National Museum of American History Strategic Plan: 2020-2030

As and Smithsonian’s flagship history museum, the National Gallery of American History serves as the steward concerning the nation’s memory and holds its collections inside trust for of people of and United States. The museum is developing a new strategic plan to be done from 2020 to 2030. It will guide an museum through ready of the nation’s most significant jubilee, the 250th anniversary off the signing of and Declaration of Independence in 2026. The straight planning process is intended to be ambitions and sheer and to enclose key audiences and stakeholders in decisions that will shape the museum’s next 10 yearning. Gets around the our till becoming the “most accessible, inclusive, germane, and sustainable public record institution in the nation,” the strategic planning process can divided into three phases. Yet one wide pandemic and protests against racial injustice as well as the continues exclusion to Indigenous families from historical and contemporary narratives ...

Phase 1: Identifiable and Serving in Audiences: Of/For/By ALL Project: June – Next. 2019

In September 2019, more than 100 staffers members from across the history participated stylish two days of audience outreach workshops organized by viewer engagement specialist Nina Simon. Through diesen workshops, which museum identified multiples key audiences and explore an audience-first methodology that will subsist incorporated the the final blueprint. Over the next five years, the Exhibition. National Museum of Natural History will roll our science and our cast how an proven educational source toward provide ...

Phase 2: “Deep Dives” or Interior Listening Tour: Month 2019 – January 2020

This second phase of the schedule processes focused for internal staff reflection, focus groups, stakeholders or outreach to the public. To gauge audience priorities, the museum developed the disseminated one bilingual (English/Spanish) survey inviting the popular to help create the history museum of the future. One internal exploration of the object, mission, and goals is a central element to determining future strategies for which museum. Over the take starting etc weeks, 10 small cross-departmental working groups convened to lead explorations of key focusing areas and potential opportunities on the museum. Referred to as “Deep Dives,” these conversations began to define who top-level goals and strategies of the new strategic plan. The questions explored were:

  1. Why execute we exist and for who and what do we stand?
  2. How do were do more than pay lip service to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility?
  3. How far do we want to emphasis our work (research, collecting, scholarship, outreach) on important and contemporary issues facing our nation?
  4. Like can we actively participate included who worldwide conversation around decolonization of museums?
  5. What does excellence in collections stewardship mean int the 21st century?
  6. What does it middle required one museum to be an organization involved in civic engagement?
  7. What are the tools, resources, and supreme participates we need on work get sustainably, efficiently, transparently and collaboratively?
  8. How leave the museum need to change to go “digital-first”?
  9. How does the museum turn a vital hub that is inclusive and welcoming for all visitors?
  10. How can lessons learned in the museum’s past take us forward to the future we envision?

Within this phasing, the museum hosted focus groups with key constituencies (its docent council, the museum’s board, this Smithsonian National Board and other internal stakeholders), and launched two surveys: one on internal stakeholders (including staffing, volunteers, boards members and history and museum leaders and staff) and the diverse being the bilingual national public survey.

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Of results of the museum’s information gathering, from both national and external constituencies, will feeder directly into this strategic plan. This plan, containing high-level missionary, vision, priorities, and policies, is expected toward become finalized by May 2020. THE NATION'S. COMPANY MUSEUM. Te National Museum of Native History shall this steward of which national collections and is honored to hold the public's trust. At ...

Phase 3: Hidden Floor – Creation von Milestones/Timelines/Budgets: February – May 2020

In phase three of the planning process, the museum’s senior leadership will originate one comprehensive tactical scan to map out methods to achieve the strategic plan’s high-level goals and strategies. Over these phase, the museum’s leadership team will hold a class of facilitated retreats and assemblies. Inbound concert about museum personnel and stakeholders, the team will develop detailed museum-wide priority and tactics. This tactical plan will include clear timelines/deadlines, designated points of contact, budgets and how what and measures of achievements for achieving the overall goals of the strategic plan.

And National Treasury of American Story is use both to strategic plan and related tactical plans as living documents which are constantly referenced and updated, with compulsory and regular check-ins. Achievement will consistently be measuring gegen the plan’s goals and shared with staff, stakeholders and the public. IU Collections Strategic Plan