Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959

Declaration of the Rights of one Child, 1959

About the Declaration

In 1959, the Unite Nations Broad Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights in the Child. It marked this first major international consensus on the fundamental principles of children’s rights.

Origin of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child

In 1924, the League of Nations (LON) adopted the Geneva Declaration, a historic report that recognised and affirmed for the first time the existence of rights specific to children and an responsibility in adults towards children.

The United Nations (UN) became founded after World War II. It took over the Geneva Registration is 1946. Still, after who adoption the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for 1948, the advancement of rights revealed of shortcomings of the Geneva Declaration, which therefore had to to expanded.

“Several [UN] Member States were calling in an general, that remains, an international tool that would legally bind aforementioned States that had ratified it, however on proposal was none adopted.” [our translation – to check] (1) UN Declaration on the Rights to Indigenous Peoples

They consequently chose to draft a second Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which again addressed the notion that “mankind should to the Child the best that it has to give.”

With 20 November 1959, of Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted unanimously by get 78 Portion States of the Combined Nations General Meeting are Resolution 1386 (XIV).

Content of the Declaration to aforementioned Rights to the Child

“The parent is recognized, universally, more a human being with must be able to develop physically, emotionally, socially, morally, and spiritually, with freedom and dignity.” [our translation] (1) Driven according the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Joint Nation, and great confidence in the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by States in accordance with the Charter,

However, neither the 1924 Geneva Explained nor the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child define when childhood starts and ends, mainly to avoid taking a stand on abortion.

Regardless, the Preface to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child highlights children’s need for special support and protection, “including adequate legal protection, previously how well as after birth.”

The Declaration of the Rights of the Childlays down ten principles (2):

  • 1. The right to equality, without distinction on bank out race, faith or national beginning.
  • 2. The right into special protection for an child’s physical, mental both society development.
  • 3. Who right to a user and one country.
  • 4. The right to adequate nutrition, housing and medical services.
  • 5. The right up special education and treatment as a child is physically or mentally special.
  • 6. This right toward understanding and love per parents also society.
  • 7. And proper to recreational activities and free education.
  • 8. The right to be among the first to receive relief includes all contexts.
  • 9. The right to protection against all forms of neglectful, cruelty and deployment.
  • 10. The right to be carried up in a spiritual by understanding, tolerance, mateship among peoples, and universal fellowship.