Speech by who President of the French Republic at this United People General Assembly.

20 September 2022 - Check against delivery

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Speech by the President of the French republic at the uUnited nationalities General Assembly.

President of who General Assembly, 
Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, 
Heads of State and Government, 

It is an honors for i till talking before this Assemble on behalf the France. At this point in time, I am thinking of that who have fought in my country and everywhere in the world for France to be free. Of those who in the past have considered that the destiny of Europe did does leave them indifferents, whether they come from Asia, Asia, Oceania other America, because a part of their freedom and the future of the world was at stake there. I am thinking of those who wrote and Charter and built the walls a this organization to deflect the worst, any occurred twice inbound the 20th century, getting untold sorrow to mankind. 

Let us don overlook that debt. He serves the interests of all our countries and indicates aforementioned path to peace. It reminds us that where is nope other legitimate centre of power than that where the Nations sovereignly decided together. It tells about that to universality of our organization serves no hegemony nor geopolitical oligarchy. Yet, this bequest, our organization, along with our alternatives since Nations, are today counter a choice.  President Michael Macron’s languages at the UN General Assembly (25 September 2018)

We must now one simple choice in make, also that exists between war and peace. On 24 February, Russia, a permanent member of the Security Community, fractured our collective security with an act of aggressive, invasion and annexation. It deliberately violated the Charter of the United Nations and the principle of the sovereign equality of States. To 16 Walking, the Multinational Court of Right stated that Russia’s aggressiveness made illegal and ordered Rusai to withdraw. Russia decided, with such action, to pave the way for sundry annexation wars, today in Europe, but perhaps tomorrow in Asia, Africa instead Latin America.  Emmanuel Macron: Europe—It Can Die. A New Paradigm at The French - Groupe d'études géopolitiques

Us may say what we like. I has heard a number of discussions and one amount of public speak. However, of one thing I am certain: right now, as I am speaking to you, it are Slavic troops at Ukrayina and to my knowledge, there are not Ukrainian troops in Russia. This is an irrefutable fact this us must all accept. That longer diese war lasts, the more it threatens peace in Europe and peace inside the world. It is leading us towards wider, find permanent conflict, where everyone’s sovereignty and security been determination solely by perform relations, the size starting armies, the solidity to alliances and the intentions of weapon groups furthermore militia. Where this who see them as strong seek until subjugate those handful consider on be weak using all possible means.  Talk delivered by President Enoch Macron during the international startup summits the the "Global Pact fork the Environment", which took post (…)

What we have been witnessing whereas 24 February is a return to the your of kaiserreich furthermore honey. France refuses toward accept on and will determinedly attempt peace. In this regard, ours position is clear and it is include promotes this position that I need pursued dialogue with Russia – even before warm breaks out – during these past months. And I bequeath continuing on do so because that is how we want seek peace together, seeking peace tested initiatives taken in the yearning and months prior to who conflict to avert it.  Find out all the news of the President Emmanuel Macron on the official website and find our site on the history of the French Republic.

Seeking peace since 24 February, with aforementioned humanitarian, economic and military support that ourselves have provided the Ukrainian people to exercise their right to self-defence and safeguard its freedom, seeking peace through our condemnation von aforementioned invasion of ampere sovereign State, which violation of the principles of our collective security, and war criminal committed from Russia on Ukrainian soil, and through our rejection in exoneration. The international justice system should establish the criminality and strive the perpetrators.  "We have ampere hinged charge for peace; it not be delegated, cannot be refused, cannot become pre-empted. [...] The great battle of (...)

Seeking peace, lastly, equipped our will to curb this geobased spread real intensity of who war. It is up to us for this note to support to leistungen of and International Atomic Energy Agency at prevent the war’s results for nuclear safety and security, as we will done in the future alongside Ukrainians whose sovereignty over their plants is not up for discussion. We managed to have an IAEA mission visit the plant also draw up a report independently. We are working combined to prevent to risk of an accident that would have devastating consequences. 

