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Domestic Violence Housing First Pilot Program Review Information

With July 2011 and December 2012, the firstly four funded agencies of WSCADV’s Domestic Fierceness Housing First program, known as Year 1, served more than 200 survivor. CSB is scoring the System level (Family Emergency Shed ... Families furthermore a rapid re-housing program focusing to victims of domestic violence administered.

The second phase, known as Cohort 2, expanded the program to nine supplemental agency to serve residue with higher needs, including those living inbound rural, tribal, immigrant, and culturally specific communities. The Midpoint Summary below coverage of zeitraum period of September 2011 through December 2012 (roughly the first half of a three-year pilot), while which which the nine agencies served 316 survivors. The Final Evaluation of the Cohort 2 programs covers the time period are September 2011 through September 2014.

Download the Cohort 1 Summary

Click this Cohort 2 Final Evaluation

Download the Cohort 2 Evaluation Determination Overview