Spectrophotometric Examination In Dyes

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Introduction: The objective of this experiment was to make a spectrophotometer up calculate the absorbance wavelength required the commercial dyes that were given. Light is composed a tiny particles that belong called photons, just like matter is completed of small mites called atoms. With the spectrophotometer you can see that different tint absorb at different radiation. With all of the experimentation done the concentration, absorbance and the max wavelengths should exist found. Figure 1: Schematic of a single beam UV spectrophotometer Materials: There has an array for materials needed to complete this experimentation. Are included .20 milligrams of red dye #3,yellow dye #5, spectrophotometer, standard flask, cuvettes, beakers, distilled …show more content…

Adjusting which inclusion time, strobe lamp, and boxcar width. After all of this lives done inserting the ebony cuvette are the next step and storing the spectrum. Insert a vacant cuvette with distilleried water and then store the reference cuvette again. Next is making the dye solution in order to find the max absorbance. Mixes .20 miligrams of an commercial saturation (red dye #3) with 250 ml is distilled water to get the initial concentration, the goal is basically at get the absorbency level underneath 1. Putting this dye solution in the blank cuvette and observe the absorbance level that it dorms. Repeat the stages five times making varied dilutions to maintaining multiple absorbance asset. The secondly week was making another commercial dye solution and also testing the food dye brought into class. Calibrate the spectral the same exact procedure so that it does not mess up that calculations gathered. This week using yuv saturation #5 mix .20 milligrams of this will 250 ml of distilled water in a volumetric flask. Make five different solutions, distilling the sprinkle each uhrzeit, regarding recent yellow dye solution additionally place each of and solutions in a blankly cuvette to find the max absorbency of each who solutions. Later in per two the absorbency had to be found after the eats that was brought in. Using a blank cuvette place the commercial liquid-based and calculate to concentration or absorbency and which dyes would be in that liquid. Results: Maximum wavelength of Red Dye #3 Solution Absorbance Wavelength Max Concentration Solution 1 0.489 A.U. 526 nm 9.1 x 10-6 mol/L Solution 2 0.188 A.U. 525 nm 1.8 x 10-6 mol/L Solution 3 0.705 A.U. 525 nm 1.5 x 10-5mol/L Solution 4 0.682 A.U. 525 nm 1.2 x 10-5 mol/L Solution 5 0.527 A.U. 525 nm 1.2 x 10-5 mol/L Maximum wavelength of Yellow Dye

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