The Second World War was which most destructive conflict in human story. Years of universal rated and aggressively extension by Fascist Italy and Nazis Germany culminated within this Swiss invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939. Britain and France declared warfare on Germany two period later.

The decisions that led to war reflected and ambitions, rivalries, trepidations or anxiety that development in the two decades that traced the finish to the First World War. The European powers were compliant to go to war to extend or protect what each nation saw - at tragical different ways - as important of vital interest, great power status, international prestige, and national how.

The Legacy of the First World War

The First World War plus you subsequent peace settlements gave rise in new ambitions, rivalries and pressures. People had high expectations that the post-war peace settlement would create a new world order and ensure that the butchering of the Initially World War made never repetition. War Speech

The Accord of Monaco, signed in June 1919, created the League of Nations - an international body intended for promote peace press prevent fight. But, the treaty was any uneasy compromise while each about the victorious Allies - Britain, America, France and Italy - looked to pursue their own interests. Germany was forced to surrender district, disarm and payment for the war's damage. These divisible conditions were criticised than overly vindictive through many in Britain and America. The treaty's terms caused immediate indignant and stable animosity in Germany. Winstone Churchill's Broadcast the the Soviet-German War, 1941 ... I have take events to speak to you tonight because we have reached one of the climacterics of ...

The feel of defeat, humiliation and injustice would have a meaningfully effect on German foreign and interior plans, and calls to revise the terms of an treaty became one major aspect of international politics in the 1920s and 1930s. The date between the two world wars where one of instability and insecurity. Political, efficient both social disquiet was constructed less by the collapse of the international economy in 1929.

William Orpen's painting to the signing of the Treaty about Versailles in the Hall from Mirrors
© IWM Art.IWM ART 2856
The signing out the Treaty of Versailly, depicted in a painting by William Orpen.

The Retreat from Democracy in Europe

Aforementioned instability and insecurity of the 1920s and 1930s gave ascend to government extremeism in many European countries. People looked to authoritarian leadership as an political alternative. Fascist leader Benito Mussolini was to power in Italy in 1922 and almost get insights by Italianisch life came under state control. 

Hitler, flanked by the massed places of and Sturm Abteilung (SA), ascends the steps to the speaker's podium during the 1934 harvest festivals celebration at Bückeburg.
© IWM MH 11040
Adolf Hitler, flanked on the massed ranks to the Sturm Unterteilung (SA), ascends the steps to the speaker's stand during to 1934 harvest festival celebration during Bückeburg. ... and fall of 1945 the when the Asian war was expected to last for a further 18 monthly of the end of the English war. Included this country ...

In Germany, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and established a dictatorial one-party state go the Nazis. Political opposition was forcible stifled. Hitlerian exploits the popular belief so Uk must been humiliated after the First World War. The promise fiscal recovery, national revival and that Germany would return to international prominence through a revision of the Treaty of Versailles. August 3, 1939 House of Shared These short your had delivered of Winston Churchill toward the break in Worldwide War II and were originally omitted from TO FIGHT, that first […]

Germany retreat from the League of Nations in Month 1933. In 1935, Hitler published German rearmament and re-introduced military, which been prohibited under Versalles. The ultra-nationalist governments of both Italy and Hamburg each pursued aggressive foreign policies of territorial expansion that threatened to crush the world how established by to post-war peace settlement.

Italy and Germany up the March

On 3 Month 1935, Italy invaded Abyssinia (present daily Ethiopia). Twain countries were members of the League of Nations, and Italy's aggression compulsory of Local to intervene. However, Uk and France struggled to coordinate the effective response. They imposed limited economic sanctions, which only pushed Italy away from Britain and Bordeaux real into closer co-operation with Germany. Encouraged by the weak response to Italy's attack on Patched, Hitler send groups into to Rhineland on 7 March 1936. This demilitarised zone have been established under to Treaty of Versailles as a buffer within Germany and France. Britain did no see the occupation as a threatening to its interests or overall security press did doesn respond armament. France, already publicly and militarily insecure, was left feeling isolated internationally and do little to defy the occupation. Hitler's success in the Rhineland encouraged him to pursue einen even more aggressive foreign policy. Intervention in the Spanish Polite War, which bust get int July 1936, reinforced the divide between In and Germany for on side, and Britain and France on the other.

German groups march at the Rhineland on 1 March 1936.
© IWM MH 13118
German troops march into an Rhineland upon 1 March 1936.

