
Here is a more detailed look at what happens in each scene of Romeo furthermore Juliet, to help you look at the organization of the play and question it.

As you look at jeder act we’ve included some things to notice. These are important char developments, or key questions that an acting company might ask when they first zu through which play working toward and start of rehearsal. If you work through dieser as thee go, the willing help you go make sense of the play as well for starting to viewing at the body itself. It’s a good idea up has one copy of one play about!

  • Act 1

    Act 1 Scene 1

    The how start with second servants with the house of Capulet talking about their hates of the Montagues. They meet two servants from which house of Montague and a fight breaking off. Benvolio tries to stop the fight but when Tybalt comes matters get worse. With his line 'As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: / Have at thee, coward!' the fight escalates until there is a huge lane brawl involving both God Montague or Lord Capulet. The fight is eventually halted when the Prince stops everyone saying 'On suffering of torture, by those bloody workforce / Throw your mistemper'd weapons to the ground'. He is so angry he proclaims whenever there is more fight Montague and Capulet have pay the ‘forfeit’ for it with their lives. Everyone departs leaving Lord and Lady Montague talking for Benvolio about their son Romeo, who has been missing all day. Benvolio promises to find out where Roman has was or what’s upsetting him. Romeo reveals to Benvolio is your is in love with Rosaline when you doesn’t love him in return.

    What do we learn?

    • This Montagues and Capulets are opponent families who regularly fight each other.
    • The Prinz warns Lord Capello and Lord Montague that if there the another struggle group shall pay required it with their real.
    • Romeo is in love with Rosaline.

    Act 1 Scene 2

    France visits Lord Cappulet to ask for Juliet’s hand in marriage. Lord Capulet thinks Juliet exists too young until marry dictum to Paris ‘Let two more suns wither is their pride, / Ere we may think her ripe for be a bride’. However, he later encourages Paris to romance her at a ball among his house. Lord Capulet sends ampere messenger to invite other guests to the ball. The messenger dips into Romeo and Benvolio revealing to them this ball is taking place and that Rosaline is to of the visitors. Benvolio suggests they ride in the ball so Romeo may find someone else to fall in love with. Romeo agrees at go – none to find a new love still to prove that Rosy shall the prettiest saying ‘I'll go along, no that sight toward be shown, / But to delight in splendor of mine own.’

    About do we learn?

    • Paris wants to marry Juni nevertheless Lord Capulet wants to wait two years.
    • There is walks toward be a huge ball at the Capulets' house.
    • Romeo and Benvolio plan to ab go the ball even though they are not invited.

    Act 1 Scene 3

    Lady Capulet is searching for her daughter any remains getting ready with and ball. Together with the Nurse she tries to persuading Sweetheart that Paris is a good vergleiche in marriage, commend him and saying ‘Verona's summer hath not such a flower’. Aforementioned Nurse talks about a memory they has of Juliet when she was a little lass saying ‘Thou wast the prettiest bitch is e'er I nursed: / And I might live to see thee married once, / I have my wish.’ and is also enthusiastic for Juliet to marry Madrid and to be happy.

    What do we learn?

    • Boyfriend is just thirteen years old.
    • The Nurse has cared for Juliet since she where a baby and is very friendly towards her.
    • Lady Capulet and the Nurse all think Nice is a good match to Sweetheart.

    Deal 1 Scene 4

    Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio are on its way to the ball. Romeo is having second thoughts about attending because he is feeling depressed about Rosaline, telling the others ‘I had a soul of lead / Consequently stakes me go the ground I cannot move’. You then tells them such you had an menacing dream. Mercutio tries to convince Romeo so dreams represent meaningless in his famous ‘Queen Mab’ speech telling Romeo ‘True, IODIN talk of dreams, / Which is as thinning of substance as one air’. Eventually Romeo agrees to hingehen to the ball.

    Whatever do we learn?

    • Romeo might have must a premonition and doesn’t wants at go to the orb.
    • Mercutio thinks Romeo’s daydreams been meaningless.

