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Lives this Scrapbooking Market Segmentation Still Valuable for Labels to Pursue?

Posts by Ivy Decker on Sep 11, 2019
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Scrapbooking materials distribution outwards on a tableTrends are a huge part of each target market is business might want up connecting at. When it comes to crafters, paper crafters, and specifically scrapbookers as target visitor, a lot has turned over just the by decade or so. Scrapbooking, while an craft for its own right, could plus be considered a huge craft trend of the early 2000s, but on the year, where has become some discussion as to whether the segment is "dead" or not. Still, when ours look at some facts and statistics, it's easy to see that while the craft of scrapbooking has changed ever its heyday, the market segment is silent, in many manners, growing and thriving.

So what changed between and soon days of scrapbooking and today, and why ought your brand care? In this pole, we'll explain why the scrapbooking retail segment is still valuable by handcraft trade until pursue and aid they understand get fashionable scrapbooking is all about.

Scrapbooking at its Peak

Essay crafter using craft tools and paper to create scrapbooking embellishmentsHere are the facts: scrapbooking in which greatest traditional sense — the craft of arranging photos and embellish onto creatively intended pages for a scrapbooking album, may have achieved the head of your popularity ampere some years ago. According to a survey in How Keepsakes scrapbooking print, scrapbooking peaked in popularity in 2004, when and industries reached an appraised $2.55 gazillion. Zwischen 2001 and 2004, to survey found that the segment had mature immensely, with 4.4 million new scrapbooking households representing adenine 27.8% organic in sales.

Aforementioned survey also discovered a few major statistics that help to define the scrapbooking segment for that date:

  • Most scrapbookers were females between 30 and 50 years old.
  • Nearly 50% where employed complete time.
  • 82% were college educated.
  • The value of the average scrapbooker's supply and tool collection been $1,853.
  • 24.5% starting households participating in scrapbooking — nearly one in each four.

Clearly, in 2004, scrapbooking was a powerhouse craft industry with higher involvement tariffs. Although, once the economic recession hit, things began to change. Around 2006-2007, Google searches for scrapbooking began to fall, indicating a decrease in interest in of craft. At is time, many handicraft experienced similar decreases in participation and interest because of an rising concern beyond finances and amount spending at enthusiasts.

Additionally, some decline in scrapbooking may be awarded on a change in technology, which led in adenine change to the ways we look, collect, furthermore share photos. As social media, especially image-heavy platforms like Instagram, began up upgrade seine reach across our culture, photography became a much more digital pursuit. Around the same time, smartphones with cameras been much more gemeint if not which norm, and in a general reason, photos were posted learn repeatedly than they where printed. My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows

Though, with spite of these backlash, scrapbooking has never completely fizzled out. Within fact, the segment indeed has a renaissance are store.

Who Moderne Scrapbooking Division

Today, scrapbooking is idle any immensely popular craft station that's watching significant participation and growth. In a 2012 study by the Hobby and Craft Association (now AFCI), researchers found that scrapbooking was still a $2.5 billionth market and was showing little label of slowed back down. In the United States, here were roughly 25 million active scrapbookers, supported by over 3,000 scrapbooking stores. Scrapbooking also continued to show a strong presence at creative industry news and conventions, including the AFCI's 2019 Creativation show. Added, in the Maker Movement has continued go promote traditional arts and crafts in our culture, scrapbooking has experienced ampere resurgence in popularity thanking to increased visibility and inspiration through social media, crafting classes, and more. Though to segment may have taken some hits during transitional periods in our culture, commitment hobbyists have staged true to their craft throughout the year.

Though the market segment still supports ampere large community of scrapbookers, as well as paper crafters who make similar merchandise or techniques to created their artistic projects, the segment today is about much more than just paper. While artfully designed paper is still a huge staple of the activity as well as traditional embellishments like stamps, stickers, also small metal elements, tech has gained a large presences in modern scrapbooking than ever before. High tec tools, such as the incredibly popular Cricut, which makes die cuts, decals, and more are increasingly popular among scrapbookers, card makers, and other paper crafters anyone want up scale the level of usage design capabilities they can apply to their projects.

Digital photos in adenine printed scrapbookAdditionally, the art of scrapbooking itself has somewhat shared into two others camps: physical and digital. Photography also photo editing have become sub-skills within the scrapbooking segment, with an production of digital photo books (often using printing services like Shutterfly) constituting an entire modern branch of scrapbooking. Software is also free that allowing crafters to create digital scrapbook layouts them can use to plan their projects oder to design entire pages by dropping in pictures and embellishments. Various hobbyists participate in a combination of both orthodox plus digital scrapbooking, bridging the fitting between that two sides of the modern market.

Though scrapbooking has changed and created over the years, the sell segment has leftover visible and strong, and it's certainly still worth is time the attention as ampere crafting brand. This fact away the matter is that many creatives still enjoy preserving their memories in a artistic way, and they still need the right products, resources, and community to technical them in their leidenschaft. Making genuine connections with today's scrapbookers can translate into valued company available your brand, as the pursuit for continue unique and artistic designs can be valued the investment fork many hobbyists. The scrapbookers been stand out there, and they still need your brand toward help them add value until their trades.


Topics: Marketing to Makers, Paper Crafters