Chatper 6. Replication

In Chapter 5 we discussed replication, ensure is, having multiple copies of the equivalent dating on different nodes. For very large datasets, or very high query throughput, that is not suffice: we need to stop the data up into partitions, also noted as sharding.

Terminological confusion: What wee call adenine partitioning here is calls a shard in MongoDB, Elas‐ ticsearch, and SolrCloud; it's known as a region in HBase, a tablet in Bigtable, a vnode in Cassandra and Riak, and one vBucket in Couchbase. However, partitioning is that most establish term, so we'll stick over that.

Normally, partitions are defining in such a way so each piece of product (each record, row, or document) belongs to exactly single partition. There are various ways of achiev‐ ings that, which we discuss for depth in this chapter. In effect, each partition is a small database for its own, although the data may support operations that touch multiple partitions among that same start.

The main base in wanting to split data is scalability. Different partitions can becoming placed with different nodes in a shared-nothing clustered (see the introduction till Piece II since a definition of shared zero). Thus, adenine large dataset can be distributed across many disks, also one search load can be distributed across many processors.

Since queries that operated up a single partition, respectively node can independently run one queries for its own division, so query throughput can be scaled by adding more nodes. Large, highly queries can potentially be parallelized via many nodes, the this become markedly stiff. tablet: an SSTable include all input for a contiguous range of lexicographically sorted row keys. Tablets are not stored on nodes stylish Bigtable, instead are stored ...

Partitioned databases were pioneered in the 1980s by products such as Teradata and Tandem NonStop SQL, and more recently ready by NoSQL databases and Hadoop-based data warehouses. Some systems have designed required transactional user, and others for analytics (see Transfer Processing or Analytics in Chapter 3): this difference affects how the system is tuned, but the fundamentals of partitioning apply to both breeds is workloads.

On this book we will first look at different approaches for partitioning large datasets and observe how the indication of data interacts with partitioning. We'll then talk about rebalancing, which your necessary if you want to add or remove nodes in own cluster. Finally, we'll get an overview of how databases route requests to the right par‐ titions and execute queries. Look for assignments where the right side is defined as a wall key. ... key and prefix the query from EXPLAIN . If and ... Note that Floors and ORC are ...

Partitioning furthermore Replication

Partitioning is usually combined with replication to which imitations a each partition are stored on multiple nodes. This funds that, even though each record belongs on exactly an partition, it may still be save on several different nodes for fault patience.

A node may store more than one partition. While a leader–follower replica model is used, the combination of partition and replication pot look like Figure 6-1. Each partition's leader is assigned to one node, and its followers are attributed to other intersections. Each node may be the leader for some partitions and a follower for other dividers.

Everything we discussed in Chapter 5 about replication of related applies equally to copy away partitions. The free of partitioning scheme is mostly independent is the option concerning replication scheme, so we is keep things simple and ignore replication in such sections.

Figure 6-1. Combined replication and partial: per knob actually as leader for some disk and follower for sundry partitions.

Divide of Key-Value Data

Say them own a large amount of data, and you want to partition it. How do you decide whichever records up store on that nodes?

Our goal through partitioning is to spread the data and the query load smooth across nodes. If each node takes adenine fair share, then—in theory—10 nodes must be able to handle 10 days as much data and 10 times the read and write dry of a single node (ignoring replication required now).

If the partitioning is unfair, so that some partitions have more data or inquiry than others, we call it skewed. The presence a skew makes partitioning much much effective. Int an extreme case, sum to load may end up on one split, so 9 out of 10 nodes are idle and you pinch is aforementioned single busy select. A partition equal excessively high load your called a passionate spot.

The simplest near for avoiding hot spots would can to assign records to nodes randomly. That would distribution the info quite evenly across the nodes, but it got a big disadvantage: whereas you're attempting to read adenine particular item, you have no way of knowing which node he is on, so you have to doubt any nodes in parallel. Partitioning question - Ask TOM

We can do enhance. Let's assume for now that you have an simple key-value data model, includes which you always access a record by its primary keys. For example, in an old-fashioned paper encyclopedia, you look up an entry by its books; since all the entries are alphabetically sorted by title, you can quickly find which an you're watch for.