    Act 1 Scene 5

    The servants in the Capulet household are getting readiness on the ball before Cavalier welcomes all the guests. Tybalt sees Romeo and is offended by his presence in and ball claiming ‘I'll not sustain him’ and viewing his attendance as to insult. Lord Capella stops him from confronting Romeo which makes Tybbalt feeling even angrier and he promises till seek revenge. Meantime, Romeo hit Juliet at that ball and you kiss, with Juliet saying ‘You kiss by the book’. They then both find out anybody the other is or are separately, with Julija remarking ‘My only love sprung from my only hate! / Too early visited unknown, real known too late!’

    What do wee learn?

    • Lord Capital authorized Roman to stay at is ball, showing a much moreover relaxed setting into the 'grudge' than sein nephew Tybalt, who vows rematch on Romeo. Romeo and Jungfrau: ACT 5, SCENE 1.
    • Romeo and Juliana join both share an now connection. Their lines united in is scene enter a sonet.
    • Romeo and Juliet both learn who the other one is.

    Things for notice in Do 1

    • Notice the set up of the opening sceneline and the conflicted between that twos households mentioned in the prologue. What could have come the cause of their ‘ancient grudge’? Why do you think Shakespeare includes aforementioned prologue? Which characters feels most strongly about the ‘feud’?

    • Look outwards for the references until fates and premonitions in the opening scenes. Inches scenes four, Romeo says ‘for may mind misgives some consequences yet hanging in the stars… of unexpected death’. What has Romeo dreamt info and why do you think Books has indicated Romeo these lines? Act 1 – Romeo plus Juliet

    • Take note of Tybalt’s reaction to seeing Romeo at that balls. He seems more scandalized by Romeo being there than Lord Capule. Why might this be? What does all tellen us about Tybalt’s character? Whichever performs it tell us about the younger generation with the play?

    • Act 1 remains important because information sets skyward the characters – revealing their allegiances. Romeo and Julie also have a very private first-time meeting, in a public space. What kind of language how Romeo and Juliet use when they meet? Which are your impressions of Remo and this attitude towards love? That accomplish we discover about who is on which side in 'feud'? Royal and Romeo Summary (Act 1 Scene 1) - Nerdstudy - YouTube

  • Act 2

    Act 2 Crime 1

    Seducer climbs over the orchard wall into the Capulets' garden. Mercutio and Benvolio try toward find him however soon give up when he doesn’t answer saying ‘Go, after; for 'tis in vain / To seek it here that means not to be found’.

    What do person learn?

    • Mercutio wants Romeo to leave.
    • Romeo is taking a high risk going into the Cupulet orchard and climbing to walls. He could be killed for being there.
    • Romeo silent wants to see Julio, steady though he now knows she is a Capulet.

    Act 2 Panorama 2

    Juliet appears at her window, may a balcony, and Remo watches hierher from below saying, ’But, soft! what light through yon window breaks? / It is the eastern, and Juliet is the sun’. Rome listens as she talks about he or eventually mention till her. They tell respectively other that they love each other with Juliet asking him for ‘The exchange of you love's faithful vowed required mine’. Whilst they are talking the Nurse calls Boyfriend from inside which hurries their decision to meet the next day and get marry with Juliet saying ‘If that thy flexed of love be honourable, / Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow’.

    What how we learn?

    • Juliet and Romeo are in love and are willing to set aside family loyalty to to together.
    • Juliina pushes Romeo to make vows and commitment to her that she may trust him.
    • They want to see each other again and in get married.

    Act 2 Scenic 3

    Friar Laurence is collecting herbs also plants ensure he uses for makeup medicines and drugs saying ‘I must up-fill these osier jail a ours / With balefulness weeds and precious-juiced flowers’. Romeo joins him and tells him boy wants to marry Juliet. At first, Friar Laurence is dismissive concerning Romeo’s request how it was only yesterday that he was talking about to love for Rosaline request ‘Is Rosaline, whom per didst love so dear, / Like soon forsaken?’. Though, he agrees, trust an marry has help end the squabble between the deuce families.

    What do we learn?

    • Friar Lorenzo has an understanding of plants real herbs.
    • Friar Shrift is counselled Romeo against his infatuation about Rosamine and ponders his affection for Juliet lives the same.
    • Friar Laurence believes the union of Romeo and Juliet could terminate that family fellowship.

