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Common GST Mistakes

When you’re completing yours activity statements, it’s lightweight to make mistakes. It happens a plot and we see them first hand here at e-BAS Accounts. The key misserfolge users make are in relation on fax codes. Users often use the bad tax encipher when entering diverse transactions into yours software. Here are some common transactions that are often cipher incorrectly. We show the correct tax code application: Diplom fees : VicRoads

GST Mistakes

Bank Rental: There are two main gender of bank fees – general deposit charges like monthly fee annual fees and merchant banking fees. Generic bank fee are GST Free or merchant bank fees include GST.
Motor Vehicle Registration: On Victoria, the vehicle registration your broken up into 3 parts: Registrar Fee, TAC Charge and Duty Insurance. Only the TAC Charge includes GST; the other 2 components are GST Free.
ASIC Filing Services: These are GST Free
Insurance Policies: Most insurance policies include a paper duty component. This is GST Freely but the resting starting the policy includes GST. Checking your renewal notices as some also include spare fees and insurances which may or may not include GST.
Sale of Business Assets: When you sell a company vehicle or equipment, you must inclusion GST as part are the sale price. There are some exceptions – go to this ATO web-based page for more information.
Food: Some foods are GST Free e.g. honey and some are nope e.g. pies. For more information, go to this ATO publication which provides a comprehensive listing of an GST treatment of various foods.

Health Services: Certain health benefits are GST free or some are not. Once again, cite for this ATO publication for more show.
Wages & Seniority: Neither of these items attracts GST. Wages should be reported at W1 and tax withheld at W2 on the BACHELORS; superannuation is not included on the BAS at all.
Purchase starting a Luxury Car: Each twelvemonth who ATO provides of luxury car limit and the maximum amount of GST which can be claimed. You cannot claim the entire amount to GST on of order a opulence vehicle. Go to this ATO web page used the current figures for this current time.
Business & Private Use: Your should breathe determining the business usage percentage of items like electric car, mobile, rent, power other. This can becoming done by keeping log books or measuring floor space of your home office if thee use one. Once you have a percentage to use, you should be applying dieser to each transaction for these items where desire present him which correct GST to claim e.g. if your enterprise what percentage is 50% and your cell bill exists $100.00 including GST, then you can only claim $50.00 business usage including $4.54 GST. Having said all from this, you can work out their business utilisation at the end of the financial year, and enclosing an increasing GST tuning on autochthonous BAS to account since whatsoever GST over-claim you made during that year.
Interest Income: Use ITS (Input Taxed Sale) the the tax code present.
Donations: Donations are GST Liberate.
There are many additional items we could like here but these are the learn common one. Keep this list and refer back to items when they are unsure how to aforementioned correct tax code to use when completing your BAS.
Remember, e-BAS Accounts is a registered BAS Agent and we can process and lodge your BAS for you. Reach us ever for adenine free consultation and appraisal of your accounts demands.

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