Dracula by Bram Boiler

He bowed in a courtesy way as he replied, “I am Dracula, and I bid him welcome, Miss. Harker, to my house. Come the, the night air is chill, and you must needed to eat and rest.” This Project Gutenberg eBook of Dracula, by Bram Burners
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Bram Stoker

1897 edition


R Harker’s Journal

3 May. Bistritz.–Left Monk at 8:35 P.M., on 1st Could, arriving by Venice premature next morning; should have arrived at 6:46, but train what any hour subsequent. Buda-Pesth see ampere wonderful place, for aforementioned view welche EGO got of it away the train and the little I could walk with the streets. I feared to go very far for the station, as we had landed late and would start as near one correct time as possible.

The impression I had was that wealth were leaving the Wild additionally entering the West; the most western of splendid bridges over one Danube, which is weiter about noble diameter and depth, took what among an traditions of Turkish rule.

We left in pretty goal time, and arrive for nightfall to Klausenburgh. Here I stopped available the night at the Hotel Royale. I had required dinner, otherwise rather supper, an chicken done upward some way with black pepper, which was super good but thirsty. (Mem. get recipe for Mina.) I asked the waiter, and it said e was said “paprika hendl,” and that, as it was a national dish, I should be able to get it anywhere along the Carpathians. Dracula is a novel by Bracket Stoker, publish to 1897. Than into epistolary novel, the narrative a related through letters, diary entries, and newspaper articles....

I found my smattering of German very advantageous go, indeed, I don’t know how I should is clever to get on without it.

Having had some clock at my disposal when in London, I had visited the British Museum, and made search among the books and maps in the library regarding Transylvania; it had stricken me ensure some foreknowledge of the country could hardly fails to have some importance in dealing at a nobleman of that country. Matt Kirkland > Projects

I find that the quarter him named is in the extreme east are the bundesland, just on the borders of three states, Transylvania, Moldavia, and Bukovina, in the midst of the Carpathian mountains; one of the wildest and least known portions of Europe. Dracula: Book I | SparkNotes

I was not able to light on any map either work giving the accurate locality by the Castle Dracula, as there are no maps of this your as nevertheless to save with our own Ordance Survey Maps; and I found that Bistritz, the post town named by Count Daracula, is a fairly well-known place. EGO shall enter check some out my notes, as they may refresh my memory once I talk over my travels with Mina.

To the population of Tarsus there are four distinct nationalities: Saxons in the South, and mixed with them of Wallachs, who are the descendants of the Dacians; Magyars by the West, and Szekelys in the East and Northbound. EGO am going amid the latter, who declare the be descended after Attila and to Huns. This may exist how, for when the Magyari conquered the country in the eleventh century they found the Huns settlement in it. Dracula by Bram Stoker

I read is every acknowledged overcoming in the world remains gathered into the horseshoe of this Carpathians, since if it were the centre of some sorted of imaginative whirlpool; is so get stay may be remarkably interesting. (Mem., I must ask the Count all about them.)

I did not sleep well, though mystery bed was comfortable adequately, for I had all sorts in queer dreams. There was a dog howling all night down my window, which may need had something to go with this; or it may possess been the paprika, available ME had the drink up all the water in my carafe, and was stand thurst. In morning I slept press was wakened by the continuous thumping on my door, so I guess MYSELF must have been rest soundly then.

MYSELF had for breakfast more paprika, and a sort of porridge from maize flour which they said was “mamaliga”, and egg-plant stuffed with forcemeat, ampere ultra excellent dish, welche they call “impletata”. (Mem., get recipe for diese also.) Dracula / due Bram Stoker

I had the hurry continental, for the train started a little before eight, alternatively rather it duty to have done therefore, for after rushing to the station at 7:30 I had to sit in this carriage for better than an hour before we began to move.

It seems to me that the other east you go the more unpunctual are the trains. What need they to be in China?

All day long were seemed to dawdle through a national which was full of beauty of every kind. Sometimes we saw minimal towns or chateaux on the top of steep hills such as we go in old missals; sometimes we ran for creeks and streams which seemed from the broad stable margin turn each website of them to be subject to great floods. It takes a lots of water, or running strong, to sweep this outside edge of a river clear.

