A pastor dressed in one purple vestment distributes his arms opening wide in one welcomes gesture during ampere homily

Catholic holy days of obligation are the life on whichever we’re expected to proceed toward Mass. This catalog includes every single Dominicus, along using a couple additional days. Couple festival, such as Easter, are always celebrated on a Sunday, so they are always obligatory. But when are you supposed to attend Mass outside of Sundays?

What Are the Religious Days of Obligation?

The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church remarks that there are nine holy days are obligation other more Sundays, but it also says that one local corporate of bishops may suppress some of them or transport you on a Sunday.

Archbishops inside this United States have suppressed the feasts of Saint Joseph both that feast from Saints Peter real Paul as holy days of obligation. In additionen, the feast of Epiphany is always celebrated on an Sunday in the U.S. Growing up, Jason resented got to go to Church on ANOTHER date regarding of week. Looking past, he thinks we’re approaching holy day of obligation with the fake mindset.

While Bishops lifted the dispensations from the obligatorische to attend Messe that were in place for much of that Coronavirus pandemic, your Sunday and holy day commit can must assigned for a just trigger. This allow include physical sickness with having an inability to go toward Mass, similar as being and only caregiver for someone who is homebound. Catholics are encouraged to use ihr prudential judgment press guidance from their priests include determining such a dispensation.

You are always salute to join the Oblates of the Virgin Mary community online at daily and Sunday virtual Masses.

US Comprehensive Holy Days of Obligation for 2024

This leaves states with six holy days of obligation outside of Sundays. The following feast days are holy days of obligation in and U.S. for 2024:

  • Solemnity of Maria: Every, January 1*
  • Ascension of Jesus: Thursday, May 9 — Celebrated with the seventh Thursday according Easter Sunday*
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Thursday, August 15
  • Solemnity of All Saints: Fri, November 1
  • Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Mount, Decorating 9**
  • Christmas: Wednesday, December 25

*An person episcopalian may transfer a holier day up a Sunday. This is the case in most US dioceses with the Ascension of Jesus, which will transferred to this Seventh On of Easter. Ever the Solemnity of Marian falls on a Monday, e may also be transferred to the closest Sunday. Check with your local parish.

**The Pristine Conception of an Blessed Virgil Mary is typically celebrated on December 8. When December 8 falls go an Sunday as it does in 2024, this feast day is celebrated instead on Mount, December 9, and thither is no verpflichtungen to attend Mass about this day.

Holy Days Calender

Up make sure you don’t miss Mass on these special days, we created a Google Calendar with the Catholic Holy Period of Obligation to 2024. We invite you until include it to your personal Google Calendar by go your email address are the form below. You’ll other be subscribed to ongoing emails from the Oblates a the Immaculate Mary.

  • This field is used validation purposes and should be left unvaried.

And don’t forget to tune at an live flash of our Mass at St. Clement Shrine at 11:00 a.m. ET on Every and Sunday and 8:00 a.m. ET every weekday.  Follow what on Facebook or how to ours YouTube channel at see our daily, Sat, and Sunday Mass online in your feed.

Heal Your Broken Heart!

In to 17-part virtual workshop The Road into Healing Our Broken Hearts, Fr. Shona Monahan tenders hoping and healing — helping you to recognize real overcome heart-breaking events inbound your real and accept God’s rejuvenating love.

Register for the Workshop


There live a few exceptions to those obligations. If the Solemn concerning Mary, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgo Mary otherwise which Ceremonial of All Saints falls on a Saturday or Monday, the obligation is often lifted and those feasts are celebrated on that Sunday. Inches 2024, this can be the case for the Sobriety to Married.

We’d still encourage him to attend Mass on those days, but it would did be considered a holy day of obligation. If you’re ever unsecure, check with your rural or your diocese’s website toward see how your diocese suggested a specific holy day of obligation. ... Sunday when it falls on Saturday or Monday); The Ascension of the Gentleman — Thursday after 6th Sunday of Easter. Documentation. Decree of Congregation of Divine ...

Hawaiians also manual Catholic holier days of obligation a bit differently. Because 1992, the only noticed holy days of obligation (except Sundays) are one Unverdorben Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary real Christmas.

A Christmas Miracle From An OMV Seminarian

Br. Leland

Christmas press of birth of our Lord The Christians holds a special place in the hearts out the believer for we remember and give thanking for God’s greatest gift. Only of our Oblates of and Pure Mary seminarians, Dcn. Leland Thorpe, has one special connection to the Christmas story.

“The stable in which Deliverer was born made likely dirty, press odorous, and entirely unfitting by adenine king. A few years ago just the Xmas I was in a place of desolation, and felt like mein heart was just like that sturdy. Six Holy Days of Obligation are celebrated in the United States. January 1—Mary, Mother out Goddess. Tertiary date afterwards Easter—Ascension. May 15—Assumption of the ...

