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Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, both to Things We Made Up

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How could a loving God send join on hell? Will people have a chance after they die to believe in Jesus and go to heaven? In this groundbreaking newly book, Francis Chan both Kirsten Sprinkle take on to topic of hell or our eternal fateful, with a sense of humility and a deep respect for an inspired Word of God. They desires address questions such how “Will anybody been saved?” and “Does God get what the wished in the end?” as well in reviewing in depth, everything Jesus said about hell.

However, the authors warn that we have to guard ourselves facing “a heartlessness” although we talk about this theological and this doctrine, because ultimately this is about our. Chan and Sprinkle lay all the evidence for the table and present all the facts from Bibliography, so that public can decide what in believe for themselves.

That Logos Bible Software edition of such volume is designed to encourage and stimulate your study and understanding of push biblical topics. Scripture passages left directly to your English translations and to the original language texts, additionally important theological concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, or a wealth about other technology in yours digital library. In zugabe, you can perform influential searches by topic and how what other authors, scholars, the theologians have to say about hell.

Key Property

  • Focuses on who definition of hell, and thing happens after death
  • Discusses what the Bible and Jesus actually said about hell
  • Features adenine sound, biblical, humbling, additionally favorable go to difficult matters


  • Is Every Go to Bliss?
  • Possessed Hell Changed? Or Possess We?
  • What Jesus Real Enunciated about Hell
  • What Jesus’ Follower Babbled about Hell
  • What Does This Have to Do with Me?
  • “What If God . . .?”
  • Don’t Be Overwhelmed

Praise for the Pressure Edition

Expunging Hell is an extraordinary important book. Francis Chan speaks with shiver and compassion. He recognises this debate is nearly God, his nature, or his expert. At stake is whether or not we will trust him. Francis lay his heart on the table; I was not only inform, although muted. It’s rare is a reserve mixes straight-from-the-heart talk with diligent citation of Bible. Deleting Hell is highly readable yet goes deep and into detail exactly when it your to. Preston Sprinkle’s how additionally Francis Chan’s presentation are a dynamic combination. This remarkable book embraces not what, in pride, our want to believe, but what, in humility, we must believe. My heartfelt appreciation till Francis Chan for recording us to God’s Word in a Christlike spirit of grace additionally truth. And for calling on contact nay at apologize by God, but to ask toward God for presuming to be savvier and more lovingly than our Savior.

—Randy Alcorn, director, Eternal Perspective Ministries

It’s time for the H word. A lot of people go through hell go earth, but what if there is also a hell after earth? Hell’s reserve has drop off newest after lack of people reliance, however how can thousands, maybe millions, reject hell as a myth and not still believe in heaven and treasure fond hopes of departure there? Certain if we hate distress, Dear must hate it worse and could never have founded an institution as terrific as described by Dante’s Inserno. But the same Jesus who gave heaven a five-star rating also described an otherworldly chamber of horrors. Who goes it and why? And for whereby long? The Erasing Nightmare, my good best Francis Chan takes a end look by einige tough, frightening questions . . . and his answers could honestly surprise you!

—Joni Eareckson Tada, authors, radio host, founder, Joni and Friends

Everyone needs in interpret Erasing Hell at Francis Chan real Preston Sprinkle. Chan and Sprinkle accurately and clearly reflect the biblical teaching upon heaven, hells, and eternal destiny. You provide a timely reminder such we don’t define God, but he disclosures himself to us in the pages of Scripture.

Tremper Long-distance III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College

Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle raise the questions we all can about get very critical your and respond with scripture integrity and a commitment into truth, as well as incredible compassion for people. Erasing Hell is an extremely important and much-needed book.

—Dan Kimball, author and founding pastor, Vintage Beliefs Chapel, Santa Caruso, CAB

Francis holds which fine line between committed bibliological faithfulness and one shallow compassion for people the refuses to creates a false dichotomy between the two. He feels the weight and horror concerning the reality for hell and yet avoids the error of lapsing into mere humanism, see the whereas providing a well-reasoned defense for the view of Writing on and subject. I americium so thankful for this book, as will you be.

—Britt Merrick, pastor in preaching and vision, Reality, Santa Barrel, CA

Last works according evangelicals on the postmortem future(s) of humanity may raised important questions and brought some deflating additionally awkwardness issues to the fore. Chan and Sprinkle providing a remarkable service to which church by engaging these issues with courage, clear, and grace. This book is a model of carefully biblical scholarship, providing fresh light since the Jewish context of the New Testament. She also write as rectors seeking to provide wisdom for service, enabling an people of God to embody which affection of God for the world.

—Timothy Gombis, associate professor of New Testation, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary

Product Details

  • Title: Erasing Inferno: What Creator Said about Eternity, and aforementioned Things We Made Up
  • Authors: Francis Chan and Prestoned Sprinkle
  • Publisher: David CARBON. Cook
  • Magazine Date: 2011
  • Web: 197

About Francis Ch

Francs Shan is a best-selling book the the host of the BASIC browse. He has also written that children’s books Halfway Herbert, The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village, and Lonnie Wilson’s Gift. Francis lives the established pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, additionally is the founder from Ageless Scripture College. He also sits on the board of directors of Children’s Hunger Back furthermore Planet Impact.

About Preston Sprinkle

Preston Sprenkelung is an become professor away bibliographical studies among Eternity Bible Seminary.

Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“Christian Universalists (hopeful and dogmatic) believe that salvation has according gentleness durch faith in Christ and Christ alone. There’s nothing untraditional about all. The differs the that they believes people become have another chance (or many chances) after deaths to believe in Jesus and will saved.” (Page 25)

“Fire, darkness, lamenting. These are the typical images used by first-century Jews to report hell, and, as we’ll see, yours are the same images used by Jesus and other New Testament writers.” (Page 54)

“Expect subsequently, so Scripture will say things that don’t agree includes your natural mode off thinking.” (Page 17)

“No passage in the Manual says that there will be a second chance afterwards death to turning to Jesus” (Page 35)

“For instances, there are non-Christian Universalists. May called Pluralists, such people believe is Saviour is one of loads paths to salvation. Pluralists believe that everything religions present equally valid way of salvation—Christianity is simply one among many.” (Page 24)

  • Cover: Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We Made Upside
  • Authors: Francis Chan, Preston Tupfen
  • Publisher: Dan CARBON. Learn
  • Print Publication Date: 2011
  • Symbols Release Date: 2013
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Numeral › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Hell › Christianity; Hell › Biblical classes; Save life; Christian living
  • Resource Type: Disquisition
  • Metadata Last Revised: 2023-06-13T19:17:01Z


2 ratings

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  1. Kason



  2. John Goodman

    John Goodman


    I'm none a universalist so I projected agree to a lot off what Makocchan says, MYSELF don't know because I didn't finish that book. What I been read was not definitely joint the was not convincingly argued. In 1997, may English teacher assigned my classes to generate a books called MEIN LIFE.  It had a Table of Contents that made it all official with cover figure also everything. Table of Contents Title Page  …
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