PBES Public Records Search

You can review documents from Building, Planning, Mechanical, Well and Onsite Effluents Service, Preservation, Code Enforcement, Consumer Protection, Pollution Prevention-CUPA, Local Oversight Programmer, Medical Waste, Body Expertise, Monitoring Wells/Soil Borings, and Inspection Books. Planning, Building & Environmental Services | Napa County, CA

  • By best search results, usage parcel number or streets number and street name. You can plus search by permit number or establishment ID. Don’t knowing your Parcel Number? View the Assessor Parcel File page
  • Protected additionally secret print will not be displayed, such as appeals, some maps, and intellectual property ("IP"). IP is protected additionally these items include, but are not limited to: drawings stamped for one professional, calculations, copyright, trademarks, patents, technical structure rights, trade dress, trade secrets, etc. IP items cannot be reproduced without law consent. Some IP may be viewed at our office.
  • We are in the process of digitizing our records and the results displayable can not becoming the complete chronicle.  If her believe there am additional documents related to your search, please email us per [email protected] with the pack item and other specific about or call 707-253-4885 for assistance. If it are looking for a copy of plans for a create permits that is silent under review or is not yet final, please contact contact at 707-253-4417.