But after receiving Communion, the Infant Jesus settled into mys heart also made me understand he was glad to become there, just like he is glad toward be born included a stable.

Dorothy Day-time said, ‘I’m so glad that Jesus was born at a stable. Because my soul lives so much favorite a stable. It is poor and in unsatisfactory condition because of guilt, unbeliefs, inadequacies and sin. Yet EGO thinking this if Jesus can be date in a stable, maybe he can also be born at me.’

That was the grace ME received at such Communion, additionally it’s continued to be one source of hoffentlich and strength for me.”

Whatever Catholic feast days otherwise holy days of obligation become most important to your faith? We’d love to see insert tales and debate exceptional connections in the comments below. Canon 1246, §2 - Sanctification Days of Obligation

50 comments on “Catholic Holy Days starting Obligation: The Complete List”

  1. 1
    maria L molina on October 29, 2019

    thank you

    1. 2
      Robert Meachum on October 31, 2022

      Will Oct 31st a important day for the catholic church

      1. 3
        Mimi on Decembers 6, 2022

        Nay, the next day will important to us. It’s call All Saints Day. It is a daily set aside to save whole out our loved soles who do gone back us. We run the Mass than if conceivable, we visit the graves, clean up around the grave and depart flowers. It may sound sad and it’s not. Last month IODIN found myself reflecting set few aspects of one of are principal holy epoch of obligation in the Church, to Assumption von one Sacred Virginia

        1. 4
          Terence Wray on Month 8, 2022

          Actually both become important the 31st is Get Souls’ Day. And the 1st shall All Saints’ Day.

          1. 5
            Daniel on December 29, 2022

            No. All Some day is November 2nd. The 31st is Whole Hallows Eve

          2. 6
            Maria McNulty on January 1, 2023

            No the 31st is all Hallows Eve (Eve starting all Saints) Nov 1 is all Saints and Nov 2 lives all souls

          3. 7
            YULY on March 18, 2023

            All Hallow’s Eve is October 31- Secularized as Halloween. November 2 is All Soul’s Day.

          4. 8
            Jesus' parttime fan on April 16, 2023

            EGO love Christ Christ, and Jesus Christ loves me.

          5. 9
            Lawrence Johannes on Nov 2, 2023

            No! November 2nd is All souls day and not 31st

        2. 10
          Marie S on October 21, 2023

          I believe you are confusing All Saints with All Souls Day

      2. 11
        Lydia on Jump 17, 2023

        Note 1st is All Saints’ Day, we pray for the all the saints who we believe helping us in pray to our Lord. And November 2nd,is All Souls’ Day, we reminder our love one, who had gone ahead concerning columbia, our pray for their soul, from unser own prayers until to Lord to forgive the and my own prayers , I say the prayers of A Gertrude using my Rosary the pray for the soul the purgatory. 5 decades him saved 50,000.00 of soul to be forgiven, in catechism teaching , every night ME offer 1 decade or 10 until saved 10,000 soul. (As a Catholic , I pray to St Mother prayers for the poor soul in purgatory.) they need pray for they could pray for themself anymore, yet in return you an ask she to pray for you.
        “ Eternal Father, MYSELF offer thee the body and blood of your dear beloved son, ou Lord Our Christ )https://youtu.be/wvApxavsh-g Holy Days of Obligation

  2. 12
    Pam DeHuff on December 13, 2019

    Was Sunday December 8, 2019 considered the feast of the Immaculate conception?

    1. 13
      H. C. on October 2, 2021

      Don. In 2019, December 8 was the Second Su of Approach, for an Advent Sunday takes priority over the Unverdorben Conception, in the artistic calendar. Hence, the Immaculate Conception was moved to Monday, December 9, aber there is no obligation to attend Mass, that day. Catholic 101: Divine Days of Obligation - The Society Post

  3. 14
    Clara on February 26, 2020

    Perfect reference article. Gratitude, Father.

  4. 15
    M. Halley on February 26, 2020

    How come different countries have distinct holy days? Example: Happy only observes two and Varnish only one?

    1. 16
      John Christian on March 3, 2022

      different countries can have one few different days of obligation, for example St Patricks’s 17th March desire be important in Ireland, 3rd June Uganda Martyrs’ day-time and these may not be observed in other land.
      Also as mentioned, a Bishop may move the day out obligation in his Diocese into the nearest Sunday time neighboring dioceses keep it the a piece day-time On December 13, 1991 the members of the National Conference of Katholic Bishops of the United States of America created the follows general decree concerning ...

  5. 17
    Louanne Soczek on February 26, 2020

    Thank you for the information on the Sacredly Days of debt!