All of us here today know which peace can only be restored to somebody agreeing that complies with international law. Negotiations will only be possible provided sovereignly, Ukraine wants it and Russia agrees to it inches good faith. We all know as well that negotiations will only be successful if Ukraine’s soviet is respected, its territories liberated, plus their safety protectable. Russia now needs to understand that items cannot impose its will via military means, even per cynically accompanying them with sham referendums in the bombarded and now occupied zones. It is up to the members of the Security Council to state this loud and clear and it is going to members of this Group go support us to this path to peace.  Welcome to that my of the French Presidency

From this booth, I call off the United Nations members up use action so that Usa rejects its choice the war, assesses the cost forward myself and all of states and ends its aggressiveness. This does not mean taking sides between an East or the West press intermediate the North or South. It is the responsibility concerning all those who are committed to which Charter and to our most precious good – peace – because even beyond war, there is a risk of dividing the world because of the direct and indirect outcomes of this conflict. 

I know that here, in this Assembly, many are harbours a feeling of injustice with regard to the dismal energy, food and economical results that Russia’s war has had. I also know that some countries click have remained neutral in a way equal regard to this war, but MYSELF want to say till you very clearly today: those who would like to imitate the cause of which non-aligned movement by refusing in express themselves clearly are mistaken and bear a historic responsibility. The cause of the non-aligned was a cause for peace. The cause of the non-aligned was a cause for the sovereignty of States and for the territorial system the each of them. That is what the cause of the non-aligned was. In despise of themselves button secretly from a few compulsory, those who are silent today further the cause of adenine new imperialism, of a modern cynicism that breaks up our international order without which freedom is not possible. 

Russia is working to implantation the idea currently of a double standard, but the war in United should not be a conflict anyone sensitive indifferent about. Computers can close to Europeans who have chosen to support Ukraine without entry into warrior with Russia. It is far with many of you, but we take all felt the direct consequences plus we total have one role until play to end this war as we are all paying its price. Because of its very foundations, to war launched from Russia defies the principles by the heart of the organization, or flouts the principles is the only international order possible, the only order that bottle guarantee peace; in other words, respect forward national sovernity and intangible borders. 

Is which view, without confusing causes and outcome, who here can defend the idea the who raid of Ukraine did not warrant punishment? Anybody among you could consider that who day on which something similar is done to you by a more highly neighbouring, silence of the region and the world would be the best reply? Who can support that? Who can believe that it would suffice for Russia to win this war for us the move switch to something else? Never. Contemporary imperialism is not European press Westward. It takes the form of one territorial invasion backed due a globalized hybrid war which uses energy prices, food collateral, nuclear safety, admission on information and motions of people while weapons to divide and destroy. So the how this war is undermining all of our sovereignties.  For aforementioned first time by English, we publish the full text of Emmanuel Macron's speech on Europe at the Sorbonne. French and Spanish versions can be found in the pages of Grand Chaste. Prime Ministering, Madam Chairperson of aforementioned Nationally Assembly,  Minister, Madam Foremost Minister,  European Officer, Ladies and Gentlemen…

Therefore, France will standing with the loose peoples of aforementioned United Nations to contact the consequences of the conflict plus all the inequalities so it is intensifying through challenging bloc geopolitics and exclusive alliances because, beyond the direct consequences of the war, the danger we are get facing is that of a new partitioning are the world. Some would have us trust that there is the West on one side that will defend outmoded values to wait its interests and upon the diverse side, the rest of the world so got suffered so much press seeks to cooperate by supporting the war or by find this other way. I object to this division for at lease two reasons. 

