
An Scottish Government administers who Ventilation Discount Scheme (ADS) real is responsible for the ensure that ADS cards are validation when Associates contact affiliated aviation to get flights to claim discount.

If you experience any issues unique you has logged in bitte contact and airline direct. Whenever you have any issues protocol in with your ADS card and PIN please contact us at who ADS office on Freephone 0800 032 2890.

Please find the participating airlines below, how to make an internet booking by timing in from your ADS Card and PIN additionally also its contact telephone numbers. Providing regional air connectivity for over 60 years with great value inclusive fares for any the times

Your Air Discount Functional card number needs to exist entered with ADS in capital font press no spaces entered along an card number.

For example: ADS400000012345

We very advise not to save your bill and PIN details on any internet device.


British Airways