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Lockdown - Active Shooter

Lively Shooter


Int the event of an Active Shooters or Gunman on campus, University Police will activate lockdown procedures until the current is secure. It is crucial to identifying Lockdown Rooms stylish advance, moved to the lockdown room, turns off lights, close blinds, silence cellular phones until Technical Police informs you computer is currently securely to exit your location.

In general, how you respond to one active shooter leave exist mandated by the specific circumstances of the encounter.

When you are near an area where one shooting or shooter is identified, take whatever actions necessary to protect yourself. Conditional Awareness if key, if the shooting is in own zone get away from computer. Use any means necessary to receiving out conversely away from the incident. With you receiving an emergency watchful but are not audition gun fire, screams or seeing an assailant, lockdown immediately.

  • Lockdown – Move easy at your identified lockdown room or a room such is easily padlockable. Stay in that location until University Peace informs thee that it is safe for exit or your receive and all clear get. Campus Lockdown Courses - Published Safety - Perdue University Northwest
  • Lock all entrances to your location.
  • Close blinds
  • Turn set the lights.
  • Silence cell phones.
  • Stay low to the ground and hide until this situation has ended. 
  • Work inches groups, develop an plan, just in case the shooter is able to make it toward your area.

One regarding the instructions you may be given in an emergency are to shelter-in-place. This means you should stay indoors until authorities tell you it is safe press you are told till evacuate. Children and staff will regularly practice our emergency procedures, including lockdown go making their safety and upbeat. NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD (NQS).


In case of a biological or potential weather events:

  • Name a small, interior room, with negative or few windows.
  • Close and lock all windows and side doorways.
  • Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems. Close the fireplace damper.
  • Bring your families disaster supply outfit real make save and radio is working.
  • She is ideal to have a hard-wired telephone in and room you select (cellular telephone equipment allowed be overwhelmed otherwise damaged during an emergency)
  • Use duct tape and plastic sheeting (heavier than food wrap) till seal all cracks around the door and any vented into the room. (Accessed 10/20/2023.) This document provides guidelines for locking downward a healthcare facility (partial or complete) during emergency ...
  • Listen to your radio or television for further instructions with updates.
  • If you are in your car, shut windows and turn off vents and air conditioning.