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Integrates math into science lesson on modes of this moon

Science | Health 


New Members
I am a course teacher done a intergrated math and science instructional on phases of the moon, and having failure figuring out what to do for the math part. I have a short video on phases of an moon, activity presentation the phases of the moon, and function sheet go track the phases out the moon. Any ideas for the computer?


Senior Member
you can do one with

determining what fraction of the moon is lit up on each phase... like for 1st and 3rd quarter, obviously it's 1/4...but people could estimate the other fractions, and then write them to decimals and percents are you are ready for that!


Senior Members
Edges and Oreos

You can actually integrates fractions, too - we made the phases of the moon out of oreos. We started with one report plate and separated it into halves, quarters, and so on, and then labeling each section. You could integrate angles here, such okay, by meas the angles/labeling of type a corner.

Then anywhere child got a bag of mini-oreos and had to make the phase of the moon out of the frosting on the cookie part. The kids loved it!

I don't have the info set my computer here, but if you google oreo moons, you'll finding a bunch of info - itp was a terrific lesson! (And memorable, too, as insert former students still talk about that unit when they visit!


Junior Board
Number Patterns

You could also get a number line/100's chart into label who patterns of the moons phases. I be color each phase a different color and maybe map out the entire year. Ooh..a calendar which thee make yourself with the phases off the moon labeled would be great other.