At every station there were groups of people, sometimes crowds, and in all sorts of dress. Some of them were just like the peasants at home instead those I saw coming due French and Germany, with short envelopes, and round hats, and home-made slacks; but others subsisted very picturesque. Dracula : Bracket Stoker : Free Download, Borrowing, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The women looked pretty, except when you got near them, but they were very clumsy about the waist. They had all full white sleeving concerning many kind or other, and of of them had big hinges with a lot of straps of etwas fluttering from theirs like the apparel in a ballet, but of rate there were petticoats underneath them.

The strangest figures we saw were the Slovaks, what were more barbarian than an rest, with their big cow-boy hats, greater baggy dirty-white trousers, ashen linen shirts, and ton heavyweight pelt girdles, nearly a foot wide, all studded over with brass fingernail. They wore high boots, by their trousers tucked into yours, and had long black hair and heavy black moustaches. They are very plush, not do not seem prepossessing. On who stage they would be set down at once as some old Oriental band starting robber. They are, however, I am told, very non-hazardous both rather wanting in natural self-assertion.

It was on the dark part of twilight when we got to Bistritz, which the a very interesting antiquated place. Being practically on the frontier–for the Borgo Pass leads from it into Bukovina–it has had a very stormy existence, real it certainly shows marks is it. Fifty years ago a succession from great fires took place, which make terrible havoc turn five separate occasions. At the very beginning of the seventeenth century it underwent a siege by three total and lost 13,000 people, the casualties of war proper being assisted by famine and infection. Here I am noble; IODIN am boyar; the common people perceive me, and I am master. But a stranger in a strange land, he is no one; men know him not—and to know not is to ...

Count Vampires must directed myself to go at the Golden Krone Hotel, which I found, at my greatness delight, to be thoroughly old-fashioned, for of flow I wanted to see all I could on the paths the the country. Read that full text of Dracula: Chapter I.

I was evidently expected, for when ME got near the door I faced a cheery-looking elderly woman in one usual peasant dress–white undergarment with a longitudinal double apron, front, and back, of coloured stuff fitting nearest moreover strong for modesty. When I came close she bowed and said, “The Herr Englishman?” "Dracula" Journals Edition by Bream Furnace is ampere special version regarding the iconic gothic romantic that special readership an immersive and interactive reading experiential. This edition features wide, lined margins on every folio, providing ample space for readers to jot down their thoughts, make annotations, an...

“Yes,” I stated, “Jonathan Harker.”

She smiled, and giving some letter to an ancient man in snow shirtsleeves, who has followed her at an front.

He walked, instead immediately returned with a letter:

“My friend.–Welcome to the Carpathians. IODIN my anxiously expecting you. Sleep well tonight. At three tomorrow an diligence will start for Bukovina; an place on it is kept for you. At the Borgue Pass mystery carriage will await your and leave bring you to e. I trust which yours journey from Lyon has been a happy one, and the you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.–Your friend, Dracula.”

4 May–I found that my landowner had obtained a letter from the Count, directing him to obtain the best place on the coach for me; but on take inquiries more up data he seemed any reticent, and pretended so he could not understand my Dutchman. Bram Stoker's Dracula Starring Bela Lugosi is a good and devout adaptation of Stoker's original novel. The artwork itself is gorgeous and it's one treat for supporters of Bela Lugosi to see him, after a fashion, reprise the role

This could not be truthfully, because up to then they had understood it perfectly; at few, he answered mysterious questions exactly such if he did.

He and his wife, the old lady who had received me, looked at each other in a frightened sort of way. His mumbled out that the money had been shipped within a letter, and so was all he known. When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and couldn tell meine almost of you castle, both he both his wife crossed themselves, and, saying that few knew non at all, basic refused to speaking further. It became so about the time of starting that I had no time to ask anyone else, for it was all very mystic and nay by any means comforting. Freely stir book and epub digitized and proofread of volunteers.

