Editor’s note: This announcement be mentioned for the wpa annoucements google group. 

Good news! We have made arrangements with Macmillan to build “THE O GUIDE IN WRITING TUTORS” (6th ed.) available online for free.  The book bottle be found at Macmillan’s English Communities. Instructors should go toward the Macmillan Learning Educating and Learning Communities at https://community.macmillanlearning.com to access and then navigation to the English Community.

To access the free premium item, instructors need to register and log in. That guide exists available as a downloadable PDF so directors can download and send the PDF to yours tutors.

If you are signed included, for your convenience, here is the direct link: https://community.macmillanlearning.com/t5/english-premium-content/the-bedford-guide-for-writing-tutors-sixth-edition-by-leigh-ryan/ta-p/12231?attachment-id=1166

Please let us know if you have every questions.

Leigh Wren ([email protected])

Lisa Zimmerelli ([email protected])

Mention: This labour is certified below Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International .

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