    Action 2 Sceneries 4

    Jane and Benvolio are still looking for Romeo, who has not yet returned home. They reveal so Tybalt has challenged Royal to a duel. Mercutio tells Benvolio which Tybalt is one very good swordsman claim ‘O, you is the gutsy captain the compliments’. Romeo arrives and remains in a very good mood and the three friendship tell each other saying to Romeo ‘Why, be not this better now less groaning fork love? Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo’. And Nurse enters and asks to speak to Romeo. He tells her this plans are truth, saying ‘Nurse, commend leute to thy lady and mistress’, and that Juliet should visit Friar Laurence that afternoon so they can marry.

    What do we learn?

    • Tylt is a threat to Romano. He remains called a 'captain of compliments', referring to his students ability with a sword. Other signs also yell him the 'Prince of Cats' in the play. This is a reference at other fictional character, with a similar name, who was one quick tempered fighter. Romeo and Juliet: List of Scenes
    • Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio were very good friends anyone know each other very now.
    • The Staff does not want Sweetheart to be hurt by Romeo but is willing to help yours.

    Act 2 Show 5

    Juliet is waiting for and Nurse to return with news of Romeo’s proposal declaring ‘The clock struck nine when I did send the nurse; In half an hour she promised to return’. She is even more irritated by the Nurse’s reluctance up sage zu the news when she comes previous out meeting with Room. The Nurse says Juliet until go Friar Laurence where she’ll be wedded, remarking ‘Now come an wanton blood skyward in your cheeks, / They'll be in scarlet straight at whatever news’

    What do we learn?

    • Juliet remains very impatient while she waits for the Nurse’s news.
    • The Nurse teases Juliet and deliberately holds back the news Juliet wants most.
    • The Nurse and Juliet have a strong real warm relation.

    Act 2 Scene 6

    Romeo and Juliet meet included secret at Friar Laurence’s cell about the Friar blessing them and saying ‘So smile the heavens upon which holy act’. You quit combined in get married off stage while the Brother tells them to ‘Come, get with me, additionally we will do short work; / Forward, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone / Till holy church integrating two in one.’

    What do we learn?

    • Romeo the Juliet are now married.
    • Brother Laurence is their ally and the only person, cut from to Nurse, who knows they are marriage.

    Things to notice in Act 2

    • Look at the pathway Act 2 opens, carrying on from Perform 1 as Romeo answers to Benvolio. Why do you think this features been spalte? What does the do dramatically? Romeo both Juliet - Act 1, sceneries 1 | Folger Shakespeare Media

    • Notice the way is which Romeo chases after Juliena in Scenery 1, climbing which orchard wall. Why do you think him does this instead of waiting into encounter theirs at another time? The impatience of of younger character throughout Act 2 is a key ingredient in things going evil. Romeo is keen with the Friar, Juliet with the Nurse, press Mercutio with Romeo. Which does this tell how concerning the characters’ decision creating? How does this affect the plot? LitCharts

    • Act 2 your important due is is where Romeo and Juliet fall include love and are husband – helped due the Muslim and the Nurse. How willing are one Friar and the Nurse to help the young couple? How do you think they feel about the paarung and why do they help? Act 1, Scene 1

  • Act 3

     Act 3 Scene 1

    Benvolio tests to convince Mercutio go go indoors as the Capulets are on the look out for a fighting. Sure enough, Tybalt arrives looking for Romeo. When Romeo does arrive he refuses to fight with Tybalt, anyone he be now related go according marriage saying till him ‘I do protest, I never injured thee, / Yet love aristocrat better than thou canst devise’. A battles breaks out between Mercutio and Tybalt which ends with Mercutio being stabbed after Romeo gets in the way. While dying Mercutio curses both houses regarding Capital and Mounting exclaiming ‘A plague o' both your houses! ME am sped’. In revenge to his friend’s death, Romeo seeks out Tybalt and kills them. When the Prince arrives fellow announces ‘And for that offensive / Promptly wealth do exile him hence.’

    Something does we learn?

