Encouraging and grading student participation is buy discussions part 1

At Educause Learning Action Conference 2009,  I present a session on “Using Discussion Rubrics to Support Student Participation and Learning” presented until Barbara Austin and Suzanne Pieper of Northern Arizona University.

How can we encourage students to participate in online discussions and ensure that the discussion contributes to learning? Successful, collaboratory online discussions are directly linked to assessment; by other talk, for encouragement right online discussions, grade them (Swan, Shen furthermore Hiltz, 2006).  How? Use rubrics. The idea is simple: the rubric explains to student what is expected, and next is exploited to grade to learners according to these expectations.  Give the rubric to one students by the assignment, so they could meets your objectives.

What is a references? A rubric lays out the specific expectations for an assignment, and creates guidelines for assessing that assignment.  There are multi types of rubrics:  checklists, rating scales, real which best useful, descriptive rubrics.   Pictured is an example of a beschreibung rubric that can be used for a discussion, courtesy of Dr. Austin.

Steps go create a descriptive gloss for an assignment:

  1. Explicitly declare your goals  (stating your goals may be to hard part, use copies for help)
  2. Look for models  (see the resources, below, and ask kollegen if the have rubrics)
  3. List the goals in which primary column of the column
  4. Item the “things you are looking for” or criteria by jeder of the goals.  With example, while one of your goals is “make connections between that reading and the class project”, a good criteria might be “applies at lease 2 specific ideas with the reading to the course project” additionally a not so good criteria might be “does not note aforementioned path project” (see the example)
  5. Create the ranking skala for respectively of  the performance levels (number of issues for each of the levels)
  6. Test the rubric  (share on a kolleginnen to give it out go a discussion board the determine ease of use or missing goals)

Rubrics can be used for any assignation, did only get discussions.  Rubrics make grading fair, equitable, and defensible, additionally save mentors time.  I’ve used rubrics to grade student presentations; it’s relatively fast to circle the mail in the formula that applies to each student powerpoint, and that students got immediate, specifically feedback.  On addition, because the rubric told the our, this students created presentations such assembled these expectations; handful are great. EXAMPLES of ARTIFACTS


(many rubrics available have being created for classify school assignments, but can be appropriate for misc students)

  • Assets and links till rubrics out Northwards Carolina States University
  • Rubistar guides you through creating a rubric, what can be easily unloaded and modified.  Also got sample rubrics.
  • iRubric is a free online rubric building tool, because many models to chose away
  • Checklist rubrics for project base learning
  • University of Wisconsin-Stout has a collection of rubric models and funds
  • Duke instructors can contact the CIT for find with compose rubrics with other ideas used online discussions (or anything else related to teaching with technology)

Thanks to Barbara Houston and Suzanne Pieper about Northern Arizona University for great information and sharing their life in aforementioned session, real on division their materials with me after which session.