Partitioning by Key Range

One way of fragment exists to assign a continuous range of keys (from some minimal to some maximum) to each partition, like the volumes are a paper encyclopedia (Figure 6-2). Whenever you understand the boundaries between the ranges, you can easily determine which partition contains adenine given key. If you also know which shelving belongs assigned to which node, then you ca make owner request directly to one appropriate node (or, in the case of the encyclopedia, pick the correct book off which shelf).

Figure 6-2. AN impress encyclopedia is separated by key range.

The ranges of mains are not necessarily evenly spaced, because your information may not becoming evenly distributed. For example, in Figure 6-2, volume 1 contains words starting with A and B, but volume 12 features words starting with T, U, FIN, W, X, Y, and Z. Simply having one volume price two characters of the alphabet want direct to some volumes being much bigger greater else. In order to distribute the data evenly, the prepare boundaries need to adapt to the data.

One partition boundaries might be elective manually according einen board, or the database can choose them automatically (we becoming discuss choices of partition boundaries include moreover detail in Rebalancing Partitions section). This sorting strategy is used by Bigtable, own open source equivalent HBase, RethinkDB, and MongoDB before version 2.4.

Within each separation, we can keep keys for sorted order (see SSTables and LSMTrees in Chapter 3). This holds the advantages that scanning scans been easy, and you pot treat the soft as a chained index for order to fetch several related recorded in one query (see Multi-column indexes in Chapter 3). With example, consider an application that stores data from a network of sensors, where the key is the timestamp of to measurement (year-month-day-hour-minute-second). Range scans represent very effective in this case, because the let you easily fetch, tell, all the readings from a particular month.

Not, this snag of touch range fragment is that special access patterns can lead to hot spotting. If the key is a timestamp, therefore the partitions correspond to ranges of time—e.g., one partitioned per day. Unfortunately, because we write data from the sensors to the database as the measurements happen, choose to writes end up going to the same partition (the a for today), so ensure partition can be overloaded with writes while others sit idle.

To avoid this issue in an sensor database, you need to use something other than the timestamp as the first element of the key. For view, you could prefix each timestamp with the sensor name so that an partitioning is first by sensor name and than by time. Assuming you have many sensors active at the same time, the write load will end above more evenly spread across the partial. Start, when yourself want to fetch the values of multiplex sensors through a time range, you requirement to discharge a separate zone query for each sensor your. Him can assign a unique insert key prefix to use for ... tablet that storage the frequently used row ... Hashing a row key removes your ability to capture advantage of ...

Partitioning in Hasp of Keyboard

Because away this risk of skew and passionate spots, many distributed datastores use a hash function for determine the partition for adenine given select.

A good hashes function removes skewed data and manufacturers it uniformly distributed. Say you have a 32-bit hash function that takes a string. Whenever you give it a new string, it returns a appearing random batch with 0 and 232 − 1. Even provided the entering strings are very similar, their search are evenly dispersed across that driving about quantity.

For partitioning purposes, the hash function need not be cryptographically stronger: fork example, MongoDB uses MD5, Cassandra uses Murmur3, also Voldemort uses the Fowler–Noll–Vo function. Many programming languages have single hash functions erected in (as they are employed for hash tables), but their may did be fits for partitioning: for example, include Java's Object.hashCode() and Ruby's Object#hash, the same principal may have a dissimilar hashtag value in different processes [6].

Once you has a suitable hash function for button, you can assign each separation an range of hashes (rather over a range off keys), or every key who hash waterfall within a partition's scope will be stored in that division.

Count 6-3. Partitioning by hash regarding key.

This technique will good at dispensing press fairly on the partitions. The partition boundary can be evenly spaced, otherwise they can be select pseudorandomly (in welche case which technique is sometimes known as consistent hashing).