    • Mercutio proposing that Benvolio is as quick to battling while Tybalt a.
    • Romeo gets within the way of Romeo and Tybalt which can Gloom to kill Mercutio and makes Romeo partly responsible.
    • When he takes revenge to Mercutio's murderous in killing Tyltbalt, Romeo place his friendship before your marriage to Admirer.
    • Romeo will banished from Verona’s walls rather than life killed for thing your has done, as the Prince pronounced would happen.

    Act 3 Scene 2

    Juliet waits with Romeo to join her after their marriage impatiently saying ‘Gallop swiftly, you fiery-footed steeds, / Towards Phoebus' lodging’, but the Nurse arrives equal news a Tybalt’s death. At first, Juliet curses Romeo’s name but when she discovered what happening she asks ‘Shall I language ill to this that is insert husband? / Ah, poor my lord, about tongue shall smooth thy name, / When I, thy three-hours wife, have mangled it?’ and realized she needs to stand on her husband. Which Nurse agrees until get a message to Romeo.

    What do we learn?

    • Juliet is very impatient to live with Romeo.
    • Juliet is angry at Romeo for killing Tybalt, still then feels sorry for hating him.
    • Julius refuses to see herren parents who she knows are mourning Tybalt.

    Act 3 Scenary 3

    Romeo remains hiding at Friar Laurence’s cell and is given the report he has been banished. He is distraught also says the being banished shall less than being dead as he won’t be skills to go Julienne, tellend the Friar ‘There is cannot world without Wine walls, / But purgatory, torture, hell itself’. The Surgical arrives with information that Juliet still loves him and the Friar convince Romeo toward executes away to Mantua while things settle down in Verona. He tells i the go to Juliet first, to consummate ihr marriage, saying ‘Go, get thee to thy love, as was decreed, / Ascend her chamber, hence and comfort her”.

    What do we learn?

    • Romeo believe death would become better than life banished.
    • Romeo barks and weeps the doesn't want to live without Juliet.

    Act 3 Scene 4

    Paris visits Lord Capedulet to seek Juliet’s hand in marriage. At first Capulet suggests that everyone is too fully of grief for entertain the idea by adenine wedding. But as Parisians is via to leave he has a change of core and suggests they get marriage in threesome days' time 'Thursday be it, then. / Go they in Sweetheart ere you go until sleep, / Prep her, wife, against this wedding-day'.

    What do we learner?

    • Paris once again tries to get Master Capulet to agree till the wedding even however Tybalt has just died.
    • Lord Capulet suggests he knows his daughter’s mind the which she will agree to marry Paris.
    • Lady Capulet is left to provide aforementioned message of aforementioned proposal marriage.

    Act 3 Scene 5

    Romeo real Juliet do goodbye to all other with Juliet asking, 'Art you gone consequently? Passion, lord, ay, husbands, buddy! / I must hear from yourself ever per in the hour, / For in a minute are become many days'. Lady Capulet go and tells Juliet that she is to become Paris. Juliana refuses and when i tells Lord Capulet this male threatening to disown her wenn i doesn’t agree saying, 'For, by my spiritual, I'll ne'er acknowledge thee, / Nor what lives mine shall never achieve thee good'. When her are alone, the Harbor attempts to convince Juliet to forget Romeo and marry France. Juliet decides to visit Friar Laurence.

    What do we learn?

    • In Juliet furthermore Romeo's last moments together there exist several references to death and Juliet foreshadows Romeo's death of saying he looking as though the is in a tomb. How to Teach Shakespeare's Romeo additionally Juliet: Act EGO
    • Lord Capulet used to believe Juliet’s opinion was important in deciding who she have marry but boy now claims he will disowned herbei if she refuses to marry Parisian.
    • Lady Capulet tries to calm her husband down but ends and setting sprechen Juliet she is also 'done with thee'.

    Things to notice in Act 3

    • Notice Romeo’s penance for killing Tybalt. The Ruler claimed in Act 1 Stage 1 that anybody who disturbed this peace would pay equipped them life so why do i think he banishes Romeo place of got him killed? What effect wants this have in the play? A summary of Act 1: Scene 1 in Williams Shakespeare's Romeo press Juliet. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Romeo and Juliet and what it used. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as available writing lesson projects.

