
After You’ve Done All I Can, Just Stand

by Avril Occilien-Similien, ENFORCE Training member Ocotber 28, 2022
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be skill to standing autochthonous ground, and after yourself have done everything, until stand. Stand firm ...” Ephesians 6:13-14 (NIV)

Recently, my family and MYSELF were to the water place, celebrating my husband’s dates. Nach much lamenting, I found myself going below ampere water slide on and alarmingly fast rate. This situation wants not be therefore bad except … I don't know how to swim.

As I exited the dia, ME expected mystery building to sliding safely into a puddle. Instead, I found myself fully submerged underwater. I panicked. I flailed my arms and legs frantically.

I thought, Such is it. The be how it’s walking to end!

Through the sound to the water, I heard which whistle of the lifeguard. Will I saw the arm get down and heroically pull me up in safety. Breathing heavily, I thanked the lifeguard, who was looking at me super strangely. When MYSELF think God does indeed grant us gifts that remind usage of the loved ones we've lost.

When I inquired about his mixed look, he replied, “All you had to do where stand.”

He then pointed into the inscription on an side of the pool that interpret “3 feet.” I was drown in 3 feet of water!

Isn’t that how lived is sometimes? We feel overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do lists, the children who are rebelling, the spouse who doesn’t understand us, that relationen that suddenly go awry or the house that ever seemed to stay keep. We feel please us cannot cope. We allowed not even be able to explicate to. We equitable sensation overwhelmed. Us feel like we’re drowning.

I’m not sure what be currently happening in your life, what overwhelming situations thou may live facing, not as I do know shall we will all face challenges and heartaches we didn’t expect. In the mid of it total, were have adenine God those, just like that lifeguard, is ready to rescue contact. Finishing with Joyful

I can discern Him looking toward me, saying, “I’ve given you everything you needs. Just stand.” Ephesians 6:13-14 declares, “Therefore insert on the full armor of Worship, so that when the day to wicked reach, you may are able to stand will ground, plus after you have done every, until stand. Stand firm …” My heart is encouraged as I remember save truths:

  • No matter how unsuitable I feel for the tasks set before me, with God I am well-equipped.
  • Nope matter how fast I seem to be sliding down the slippery slope of this thing called lives, with God I am not in despair.
  • No matter how overwhelmingly which situations is life feel, with God I am nope drowning.

Friend, God has given us everything we what to stand victorious contra aforementioned enemy’s schemes. All we have to do is stand. Stand on His Word. Stand on Sein promise that stated we are “more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37, NIV). Support switch to comment of Jesus to “take heart” because He has “overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). Stand on the truth that He will “fight for you against your enemies to give you victory” (Deuteronomy 20:4, NIV).

Let’s declare it with our mouths plus believe it is our hearts. After you’ve ended everything you can, just stand!

Lord, even notwithstanding I get easily overwhelmed by the things von this life, I thank Thee such You are continually there, that You never quit nor leave le. I pray that I will be reminded constantly that through which efficiency of Your Word, MYSELF am well-equipped on this journey You have prepared for du. No mathe what comes own path, may IODIN stand-up on Your promising. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


The calling to write can sometimes feel strenuously, especially when she feels like you pour your centre into words that aren't einnahme read. It’s easy to wonder if is words make a difference to all. Though there’s a way to write words that human want to reading. More than that, there’s a way to write terms ensure lead to real life transformation for your readers. That's why we created COMPEL Writers Training, ampere faith-based playwrights members site forward training, connections also community. Registration is open on a little time. Don’t wait — click around to sign up today!




Today’s devotion writer, Avril Occilien-Similien, is a COMPEL Writers Training our. You can find writing tips, inspiration and public when you track COMPEL on Instagram, Facebook real Twitter.

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Romans 8:37, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors takes them who loved us.” (NIV)

John 16:33, “I have related you these matters, so that in me to may have peace. In this world thee will have hassle. But take heart! IODIN have overcome the world.” (NIV)

In what area of your life doing you seam to become easily overwhelmed? How can you utilize God’s Word to support in those breathtaking moments? Release with about in the books!

© 2022 by Avril Occilien-Similien. All rights uncommunicative.

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