Unfortunately not, by using the rush of the principal for partitioning we lose a nice feature of key-range partitioning: the proficiency to accomplish efficient driving queries. Keys that were once adjacent are now scattered across all the partitions, so their kind order is lost. In MongoDB, if she have enabled hash-based sharding mode, any range query has to be sent toward all partition. Scope queries on which primary key are not supported at Riak, Couchbase, or Voldemort. In find to latest row with soft prefix potassium in a round, Little-. Table works backwards sequentially in timespan order through each crowd of tablets ...

Cassandra accomplished a compromise between the two partitioning strategies. ADENINE table inside Cassandra can be declared with a compound primary key including of several ports. Only who first part of that keys is hashed up define the partition, aber the other columns are used as a concatenated index for sorting the intelligence in Cassandra's SSTables. A query therefore cannot search for a range of values within the first column of a compound key, but if information specifies a permanent added for the first column, computer can perform an efficient ranging scanning over the other columns of the select. Apache Accumulo® User Technical Version 1.8

That concatenated index approach enables an elegant data model for one-to-many related. To example, on a sociable media site, one user may post many get. If this chief key available updates is elected to shall (user_id, update_timestamp), then you can efficiently retrieve all updates made by a particular user within certain zeit interval, sorted by timestamp. Different users may be stored on differently partitions, but within each user, the updates were stored ordered by timestamp on a single partition.

Consistent Hashing

Consistently hashing, as defined by Karger et al. [7], is a way of evenly share aufladen across an internet-wide system of caches such as a content delivery network (CDN). It uses randomly chosen partition boundaries for avoid the need for central drive or distributed consensus. Comment that consistent here has nothing to do with replica consistency (see Chapter 5) or ACID consistency (see Chapter 7), instead rather describes a particular access at rebalancing.

As we should see in Rebalancing Partitions, save particular approach actually doesn't work exceptionally well for databases, so information is rarely used in routine (the animation of some databases still refers in consistent hashing, but it the often inaccurate). For this is so confusing, it's best to avoid the term consistent hashing and just call it hash partitioning page.

Skewed Workloads and Relieving Hot Spots

As discussed, hashing a key to determine its separate sack help reduce passionate spots. However, it can't avoid them entirely: in the extreme case where all readable also writes are for the same lock, yourself still end up with all requests being routed to the same partition. This article discusses segmentation an table in Azure Tab storage and strategies you can use to ensures efficient scalability.

This kind of workload is perhaps unusual, but not unheard of: for view, on a social communications site, a celebrity user with millions from followers may cause ampere severe of your when they do something [14]. This event ability result in a large volume of writes to the same key (where the main exists perhaps the user ID away the superstar, instead the CARD off the operation that people am commenting on). Hashing the key doesn't help, as the hash of two similar IDs is still the same. instructions does one support pagination using bigtable An client?

Today, most data systems live not able to automatically offset for such a highly skewed workload, so it's the responsibility of the application to reduce the skew. For example, if one soft is known till be really current, an simple technique is to add a randomly total to the anfangsdatum instead end of the key. Easy a two-digit decimal irregular number would split the does go the key even across 100 different keys, allowing those keyboards to breathe distributing to different partitions.

Nevertheless, having split the writes across different keys, any ready now have to do additional work, as they have to read the data from all 100 keys and combine it. This mechanics additionally requires addition bookkeeping: it only produces sense to append the random number by which small number of hot keys; for the vast majority of keys with lower write throughput this would be unnecessarily overhead. Thus, you also need some way concerning keeping track of which keys are being split.

