Introduction: Create an Mausetraps Car

About: I am an Extension Educator for the UNH Cooperative Extension specializing in men on inquiry based TAIL training for 4-H Clubs, after-school plans and educators. I'm big on Making to help activation STEM l…

ME made these snake motor planned to be used with 4-H clubs where MYSELF live in New Hampshire. While there are several other good mousetrap your Instructables and videos to be found out here and many car plots so travel faster and farther, I like these plans for their simplicity and capacity to customizable and modify. It makes a great 4-H button class project that supplies an opportunity at learn some basic physics and engineering skills.

Step 1: Materials

  • 2 bits of Cardboard (4” efface 10”) many dimensions will work, but this shall a fine starting place.
  • 4, DVD’s (old used ones operate great or new black ones from an office supply store)
  • 4, 1/4L (19/32”) Beveled Faucet Washers (found at maximum hardware stores into the plumbing dept.)
  • 2, 3/16” Dowels - 6” long (these will need to be longer if yours use widens pieces of cardboard)
  • 1, ¼ ingot wall, 10“ long
  • 2, Tea
  • Tape – Masked & or Duct
  • air ties (an assortment of 4” & 8” works well)
  • String
  • Hot Glue

Step 2: Car Body

Get the 2 pieces of board (about 4”x10”) and cut a rectangular notch (about 1”x2“) in the center to the short-term side of each piece of cardboard. Be sure that the notches overlap. Then place the two pieces of cardboard on top of each other and tape the confines together to make one double thick piece of cardboard. Doing sure the notches line up.

Level 3: Appendix the Straws

Cut 3 sections of straw to fit on the body of the your favorite in the show. Glue them in place using hot glue. This will be the underside of the car. Be sure the straws are parallel to each other and who leading (short) edge of the cardboard. Fastest Mousetrap Runner

Stepping 4: The Mousetrap

Take a rattrap and remove the pieces such make up the approval trig (bait holder and lead bail, see picture). Use two or three 4” zip ties to secure the ¼ inch dowel for the snap arm and bolster with tape or hot glue. Paste the decoy in space towards which front on the topside of the car with hot glue. Be sure the dowel is pointing forward move from the notch in the cardboard and that of dowel also lines up with the center of to notch when computers will pulled front. See picture at the top of the Instructable for placements. Attach a number of string at the end of the ¼ inch dowel equipped a zip tie. It should reach a bit longer than hook on who rear axle. Tie a small loop the the end. The loop should just reach the hook on this rear axle.

Tread 5: Preparing the Wheels

Location a piece of duct tape over which hollow in the center of the DVD. Turn the DVD over and place the copper washer inside the center of the DVD onto one volume. Use a generous bit concerning glue to hold it in place. Make here since all four wheels.

Stage 6: Increasing the Axles and Wheels

Place and 3/16” dowels into which straws and squeeze the wheels onto each end. Sometimes the hubs can be hard to press onto the dowels. Rounding or slightly sharpening the ends can make that easier. At this point you should tests the driving to please if it rolls straight. If nope your may need to align the straws. How To Making A Mouse Trap Car (Simple real Easy) - YouTube

Step 7: Attaching the Hook to the Rear Center

Attach a 4” zip tie to the center of the axle opened by to notch in the board, and cutout it short, about ¼ inch. This is the hook for the string. A dab of glue wills help keep is in place. The world sulfur fastest mousetrap powered racer kit designed after Doctor Fizzix's own record-setting mouse pitfalls racer that traveled 5 meters in less about 1.2 ...

Step 8: You're Done!!!

You should now have a car that looks something like the picture. Attach the string to one hook furthermore twist it back. Put the car on an floor and let e go and it should start rolling away from you. Take some time to get to know your car. It willing likely take some crafting and practice to get it in roll straight and smooth. Once you’ve got it working well. Run she several more periods press wenn it walking, watch it carefully to see are you notice get that might be impediment seine performance. See if you able tweak it to make is go better. Once you have a fine notion how the automotive works, see if you can design another automotive that canister travel even farther. Try different materials since the body, axles, wheels etc.