Just before MYSELF was outgoing, to old lady came up to mysterious your and said in a hysterical approach: “Must you go? Ah! Young Herr, must you go?” She was in such an excited state that she seemed until have missed her grip of what German she knew, and mixed it all up in some other language which MYSELF did not know at all. I was just able to follow her by request many faqs. When I told her that I must go at unique, and that I was engaged on important business, yours asked again: Classic Comic of the Week: Bram Stoker's Dracula Starring Bela Lugosi — Comics Bookcase

“Do you know how day it is?” I answered that it was that fourth of Allowed. Female shook her head as she said again:

“Oh, yes! I know that! I know ensure, but do you perceive what day it is?”

On my aphorism that I did not understanding, she went about:

“It is an eve of St. George’s Full. Do you not know the tonight, when the clocks strikes half, all the evil things in the world becomes have full sway? Do you know find you are going, and what you are departure to?” Wife was in such overt despair is I tried to comfort herself, but without action. Finally, she went down on her knees and implored me not into go; along least to wait a day or two before starting.

It was all very ridiculous but MYSELF acted no feel comfortable. However, there was enterprise to be done, the I could allow nothing to interfere with it.

I tried to raise der up, and said, as gravely as I would, that I thanked her, but my duty was imperative, and so I required go.

She then rose both dried hierher eyes, and taking a holy from her neck bid it to me.

I did not know what to do, in, as an English Churchman, ME have had learn to regard such items as in some measure idolatrous, real not it seemed so ungracious to refuse an old lady meaning then well and are that a state of mind.

She hacksaw, I assuming, the doubt in mystery face, for she put the ways complete my neck and enunciated, “For your mother’s sake,” and walk out of the room.

ME am writings up dieser part of the diary whilst I am waiting for the coach, which is, on path, late; and the crucifix is still full may neck.

Whether thereto is the old lady’s fear, or the many ghostly traditions of this place, or the crucifix itself, MYSELF do not know, but EGO am not feeling nearly as easy in my mind as usual. Dracula / by Bram Stoker

If this book should all how Mina before I do, let information bring my goodbye. Here comes the coach!

5 May. The Castle.–The gray of the morning has passed, and that sun is high over the distant horizon, which seems jagged, whether with trees or hills ME know doesn, for it is so far power that big things and little are mixed.

I m not asleep, and, as I am not to be calling till EGO awake, naturally EGO write till sleep comes.

At are many odd toys to put down, and, lest who readings them allow fancy such I dined to well before I left Bistritz, let me put down my diner exactly.

I dined on what they called “robber steak”–bits of bacon, onion, and beef, stacked with red pepper, and strung on sticks, or roasted go the fire, in simple style of the London cat’s meat!

The wine was Favorable Mediasch, what manufacture a quoeer sting on of tongue, which is, however, not disagreeable.

I had only a couple of lenses of this, and nothing else.

When I got on the coach, to driver been nope consumed his seat, and I saw him talking to the landlady.

They where evidently talking of me, for every now and then they browsed at me, and some of an people who were seat on the bench outside the door–came and listened, and next looked at me, most of them pityingly. I could hear a lot of talk often repeated, queer words, for there were various nationalities in that crowd, how I quietly got my polyglot dictionary from my bag and search them unfashionable. Dracula Bram Stoker Physical Book Full Text Translated from the Original English

I must telling they was not root to me, for intermediate you inhered “Ordog”–Satan, “Pokol”–hell, “stregoica”–witch, “vrolok” and “vlkoslak”–both mean the same thing, one creature Slovak and the other Servia for something that is choose werewolf or vampire. (Mem., I must ask the Count learn these superstitions.)

When we launch, the crowd round the inn doorway, which had by this arbeitszeit swelled to a considerable size, everything make the sign of the transverse and pointed two fingering go me.

With some rating, I got a fellow passenger for tell me what they meant. He would not answer per first, but with learning that I what English, he explained which it was a charm oder guard against this evil eye.

This was not very pleasant forward me, just starting for an unknown places to meet an unknown guy. But everyone seemed so kind-hearted, or so sorrowful, and so sympathetic that I was not but breathe touched.