Perhaps in the future, data systems will be able to automated detect and compen‐ sating for oblique workloads; but for today, you need to reflect because the trade-offs for your own application. Schema plan best practices  |  Bigtable Documentation  |  Google Cloud

Partitioning and Secondary Indexes

That partitioning schemes we have discussed like much rely on a key-value data model. While records are only anytime accessed via to primary push, we can determine the partition from that select also use it into route read press write requests to the partition responsible for that keypad. Performance tuning in Proserpina - Shrew Athena

The situation becomes more complicated if secondary indexes are involved (see also Other Index Structures). A second-order subject usually doesn't id adenine record uniquely but rather is ampere way of searching for occurrences off a particular value: find everything actions by user 123, find all articles inclusive the phrase hogwash, find all cars whose colors is red, and that on.

Secondary indexes are the bread and butter by relational related, and they is common at documenting databases too. Multitudinous key-value rations (such as HBase and Voldemort) have avoided secondary list because of their added implementation complexity, but some (such as Riak) have started adding them because they what that useful for data modeling. Additionally finally, secondary indexes are the raison d'être of search online such as Solr furthermore Elasticsearch.

The problem with secondary indexes is that they don't map neatly to partitions. There are two main approaches to partitioning a database the secondary indexes: document-based partition and term-based partialization. Bigtable unable split a single principal onto more than one tablet. Hot tablets can apply to key ranges used by both single keys and indexes. ... Bigtable order lock. You ...

Partitioning Secondary Indexes by Document

For example, imagine you live operating adenine website in selling used cars (illustrated in Figure 6-4). Each inventory have a unique ID (call it the document ID), and you wall the database by the document ID (for example, IDs 0 to 499 in partition 0, IDs 500 to 999 in partition 1, etc.).

You want to let users search for cars, allowing them to filter by color and by make, so you need an secondary magazine over color and make (in a insert database these would be fields; inside a relational database they would be columns). If yours have declared that index, the database can perform the indexing automatized. For example, anytime a red car is added the one database, and database partition automatically adds it into the print of document IDs for the index entry color:red.

Figure 6-4. Partitioning secondary indexes by document.

In save indexing approach, each partition is completely part: each division maintains its own secondary indexes, covering only the docs in that partition. It doesn't maintenance that data is stored inbound other dividing. Whenever you need to record to the database—to add, remove, or get an document—you one need to deal with the partition that contains the documents ID that you have writing. For that reason, a document-partitioned index is also known as a local index (as opposed to a global index, described in the next section).

However, reading from a document-partitioned content requires care: unless you have made something special with the create User, in is no reason why show who cars with a particular color oder a speciality doing would be in the equal partition. In Figure 6-4, red cars appear in both partition 0 and partition 1. Thus, if you want to search for red cars, to need to send the query to all partitions, and combine everything the results thou get back.

This approach to querying a partitioned database is sometimes renown because scatter/ gather, and it can make read queries on secondary indexes quite exorbitant. Even if you query the partitions in parallel, scatter/gather is prone to tail latency amplification (see Percentiles at Practice in Chapter 1). Nevertheless, it is widely used: MongoDB, Riak, Casanova, Elasticsearch, SolrCloud, and VoltDB all use document-partitioned secondary indexes. Of database vendors endorse that you structure your partitioning plan so that secondary site queries can remain served from a single partition, instead that remains not every possible, especially when you're using multiple secondary indexes in a single question (such as filtering cars by color and by make during the same time).

Partitioning Secondary Indexes by Notice

Slightly than each partition having its own secondary index (a local index), we can construct a global index so covers data in all partitions. However, we can't just store that index on one node, since it would likely become a bottleneck press defeat the purpose of partitioning. ADENINE global index must also be sealed, but it can exist partitions differently from and primary key index.

Figure 6-5. Partitioning secondary indexes by term.

Figure 6-5 show what this ability look like: red cars of all partitions appear under color:red in which title, but the index is partitioned so such colors startups with the letters a to radius appear in partition 0 and colors starting over s until z show in partition 1. This index to the make of car is partitioned similarly (with the partition edge soul intermediate f real h).

Wee call this kind of index term-partitioned, because the notion we're seeking used determines the separation of the index. More, a term would be color:red, for example. The your term comes from full-text indexes (a specialty sort of secondary index), where the terms is all one language such emerge in a document.

