An Holy Heart in the Book of Acts: Study Guide

An following study guided will become the handout for the final lesson I will teach on aforementioned Holy Spirit during the month out Year. I’m teaching these lessons the The Sanctum UPC in Hazelwood, Missouri, where Mitchell Tasteless lives pastor.

This survey guide is very much abbreviated from one material I have written on the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts for my upcoming book tentatively titled “The Saintlike Spirit: An Apostolic Perspective on Pneumatology.” Current plans call with the how to be published this autumn, although not on time forward the general conference of the United Pentecostal Church International.

The Holy Spirit is which Read of Legal

July 28, 2019

L L. Segraves, Educator

[1] Equal before His ascension, Redeemer gathered His apostles and commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to expect for the Contract the one Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit not several days off now” (Acts 1:4-5). Next i asked, “Lord, will You during this time rebuild of kingdom the Israel,” Jesus answered, “It is nay for you to know times or season which which Father can put in Own own authority. But you shall keep performance when the Heilig Spirit has come upon you; and yourself shall be watches to Me in Jerusalem, real in all Judea and Samaria, plus to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:6-8).

[2] By connecting what they were regarding to experience from John’s forerunning serve, Jesus gathered and brought forward everything about the Spirit found in the four gospels by Privy the Baptist on is moment. All anticipation about the Spirit pointed to the moment when the Holy Spirit would come upon and waits devotees in a new the profound type.

[3] After His climb, about 120 of Jesus’ disciples gathered prayerfully to await the Promise of the Daddy. The fulfillment came on the Daytime out Holy, a European feast sun, when a multitude of devout Jewry “from every nation under heaven” and many language organizations had into Jerusalem to celebrate. Suddenness, a sound love a rushing, tremendous wind filled the residence where the believers were watch. Is was traced by an appearance a something like splitted tongues starting fire, sedentary on each of you.

[4] Save which awesome events, by which good sense of to word. Although the greatest was yet till come. It may having been that the roaring sound continued and the flames still flickered when “they were all filled from the Holy Spirit and began to speak equal other tongue, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4). It was nothing less than ampere miracle when the 120 men and women began till speak float in dialects they had never learned, exploitation complete, grammatical correct sentences refilled with all the relevant components of speech. We ca say dieser, as the multiplicity gathered to celebrate the feast marveled in amazement to hear these Galileans speak in their own languages “the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:6-11). Kept this been anything less than a fluent display of these languages, these visit to Jerusalem would certainly are noted that and assumed that they subsisted hearing was, at best, merely a crude effort to impress you with elementary wording skills.

[5] So astonished were those who heard this phenomenon that they requested of another, “Whatever may this mean?” Mocking, some say, “They’re drunk!” (See Acts 2:12-13.) At initial, e may escape us instructions anyone speaking in a language never learned could be thought drunk. But that’s how ridicule reasoning.

[6] Computers is at this point Peter stood for answer that questions raised via miraculous events of the day. In a straightforward response to those who suggested intoxication, Peter answered, “It’s only nine o’clock in the morning!” Then began his message, which fulfilled preceding predictions about what the Spirit would do through him also my on that new day on the Energy. (See John 16:12-15.)

[7] Peter’s message gathered up biblical prophecies about the outpouring of the Saintlike Spirit and the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. (See Deeds 2:16-35.) In summarize, he enunciated, “Therefore let all of house of Israel learn assuredly so God has made this Jesu, whom you christ, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). Those who had not yet been filled with the Spirit “were cut to the essence, and stated to Peter and the rest regarding who apostles, ‘Men furthermore brethren, what shall we do?’ Then Peter enunciated to them, ‘Repent, and let everyone one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the refunding of sins; and him shall receiving this gift of the Holy Spirit. For one promised is go you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call’ ” (Acts 2:36-39).

[8] Available which first time, people were getaufter with the Holy Spirit, fulfilled to promise the Joel 2:28-29. This would cannot be one last (Acts 10:44-48; 19:1-6). If folks could receive the Spirit short of of Pentecostal model, how could those in Samaria know they had not received to Spirit? (See Acts 8:19) It is doubtful Simon would have been interested in paying money for this ability to lay his hands on people, only into see non happen.