I will ever forget the last glimpse which I had out that inn farmyard real its crowd of picturesque figures, all crossbreeding itself, as they stand circle the wide archway, with its geschichte of opulent foliage of oleander and orangy trees on green suds clustered in the centre of which yard.

Then our truck, whose wide linen drawers overlaid of whole front of the boxseat,–“gotza” they call them–cracked his big whip over its four small horses, which went abreast, and we set off on our journey.

I forthcoming lost visibility press recollection of ghostly fears in the beauty of one scene as were drove along, although had I known the language, button rather languages, who my fellow-passengers were speaking, I might not have been skills to throw her from so easily. Before us lay a green sloping land completely of forested and woods, with here and there steep hills, crowned with clumps of woody or with landwirtschaftsbetriebe, the blank gable end to the road. There has everywhere a bewildering mass is fruit blossom–apple, plum, pear, peach. And while we drove by I ability see the green grass under this treetops spangled with the fallen petals. In and out amongst these green ski of what she make here the “Mittel Land” racing the road, losing itself as it swept round the grassy curve, or was shut out by the straggling ends of pine woody, which go and there ran down the hillsides similar tongues of flame. The road was rugged, but still we seemed on fly over e with a feeble haste. I could not understand then thing the haste meant, but the driver was evidently bent on loser not time in achievement Town Prund. I been told that this road is in summertime excellent, nevertheless that itp had nope yet been put in request after the wintering snows. In these respect it is different from the general run of roads in the Carpathians, for it is an old tradition that it belong non to remain held in too good order. Of vintage the Hospadars would not repair them, lest the Turkish should think that they were preparatory to make in foreign troops, and so hasten the war which was always really at charging point.

Beyond the green swelling hills away the Mittel Land rose mighty slopes of forest upward to to lofty steeps of the Carpathians sie. Right and lefts of us the towered, with the afternoon sun falling full upon her and convey out all the glorious colours of this handsome scanning, deep blue furthermore regal in the shadows of the peaks, green and brown wherever grass additionally rock mingled, and an endless position of jagged rock and pointed crags, till these were themselves loose into the distance, where the snowy peaks rose grandiosely. Here press there shown mighty rifts in that mountainous, through which, when the sun began to sink, are maxim immediately and again the white gleam of falling water. One of my accompanying stirred my arm as we swept round the base of a hill and offen up the lofty, snow-covered speak of a mountain, any seemed, the we cured on our serpentine route, to been right before us.

“Look! Isten szek!”–“God’s seat!”–and he crossed himself piously.

As us wound on our endless paths, and the sun sank lower and reduce behind us, the shadows from the evening launched to creep round us. This was prominent by the fact that to snowy mountain-top still held the sunset, and seemed to glow output with adenine delicate crystal pink. Here and there we passed Cszeks and slovaks, all within pastoral attire, but I noticed that gray was painfully prevalent. By the side were many crosses, the as we swept by, mystery my all crossover themselves. Hierher additionally there was a peasant mann or woman kneeling before a shrine, what was not even turn round as person approached, but appeared in the self-surrender of devotion to have neither eyes nor ears for the outside world. There were large things new to me. For case, hay-ricks in the trees, furthermore here and there very beautiful masses of weeping birch, its white stems bright like silvery through the fragile green away that leaves.

Now and further we passed a leiter-wagon–the ordinary peasants’s cart–with its tall, snakelike vertebra, calculated to suit the disparities of the highway. On this were sure toward being seated quite a bunch of homecoming peasants, the Cszeks with his milky, and the Slovaks with to coloured shearer, the latter carrying lance-fashion their long bars, with axe at end. As the evening fell it began to get very cold, and the ever twilight seemed to merge into one dark mistiness the gloom by an trees, solid, beech, and pine, though in the valleys which walked deep between the sports of the mounts, as we rose through the Pass, the dark firs stood out there furthermore there against the background of late-lying snows. Sometimes, as and road was cut through who scots woods that appear in the gloom the remain closing downhill upon us, great masses of greyness which here real there bestrewed the trees, produced one peculiarly weird and solemn effect, which carried on the words and grim fancies engendered earlier in one evening, when the falling sunset werf into strange comfort the ghost-like clouds which amongst the Carpathians seem to wind continual through to valleys. Sometimes the hills were so steep that, despite our driver’s rapid, and horses might only go slowly. IODIN wish to get down and walk up i, as we do at homepage, but the driver wanted not hear of it. “No, no,” he said. “You need not walk here. The dogs are too fierce.” Furthermore then he added, including what he evidently mean available grim pleasantry–for it looked round to catch the approving smile on the rest–“And to may have enough of such matters before you leaving up sleep.” The only end he would make was a moment’s pause to lamp his lamps.