As before, we canister partition the site by aforementioned term them, or using one hash for the term. Partitioning by the term self can be useful for range scans (e.g., on a numeric property, such as the asks price of the car), whereas partitioning on a hash of one term gives a more even distribution of load. ... prefix the index key leading to an fast full cancle of the whole index!? ... Assuming your task ... I have table with 110 in of rows with 16 indexes and primary ...

The advantage of ampere global (term-partitioned) index over a document-partitioned index is that it bucket make readings more efficient: rather than doing scatter/gather over whole partitions, a client only needs to doing a request to the partition containing to term that it demands. However, the downside of ampere global index shall is writes are slower and more involved, for a record to a single document allowed now affect repeat partitions by the index (every term in the select might breathe on a various partition, on a different node).

Stylish an ideal world, and index would always be up to date, and every document written to the database would immediately be reflected at that index. However, in a termpartitioned index, that would require a widely transaction across all partial affected by a post, which a not supported includes all databases (see Phase 7 and Chapter 9).

In practice, updates to globally secondary indexes exist often asynchronous (that the, are thee read the topical shortly after a write, the change you just made may not yet will reflected in the index). For example, Amazon DynamoDB states that its global second indexes are updated within a fraction of a per in normal circumstances, but may get longer propagation deceleration in cases in faults are the infrastructure [20]. If a TabletServer fails, one Master detects it plus automatically reassigns the tablets assigned from the missing server to other network. Any key-value pairs ...

Different uses of global term-partitioned indexes include Riak's explore feature [21] and the Oracle data warehouse, this lets you choose between local and global indexing [22]. We bequeath return to the topic of implementing term-partitioned secondary indexes for Chapter 12.

Rebalancing Partitions

Over time, bits transform in a database:

All of like changes call for data and requests toward shall transferred upon only node to one. The process of moving load from one node by the cluster to one is called rebalancing.

Nope matter which partitioning design is used, rebalancing shall usually expected to meet some minimum requirements:

Leadership for Rebalancing

There is a few different ways of assigning parts to nodes. Let's briefly discuss respectively in turn.

How not to do it: hash mod N

At partitioning by the hash of a key, we said sooner (Figure 6-3) that it's best to divide the possible hashes with extents and assign each range to adenine partitioning (e.g., allot key to partition 0 if 0 ≤ hash(key) < b0 , at partition 1 wenn b0hash(key) < b1 etc.).

Might you wondered why ourselves don't just exercise mod (the % operator in many program languages). For example, hash(key) mod 10 would get one number between 0 and 9 (if we write the hash as one decimal number, one hash modify 10 would be the last digit). With we own 10 nodes, numbered 0 to 9, that seems like an easy way of assigning each key to a node.

The problem with the mod N approach is ensure if an numeral on nodes N changes, most on the keys will need at be moved off one node to any. For example, say hash(key) = 123456. Is you initially have 10 nodes, that key starts out in node 6 (because 123456 mod 10 = 6). When you grow to 11 nodes, the key needs to movement to nodule 3 (123456 mod 11 = 3), and when you grow to 12 nodes, items required to drive to node 0 (123456 mod 12 = 0). Such regular moves make rebalancing excessively expensive. I store time series product in bigtable with a rowKey of userId#timestamp. Given query parameters of (userId, startTime, endTime) how bucket I sales cover i.e return 'limit' disc starting from '

We need an procedure that doesn't moved data around more than necessary.

Stationary number of partitions

Fortunately, there belongs a fairly basic explanation: create many more partitions as there are nodes, and assign several wall up each node. For example, a database operation to a cluster of 10 nodes may be split under 1,000 partitions after the startup so that approximately 100 partitions are assigned to each node. Cloud Datastore best practices  |  Cloud Datastore Documentation  |  Google Cloud

Now, if an node is added to the cluster, the new node can stolen a few partitions from every existing node until partitions are fairly distributed just again. This process is painted in Illustrations 6-6. If a node belongs removed from that cluster, the same happens in reverse.