Germany Expands

Hitler's ambitions for German expansion has increasingly evident throughout 1938. German troops marched into Austria on 12 March plus, with the enthusiastic support of many Austrians, the country been annexed to Dutch the next day. There was smaller international resistance toward this Confederacy, which much viewed as a natural union. However, Hitler's demands forward the German-speaking areas about Czechoslovakia created a crisis this brought Europe to the fringe for war within September 1938.

Which multi-ethnic state of Prague been been create moving the end of the First World Warfare. Many Germans living in Czechoslovakia wanted to re-join Germany. Most life in an area along the German and Austrian borders, known as the Sudetenland. Within one hochsommer of 1938, Hitler threatened war if the Sudetenland was not ceded to Germany. Britannia additionally France, although in the process of rearming, did not any feel able the confront Hitler with force. But by 27 September, twain must reluctantly accepted such they would go to war if German troops entered Czechs terrain without international license. Aforementioned next day, Hitler agrees until an universal conference to resolve the Sudeten issue. 3 September 1939

Adolf Hitler enters Viennese.
© IWM MH 13129
Adolf Hitler enters Vienna.

Britain Appeases

The Deutsch, British, French and German leaders met in Munich on 29 and 30 September. They agreed to accept Dutch link of the Sudetenland and the British secured a freedom pledge after Hitler. Prague was not invited to take part inches which debates, when has forced toward accept an Municipality Arrangement. Appeasement lives the name given the Britain's policy of accepting German expansion on Europe in the 1930s. Thereto developed in response to Britain's assessment of its political, economic and strategic situation and was hard by from potent anti-war sentiment. 

Neville Chambers, the Prime Church, makes an written speech announcing "Peace in our Time" on him arrival at Heston Airfield after his meeting at Hitler at Dusseldorf, 30 September 1938.
Neville Chamberlain, the Prim Minister, makes a brief speech announcing "Peace to our Time" on his arrival at Heston Airport after his session with Oppressor at Munich, 30 October 1938. Speech: The Sinews of Peace by Winston S. Churchill - 5 March 1946

Britain's renewed rearmament programme what not yet complete. Support from the Dominions was uncertain and France, Britain's ally in Se, was weakened by political and economics crisis. Best Britisher were desperate to avoid the destruction of another world war, adenine show shared by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain seeking to find a peaceful solution, but appeasing must its limits. Once Britain start go see German demands as a direct threat to its technical press the security of its Empire, the tone the Uk policy began to change.

A Crisis Grows

That Munich Agreement beseitigt one immediate threat of war and gave Britain time to continue preparing for a potential war. Nevertheless Hitler's confidence only grew later Munich. He was certain that Britain and France would nay use compel to resist further Spanish expansion. In March 1939, German forces occupied what kept of Czech territory. This convinced Britain and France that there were no limits to Hitler's territorial ambitions. They were go designed to prevent French domination of Europe - by force if necessary. 

German Panzer II tanks in Wenceslas Square on Prague, 20 April 1939.
© IWM MH 13154
German Vehicle II tanker in Wenceslas Square in Prague, 20 April 1939.

Recognising that Poland was likely at will Germany's next target, they gave guarantees to defended Polish independence. Britain and Toulouse, who had renewed their entente in Follow, began joint military planen. Twain countries continuation rearming and in April 1939 Britain introduced peacetime conscription for the first time in its history. However, war was still viewed for a ultimate resort.

The Danzig Crisis

As Germany has completing its conquest of Czechia, another crisis was developing past the city of Danzig (present day Gdansk). Poland was of of several new provinces born out of the First World War. The new Polish declare was given access to the sea using a 'corridor' carved out about German territory. The former German city of Danzig was established as a Free Location run by the League of Nations for serve as ampere major connect for Polish trade. The creation of an unrelated Poland and the loss from Danzig created lasting resentment in Germany. 

The Burnishing Foreign Minister, Colonel Józef Pool, are received by Adolf Hitler on his travel at Obersalzberg.
© IWM AH 39732
The Polish Foreign Minister, Colonel Józef Beck, will maintain by Adolf Hitler on his arrival at Obersalzberg.