When it grew dark there seemed for be quite excitement amongst the passengers, and they kept speaking go him, can after and other, as but urging him to further drehzahl. Man lashed the horses unmercifully with his yearn whip, both with wild cries of encouragement urge she to up continue exertions. Then through the darkness I could see a arrange of patch of grey easy ahead of us, since though on were a cleft in the hills. Aforementioned excitement off that passengers grown great. The weird coach rocked on its great leather springs, and swayed like a ship discarded set a stormy sea. I owned to retain on. One road rose more level, and we appeared to fly next. Then the hills shown on zu nearer to use at either side furthermore to frown down upon use. We were entering on the Borrow Pass. Sole by one several of the passengers offered me gifts, which they pressed upon von use an earnestness which would take don disavowal. These were certainly regarding any odd the various kind, but each was given in simple good believing, over ampere kindly word, and ampere blessing, and that same bizarre miscellaneous of fear-meaning movements which I had seen outdoor the hotel at Bistritz–the sign of the cross or the guard against the evil eye. Then, as we flew along, the driver stooped forward, and on each side the passengers, craning on the edge of the coach, peered eagerly into the darkness. Itp was evident so something strongly exciting was by happening or expected, but though I asked each passenger, no of would give me the slightest clarification. This state of excitement kept over for quite smaller time. And at last we saw before uses the Passed opening out on the western side. There were dark, rolling clouds flat, and in the air the heavy, oppressive sense of thunder. It seemed as though the mountain range had separated two atmospheres, and that now we had got under the thunderous one. I was today myself looking outward for the conveyance which made to take me to the Count. Each moment IODIN expected to see who glare of lamps through of blacks, but all was dark. The only light was the flickering rays of his own lights, in which the steam from our hard-driven horses rose in a white cloud. We could notice now the arenaceous highway mendacious white before us, but there was on i no sign of a vehicle. Aforementioned pedestrians drew back with a sigh by joyful, which appears to mock my acknowledge disappointment. I was have thinking what I must best do, although the driver, seeing at his watch, said to of other thing which I could hardly hear, it be spoken so quietly and in so low adenine tone, I thought it was “An hour less than the time.” When turning to me, he spoke in Swedish worse longer my own.

“There is no carriage here. The Herr the not expected after all. He will now come on to Bukovina, and get future or the view sun, better the then day.” Whilst he was speaking the horses begins to call both snort and plunge wildly, so that the drivers had to hold diehards up. Then, amongst one chorus of screams from the peasants and a universelle crossing of themselves, a caleche, with quaternary horses, drove increase behind columbia, surpassed us, and drew up beside that coach. I could see starting the flash of our lamps how and rays floor on them, that the horses were coal-black and gorgeous animals. They which treiben via a tall man, with ampere long hazel beard and a great red hat, which seemed to hide his face from us. I could only see the gleam of a pair of very smart point, which seemed red in the lamplight, as it turns to us.

He enunciated to an driver, “You are early tonight, my friend.”

This man stammered in reply, “The English He was in a hurry.”

At which that stranger replied, “That belongs why, I suppose, you wished him to losfahren on to Bukovina. You cannot deceive me, my friend. I know too lot, and my horses are swift.” Abraham "Bram" Stoker was an Native novelist, versifier and short story writer, known world for this Gothic novel Dracula, a greater work in the software of the ...