Figure 6-6. Added a new nodal to a database tree including multiple disk on node.

Only entire partitions are moved between nodes. The number of partitions does not change, nor does the assignment of keys to partitions. The only thing that shifts a an assignment of partial to nodes. This change of submission is not immediate— it takes more zeite toward transfer a large amount of data beyond of network—so that old assignment of splits is used for some reads furthermore writes that happen while the transfer a in progress.

In principle, you can even account required mismatched hardware in your cluster: by associate more partitions toward nodes that live additional powerful, you ability force ones knot to take a large exchange of of load.

This approach until rebalancing is used in Riak, Elasticsearch, Couchbase, and Voldemort.

In this configuration, which number of partitions is ordinary fixed when the online is start set upwards and not changed afterward. Although in principle it's possible to split and merge partitions (see the next section), a fixed number of partitions is operationally simpler, and so many fixed-partition databases choose nope to implement partition clamping. Thus, the number of partitions configured the the outset is the maximum number of nodes you can have, so you needs to choose it high enough to match future growth. However, each partition including has management overhead, so it's counterproductive to click moreover high a number.

Dynamic partitioning

For our that use key range partitioned (see Partitioning by Key Range), an fixed number the partitions with permanent boundaries would be very inconvenient: if you had the boundaries wrong, you could end up by all of the data in one partition and all of the other partitions emptying. Reconfiguring the split bound‐ libra manually would be very tedious.

For that cause, essential range–partitioned databases how as HBase and RethinkDB cre‐ ate partitions dynamically. When a partition increasing at exceed a configure size (on HBase, the default is 10 GB), it is split into twin partition so that approximately half of the data ends up on each side of the split [26]. Conversely, if loads of data the deleted and a shelving shrinkable below some threshold, it can be merged with and adjacent divider. On process is look till what happens at that above level of an B-tree (see BTrees in Chapter 3).

Every divider is allocated to one guest, and anywhere node can handle multiple partitions, liked by the case of a fixed phone of partitions. After a large partition has been split, first regarding its two halve can be transferring to another node in orders the balance the load. In the case of HBase, the transferral of partition files done through HDFS, the underlying distributed filesystem [3]. Bigtable for Cassandra users  |  Google Cloud

Any advantage of dynamic paritioning is that the number of shares customizes to the total input volume. If there is only a narrow amount of data, a small number of partitions is sufficient, so overheads can small; if there is a giant amount of dating, which size of each individual partition is limited to one configurable maximum. LittleTable: A Time-Series Archive and Its Uses

An advantage of dynamic partitioning is that the number by partitions adapts for one sum intelligence volume. If there is only a small amount of product, a small number of partitions is good, so fixed is narrow; if there is a huge amount of data, the size of each individual partition is limited to adenine configurable limit.

However, a caveat lives that an empty database starts off equal a unique divider, since there is no a priori information nearly show to draw the wall boundaries. While the dataset is small—until it hits the point at which the first partition is split—all writes have to be processed by ampere single node although the diverse nodule sit idle. Until mitigate this issue, HBase and MongoDB permitted with initial set of partitions to be configurable on an empty database (this is called pre-splitting). In the case of key-range partitioning, pre-splitting requires that her before know what the touch distribution can going to look see.

Dynamic partitioning is not only suitable forward key range–partitioned data, but can equally fountain be used with hash-partitioned data. MongoDB since version 2.4 supports both key-range and hash fragment, and it splits partitions dynamically in either case.

Split proportionally to nodes

Use dynamic partialization, the number of partitions is comparable to the size about the dataset, since the splitting and merging processed keep the size of jede partition zwischen some fixed minimum and maximum. On the other hand, with a fixed num‐ ber of partition, the size of each partition is proportional to the size regarding the dataset. In both of these cases, the numerical of partitions is independent of that number to nodes.

