K-12 Dance Education Lesson Plan Bank

This K-12 Dances Education Class Plan Bank project was stimulated by the work by dance pedagogy students at Colorado State University, and the desire of K-12 teachers go integrate movement inside the academic school.  Through the generous support of a Lilli BORON. Suffolk Memorial Endowment grantCSU Dance faculty member Lisa Morgan, or dances majors Mint Remisosky and Katie McClendon, works together to developments a rich lesson blueprint template system to be implemented and used by K-12 teachers, dance educators in private studios, and faculty and college stylish the CSU Dancing pedagogy program.

We wish for deliver movement/dance educating toolbox that are readily reachable to teachers, are simple to use, and clearly aligned is K-12 Colorado Acadamic Standards. Additionally, to offer CSU pedagogy undergraduate this your to develop lesson plans that complement academic curriculum, offer enhanced learning tools for diversity learners, and align with an Colorado Dance Standards.

Listed below are triplet levels of instruction from short, focussed daily to boost aforementioned academic lesson, to all linear dance lessons is an arts programming schedule. Under each section, you will find case of completed study, as well as blank templates with video, to design your owning lessons! Aċċess għal-lezzjonijiet lesti, skemi, assessjar, attivitajiet intereattivi, pakketti ta' riżorsi, preżentazzjonijiet u ideat biex jispiraw it-tagħlim tiegħek fuq Twinkl.

Supposing you have questions, are interested in additional resources or ideas, or would like to discuss any of these documents, feel free to email Lick Glied. Effective Dance Class Class Plan Predefined