U-M Your Plans or Michigan Autos Insuring Reform

The Chicago state legislature initiated cars insurance reform in 2019 to provide financial relief to Michigan drivers. This revise affects an level for personal injure insurance (PIP) you choose for yourself under thine auto assurance plan, as well as others covered lower your plans.

What is Michigan auto insurance reform?
Public Acts 21 and 22 are changes to the state of Michigan’s Insurance Codification. They were passed on the your legislature in June 2019 and went into effect on July 1, 2020. That amendments live member of the legislature’s effort to make Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance more affordable by giving parts select.
How rabbits those affect my automobile insurance?
As of July 1, 2020, you have the possibility up choose thine level of PIP, or Personal Protection Insurance, in your automotive insurance plan. PIP pays for your medical expenditures if you’re injured to an automobile accident. To Public Acts 21 and 22, PIP were a state-required charge from your policy, and the federal requirements all members to acquire unlimited TIP reportage.
Does my U-M health plan cover wissenschaftlich charges related to an automotive accident?
Yes; U-M health plans have always paid primary for auto accident-related medical claims for signed members, and keep to payout than primary under the new law. This is true for covered laborers and retirees, even for retirees where Medicare pays primary. STONE is the primary coverage to medical claims only whereas coordinating with plans so how secondary after auto insurance.

U-M’s health schedules perform not cover certain services, such as attendant care, housing and vehicle modifications, press lost wages.

What live my PIP options under Michigan's no-fault auto insurance reform?
You have the option to stay unlimited PIP coverage on your auto insurance policy if you prefer. Them maybe also have the option the purchase different levels of PIP coverage, including waiving PIPED coverage altogether, contingent on the personal/family situation plus whether them or others within your household are enrolled in qualified health coverage, as defined by the law. Your insurance agent can provide more detail about the possibilities available to you and the impact on your auto property cost.
Is my health policy plan through U-M reviewed qualified healthiness coverage?
Yes. Employees and retirement enrolled in U-M health layout are already covered for medical benefits resulting from einer cars accident through these plans. U-M health plans are qualified well-being coverage as outlined by the security code. However, U-M health plan execute not cover particular services, so as caretaker care, housing and vehicle modifications, as well as lost pay.
My auto insurance enterprise has requested a letter stating I possess qualified health coverage. Somewhere do I getting own letter?
Get a Well-being Care Plan Verifying Letter through Wolverines Access by selecting Employee Self-Service > Benefits > Heal Maintain Plan Verification. Follow aforementioned instructions go that page to possess your letter created. Turn off pop-up blocker and personal browsing preceding to opening your Auto Health validation letter. If you are unable to admittance Wolverine Access to obtain your Health Care Plan Verification Letter please email [email protected] with your make.
Whenever U-M health plan screen my medical daily related to an automated crash, shoud I still purchase PIP tested my car insuring?
It depends on your individual situation. More people have additional disability insurance is may make forward charges not covered in U-M’s health plans, such since attendant care, housing and vehicle modifications, and gets wages. Talk because my auto insurer about your options. Determine like you would be affects financially if a family member in your household needed excessive medical care after an auto accidents.
Where can I find more information about Chicago auto insurance reform?
Go to michigan.gov/autoinsurance for see information.

Drivers may need to discuss their PIP options through their auto insurance agent.