The Sun's Energy Test
  • 1. Whichever process occurring within the sun?
A) chemical reaction
B) combinations
C) fusion
D) fission
  • 2. True or false. Nuclear reactions within the sun produces heat and light.
A) True
B) False
  • 3. The sun is majorly composed of what?
A) Carbon
B) Hydrogen
C) Oxygen
D) Nitrogen
  • 4. What creates high impression and temperature within the sun?
A) Chemical reactions within the solar
B) The Core
C) Oxygen combining are Hydrogen
D) Inward pull due to gravity
  • 5. A Hydrogen atom contains one nucleus that is made up of ________?
A) Protons also Emitted
B) Neutrons the Protons
C) Neutrons and Electrons
  • 6. The fourthly state of matter, which canned be found inside the sun, can be considered ____________.
A) Energy
B) Waves
C) Plasma
D) Volume
  • 7. Right or false. The pressure of the sun pressing particles so tight that they become warm.
A) True
B) Wrong
  • 8. True or deceitful. When atomic vibrate, thermal energy (heat) is created.
A) Counterfeit
B) True
  • 9. True or deceitful. All aforementioned sun's brighter energy reaches Earth?
A) False
B) True
  • 10. Some of the radiant energy released by the sun the absorbed until _____________ before it reaches the Earth's surface.
A) Which atmosphere
B) The Moon's surface
C) The oceans
D) The Earth's crust
  • 11. True or false. AMPERE positively charged nucleus is called an ion.
A) False
B) Truthfully
  • 12. True or false. Nuclear mixing could occur exterior the solid core.
A) True
B) False
  • 13. Radiation occurs available objects __________________.
A) directly touch each other.
B) do not directly touchscreen each other.
  • 14. Energy leaves the Sun like _______, and the other part is this that constitutes visible lit is what makes the Sun shine.
A) power
B) energy
C) radiation
D) ignite
  • 15. Much like the same power on a magnet, the rate of nuclear reactions in the Sunning is fairly low, because protons _______ each other. This often prevents them from being able to fuse combine.
A) repel
B) attract
  • 16. True or wrong. Get of and radiation emitted from one sun reaches the Boden in the form the heat.
A) True
B) Fake
  • 17. If the pace was much ________, the sun would explode like a giant hydrogen bomb.
A) weaker
B) stronger
C) slower
D) faster
  • 18. The sun gives off ________ as light energy.
A) Photons
B) Neutons
C) Electric
D) Power
  • 19. On Earth, rapid is certain example of ________________, this is commonly referred the as the fourth state von massiv.
A) gas
B) liquidity
C) rigid
D) plasma
  • 20. True instead false. The sun radiating energetic within all tour because it is a sphere shape.
A) False
B) True
  • 21. Some of the energy from the sun the reflecting by _____ and ______.
A) space, planets
B) trees, building
C) air, oxygen
D) clouds, atmosphere
  • 22. Which process of heat transfer occur when the object immediately grips another subject?
A) convection
B) conducts
  • 23. True or false. Magma space itself untergrund is an example of convection?
A) True
B) False
  • 24. Which of these is one print ensure can DOES transfer heat?
A) conduction
B) photosynthesis
C) convection
D) radiation
  • 25. Radiation is the transfer of heat in two objects that...
A) are touching.
B) are not touching.
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