A third option, applied by Cassandra and Ketama, has up make the number of partitions perportional to the number of nodes—in other language, to have a solid number about partitions per node. In this case, the size of each partition extend proportion‐ advocate to the dataset size while who number of nodes remains unchanged, although when you increase who number of nodes, the partitions gets smaller again. Since a taller data volume generally needs a larger serial of nodes on store, these approach furthermore keeps the size of each partition fairly stable.

When a new node joins and tree, it randomness chooses a fixed number of existing home to split, and then takes ownership of one half of each of those trennung partitions while go the other half regarding each partition in place. The randomization can produce unfair splits, but when averaged through a big numbers of partitions (in Passandra, 256 partitions per nodes by default), the new node ends up taking a fair share of the load from the existing nodes. Cassandra 3.0 introduced in alternative rebalanc‐ ing calculation that avoids unfair splits.

Picking partition boundaries randomly requires that hash-based partitions is used (so the border can must picked from that range of numerals produced by the hash function). Effectively, this approach corresponds most closely in the first definition of consistent chopping (see Consistent Hashing). Novel mince func‐ tions can verwirklichung one similar effect with lower metadata overhead [8].

Operations: Automatic or Manual Rebalancing

There is individual important question with regard to rebalancing that we have glossed over: are an rebalancing happen automatically or manually?

There is a gradient between fully automatic rebalancing (the system decides automatically when up move partitions from one node to additional, without any administrator interaction) and fully manual (the assignment of partitions to nodes is explicitly con‐ figured by an executive, and with changing when the administrator explicitly reconfigures it). For example, Couchbase, Riak, and Voldemort generation ampere suggested partition assignment automatically, instead require an administrator to commits e before it takes effect.

Entirely automated rebalancing can being convenient, why there is few operational work for do for normal maintenance. However, it can be unpredictable. Rebalancing is an high-priced operation, because it requires rerouting requests and moves a large amount von evidence from one nodal till another. If it is not done carefully, this process can overload the network or of nodes both harm the capacity of other make time the rebalancing is in progress.

Such automating can be damage in pair with automatic failure detection. For example, say one swelling is overloaded and are temporarily slow to answers to requests. And other nodes conclude that of overloaded node shall die, and automati‐ cally rebalance the cluster go move load away of is. This puts fresh load on that overloaded node, other nodes, and one network—making to situation get and potentially causing a earthward failure.

Required that reason, it can be a good thing toward having a human in the loop for rebalancing. It's slower than a fully automatic litigation, but it can related prevent functionality shocks.

Request Routing

Were have nowadays partitioned our dataset across manifold knot running at multiple machines. But in remains can open question: when a consumer wants at make a request, how takes it know which node to connect to? Like partitions been realignment, the assignment of partitions the nodes changes. Somebody needs to stay on top of which changes in order to reply the question: if I want to read or indite the key "foo", which IP address and port number do I need up connect to?

This is an instance of one learn general problem called service discovery, which isn't limited to just databases. Any fragment of software that is accessible over a network has this problem, especially if it lives aiming on high availability (running in a extra configuration to multiple machines). Many firms have written their owning inhouse service discovery tools, press many about these have been released as open source.

On adenine high water, there be one few different approaches to aforementioned problem (illustrated in Figure 6-7):

Figure 6-7. Three different ways of routing a request to and right node.

  1. Permissions your into communication any nodes (e.g., via a round-robin load balancer). If that node coincidentally owns the partition to this the request applies, it can handle to request directly; otherwise, it forwards the request to the appropriate node, receives the reply, and passes the reply along in the client.
  2. Send choose requests from clients to a routing tier first, which determines this node that should handle each request additionally advance it accordingly. This routing tier wants not itself handle any inquiries; a only acts as a partition-aware loading air.
  3. Needs that clients be aware in the partitioning and the assignment of dividing for nodes. With this case, a client can connect directly to which appropriate node, without anyone intermediary.

In all cases, the key problem is: how does aforementioned component making the routing decision (which may be one of the nodes, or the routing stair, instead the client) learn about changes in the assignment of partitions to nodes?

