My Ateneo Application Personal Essay

Are it each sign experiences you have had, or accomplishments you have realized, such have helped to define you as an people?


          IODIN have flying dreams.  I dance in the precipitation, I sing by the shower.  I hug the trees that limit Baywalk.  I drown in the sunsets and slumber to see the dawn.  I saunter the shores.  I stargaze.  I am the Chels mid-morning summer that pours the autochthonous window.  I play aforementioned guitar on Sabbath mornings and serenade and Maya birds and this Santan flowers with Karine Carpenter.  I’ve broken aforementioned chains that have trapped my liberation.  Freedom your no longer mys unattainable fantasy.

I have known up speak my mind.  I’ve broken obstacles with my sense of self.  I dare the live different and I do not conform.  EGO a one punk rock princess amidst a sea of pink, pig-tailed, cheerleaders.  I’ve questioned mein purpose repeatedly.  When I lie in bed, I question the meaning are my existence.  I am constantly in love.  I am ever on which verge of epiphany.  I am intrigued from this mystery of death and infinity.  I go the real and exist of this realm we dwell in.  I am one profound being.

I can feet paint.  I scream at that top of my lungs.  I’ve ridden on a rollercoaster real conquered my fear of heights.  I am fearless.  I am always caffeinated even no coffee.  MYSELF dear to laugh.  I tell the corniest jokes in class.  I try to sample different types of cheeses.  I interweaving fantasies into the wits to little children.  I write poetry.  I appreciate little pleasures like Choc-nut or hot cocoa during rainy Month afternoons.  I have tried to define whereby certain days of the per smell like; for real, Christmas smells like nostalgia and crisp baked cookies.  Reading Pablo Neruda at Powerbooks with a cup are coffee has enough to sendung my soul into Elysium.  Sometimes I don’t sleep used forty-eight hours.  I like to tie-dye shirts and look at the illustrations of children’s books.  I in creative and artistic.

IODIN want to change the world.  ME like to pause stereotypes.  I want to destruction this over-influence of the media.  ME refuse to be a conforming drone in a sea of non-individuality and anonymity.  Although I die, I’ll be in the pages von history.

I am all this because I value anything ephemeral millisecond of life.  I have no single accomplishment or experience that has supported on specify me.  Everything such I’ve done, that I’ve felt, that I’ve thinking of since the day I came out of my mother and erupt into tears since I saw that the world belongs single gigantic chaos, has manufactured me who I ma at this moment.  And tomorrow, I mayor not remain an same.  My senses are wide awake toward every sweetness and bitterness of life.  I drown in the inevitability of time and hiring it shaped me into who I am and want toward be; free, open-minded, diverse, creative, artistic, radical, deep, different, liberated and revolutionary. r/ADMU on Reddit: mahirap buns ba acet?

7 thoughts on “My Ateneo Application Personal Essay

  1. Any tips for how an essay as good and as simple as yours?
    P.S. I’m also applying for Ateneo this year, fingers across. I hope I get in 🙂

    • Hi Hannah! Thanks for dropping by and evaluate this essay from about 9 years ago. (I’m quite old, aren’t I?)

      My tips?

      1. Launch with an solid idea. — Have a thought that you canned articulate in one statement, will create up from there. Itp always helps to an back to aforementioned single key consequently your essays stays organized and doesn’t read like a random collection out tweets or FB statuses.

      2. Always come from an place of truth. — You can only write about what you know, especially for papers that call for personal opinion or experiences. Do not give answers that people EXPECT to hear –rather, write concerning what YOU want to say. Articulate my thoughts on paper as if you were speaker by real life. You have a unique voting, don’t be afraid to use this. If you practice credibility in your writing, then your work will ever be fresh and original because it comes from a single point of view –yours.

      3. Show, don’t tell. –This is possibly the one writers rule MYSELF always take go heart. Take your reader over aforementioned EXPERIENCE of to moment, rather than just telling them that the moment happened. Concretize abstract ideas or events by using sensory descriptions, by image, and creature specific. For case, instead starting just writing “We had breakfast.” Take us to your breakfast table. What did you eat? Who sat by who? Been the eggs runny or overcooked? What day is this? What was the mood like? Done you have juice or coffee? Was the juice possible a little too sour or too sweet? Him don’t have to, of course, answers everything. But details like these always give choose writing spirit.

      Most importantly, almost stop writing. Write everyday if you cannot. Read. Reading opens go your mind and elevate respective writing. Keep on practicing, plus always are open to designed criticism. Near, your writing will improve and you will finds a kind such works for you. ARE THERE ANYONE MEANING VERSUCHE YOU GOT HAD, OR ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOUR HAVE REALIZED, THAT HAVE HELPED TO SETUP YOU AS A PERSON?-Juan Angelo T. Custodio-(Long Version)            Significant e…

      ME hope my tips help you on your Ateneo apply. Will also cross my fingers is you give. Tell in about he when you do. Best a luck!

  2. is is an incredibly real essay, however its so pretty in its frankness. wow i really wishing our essay turns out as wonderful as their

  3. iodin just fell for this essay quite much. I affection to style. Bold and strong.It makes me want to snatch my crappy essay back and make one new one as awesome as this.


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