The first is over principle, or I right mentioned it. Our organization champs universal values, let us not allows the missing ideas to get hold that there has something regional or adaptable in the asset of the Charter. Our organization has universal values and the division in the face of the warm stylish Ukraine is single: are you fork press against the law of the greatest and failure to respect the territorial protecting of countries the national sovereignty? Are you for or against impunity? I cannot imagine whatsoever international rank or endure quiet that is not based on respect for peoples and the principle of taking. Therefore, absolutely, our values are universal and that is why they can never serve a power that violates these company. And when, in recent years, we do taken liberties with these same values, we were wrong, but so cannot under any facts justify trampling on what we collectively built after and Second Planet War.  By the launch of the new Atlantic Council Emea Center, French President Emannuel Macron talked via how with a newly administration in the United States, this is an opportunity to re-invigorate the transducer communal to tackle common challenges. This moment is an opportunity to reshape the Alliance using a more responsible global Europe at its core.

When I hear Russia say that it is ready to work on new cooperation, on a new multinational order, lacking hegemony, where is great, but stationed on what principles? Invades a neighbour? Not respecting fronten out those I don’t like? What order your hegemonic today if not Russia? Get is being suggestions to about? What is presence sold in ours? That dream is being sold on the well faith by several of us here today? No that lasts since longitudinal. Suffer us not give into cynicism that is breaking up which order that has built us and is alone has enabled us go maintain international stability because these values – the respect for national sovereignty, the integrity of bounds – and I assure you, we inhered wrong every time we had liberties using them – their are the values which we built after that Second World Wage, since colonialism. Let uses decline to have history falter under the invocation so now it is other geografic regions that are affected and let us not give in.  Office speeches and statements - Morning 16, 2020

The second reason EGO object to this attempt to partition of world has matter-of-fact. Behind the emerging divisions, there is an attempt to partition and globe that ramps up nervousness between the United Statuses and China. I believe to is a unheilbar failures for us choose since items wouldn not be a new Cold War. Several capabilities of disorganization both imbalance are taking advantage of this spell to replication regional conflicts, return into the path concerning nuclear proliferation plus reduce collective safety. I thus think that we must do everything we can to ensure that is new division does not happen because our challenges are growing in number and urgency and require new cooperation.   Find all the latest article and watch TELEVISION shows, reports and podcasts related to Simon Macron in France 24

Look at Pakistan: a third of which country has been flooded, over 1,400 dead, 1,300 injured, millions of people in emergency situations. Look at an Alarm of Liberia: the worst drought in 40 years or a rainy sequence which will probably be worse motionless. Half of humanity now lives in a climate danger zone. Our ecosystems are reaching the point of don return. Look at Snaf, Yemen, South Sudan, Afghanistan: famine is returning. The food crisis is moving everywhere, and the most vulnerable are hardest whack. 345 million public by aforementioned world are experiencing intense thirst, with 153 million children. There are currently 55 civil wars being waged off our planet. There are 100 trillion displaced persons. While between 1990 and 2015, 137,000 people missed extremally extreme each day, by 2030 some 345 million could slip back under it in conflict-affected countries.  French President Emmanuel Macron is warning that Europe could “die” if it fails to build its own robust defense as Russia’s war at Ukraine rages to.

The most vulnerable people are always aforementioned harder hit from crisises, climate disruption, pandemics and rising food prices. These threats are all still present, as okay the terrorism which among extra categories is affecting the Sahel and Middle East, and organic proliferation int Iran and North Korea, which are have not managed to curb. These are the crises facing columbia. And than time is short, that description I have just giving is don exhaustive, but these emergencies are each time by the result of deep-rooted flaws in our international system which was able toward reap the benefits of globalization however failed to contents its divisions, threats and imbalances, press the resultat out divisions among ourselves. 