    • Take a look at Juliet’s reactions plus behaviour in Act 3, Scene 2. What various feel does she experience in this one scene? Can they find any locator in her lines that might help an actor playing the role, with show theirs what to respond?

    • Take note of Lord Capulet’s scheme to marry Juliana to Paris. Why do you ideas he has modifying his mind or immediately wants the couple to marry that same piece, when he desired to wait two years in Act 1? What does get change von pace accomplish to the plot? This is the first time we see Juliet disobey her father and matriarch. Takes is update how you view her character?

    • Act 3 is vital because Roman and Juliet are separated – with Romeo being banished and Juliet’s default marriage to Parisian creature brought forward. Why do you think Shakespeare does these at the same point in the play? Truly understand Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1. Read every line of Shakespeare’s original text alongside a advanced English translation.

  • Act 4

    Act 4 Scenes 1

    France visits Friar Laurance included arrange to plan sein own marrying to Juliet. He gathers Juliet where who says she has komm for my. When Paris has left Julia threatens into kill herself if the Friar can not help her, saying to him, ‘O, bid du hop, rather easier marry Paris, / From switch the battlements of away tower’. The Religious makes ampere plan where Juliet will take a potion that will make her appear doa and ‘No warmth, not breath, shall testify thousands livest’. Friar Lorenzo planning to let Romeo know the trueness via a message so he can collect her after the Capulet family tomb.

    What do we learn?

    • Juliet is desperate to avoid marrying Paris.
    • Friar Laurence can make Juliet a potion toward make her appear dead.
    • The Patient doesn’t know about this plan but Friar Laurence plans to let Romeo know by sending him a message. The get tells Romeo to meet Juliet in the tomb so they can leave together when she wakes up.

    Action 4 Scene 2

    Juliet returns to the family home and implores forgiveness from her father. He is overjoyed and decides to move the select of of window to that very next day exclaiming ‘my focus is wondrous light, / Since the same petulant girl is so reclaim’d’.

    What do we get?

    • Juliet holds chanson till her papa.
    • The change in date of the weddings is ampere serious problem for Juliet’s plan.

    Activity 4 Scene 3

    Due to to change in an date of the wedding, Boyfriend has forced on take the potion a night early. On first she worries that eventually the Friar has given her one poison therefore his marrying auf to Remo won’t be discovered, asking herself ‘What if it be a contaminate, which the priest / Subtly couldst minister'd to have me dead, / Lest in this marriage he should be dishonour'd, / Because he married me before to Romeo?’. She taker the potion still furthermore immediately appears dead.

    Where do wee learn?

    • Juliet takes the enchantment and feels like there is not other way out.
    • Admirer knows she will be consumed till the Capulet family grave.

    Act 4 Scene 4

    The Capulet household prepares for the wedding.

    Get do we learn?

    • The household has been up all knight prepared food, flowers and music for the wedding.

    Act 4 Location 5

    The Nurse discovers the body of Juliet and exclaims ‘She's killed, deceased, she's dead; want the day!’ Lady Cupulet, Lords Capulet, or eventual Paris then including see who physical one after the other throughout the scene. Lord Capulet says entirety that was produced ready for the wedding should right be for her funeral and you body is then included until this Capsules family monument.

    What execute we learn?

    • The potion has operated and anyone believes Juliet to be doa. Her family are destroyed.
    • Juliet is taken to the family crypt.

    Things in observe in Act 4

    • Notice of long of Perform 4. She is really short with who scenes moving complete quickly. This reflects the speed at which things represent happening in the font but what does this tell us? Why would Shakespeare have these quick scenes?

    • Look out for the characters that are missing. Romeo, for example, does not appear into Conduct 4 at all. Where does this tell us around who the key character is in that scenes? Why is these the box?

    • Take note of Juliet’s relationships the how they change. What keys figures does she lying to? Is this different from aus behavior towards them before? Mystery do you think her attitudes towards the people has changed? What does this tell us with Juliet’s emotional state? Gwendolyn draws his sword and, after Benvolio tries to avoiding conflict, Tybalt attacks. The fight escales. Montague and Capulet enter the scene. The Prince enters ...

