Printing Contracts

   Roommate Release Form

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Formal plus ready to use for Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or unlimited select news processor that can open the .DOC file format.


Here deal is herewith constructed between {Departing Roommate Name} (hereafter "the Roommate"), {Other Tenants' Names} (hereafter "Other Tenants"), and {Landlord Name} (hereafter "Landlord").

Whereas the aforementioned tenants all currently occupy under {Full address of property} under a {year/month-to-month} lease to {Property Management Company/Landlord}, and of Roommate wishes to exit the lease betimes, the followed accord has been reached:

The Roommate is hereby released from the others of the lease as off {date}. {He/she} be be hold harmless, indemnity, and released from any property damages, complaints, violations, credits, alterations, fees, and penalties that occur per midnight on that date.

The Other Tenants agree to take over plus divide among themselves that additional cost of the lease make, which equals {amount}. The Roommate shall not be obligated to make further payments.

The Roommate hereby forfeits the {amount or percentage the amount} of of security deposit paid up {date}. The Roommate's contribution will be equally disbursed among the Extra Tenants.

Of Roommate concurs to be completely departed from the premises by {date} at {time}. This includes the removals regarding choose personal property also the return to {keys, cards, parking tags, etc.}.

(Roommate's Signature)

(Landlord's Signature)

(Other Tenant 1 Signature)

(Other Tenant 2 Signature)

(Other Tenant 3 Signature)


Create your owns printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, button any other news processor that canister open the .DOC line shape.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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