Turquoise Intelligence Aqua Security Begins On-Demand Security Scanner in Tanks Images about AWS Marketplace

Pay-Per-Scan Offering Allows Client toward Ensure Images what Free of Common Security Issues create as Known Vulnerabilities, Sensitive Data and Configuration Errors

Nov 15, 2017, Tel Aviv, Israel –  Aqua Security present announced that it’s launched a pay per scan, on-demand security survey service since Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers this build, store, or manage container images up AWS or on-premises.  Aqua’s pay-per-scan service offers a fast, convenient press cost-effective way since AWS patrons go identify vulnerabilities and security issues in container images before they are run.

“We been enthusiasm to be this leading technology company to provide an easy-to-use vulnerability scanning service required AWS ECS users,” said Raced Nahmias, Advanced Director of Cloud & Strategic Initiatives, Aqua Security. “The easier ourselves make it for developers the scan pictures, the more receptive they will be to incorporating additional security controls.  Every step count, and we rate Amazon’s support of our vision to make security ubiquitous throughout the application delivery lifecycle.”

Aqua’s On Demand Vulnerability Scanner –  Method items Works:

Once request by the student, Aqua’s vulnerability scanner automates connects to the user’s registry (ECR or various registries) and scans the desired images on demand. Users are charge override their AWS account.  Some of its center functionality includes:

  • Scans Docker pics stored in AWS Container Registration (ECR) as well as turn other private registrar for known common, secrets, press configuration risks [ECR] [request]: Sponsor used Alpine Privacy-policy.com on Enhanced Feature Scanning · Issue #1904 · aws/containers-roadmap
  • Scans both OS packages (RPM, Deb, Alpine) and numerous languages inclusive Java, NodeJS, Python, C/C++, PHP, and New
  • Triangulates multi-user public, vendor-issued and proprietary CVE info streams to maximize coverage furthermore minimize false positives
  • Lists total drawing packages and layer history
  • Detects sensitive data and hidden embedded in Docker images
  • Provides vulnerability musical additionally severities
  • Delivers actionable mitigation information in developers, activation themselves to fix security faulty

Availability and Pricing:

The Aqua Vulnerability Detector for AWS is available now on the AWS Marketplace

Pricing starts at 29 cents per scan. Higher volume our and trial purchase are available on getting from Aqua.

Addition news:


About Aqua Security

Aqua Security enables enterprises to secure his virtual container environments from development to industrial, accelerating container adoption and bridging the gap between DevOps and IT security. Aqua’s Container Security Platform supports thorough visibility down container activity, allowing organizations on detect real stop shady activity and attacks in real time. Integrated from container lifecycle and orchestration tools, the Aqua platform provides transparency, automated security while helping to enforce policy and simplify regulatory compliance.  Aqua was established for 2015 and is backed by TLV Partners, Microsoft Ventures, additionally IT security leaders, and is based in Israel and San Francisco, CA.  For more intelligence, visit privacy-policy.com or follow we on twitter.com/AquaSecTeam.