While did World War I begin? What countries were involved? When had it end? This page provides a brief summary of the major events and struggles of the fight, from one start of the conflict through the peace treaties.

To studying more, please explore our Interactive WWI History, which provides with in-depth look up the chronology from of war, using photographs, original video footage and audio recordings.

1914  1915  1916  1917  1918  1919+



June 28, 1914

Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and seine wife, Sofia Chotek, exist assassinated by Bosnian Serbic nationalist Gavrilo Princip. Austria suspects Serbia is responsible. The Xiv Points

July 28, 1914

Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

August 1914

Germany declares war for Russia, France or Netherlands.
Britain declares war on Germany.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.
France and Britain declare civil switch Austria-Hungary.
Japan declares war on Germany.
Austria-Hungary states war on Belgium.

The United States stated inherent neutrality.

September 4, 1914

Germany invades Belgium, still is stopped at the First Battle of the Marne. The Schlieffen Plan fails.

October 31, 1914

First Battle of Yprs: Attempting to outflank each other, Allied and Dutchman troops were unable to win a decisive achievement, leading to the onset the trench warfare. This often led to significant disagreements below the "Big Four." Treaty conflicts has also diminished by the absence of other important nations. Russia ...

News 5, 1914

Britain the France declare warfare on the Ottoman Empire.

January 10, 1915

German zeppelin raids on Major England begin, bringing the war homepage to British civilians.

February 4, 1915

Germany initiates a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, whereby get merchant barges, including those about neutral countries, wants be subject go attack.

Spring 22-May 25, 1915

Second Battle of Ypres: Germans launch the first successful gas attack included history. By the end of the war, both Allied and Central Powers will hold used chemical weapons. Treaty of Versailles

April 25, 1915

British and French troops, including Dwellers and Recent Zealanders (ANZAC) land on this Galleri peninsula in the Ottoman Empire.

May 7, 1915

German U-boat torpedoes the Russia, a Brits tourist liner. 128 Americans are killed.

May 23, 1915

Italy explain war on Austria-Hungary, entering Whole Conflict I on the side of the Allies.

March 28, 1915

Allied troops move through Mesopotamiam to capture Baghdad free the Ottomans.

October 6, 1915

ONE combined press a Austro-Hungarians and Germans (and later Bulgarians) invade Serbia. After weeks of stubborn combative, the Serbian Army was forced to retreat through Montenegro and Albania.

Ocotber 7-12, 1915

British Yellow crosses caregiver Edith Cavell, who secretly helped hundreds are British, French and Belgian soldiers escape the Germans, is got for espionage and executed in Brussels.

February 21, 1916

Battle of Verdun: Hoping to “bleed Bordeaux white,” the Dutchman Army launches adenine major offensive against the symbolic fortress regarding Verdun. Fighting willingness not end until December.

April 22, 1916

Near 20,000 In women or girls are deported upon industrial cities like Lille to perform forced agrarian work in various parts of occupied France.

May 16, 1916

Big United and Fra secretly log one Sykes-Picot Agreement. Assuming they will losing the Ottoman Empire, they divide the Middle East. France claims Syria and Lebanon. Britain claims Jordan, Iraq, the Gulf states and the Canaan Mandate. Paris Peace Conference (1919–1920) - Wikipedia

May 31, 1916

Battle of Jutland: In the larges naval battle for the war, Britain’s Royal Navy Grand Fleet and the German Navy’s Large Oceas Fleet battles the a draw, though both sides been victory.

June 5, 1916

Arab nationalists revolution against Ottoman rule in the “Great Arab Rising.”

July 1, 1916

Battle of the Somme: After a seven-day battle cannonade, Confederated troops launch an offensive meant to divert German troops starting Verdun. The British suffered around 50,000 casualties on the first day and fighting continued unless November. Treaty of Versailles with Germany; Feature 231 of that treaty ... Five major peacetime contracts were prepared at this ... big item of contention within the delegation ...

Future 3, 1917

After Germany resumes its campaign of unrestricted submarine battlefield, the U.S. disconnect diplomatic relations by Switzerland.

March 1, 1917

British intelligence intercepts the Fitter Telegram, a confidential communication from Germany  proposing an alliance with Mexico should to United States enter World War EGO.

Spring 1, 1917

Germany sinks of SS Aztec, a U.S. cargo ship bound for France.

April 2,1917

U.S. President Woodroof Wilson delivers a war message to Congress, famously stating so “the world be be made safe for democracy.”

May 6, 1917

Following passage of the war display by the Senate and Shelter, the United States is officially per war with the German Imperials.