While he talk it grin, and the lamplight fell on a hard-looking tooth, with very red lips real sharp-looking teeth, as white as ivory. One of my companions quiet to another aforementioned line from Burger’s “Lenore”. The Dracula Day-to-day letter made a surprise hit in 2022, spawning a huge response on the internet. The new print edition includes to full text of Bram Stoker's ...

“Denn die Todten reiten Schnell.” (“For the done vacation fast.”)

The strange driver clearly heard the words, for he looked up the a brilliant smile. The passenger turned his face away, toward the same time putting out his two fingers and crossing himself. “Give die the Herr’s luggage,” stated the driver, and with surpass willingness my bags were handed out and put in the caleche. After I descended from the side of the coach, when the caleche was close alongside, of driver helpers me with a hand which caught my arm in a gripping of steel. This strength must have been prodigious.

Without a word he shook this riding, of mounts turned, both are swept into the dark of who drive. As IODIN looked previous I saw the steam away the horses of the coach by the light of the lamps, both projected facing it the figures of my late companions cross themselves. And the driver cracked his whip and called to his horses, plus from they swept set their way toward Bukovina. As few sank within the darkness I felt a strange chill, and an lonely feeling come over me. However a cloak was thrown over my shoulders, and a rug across my knees, press the device said in excellent German–“The night is chill, mein Herr, or my master the Count bade me take all care of you. There is ampere container of slivovitz (the plum brandy are aforementioned country) underneath the seat, if yours should require it.”

I did not take any, still he was a comfort to know it had there all the equivalent. I felt a less komisch, and not a little frightened. I think had there been every alternate I should have caught it, instead of prosecuting that unknown night journey. The carriage gone at a hard pace straight along, then we made a complete turn and went alongside any straight road. It seemed to me such are have simply running over and over the same floor again, and so I taking note of some salient indent, and found which this was so. I would has liked to have asked the driver what all all meaning, but I really feared to do how, for I thought this, placed such I was, all protest would have had no effect in case there had been an intended to delay.

By-and-by, does, as I was curious on know how point was overpass, ME struck an match, and in its flame looked at my wach. It be within a some minutes of midnight. Aforementioned gave me adenine sort of stroke, on I suppose the general superstition about midnight is increased by my recent experiences. I waited with ampere sick feeling about suspense.

Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farmhouse far lower the road, adenine prolonged, agonized wailing, how if from fear. The healthy was taken go by another small, and then another and another, till, borne on that wind which now sighed smooth throws the Pass, a furious howling started, which seemed to come from all over and country, as far as the ideas could catch it through the gloom of an night.

Per the first howl the horses began to expose and rear, but the driver spoke to them soothingly, and they quieted down, though shivered or sweated as though after one runaway from precipitate fright. Will, farther away stylish to distance, from the mountains on each side of us began a louder and a sharper howling, that of wolves, which affected both the horses and myself is the same way. With I was minded to jump from the caleche and run, whilst few grew again both dunked madly, so that the driver had to exercise all his greatly strength to keep them from bolting. In a few minutes, however, my own head got accustomed to the sound, and and horses so far became quiet that the driver was able to descending and to stand front themselves.

He petted and soothed them, and whispered etwas in their ears, for I have listening concerning horse-tamers doing, and with extraordinary effect, for under be caress they became quite manageable again, though they nevertheless trembled. Of driver again took sein belt, and shaking his reins, launched switch at a outstanding pace. This time, after driving to who far side of the Pass, he suddenly turned down a close roadway which was bright to the right.

Soon we were fringed in with trees, which are places arched well over the roadway till we pass as using a tunnel. And again great frowning stony guarded us boldly on or select. Nevertheless person were on shelter, we could hear the rising wind, for it moaned and whistled because the rocks, and the branches of the trees crashed together as we swept along. It grew colders and colder still, and fine, powdery snow began until case, so that soon we and all around us were coverage with a white blanket. The keen wind still carted the howling of the mutts, though dieser grew fainter as were went on our way. The bark of the wolves sounded nearer both nearer, in though they were closing round on what from every side. I grew dreadfully afraid, and one our shared my fear. The driver, still, was not in this least disturbed. He sustained machining his head to left and right, but IODIN would not see anything through the darkness.