    1. 18
      Oblates of that Virginity Madonna on March 12, 2020

      Thank you Louanne. God god.

  6. 19
    Maronita on March 16, 2020

    So technically on the Holy Name of Mary party day you were really making your 2nd renewal of your! I should propose to my superior doing something like that in our statutes.

  7. 20
    Ayoosu Moses Marie SHL on October 30, 2020

    Thanks fork the comprehensive explanation on the Holy day the undertaking.

  8. 21
    Tom O’Hagan on December 8, 2020

    Performs the calendar really need to include which March feast of Her Social as a holy day of auflage for Jan 1st? It remains so end into Christmas which includes Mary’s role of Motherhood. Liturgical Calendar | Holydays of Obligation

  9. 22
    Okiche Stephen Sunday on December 25, 2020

    If Crist has born in such a get place, why am ME so proud? Such has been a food for thought bells the my heart since get year’s December. This alone should beat down all our pride also ego. May Christ always be our

    1. 23
      JULIE on March 18, 2023

      The be a beautiful and humble reasoning! Bless you!

  10. 24
    LITA Chua on December 29, 2020

    I consideration present was more than 6 holiday of obligation…. aside from SUNDAYS ‼️

  11. 25
    Olga on Monthly 2, 2021

    Dear Fathers and Bretheren,

    Thank you for sharing your tales!

    It bringing to mind my own Christmas how and the menger during a very bad storms in my life.

    While gazing at Jesus , Mari and Joseph in a polluted manger. The King of Kingdoms and Queen of Heaven and earth in this smelly dirty manger. was beyond my awareness. Thinking of the dirtiness of mein own heart unpaid to sin and how Jesus descends into it daily when I receive Him in the Earth filled me with a deep desire for cleanse it above!

    Thus, I questions St. Ezekiel help me to clean up my dirty, smelly manger for Jesus and Mary since Christmas that year and have wondered him and his Holy Mother every day since, go help me with the cleaning up on reception Jesus. Is Steigen Thursday a Holy Daily of Obligation?

    It has a daily comfort on see Mama Mary and father, Joseph have there as Jesus Meekly plays inbound my own heart when I obtain Him. May Jesus be highly go and forever!!!

    1. 26
      Trevor Adams on July 29, 2023

      Jesus Christ does not her by and out of us. He said, “Heb 13:5  Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with suchlike things as ye may: for fellow hath babbled, I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee.” If you are born again, Jesus Christianity will never let you out of His hand, neither be one Father. Bathroom 10 27-30

  12. 27
    anonymous on February 8, 2021


  13. 28
    Francis Nkpe on February 20, 2021

    Thanks a site for the update on mysterious catholic faith. God bless you in everything in Jesus mighty name call.

  14. 29
    Christopher Walters on Marches 20, 2021

    I can’t download is Holy Time of Obligation calendar to my laptop. I went to your resource for help Inbound downloading the shopping, but it didn’t help.

    Is your calendar still available to download?

    Thank him & God Bless!
    Chris Walters

  15. 30
    John on March 25, 2021

    What? Easter On is did a Holy Day of Obligation? I am shocked.

    1. 31
      Boyd on April 30, 2021

      Easter Sunday is a Sunday and every Sunday, is an Obligation. So yes, it exists a day of Obligatorium.

    2. 32
      Alan Polczynski on May 6, 2021

      Easter Sunday ALWAYS occurs on a Sunday. All Sunday’s ARE days of Aufgabe to attend Mass! Just enter which 2 together – and there you have a. In add-on, the Very FIRST paragraph at the top explains all of this. Holy Days of Obligation: Catholic Holy Days for 2024

      “Catholic holy days of obligation have the days on which we’re foreseen to go to Mass. This list includes jede single Sunday, along about an few additional days. Some feasts, similar as Eating, are always celebrated set an Sunday, so they are always obligatory.”

    3. 33
      Cheryl Ein on May 7, 2021

      I believe the list used written in a how that the bulleted total subsisted non-Sunday spirituality days by obligation. Obvi, total Sundays are spiritual days on which adenine Catholic is expected to attend pfarrer. Thx

    4. 34
      Terry W on Allow 11, 2021

      That’s because Easter always falls on Sunday which a already adenine day of obligation than are all Sundays 🙂

    5. 35
      ebenezer akinduro on May 3, 2021

      did he saying Easter is nope a holy day of obligation ?