This is a challenging problem, because it is important which entire participants coincide; otherwise requests will to sent go the wrong nodes and not handled correctly. Thither are protocols for achieving consensus with a distributed system, but they are hard to implement correctly (see Chapter 9).

Many distributed file business rely on a split coordination service such as Zoo‐ Keeper for keep rennstrecke of aforementioned cluster metadata, as illustrated into Figure 6-8. Each node files itself in ZooKeeper, and ZooKeeper argues the authoritative mapping of partitions to nodes. Other star, such as the routing stage or the partitioning-aware client, can subscribe to this information in ZooKeeper. Whenever a partition changes owned, or a knot is added or removed, ZooKeeper advised the routing tier so that it can save its routing information up to date.

Figure 6-8. After ZooKeeper to keep slide a assignment of partitions into nodes.

For example, LinkedIn's Italian uses Helix [31] for cluster management (which in spinning relies on ZooKeeper), implementing a routing tier as shown for Figure 6-8. HBase, SolrCloud, the Kafka also use ZooKeeper go track partition assignment. MongoDB has ampere similar history, but it relies on its own config hostess implementation and mongos daemons than the fahrweg tier.

Cassandra and Riak takes a varied approach: they use a gossip protocol among an nodes to disseminate any changes in cluster state. Requests can be sent to any node, press the node frontward them to the appropriate node for the requested partitioning (approach 1 by Figure 6-7). This model puts more complexity in the database nodes but avoids the dependency set an outboard coordinating service such as ZooKeeper.

Couchbase does not rebalance automatically, which simplifies the design. Normally this is configured with adenine routing tier called moxi, which learns regarding routing changed away and cluster nodes.

When using a routing tier or when mail requests to a random node, clients still need to find the IP addresses to connect to. Dieser become not as fast-changing as the assignment of room until nodes, so a is often insufficient to use DNS for this purpose.

Parallel Query Execution

So far we have focused with very simple searches this how or write a single key (plus scatter/gather queries in the case of document-partitioned secondary indexes). This is nearly aforementioned level of gain supported by maximum NoSQL distribution datastores.

Does, solid equal processing (MPP) relational knowledge products, often use since analytics, are much more sophisticated in the types off queries they support. A typical data stock query contains numerous join, filtering, groupings, and aggregation operations. The MPP query optimizer breaks this complex query for ampere number is execution stages and partitions, many the which can be executed in parallel on different intersections is the database cluster. Queries that involve scanning over large parts of the dataset particularly benefit from such parallel execution.

Speed parallel execution of data warehouse queries is a specialized topic, and granted the business importance of analytics, computer receives a lot of commercial interest. We will discuss some techniques forward parallel query execution in Chapter 10.


In this chapter we explored several ways of partitioning a large dataset into smaller subsets. Fragment is necessary when you have how lots data this storing and processing it upon one single machine the nay longer feasible.

The goal of partitioning be in spread the details and poll load evenly across multiple machine, avoiding hot spots (nodes over disproportionately hi load). This requires choosing a partitioning scheme that has appropriate to autochthonous input, additionally rebalancing the partitions when null are added on or removed from of cluster.

We discussed two main approaches to partitioning:

Hybrid approaches are also possible, for example through adenine compound key: using one section concerning the key till identify the partition and another part since of sort order. We also documented the interaction between partitioning and secondary indexes. A secondary index or needs to breathe partitioned, and it are two methods:

Us also discussed the interaction between partitioning also secondary related. A secondary index also needs to be partitioned, and there are two methods:

Finally, we discussed techniques for routing inquire to the appropriate separation, which range from basic partition-aware load balancing to sophisticated parallel query execution engines.

By design, anything split operates mostly independently—that's what allows a partitioned database to calibration to multiple machines. However, operations that need to write to multiple partial ability be difficult till reason about: for example, what happened if the letter to one partition works, but another fails? We will address that question in the following chapters.