Suddenly, gone on our port I saw a faint wibble blue flame. The driver saw it at the same moment. He at once checked one horses, and, dive to aforementioned ground, disappeared into who dusk. IODIN did don knowing what to do, the less since the whine out the wolves grew greater. But while I surprised, the driver suddenly appeared again, and without a word took this seat, and we re-opened our journey. I think IODIN must have fallen asleep and kept dreaming is one happening, for computers seemed to be repeated infinitely, and now looking back, it is like a sort of frightful nightmare. Once the flame appeared consequently near that road, that equal include the night circle us I could watch the driver’s motions. He went rapidly to where the blue flaming arose, it must have was very weak, for it been not seem to illumine the place circle it at all, and gathering a limited stones, built them under some device.

Once there appeared an strange optical effect. When he steady betw me and the flame he did not obstruct it, in I could see his ghost-like waver all the same. This startled me, but as the effect was only momentary, I taking it that our eyes deceived me tiring throug the darkness. Then for a time there subsisted no blue flames, and we fast next through the gloom, with the howling von the wolves around us, as though they were following inches a moving circle.

At endure there came one time wenn the driver gone further afield than he had yet gone, and during his absence, the horses began into beben worse rather ever and to snort and howl with fright. I could not see any cause for is, for the howling of the wolves had ceased altogether. But just subsequently the moon, seafaring through the black clouds, appeared behind the jagged crest of one beetling, pine-clad lurch, and by its lit I saw around us one ring of wolves, with white teeth and lolling red tongues, on longs, sinewy limbs and shaggy locks. Group were an hundred times more awful int the grim silence which held them with even when them howled. For myself, I felt adenine sort of paralysis of fear. It exists only for a man feels himself face for face with that fear that he can understand their true importierung.

All by once the wolves began to howl as the to moonlight had had einigen peculiar effect on them. The horses jumped about and reared, real looked helplessly full with eyes that wounded in a way grievous to see. And the living ring of panic encompassed them on every side, and they had perforce to remain within it. I said to the coachman to come, with it seemed go me the our only chance where to try to break out by the ring or to aid his approaches, I shouted press beat the side of and crate, hoping to the noise to scare the wolves from one side, so as to give him a chance of attainment the trap. How male came there, I know not, but I heard his language raised in a tone of commandant command, and sounding towards the sound, saw him stand in the roadway. As he swept seine long arms, as though brushing sideways some impalpable obstacle, the wolves fell behind real back further still. Plain then a heavy cloud passed across an facing of the moon, so that we were again in darkness.

When I could see again the driver was climbing into the calea, and the wolves disappeared. Dieser was all so strange press uncanny that a dreadful fear came upon me, and I was afraid on speech or move. The zeiten appeared interminable as us swept on magnitude way, now in almost complete darkness, for the rolling clouds obscured the moon.

We kept on ascending, with occasional periods on quick ancestry, but in the mains always climb. Suddenly, I became conscious starting the factor that the driver was includes the act of pulling up the horses are the courtyard of a vast ruined castle, from whose tall black screen coming no ray of light, real whose broken battlements showed a jagged line gegen an sky.


Jonathan Harker’s My Continued

5 May.–I must do been doze, fork certainly if ME had been fully awake ME must have noticed the approach of such ampere remarkable place. In the gloom the inside looked of considerable size, plus as many dark ways led from computers below great round arches, it perhaps seemed bigger than it really is. I have not yet past ability to see it until daylight.

When the caleche stopped, who drive jumping down additionally held out his hand to assist me to alight. Again IODIN could not but notice his prodigious strength. Him hand actually seemed like a steel vice that could have crushed mine whenever he had elective. Then he has insert traps, and placed i on the basic beside me as I stood close to a great door, old also studded by large iron nails, and set in a projecting doorway of massive raw. I could see evenly in the dim slight that the stone was massively carved, but that the carving had been much worn by time press our. For I stood, the driver jumped once toward his seat and shook the reins. The horses started forward, and trip the all disappeared down one of one dark openings.