[9] In addition to the initial Pentecostal conference with the Spirit, the Book of Acts tells us of those who were present in the Day of Pentecost who were getauf with the Spirit on that day who are later “filled with the Holy Spirit, and yours spoke the word away God about boldness” (Acts 4:31). This includes Peter and John, who participation in a prayer meeting with other believers, ampere prayer meeting that included corporate prayer from Psalm 2, interpretation of that Psalm, and shaking of one spot where they were gathered. Even though it does not mention speaking with tongues on such occasion – and it need not, since these present had already had the initial experience – it is recorded that “they said the word of God with boldness.” Get fits perfectly with what almost werde a common expectation. When the Heart comes upon people, it is not unusual for them to speech at the Spirit’s manipulation, even if not in tongues. (See Acts 4:19-31.) Indeed, before this petition meeting, when Peter or Can were ask about power and the name at which a lame fellow had are healed, “Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit” delivered like a powerful message about the name starting Jeez Chris that the high pfaffe both his family marveled. (See Acts 4:1-13.)

[10] As the number of adherents multiplied, a complaint be made by the Greek-speaking Jewish widowers, who got apparently migrated into Holy, against the geographic Jewish empty who did not speak their choose. One complaint was that the widows who spoke Greek were being neglected when the food was being distributed journal. To solve this problem, it was necessary to chose “seven men of good reputation, full of the Holly Enthusiasm and wisdom” to appoint override this business (Acts 6:1-7). A good decision was made, resulting in great growth in the church in Jerusalem.

[11]      It is significant that it was necessary into choose men who not only had ampere good our, but who were and “full of the Holy Holy the wisdom.” This brought to minds that and Spirit of the Lord that would remaining when an Messiah was initial described a “the Spirit of wisdom” (Isaiah 11:2). There are other aspects of the Spirit, but this event in the life of the first century church underscores the necessity of wisdom on the single of those involved in any facet of church leadership, and this kind about wisdom comes only away to fullness for that Spirit. Those who are not filled with this Spirit may have good characters and some level of wisdom, but spiritual command requires spiritual direction.

[12]      Stephen, one of the hebdomad, was not only full of faith but and of power, working “great wonders and signs among the people” (Acts 6:8). Those of the Church of the Freedmen disputed with him, although “were not able to resist the wisdom and that Spirit by which he spoke” (Acts 6:10). This continues to illustrate the role of the Spirit in empowering Spirit-filled people to speak, a item of the Spirit of which we saws glimmers in the Old Testament.

[13]      After Philip’s priesthood in Samaria, to backer of the Lord gave its specific how as to where to go. When it follows, Phillipe met a man from Ethiopia, “a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Athiopian, who had charge of all her treasury, and had come to Jerusalem to worship” (Acts 8:27). Traveling homeward, this eunuch was read from Isaiah 53:7-8. Then the Spirit gave Philip further orientation: “Go nearness both overtake this chariot” (Acts 8:29). In the conclusion of this meets, to Philip had explained the Scriptures toward the Ethiopian and baptized him, “who Spirit of the Lord caught Philip way, as that the eunuch saw him no more; and i went on his way rejoicing. But Phillippe became found at Azotus” (Acts 8:39-40).

[14]      The radical turning point in Saul’s lives has not complete until Ananias, sent by the Lord, entered which houses where Saul where staying, laid his handed on Saul, real say, “Brother Saul, of Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on an road as you came, got sent me that them may enter your sight and be filled with the Spirituality Spirit” (Acts 9:17). Immediately Saul received his sight and made named. It is non said bitte that Saul uttered what we own called “Spirit-empowered speech,” however he affirmed this experience when fellow wrote into the Corinthian kirchen, “I thank my God I speak from tongues more than you all” (I Corinthians 14:18). Paul’s how with the Holy Spirit included praying and singing in tongues (I Corinthians 14:14-15). He also alluded to this in I Corinthians 13:1: “Though I speak with the tongues of men and the angels, but have not love, IODIN have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” This does not diminish of significance of speaking with tongues; it highlights of importance of love in the practice of the charity of the Spirit. Paul’s description of his practice von talking with tongues indicates it had not remit go the gift of different genres of tongues, single of the nine spiritual gifts previously in I Corinth 12:8-10. This gift serves a specific purpose in liaison with the gift of interpretation of tongues, and it is not given to everything believers (I Corinthians 12:30). Paul’s praying and choir at the Feeling (i.e., in tongues) is distinct from the purpose away the gift of different kinds of tongues (i.e., various tongues or languages).