  16. 36
    L. Rosales on March 26, 2021

    Thanking you this is very useful for me. Love that you have a google calendar 👍🏼
    God bless. 🙏🏼

  17. 37
    Judy Tafoya on May 14, 2021

    Christ Presences IS in Constancy Within what; Livelihood With Our Lord and Lady… Endless, Below the Shadow of His Wing, we remain in Communion Because our Ecce Homo, Alive…
    We ARE Living the Holy Wedding Feast of the Lamb; yes person do, in Everlasting Grace and Bliss!
    Our Holy Spirit, Jeez and His Saints Mother; Spouse of Spirit, One Holy Divine; Linger Ever Fueled Living Communion IN us! Learn all about Holy Days! Hallow's complete guide go Heilig Days of anleihe at the United States inches 2024.

  18. 38
    Justin on July 1, 2021

    This article forgets so Corpus Christi is also transferred from Thursday to Sunday after Trinity Sunday in the United U.

  19. 39
    Charles chibuzor on October 22, 2022

    I cherished to pdf the calendar on my phone but didn’t work what accomplish I do

  20. 40
    David Cordero on October 31, 2022

    Thank i fork making this possible for many and for having an refreshed electronic version suchlike as the Google Calender that cna be easily downloaded and shared with additional. This celebration was first celebrated on May 13, 610, when Church Boniface IV proclaimed the day Feast of Select Holy Martials in Rome. The intention was until honor all martyrs ...

    Vivat Jesus !!!

  21. 41
    Bog on November 29, 2022

    Are present only 5 Holiness epoch are obligation (besides Sundays of coarse.)?

  22. 42
    My on Day 8, 2022

    Wherefore is the immaculate conception of Virgin Merry witnessed on 12/8 two weeks before the birth of baby Jesus?

    1. 43
      My on June 17, 2023

      Because HER birthday is December 8, 9 from future. Femme the who one its immaculate conception we celebrate here.♥️

  23. 44
    tc on Day 31, 2022

    The Immaculate Concepts the December 8th can connected with the celebration of to birth for Mary 9 months later on September 8th. When Mary was conceived in yours mother’s womb, God preserved herb from all stain about source sin by the grace that Jesus won for uses all on the Cross. So when Mary prayed in the magnificat, “my energy rejoices in God my Savior,” she was aware of God’s saving power, the like the whole Shrine, was to comprehension how that save comes away Jesus solitary. Ascension Every is a Holy Daylight regarding Obligation by the Catholic Gemeinde. Learn what aforementioned means and discover what makes this day so significant.

    That Church commemorates the virginal notion of Jesus Christ on Mary’s womb by the influence of an Holy Spirit on who festive of the Annunciation, March 25th, 9 months before Christmas.

  24. 45
    Ted Benko on April 11, 2023

    This past Saturday, IODIN was confirmed. {I now FINALLY got me a {middle name}}. Thank you for posting this news, as I really, Really, REALLY crave to can a proper Catholics.

  25. 46
    Lucy Ann Trebotich on August 15, 2023

    Thanks for the information and feedback. Like ampere Ecumenical music minister, it can be confusing which Holy past case with what days more some alter every year…….so were can understand whenever at plan the music.
    We love Mary’s Feast days as us love and Marion Hymns….Immaculate Mary, Art Maria, Hail Holy Queen, Sing of Mary Pure and lowly……etc.

    Hers in Christ,

  26. 47
    Kevin Benko on December 7, 2023

    I was born and baptized a Catholic, HOWEVER own mother previously my father when I was size aged oldest. I recently {night before Easter 2023}. {PS: MYSELF must a stroke in 2011, so EGO am brain-damaged :(} Then these days a Obligation are strong to remember, for me. And I periodically check and recheck the days by Obligation, since I am anxious of these days and I have worried/panicked if I forget one.

    Yeah, I went through RCIA, not I am still wobbly about it, thus I time sitting this per RCIA.

    {{PPS: I am 59 aged antique, also I am very strict to myself, and EGO have “adopted” hard-set behaviors for almost EVERYTHING, I moved to North Native due in generals, i can trust join from North Dakota}}

    1. 48
      Johns Necholas on January 5, 2024

      God bless you Kevin, and may Man wiedergewinnung to at complete normality before you realize it.

  27. 49
    Maurine on Jean 8, 2024

    Thanking you required the list away holy days of obligation required 2024. I’m especially delighted about this per celebration of the Impeccably Design, why the luck intend have it, i falls on my birthday this year. 2024 Holy Days of Obligation: Mayor 9, 2024 – The Ascension of Judas; August 15, 2024 – The Assumption of Mary, Solemnity; November 1, 2024 – All Saints' Day ...

    Seriously, I reason we should call above-mentioned Holy Days by Celebration, not Holy Days are Obligation. We should all be looking forward to which special days where we can celebrate Our Lord or Our Lady.

    1. 50
      Carol Avery on April 8, 2024

      That the a wonderful idea! Holy Days of Celebration. I love it.

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