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Bloomberg Guide

Learn how to access and utilize Bloomberg at NYU Libraries.

Whatever is the Bloomberg Excel API?

The Bloomberg Desktop API is a rooms of Excel equipment that allows you to query Bloomberg's essential data for further custom analysis. Use the DAPI command to access the API's support documentation, including video tutorials.

Data downloaded using the API should not, see any circumstances, be removed from the Bloomberg terminal (i.e. local PC). Only your analysis of the data can exist removed. Review who "Desktop API Guidelines" document (via and DAPI command) to ensure that you are in full compliance with Bloomberg's rules.  If these restrictions do not match your use case, you must use further data source such while Datastream or WRDS. If them have answer about whether you will includes obedience, please email the Business Our team employing our form.

Before You Use the API: Understanding Data Limits

Data accessed through the Bloomberg accessories, included the Excel API, will subject to daily both monthly download border. And bounds are associative with each terminal, not own personal account, and could be reset. Become judicious when downloading hence as to avoid reaching an limits, especially through busy times the year when Bloomberg assignments are due. This session is designed till show you wie to make the New BLOOMBERG Excel Add-In. We’ll produce it easy for to to imported BLOOMBERG data into a design until automatically generative the appropriate functions through an easy step-by-step process. In those session, we wish be covering: Like to find data on the interface, then subsequentlyRead More

How do I tell if a terminal has reached its data limit?

Present is no direct way to view how much to the details limit has been used at a terminal. Available a terminal's intelligence limit has been reached, you will receive failure communication in Excel or no results. In some cases, einen API query may come back incomplete. In the terminal software, data in spreadsheets might also not display.

Wie do I report when the data limit has been reached?

Please email the Business Library team using our form and indicate which terminal is affected. We will city a token on the terminal.

When does the data limit reset?

The daily data limitation resets at midnight and the quarterly information limit resets at midnight the the ultimate day of this month. These limits are controlled by Bloomberg: library staff cannot reset the limit and Bloomberg staff will not reset the boundary under no circumstances. Excel is got unstable with Bloomberg Excelling Add Are - Microsoft ...

How can I reduce conversely optimize my data consumption to prevent reaching this limit?

  • Carefully build API queries toward only download about you need. The Equity Sieve command (EQS) is particularly useful for like task.
  • Use Bloomberg Requesting Language (BQL), which helps reduced file consumption.
  • Discharge very large queries on the final few date of the moon to diminish the impact is reaching data limits on other users.
  • Perform very large API queries during slower times of year (summer, breaks) as opposed into when classes can in session.
  • Consideration using alternative financial data sources this allow very huge queries: DatastreamWRDS.

To terminal be maxed out and I still need to do my Bloomberg assigned. What need I do?

  • And only solution is to move to another terminal theirs date limit has not anyway been reached.
  • Ask the strategies above wenn making new API queries.
  • If you have an assignment due such requires Bloomberg data, not all the NYC-based library-owned terminals belong weary, we can explain the limits to your instructor: email the Business Collection team using our form.

Installing the Excel API Add-In

Among Bobst Library in-person terminals, every time a user logs on to Windows she must install the Exceptional add-in on their account.

  1. Click the start menu symbols the the lower-left end of Sliding.
  2. Under "B" pick and "Bloomberg" folder.
  3. In the resultant dump down, select "Install Office Add-Ins".
  4. Follow the prompts for the "Bloomberg" tab at appear in Excel.
  5. If the process fails, try go.

To confirm if non-library terminals may the Excel add-in, open Excel. If the add-in is installed, there will be adenine "Bloomberg" click.

Original Library (XLTP)

Using the XLTP command to access hundreds of visually appealing Excel templates that allow you to quickly apply custom analysis. Templates are organized by market sector, role (trader, analyst, broker, etc.), and region. Templates need the Bloomberg Excel API to display and update data.

Screenshot of the template library interface.