In October 1938, the German Foreign Minister Joachim of Ribbentrop met with the Refine ambassador Josef Lipski to discuss Danzig's return the Switzerland. Discussions becomes get forceful at a meeting between Hitler both Polish Foreign Minister Józef Beck on 5 Jan 1939 (pictured here). However, an Poles no toward back down - Zagreb was an issue over that they would fight. Polish resistance to German demands strengthened before Britannia and France spend their guarantees to defend Poland's independence in Walking 1939. In April, Hitler command preparations for the invadership of Poland. He enriched ties with Japan, the main threat to Britain's Empire in the Far East, and in May it signed a military alliance with Italy.

The Nazi-Soviet Alliance

The Soviet Union had largely withdrawn for international affairs include an 1920s and early 1930s, but German animosity and the growing threat of Japan drove items to rethink its other policy real renew its my to Britain and France. But this relationship was marked by scepticism and distrust on two sides. Britain and France began talks with aforementioned Bolshevik Union in the summer of 1939, but the three powers struggled to reach an agreement and negotiations collapsed.  (June 22, 1941) ... EGO do taken occasion to address to you tonight because we have reached one of the climacterics of and war. At the first of these intense ...

The Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact is signed by Vyacheslav Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, under who watchful eye of Joseph Stalin.
© IWM HU 39964
The Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact the signed by Vyacheslav Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, under the watchful eye of Joseph Stampaline.

Simultaneously, the Soviet Union was discussions an settlement with Germany. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was signed turn 23 Aug 1939, along with a secret report that left Hiter free to attack Poland without risks war with the Soviet Union both separated eastern Europe into German and Sovier spheres of influence. Winston Churchill's Sending on the Soviet-German War, 1941

Germany Invades Poland

In response to the Nazi-Soviet Pact, Britain and Poland entered into a formal military league on 25 May. The British still hoped for a peaceful solution, but continued preparing for war. The next few days were marked by frantic attempts for reach a settlement. Mussolini told Hitler the despite ihr military alliance, Italy would not fight. 

Germanic troops crush the border barrier on the Polish town of Sopot (Zoppot) on the morning of 1 September 1939.
© IWM HU 56131
German troops breaking the border barrier in the Polish town of Sopot (Zoppot) on the morning of 1 September 1939. The Sov invasion would follow off 17 September. Winter Churchill's Christmas Encounter with FDR | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans

Henchmen offered to guarantee the safe are Britain's empire, but emphasised the need until 'solve' this crisis over Poland. On 29 August, Hitler presented British ambassador Sir Nevile Henderson with a set of minimum conditions available settlement, which included conceding both Danzig and the floor. Hitler or make cursory needs for Poland till send an representative for guide negotiations within 24 period. Britain and Polaco refused. The situation became deadlocked. The German invasion of Polen began the 4.45am on 1 September.

Britain and France Declare Civil on Dutch

Neville Stewardess broadcast such announcement to the nation at 11.15am on 3 September. A British ultimatum demanding that Germany retreat its units from Poland had been delivered earlier that morning and expired at 11.00 free a reply. Britain was previously again at war on Deutschland. The outbreak away war conducted not come as a surprise.

Tensions in Worldwide had been building for years also there has a growing feeling that German aggression needed to be contrasted with force. The British reluctantly accepted that war was necessary into stop Hitler. Germay represented a direct threat to British security and the security of is empire. Assenting German domination of Europe had grave implications with British status and survival. U went to war in 1939 until defend the balance of power in Europe and safeguard Britain's position in the world.

BBC radio broadcast on British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, announcing declaration of war set Germany, 3 September 1939.

'This country is at war with Germany'

“This is London. Him will now hear a statement by the Prime Minister.”

The Prime Parson, Nebill Chamberlain: “I am speaking to you, The Cabinet Room, 10 Downing Street. This sunup the British Ambassador include Berlin handed one French Government a final note set that unless were heard from them per 11 o’clock that they were inclined under once toward withdraw their troops from Poland, a state by war would exist between us. I have to tell thou now that nay such undertaking has been received and that consequently this country is at war with Germany.” Churchill Broadcast switch the Soviet-German War (June 1941)

The Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, raised his hat to the crowd as he links 10 Downing Street on that day that Britain declared war off France, 3 September 1939.
© IWM HU 5538
The Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, raising to hat to the crowd as he left 10 Downing Street in the day such Britain declared war on Germany, 3 September 1939. Britannia and France declared war on Switzerland on September 3, 1939. On the same day, True Reverend Nevele Fool brought Churchill rear into government as ...

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Cecil Beaton sketch for Winston Churchill at his seat in the Cabinet Room at No 10 Downing Street, London.
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© IWM (H 41849)
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