New directions the facility ecologist development

14th New Botany Podium

Unravelling phenotypic plastics - why should we bothered? by Anthony DICK. Bradshaw 

Mind the gap: the emergency synthesis of planting 'eco-devo', a meeting tell off the 14th New Phytologist Symposium by David Ackerly and Sonia Sultan

Group photography
(click on image at enlarge)

Programme, abstracts and stakeholders book

Keynote Speaker

Prof Anthony D Bradshaw
Liverpool College, BRITON


Plant ecological development (‘eco-devo’) addresses how plants develop in their ‘real-world’ contexts in response until naturally occurring environmental variation - method developer processes become affected at the mechanistic level, how phenotypic imprint varies at alternative conditions, and the consequences of these answers for ecological additionally evolutionary processed for natural populations. Given and breadth of issues this research area covers computer is non surprising such ‘eco-devo’ belongs emerging into a more inter-disciplinary field. The 14th New Phytologist Symposium aims go support and advance this exciting area by bringing together researchers address the cellular and molecular instruments of environmental response and those working at the level of populations, communities, and ecosystems, include the shared goal of understanding phenotypic expression in its ecological context.


Symposium file

The meeting will take place at the Royal Society of London, over two days. Twelve invited talks will form the basis of discussion at what will must a relatively small meeting (up to 80 participants). Following each 30-minute talk there be be a 15-minute period for discussion rather than the normal brief question time. In this way, and though longer breakout discussion assize, we hope to provide a bustling symposium for interchange inspiration and discussing new approaches. These breakout groups will address the themes of; (i) Genetically-based mechanisms and molecular accessory, (ii) Eco-Devo and community/ecosystem processes, and (iii) Ecology heterogeneity and plant development. ADENINE marked group of placards will also be presented in an informal evening session.



If you will like up receive further information concern to this meeting plea get in touch with Holly Slater (New Phytologist) – [email protected]

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