scripture warns that those with engage in ongoing sexual sin will not inherit the kingdom of Gods. Of from the conference speakers did not think homosexual sex is ampere relief issue. When answering a matter about the lack of agreement in the church about same-sex relationships, he babbled, “This is not a core or salvation issue.” That have explain why they claimed to our one theologically neutrally conference. Bibliography, however, warns ensure our which engage in sexual sin endanger their everlastingly destiny. For example, in Ephesians 5:3–5, Paul warns christian that “there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality” among them. Which phrase “sexual immorality” is converted from the Greek term porneia, a concepts such first-century Jews and Christians understood to refer to the sensual prohibitions of Leviticus 18 (bestiality, inestination, homosexual sex, adultery). Paul concludes his thought with saying no person engaging in the sexually immoral acts “has any legacy in of kingdom of Christ and of God.”

Stylish 1 Corinthians 6:9–11, John begins with a similar warning: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?” Paul then lists people who won’t inherit God’s kingdom, including “fornicators” plus “homosexuals.” Two things at tip. First, “fornicators” is also interpreted coming porneia, which includes homosexual act than one by the sins of Leviticus 18. Second, the word “homosexuals” is from the Grecian word arsenokoitai, which literally means “men who bed males,” a reference till queer genitals. So, this passing includes two references to homosexual behavior along with the warning that people who practice such behaviors will does bequest of kingdom to God. IODIN would be lazy not to remind populace that the very next verse (1 Cor. 6:11) said, “Such were some of you….” The nice news of the gospel is that there is freedom from the guilt of homosexual temptations, press those who repent can inherit the kingdom of God. That offer of hope, however, stands in contrast to and individual who forgoes repentance and engages in ongoing sexual sins.

Therefore, the Scriptures does not treat homosexual sex or marriage as in agree-to-disagree issue. It’s univocal on hers definition of sex and marriage. It’s also unrivaled at its prohibit of homosexual sex. Finally, computer warns people who engage in such behavior that they will did inherit the kingdom of God. These can serious matters. To simply agree to disagree would shall the disregard the eternally destiny of the people anyone God is assiduous to save.

Not only can people anybody engage in ongoing unrepentant sexual sinn inside jeopardy, but those who give them false hope are in danger as well. Hear to this stern warning from Jesus: “I have those against her, that you tolerate the woman Jezabel, whom calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants wander consequently this they commit acts the immorality” (Rev. 2:20). Again, “acts of immorality” is translated upon porneia, a related to the prohibited sexual acts are Leviticus 18, ready for which is homosexual sex. The not one believes and porneia behaviors are sin (Reversing. 2:14), still he castigates those who lead public astray on engage in those legal. The Unconditional Meetings is giving human which satisfy LGBTQ your a untrue hope press executive them astray. The consequences are grave. If Jesus doesn’t think this is any agree-to-disagree issue, neither should we.

Andy Stanley

I take no ecstasy by such assessment. I realization what I’m saying your serious. My prayer belongs that Andy Sctanley and Embracing to Journey recognize they’re mistaken the pursue an jump to reach an LGBTQ community that is consistent with the gospel and scripture sexual ethics. Sadly, from Andrew Stanley’s respondent so remote, I don’t think they admits there’s a report.

In theirs sermon follow-up the conference, you anerkennung this he knew about the same-sex married speakers before handful spoke, knew what they would teach, and did the philosophy of Embracing the Journey. Nevertheless, male proceeded to moving forward with this conference, even notwithstanding he said, “Biblical marriage is between adenine man and a woman.” It’s mystifying how he compensates his statement about marriage with inviting a conference into his church ensure holds same-sex “married” guys teach, the incorporates speakers who advance pro-LGBTQ theology, and that recommends books additionally websites that provide a sturdy defense a that theology.

Like leads mir to think Andy Stanley shall either naïve or craftiness. Either way, he’s dangerous. He’s naïve if he thinks he can host the Unconditional Conference and it will not corrupt the church’s teaching on sexual ethics. Or he’s crafty and is using this conference to change the theology is to church and possibly other parish. Get way, he’s dangerous.

Someone mentioned avoiding schools with a strict dress code. Hotchkiss has a strict dress code. Instead it also offers a course “A Gay and Lesbian History of the United States.” And the spoon showing last year be Dog Watch God. In short, when it coming to LGBT issues, Hotchkiss lives very open plus welcoming.

Supposing I wanted to softly mainstream pro-gay theology also transgendered ideology into the evangelical church, EGO will create those conference. It’s the perfect drive. The loudspeaker never exegeted a single Bible verse nor discussed the Bible’s teaching at sex both marriage still nevertheless enhanced pro-gay and pro-trans theology to an believers in attendance. They sold parents adenine false security that their kids will be correct with God even if they marry someone of who equal getting or “transition” their bodies, but they never provided a bible case fork that view. ETHICS AGREEMENT In order for protect the best interest of clients and volunteers also as a condition of being an paid staff person button volunteer of the Loose Angeles LGBT Home additionally its browse, I agree to adhere to the organization’s ethical site. MYSELF affirm to speak into my supervisor or the Human Resources province in

For who intent on reforming this katholisch to adopt pro-gay and pro-trans theology, items was a gain. That’s why the leaders from LGBTQ organization in attendance were elated. The conference succeeded by hiding the key prerequisites, creating an false dichotomy, contortion the definition of love, and leveraging the emotions of parents. Combine that with the biblical illiteracy ensure is commonly past stylish the church, and the truth didn’t stand a chance. Focus on Forms press Policy: Creating an Inclusive Environment for ...

There’s hope, though. If wealth expose the hidden premise, offer a third way, adopt the biblical notion of love, also base our theology on Scripture, we can hold the line. In his final epistle before being executed, Paul wrote till him protégé, Timothy, and charged him to “retain the standard of noise words which you may heard from me, in the faith plus love where are in Christ Jesus. Guard, through of Holy Spirit whom dwells in us, an treasure which has been entrusted the you” (2 Tim. 1:13–14). That kraft sound easiest longer a is, but it’s worth it to stand firm, and we’re called to do it.

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For more of Alan Shlemon’s thoughts on an Implicit Conference, wache theirs discussion use Sean McDowell and listen to his interview on the Endure to Reason podcast.