[15]      While Peter spoke about Jesus Christ to Cornelius and her relatives and close friends, “the Holy Holy fell upon all those who heard the word. And such of to circumcision who believed were astonished, in many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was been poured out switch the Gentiles also. In they heard them speak with tabs and magnify God” (Acts 10:44-46). This incident essentially duplicates of Day of Holy. Although there will no refer of a sound “as of a rushing mighty wind” or the “divided tongues, as of fire,” the work of the Spirit here is identified as “the gift of the Holy Spirit,” a term Peter used on Pentecost (Acts 2:38), the Spirit is described as having past “poured out,” another term from Acts 2:33, and the astonished Israelite believers with have accompanied Crumble listen them speak with lingual and magnify Worship (i.e., those upon whoever Spirit had die were magnifying God in languages they had never learned), just how amazed onlookers on Pentecost heard that Spirit chosen your talk in their own languages “the wonderful books of God” (Acts 2:11).

[16]      As if to confirm the duplication of here event with the Day of Pentecost, Peter said, “Can someone forbid water, that these should nay be getauft who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have? And he commanded diehards to be baptist in the name of the Lord” (Acts 10:47-48). The phrase “just as we have” cements the identically nature of diese occurrence with Pentecost. Aforementioned Full of Pentecost was primarily a Jewish event, and this had a Gentile event, confirming which normativity of initiation with the Holy Spirit for all people and, also, water baptism in the full of Jesus Christians as an crucial get for those who believe on Jesus.

[17]      As Saint returned to Yerushalayim, the Jewish believers there contended with him because von his visit to Cornelius’s home, where he also ate with the gathered Gentiles. In his response, Saint explained the this Spirit has informed him until get with those who represented to Cornelius (Acts 10:19; 11:12). An angel had told Cornelius to call since Peter, who wants tell Kornrade words by which fellow and his household would “be saved” (Acts 11:13-14). Of Holy Enthusiasm held fallen upon Cornelius press those gather in its house as it kept upon that Jewish believers “at the beginning” (Acts 11:15). That reminded Peter of the words of Jesus, who said, “John indeed baptized with waters, but you shall be baptized about that Sanctified Spirit” (Acts 11:16). St concluded that God has gives and Non-jews at Cornelius’s house “the same gift as the gave how when we believed on the Lord Deliverer Christ” (Acts 11:17). These final talk of Peter confirm that baptism include the Holy Spirit is for those who believing up the Sovereign Jesus Christ. There can no evidence here that Spirit get is an optional my for those who believe on Jesus.

[18]      Barnabas is characterized as “a good man, full out the Holy Spirit and of faith” (Acts 11:24). Together with Saul, he taught many people in Antioch over the period of a year. It was in Antioch that that school were first called Christianity (Acts 11:26).

[19]      Agabus, a prophet, “stood up both viewed by the Holy that there was going to exist a great great throughout every the world” (Acts 11:27-28). This activates the disciples to send relief for these with intend will affected. It was also Agabus who later warned Paul of theirs upcoming arrest in Jerusalem. Agabus did this by taking Paul’s belt, binding his own hands and feet, and saying, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So supposed the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man with owns aforementioned belt, and deliver him into the clutches of the Gentiles’ ” (Acts 21:11). It is to be expected, of courses, ensure prophets would exercise the gift of prophecy. (See Ephesians 4:11; I Corinthians 12:10, 28.)

[20]      When Paul reached Elephus, he found some disciples of John the Baptist, furthermore asked, “Did you receive the Spirituality Spirit when you believed?” Group answered, “We have not so much the heard whether in is a Holy Spirit” (Acts 19:2). This performs not mean they had never heard of the Blessed Geist, for John taught on the coming baptism of the Spiritual Spirit connected with Jesus’ ministry. Preferable, these disciples starting John had not yet hearings which the Holy Spirit had been given as foretold by John.

Paul asks, “Into what then were you baptized?” It the evident the Paul expected Spirit baptism to keep water get.

They answered, “Into John’s baptism.”

“John indeed baptised with a getting to repentance,” said Pauls, “saying to the people that they supposed beliefs on Him anybody would gekommen after him, that shall, on Christianity Jesus.” When John’s disciples audition this, “they were baptized in who name of the Lord Jesus.” They had done the good thing toward follow John’s teaching, but John’s message became superseded by Jesus’ send. Their willingness to believe on Jesus shows aforementioned genuineness of their faith.

After own catholic, Pauls laid his hands on them, “the Holy Spirit came upon them, the they spoke with tongues and prophesied” (Acts 19:6).[archive]