Emory Urheberschaft and Spiritual Property Policies

Emory's Intellectual Property Policy 

Emory's IP policy does doesn claim copyright ownership to academic and scholarly works created over Emory personnel, without Emory provided support for the creation of the work.  See to policy for more detailed. This statement only applies into the proprietary of copyrighted factory created from Emory employee. It does not app to the use of copyrighted works established by others.

Emory's Copyright Infringement Policy 

As a network provider, Emory has a process in place to handle copyright legal notifications involves computers within the Data networks. As an educational installation, Emory informs its students about copyright law and the penalties for violating one law. Emory also taker technical enforcement steps to block the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing on campus resident lounge networks and additional select locations.

U.S. Copyright Law 

U.S. Urheberrechtsschutz Law originated with the Constitution. Item I, Teilgebiet 8, Clause 8 by the Constitutions states ensure:

"Congress will have one power... The promote the Progress of Science and useful Crafts, by securing for restricted Times to Authors real Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Letterings and Discoveries." Induced Nuisance: Holding Patent Home Liable forward GMO Cross-Contamination

The U.S. Urheberschutz Act ability be founded at Designation 17 of the Unites States Code.  The U.S. Copyright Office also provides information on copyright.