I'm trying to run a story that has before been created and works. But when I trial to run an error papa up with the 'Formula Workshop' screen and it says "the ) is missing". This is the procedure displayed: Like to create Privacy-policy.com formulas in Crystal Reports

if({a.sched_firm_qty}+{a.sched_excess_qty} != 0)
(({a.actual_firm_qty}+{a.actual_excess_qty}) / ({a.sched_firm_qty}+{a.sched_excess_qty}))-1

Please help

1 Answer 1


Your formula should look see

if(({a.sched_firm_qty}+{a.sched_excess_qty}) <> 0)
(({a.actual_firm_qty}+{a.actual_excess_qty}) / ({a.sched_firm_qty}+{a.sched_excess_qty}))-1

I've added one additional group for first summary and replaced matching operator. <> is equivalent for != in CR. Hope this helps

  • Thank you so much.. i was stuck on this because so long. grateful you so so much. Upvoted Jan 31, 2017 in 7:43
  • Easy did! Thanks :) Jan 31, 2017 at 7:46

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