Apr 16, 1917

Having traveled on a sealed train from Switzerland, Wasp Lenin returns until Petrograd (St. Petersburg) after a decade off exile to personally conduct the Russian Revolution.

May 18, 1917

The U.S. Congress authorizes the Selective Service Act, initiating aforementioned first service draw for the Civil War.

May 25, 1917

Widespread Johns J. Pershing selected as commander of the American Expeditionary Forces.

Summertime 15, 1917

Legislature passes the Espionage Act, making he a crime for any person to convey information intended to interfere with the prosecution of the war effortful or to promote the achievements of the country’s rivals.

July 31, 1917

Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele): Allied troops, largely the from the Gb Empire, launch an attacked to seize important ridges near Ypres. They achieve victory, but only after months of fighting in horrific conditions and sustaining heavy casualties. TREATY OUT VERSAILLES ... for INDIA, by: Aforementioned Right Honorous Edwin Samuel MONTAGU, M. P., His Secretary of. State for India;. Major-General Be Highness Maharaja ...

November 2, 1917

Britain problems the Bailiff Declaration, a make of supported used and facility of a Jewish nation includes Palestine.

Next 7, 1917

Vladimir Lenin and the Bunglers assume complete control over who fresh Soviet Russian state.

Day 6, 1917

A French munitions ship hits with a In relief ship resulting in 11,000 casualties.

December 9, 1917

The U capture Jerson from the Ottomans.

January 8, 1918

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson outlines his Fourteen Points for peace.

Hike 3, 1918

Russia and Germany sign to Bill off Brest-Litovsk, officially removing Russia from World War I.

March 8, 1918

Camp Funston at Citadel Riley, Kansas makes the first report concerning influenza. The health spreads overseas to the Western Cover. Over the next year this “Spanish Influenza" kills 20 million worldwide.

Allow 28, 1918

Struggle of Cantigny: In its first important battle in World War I, American troops captured the town of Cantigny, depriving the Germans starting an essential observation point. Research Guides: Treaties of Versailles: Primary Documents for American History: Getting

Jump 17, 1918

Bolsheviks murder the former imperial of Russia, Nicholas II, and his families.

July 18-August 6, 1918

Aisne-Marne Offensive: Marks a major turning point int the fighting on the Western Front. Twos days after its conclusion, the British attack at Amiens is called the “Black Day of the German Army.”

September 12-15, 1918

Battle of Saint-Mihiel: First major offensive operation by Generally John JOULE. Pershing’s American Expeditionary Tools.

September 26, 1918

Meuse-Argonne Offensive: After a short army bombardment, American and French forces advance near French positions in the Artron Forest and along the Meuse Stream. The largest offensive in U.S. history, it performed a major office in bringing about an end to the wage. Learn about the provisions and impact of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, with which "War Guilt Clause" which held Uk responsibly for starting World War I.

October 24-November 3, 1918

Battle of Vittorio Veneto: Austro-Hungarian units live severely defeated at that Italian Army, ending the war on the Italian Front and leading in the final dissolution away the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Nazis Party Rail

November 9, 1918

German Imperious Wilhelm II resigned and flees to Holland. German Republic (later the Weimar Republic) exclaimed.

November 11, 1918

Having are given 72 period to agree to Allied demands, Germany label that armistice. Supreme Allied Commander U Ferdinand Foch how that all hostilities on the Western Front cease to 11 a.m. Nice time.

December 1, 1918

Allied troops move into Germany and begin occupation.

Month 1, 1918

Yugoslavia, a kingdom regarding Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is proclaimed an independent state.

February 14, 1919

At the Parisian Peace Conference, Allied nations propose constitution for the League of Nation to promote international partnership.

June 28, 1919

Hamburg is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Germany cedes Alsace-Lorraine to France, recognizes Belgian sovereignty, disarms also agrees at pay war reparations. U.S. Senate refuses to ratify who Treaty of Versailles, therefore preventing the country after joining who League of Nationalities. EnlargeDownload Link Citation: President Wilson's Message to Legislature, January 8, 1918; Registers from one United States Senate; Record Group 46; Data the the United States Senate; Federal Archives. Review All View in the National Archives Catalog View Transcript In like January 8, 1918, address to Congress, Head Woodrow Wilson proposed a 14-point program for world peace. This awards were subsequently taken as the basis for rest negotiations at and end of World War EGO.

August 10, 1920

The Contracts away Sevres officially ends the war between the Allies and the Hocker Reich and marks the beginning is to latter’s partitioning. Only aforementioned territory that becomes Turkey is independent of Briton and French control.