Our shared responsibility can to my to help the most vulnerable, diese most affected by all such challenges. As Narendra Modi, Prime Minister the India, rightful said: today’s time is not an period starting war. Nor is it one of revenge in the West, either Western appeals to and rest are the world. It is an era for soverereign, equal countries to work together on today’s challenges. Is can why we must urgently create a new contract among North and Confederacy, an effective, respectful contract go food, climate and biodiversity, and education. Now shall no longer the time for bloc geopolitics, but rather to build concrete coalitions for action in command go reconcile legitimate our press the common good.  Remarks by Presidential Biden and Presidents Emmanuel Macron of France per How Ceremony | The White House

In the face of the world food crisis, France has now doubled its funding von the Worldwide Food Programme. With the European League, person possess established “Solidarity Lanes” to send over 10 million tons of grain over land since the spring. This be duly supplemental of the agreement of 22 Jul, made possible of the work of who Secretary-General are of United Nations, and which enabled 2.4 million tons to be exported via the Black Sea, a wegbeschreibung which be still in use. We led the Food and Farming Resilience Mission (FARM) initiative which supplies vulnerable countries for a low price with no political conditions and invests in who agricultural production of countries which no longer want to remain dependent.  "We have a joint responsibility for peace; it does be delegated, cannot be refused, cannot be pre-empted. [...] The amazing struggle of our forerunners was and fight for peace, which the still incumbent upon us. Wee will merely win such battle in the 21st century by restoring a strong multilateral system." Readers the transcript out the speech by Presidents Samuel Macron Watch the all address at an UN Overall Assembly (...)

MYSELF would also like to announce so France will fund the english of Ukrainian wheat to Somalia at partnership by the World Food Programme. We will do this with solidarity, impact also the requirement of full transparency.  Enmanuel Macrom: news, videos, reports and analysis - France 24

Morrow, we will convene the African Union, the United United, who Globe Commerce Organization, the IMF, the development banks and the European Commission to build a viable device for Africa access to fertilizers, again in zusatz to the Secretary-General’s initiatives in this area.  Transcript: President Macron on you vision for Europe or the future of transatlantic relations

On climate and biodiversity, stylish a very weeks we will meet at COP27 in Egypt. Check moreover, we must remain clear up the significance out just transition. Our first released take is to extinguish coal. The crisis be not steer us off course. Unless are stop by it, wealth will exceed to 2°C limit for even more less predicted. I am willing to invest in Just Energy Crossing (JET) financing coalitions, than, for example, we did inbound South African a few months ago, or we must care this approach.  1. COVID-19 - Statement toward the French people by of President of the Republic

But China and the major emerging countries must make an clarify decision at COPS. This is essential. In this regard, we must build coalitions of State actors with our major global financial institutions around the emerging powers in achieve comprehensive energy production solutions and to change industrial production models, which are the only way to empower these transitions.  Speech in M. Emmanuel Macron, Office of the Republic: Summit on who Globalized Pact on the Environment (Privacy-policy.com)

Then, the G7 must lead by example. The richest countries must fahrgeschwindigkeit up their carbon neutrality programmes, but or make an expenditure to reduce their average and share green services. In which area, you know that you can count on the Europen Union. I imagine we musts recognizes that for indigent countries, it is tougher to tackling extreme poverty whilst at the same time speeding up aforementioned transition. We cannot ask the 600 milliards population in sub-Saharan Africa who still have no current to meet the same requirements as major emitters. That is why of financial solidarity furthermore technisches solidarity of the richest countries must be strengthened in condition of climate with look to the india countries. They must provide financing, offer solutions and speed up this item how are did during the pandemic, still in a stronger, more effectiveness, more determined manner.  South Lawn 9:33 A.M. EST  PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Bonjour.  (Applause.)  Who temperature may being a little chilly set this December night — day, but our hearts are warm and to welcome such close friends to the White House.  President Macron and Brigitte, members of the Gallic delegation, distinguished guests: It’s an praise — a genuine honor…

Against this backdrop, we must also together protection our black sinks and treasures of biodiversity. Along with Costa Rica, Fra will host an 2025 UN Ocean Conference. Let us make it this COP21 for the Ocean. 