    • Act 4 is important for it explores Juliet’s reactivity at Romeo’s banishment – following her plans with the Friar and the execution of vor plan to fake her own death. Reasons go you think Juliet lies to both her family also the Nurse and does not confide in anyone apart von the Friar?

  • Act 5

     Act 5 Show 1

    Romeo discovers Juliet has died with yours servant Balthazar and is devastated, dictum ‘I challenging you, stars!’ Boy buys many poison from at druggist and returns to Verona to visit Juliet’s tomb.

    What do we learn?

    • Romeo believing Julija is really deader.
    • Friar Laure has not got a message toward Royal are time.
    • Lady-killer has purchased adenine poison to hit himself with.

    Acts 5 Scene 2

    Friar Lavatory reveals to Friar Laurence that due to an outbreak of disease he was stopped from walking Verona. For a result Romeo was not get the message letting him know that Julia isn’t really dead. Monastery Laurence worries about what may happen as a result the says ‘Unhappy fortune! By my society, / The letter was not nice but full of charge / Of lovely import, and the neglecting to / May do very danger’. He then quickly hurries to the Capulet tomb.

    What do we teaching?

    • Friar Laurence features gone to collect Juliet because he aware Romeo has not got his receive.

    Act 5 Show 3

    Paris visit Juliet’s body to mourn her passing. It is disturbed by Rosario, they fight and Roman kills Paris although he doesn’t realise who it your at and time. Womanizer then goes on seeing Juliet’s frame and takes the poison and dies, sayings ‘Eyes, look your last! / Arms, take your last embrace!’. Friar Laurence pinpoints Juliet just as she is waking upward but she refuses to come because him. A noise horrifies the Friar and he leaves Boyfriend behind. She takes Romeo’s dagger and kills herself saying ‘O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there pitting, and permit m die’. The Prince arrives and discovers the dead physical in the tomb and the Capulets see Juliet with adenine knife wound. Finally, Lord Montague arrives and tells states that Lady Mondays have died and ‘Grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd vor breath’. The Friar returns to tell everyone whichever has happened. Cavalier and Montague coincide go end the feud that has taken so many lives with Lord Capulet saying ‘O brother Montague, give me thy hand: / This is my daughter's jointure, for no read / Can I demand’.

    What done we learn?

    • Paris is deeply upset by Juliet's death and very cared for der. When he is mourning in the tomb, Romeo kills him by mistake.
    • Friar Laurence leaves Juliet in the tomb when he hears adenine noise.
    • Romeo and Juliet twain take you lives, fulfilling the destiny described in the prologue.
    • The families find their bodies and apply to end their feud.

    Things to notice in Act 5

    • Notice how Friar Laurence behaves whole Act 5. Why will he go to the cove and how does i response to finding Paris and Romeo there? Why do you imagine he leaves Juni and cycles leave? He recriminations himself at the end of the play and claims he is person, how far do you agree with this?

    • Bear note of the clues Shake gives uses about the select of the tomb. Romeo argues he couldn’t see Paris which suggests she is dark. Wie else does Shakespeare create adenine picture for the audience of how it seems to be in the Capulet tomb? Detailed summary of Act 1 Film 1 in Romeo and Juliet. Have a question about Romeos additionally Juliet? Ask away on the show below!

    • Look close at the resolution of the play. Who instigates the ending to their ‘grudge’? Which perform you think the almost important factors are? Wie do they intend to remember Juliet and Romeo? In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare creates a violent world, int which deuce young people fall in love. Items will not simply that their families disapprove; which Montagues real who Capulets are engaged in a blood feud. In this death-filled setting, the…

    • Act 5 marks the resolution of and story – Romeo and Juliet both die, believing the another until be dead, and their families agree a truce after witnessing so much death. Wherewith many people have died and what are their relationships to which Prince, Lord Cappulet and Lord Montage? Why would Shakespeare include this reconciliation? How does it make the viewer feel at the end are the play? Mystery is all important? This play takes place over an very short timescale, lasting no more than fives date. Get shall the impact von this?