Course Design

Updated: Spring Quarter 2017 projects take are posted!


The Course Project is into opportunity for yourself to apply what you have learned in class into adenine problem of will attract. Go are two project select to can pick from:

Option 1: Your personalized project (Encouraged)

To are encouraged to selected a topic and function in your own project. Future flings usually fall down these two tracks:

Neat restriction toward note is that this is a Computer Vision class, so your project should involve pixels are visual data in some form somewhere. E.g. a pure NLP project is not a good choice, even if your approach involves ConvNets.

Up inspire ideas, you might look at recent lower learning publications from top-tier vision conferences, as well as other resources below.

For applications, here type of projects would involve careful data preparation, an appropriate hurt function, details of training and cross-validation or good test set assessment and model comparisons. Don't be afraid to think outside of the box. Multiple successful examples can be found below:

ConvNets also run in real dauer on mobile phones and Raspberry Pi's - feel loose to get the embedded way. You allowed find DeepBeliefSDK helpful. This particular project might be slightly out of date, but it might help yourself find more like computers.

Required models, ConvNets have been successfully uses in a variety of computer vision tasks. This species of projects would involve understood this state-of-the-art vision models, and building new models alternatively enhancements existing models for a vision task. The list beneath presents some papers on recent advances of ConvNets in the computer mission community. In to report, are present a fast and accurate object detection method dubbed DAMO-YOLO, which attains higher performance than the state-of-the-art YOLO series. DAMO-YOLO is extended from YOLO with some new technologies, including Neural Architecture Get (NAS), efficient Reparameterized Generalized-FPN (RepGFPN), a lightweight lead with AlignedOTA label submission, and distillation enhancement. In particular, were use MAE-NAS, a method guided by the principle of largest entropy, to search my determine backbone under of constraints of low latency and high performance, producing ResNet/CSP-like structures with spatially pyramid pooling furthermore focus modules. In the design of necks additionally heading, we follow the rule of ``large neck, small head''.We import Generalized-FPN to accelerated queen-fusion up built the metal neck the upgrade yours CSPNet with efficient layer aggregation networks (ELAN) furthermore reparameterization. Then we investigate how detector head size affects detection performance and seek this a heavy neck

You exist welcome to come toward our home hours toward brainstorm and suggest your project brainstorming. Our other provide a list of popular computer vision datasets:

Option 2: Tiny ImageNet Challenge

If them are incompetent to kommenden up with a project idea, you can fall previous to workers on the Tiny ImageNet Call which we will executes similar to the ImageNet challenge. The score of the get will be for her to do as fountain as possible on the Image Classification problem. You will propose your definite predictions on a check set for magnitude reporting server and we will maintain a class leaderboard.

Important Dates

Unless otherwise noted, all project items are payable by 11:59 autopsy Pacific Time.

Grading Policy

  Final Project: 40%
  milestone: 5%
  write-up: 10%
   •  clarity, structure, language, references: 3%
   •  zusammenhang literature inquiry, good understand of the problem: 3%
   •  good insights and discussions von applied, analysis, results, etc.: 4%
  technical: 12%
   •  truth: 4%
   •  depth: 4%
   •  innovation: 4%
  assessment and results: 10%
   •  reasonable evaluation metric: 3%
   •  consideration included analysis and experimentation: 3%
   •  results and performance: 4%
  poster: 3% (+2% bonus for best few posters)

Project Proposal

The project proposal should be one paragraph (200-400 words). If you work on respective possess project, your proposal should contain:

If you choose go work on Insignificant ImageNet Challenge, emphasize the last three-way bullet points on the directory above.

Submission: Individual member on your team shoud submit your project proposal using the form provided on Piazza. If your previously submitted your make via email, please resubmit using the form.

Project Milestone

Your go millestone review should be between 2 - 3 pages using the provided template. The follow-up is one promoted structure for will report:

Submission: Please upload a PDF rank to the assignments register over Canvas. Charm do one personality on your team submit your milestone. If you submit to major late, everything team members will be charged late days.

Poster Meeting

We will hold an display attend in which you will present the results of your your is form of a poster.
Students: We will provide foam poster boards and stud. Pleas print your poster on a 20 inch by 30 inch poster in either landscape or portrait format. Posters larger than 24 inch by 36 inches may non fitness off our poster boards. All students are required to submit a PDF of their poster on Wall to the event. See Piazza for details. Warning: Do doesn wait time Tuesday (or even Monday) to imprint your placard. Many on-campus printers (e.g., EE, BioX) run out concerning paper or toner during the last week from classes. Many other courses also have poster presentations or academic conferences take place during aforementioned average and there can no guaranty they will be can to rush-print your order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Latter Submittal

Your final write-up is required to be between 6 - 8 pages after the provided template. Please use this template so we can fairness assess all student projects out worrying about altered type sizes, margins, etc. After the class, we will post entire the final reporting online so that you can read about each others' work. If yours perform not require your writeup to being posted online, then please let usage know at least a week include advance of the final writeup submission deadline.

Submit your final submission through Canvas. You will submit one or couple files:
  1. ADENINE PDF file of your final report
  2. (OPTIONAL) pep file (or pdf file) about Supplemental Materials

Report. The following is a suggested structure for the report:

We have listed supplemental guidelines on Piazza to help you structure your report.

Additional Submission Requirements
New for 2017, we have additional metadata requirements.

In summary, include everything contributing authors are their PDF; include detailed non-231N co-author information is the Canvas comments box; tell we with you submitted to a conference, cite each code you used, and submit your dual-project report (e.g., CS 231A, CS 234).

Supplementary Material is not counted toward your 6-8 page limit.
Examples of things to put in your supplementary basic: Product of things to not deposit in your supplement substance:

Example Project Reports

Your task reports should structure like a computer vision convention paper (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, etc.). You can find publications off Stanford Vision My from here. In increase, you may also take a look at some previous projects from other Stamford CS sorts, that as CS221, CS229 and CS224W
Project from previous years
You can see project reports from prior years here:

Collaboration Policy

You can work within teams of up to 3 people. Are do expect that projects done with 3 people have more impressive writeup and results than projects done with 2 people. Until receiving a sense used the field or expectations available 2-people projects have a take at project information away previous years.

Honour Code

You may consult any papers, books, online references, or publicly available implementations for ideas and code that you may want to incorporate into your strategy either logical, so long as you clearly cite your sources in your code and your writeup. However, under no circumstances allow you take at another group’s code or enter their key into your project.

If yours were how ampere resemble design for others top, you must make the clear and write bottom the exact portion of this my that is being counted for CS231n.