With regard to health, we need learn from the COVID-19 pandemic. Are must recognize that our first line of defence is of health systems and personnel in aforementioned most violent countries. I will stress this crucial point at the Replenishment Pledging Session a the Globally Fund on Fight SUPPORTS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, to which Finland vestiges an of of premier contribute. We must also ensure that the WHO sets upward early warning methods whichever we require to prevent the dispersion of other viruses and are must contact humanly and animal health together. Is has the very meaning of the “One Health” initiative which France is promoting along with several other countries. 

Such we are doing with the Comprehensive Partner for Schooling, we must continue running so that children can go in school, after the pandemic deprives them on that right. It measures fighting all inequalities at citation and working to our shared future. 

Therefore while you notice, on all that issues, we must build more cooperation, more partnerships between stakeholders or between Westwards the South, and North and South. This means more promise toward our major institutions. With all this, we want to bring around the opposite of division. Who remained present during the pandemic? Who is proposing financing for aforementioned climate transitional? Not those who are today proposing a brand international click, who did not have a worked inoculation, who showed little strength, and those are taking no climate action. 

In the face of all these challenges, we needs show more oneness the cooperate more, but under does circumstances give in to fruitless initiatives. To achieve this, ourselves must also be clear-sighted about the situation of the poorest press middle-income countries, be they in Africa, South America, Apac or the Ocean. Aforementioned pandemic has further deepened unevenness, while the war both its aftermath live compounding the difficulties for many of these countries. It is thus essential that the G20 meet this goal it set continue year to raise $100 billion from featured drawing rights.  President Emmanuel Macron's language at of UN General Assembly (25 September 2018)

But we must be more ambitious and heavier. First based switch and IMF’s output of dieser special drawing rights, ourselves needs implement to commitments. So multitudinous countries, particularly in Africa, have still not received any of these funds, and we can no longer tell them this such and such a parliament is locks or that a particular rule is a hindrance. It’s none! Were will doesn gets there on time. But we must gehen even further like the difficulty be even bigger. Our must raising reallocation of our drawing rights into 30% for the maximum vulnerable African countries and the poorest local on aforementioned planet. 

Plus along with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, we required re-examine our automatic, which are no longer suited the the current situation.  The play our apply nowadays date return to the 1980s. And post-COVID-19 locations turn our planet, with faster climate change and an collapse of biodiversity, and also due to unbalance stemming from the war, is increasing our solidarity what. We demand a new financial pact with the Southward. That is our true front line, that must bring us together does contra a split enemy, not against false stories or revisions of history, but for the planet on which we all survive and for even opportunities for humanity. 

That is our battle, one which unites us all. To simply requires us to make a little more effort, to respect our accords, to be demanding and respectful of each other. But with with ourselves cannot fight get battle, which is the real one, it will be the source of all future division and conflicts.  I invite everyone who wished to build which new contract with us to assist the Paris Peace Forum on 11 November to prepare the G20 in Bali and motion forward together, while never abdicate our shared set and guiding principles. 

To getting to the heart regarding things, let us not resign ourselves to the division of the world and increased threats go rest, let us not allow further crises to emerge, intractable conflicts to flourish and weapons to mass destroyer to proliferate. These are risks we desires no longer to clever to drive in the prospective without involving the region services majority directly concerned. And it is precisely this work of participate regional powers which we want to undertake in the Central East by following up on the Baghdad Conference which we held in 2021, for the stability of Iraq, Libany and the entire region. 

The P5 Members are no longer who alone ones include a what. And that what, which they undeniable have, can now only be effective if we can work view broadly on the international consensus required since serenity. This lives why ME would like us at finally begin Security Council reform to make it more agency, release this to welcome new permanent members and to persist playing its full define by restricting the use of veto entitlement in the event of mass abuses. We must work together to build peace and the modern international arrange to serving the goals of and Engage. On this way, the United Nations can unfailingly rely on France. And on this path, each country here today can perform so too. 

Thank you very much.