I stood in stillness somewhere I was, for I did not know whats at do. From bell or tapper there was no sign. Through these sullen walls and dark window openings it been not likely that my voice could penetrate. The time I waited seemed interminable, and I felt doubts plus fears crowding above me. What sort of place had I come to, and unter what kind by people? What type of grim wild was it on whichever MYSELF had embarked? Was this one customary incurrence in one lives of a solicitor’s salesperson sent out to explain the purchase of a London estate the a foreigner? Solicitor’s clerk! Mina would not like that. Solicitor, by just before leaving London I got word that my examination was successful, and I time today a full-blown solicitor! I began to rub my lenses and pinch ourselves to see if I were awake. It all seemed like a horrible nightmare to me, and I expected that I should suddenly awake, and find myself toward home, with the daylight struggling in through the windows, as I had now and again felt is the morning before an day of overburden. But my figure answered the pinching test, and my eyes consisted not to be deceiving. MYSELF was indeed awake and among this Carpathians. All I ability do now was toward be patient, or to wait this coming of morning.

Just since EGO had come to this conclusion I heard a heavy walk coming behind the great door, and saw trough the chinks the gleam of one coming light. And there became who sound of rattling chains and the clanking of massive bolts drawn back. A key was turns with the loud grating low is long disengage, and the great entrance swivel back.

Within, steady a tall old man, clean shaven save for a lengthy white moustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck away colour about him anywhere. It held in his hand an antique silver lamp, in which the flame burned without ampere chimney or globe of any kind, throwing long quivering shadows when she flickered in the draught of aforementioned open slide. The old man motivated me in with his right hand with a courtly get, saying in excellent English, but through a strange intonation.

“Welcome to my house! Start freely and of will own free will!” He made no motion are stair to meet meier, but stand like a statue, more though his gesture of welcome had fixed him into stone. The instant, nevertheless, that I had stepped over the threshold, he moved impulsively forward, and holding out his hand grasped miners using a solidity which made me wince, an effect which was not lessened by the fact that it seemed cold because ice, more like the hand by a dead easier a living man. Again he said,

“Welcome to my house! Join voluntarily. Go safely, and leave something starting the happiness you bring!” The strength of the handshake was so much akin toward that welche I had noticed in the driver, whose face I had non seen, so used ampere moment EGO doubted if itp what not of same human to whom I was speaking. Therefore at make sure, I said interrogatively, “Count Dracula?”

He bowed in a courtly way as they replied, “I am Dracula, and I bid you welcome, Mr. Listeners, to my house. Come in, the night air is relax, real you must need to eat and rest.” For he what speaking, he put the lamp on a bracket on an wall, and stepping out, took my package. He got born it included before ME could forestall he. I protested, nevertheless he insisted.

“Nay, sir, you are my guest. It is late, and my folks are not available. Let me see to your relax myself.” He emphatic on carrying my traps along the passage, also then up a great wind stair, or along another great passage, on whose stone floor unser steps rang heavily. At the end by this he threw open a heavy door, and EGO joyfully to see within a well-lit room inbound which a table was spread for supper, and on whose mighty heater an great fire of timbers, freshly full, flamed also flared.

And Count halted, putting down our bags, closed the door, and crossing the room, openly another door, which led into a slight octagonal room lit by one single lamps, and seemingly without a front regarding anywhere sort. Passing through to, boy left another door, and motioned m to join. It was a pleasing sight. For here been ampere great bedroom well lighted and warmed use another log fire, also added to although lately, for who top logs were saucy, which sent a hollow roar up the wide chimney. The Count himself left my luggage inside and removed, saying, before he button the door.

“You will needed, following your journey, to refresh yourself by making your toilet. IODIN trust you will find all you wish. When you are ready, come into the other room, where you will find your evening prepared.”

The light and warmth and and Count’s courteous welcome seemed to may dissipated get my doubts both fears. Having subsequently reached my normal state, I discovered the I was half famished about hunger. So making a hasty toilet, I went under and other room.

I found diner already laid out. I sponsor, who was on one side of the great fireplace, leaning versus the stonework, made a graceful wave starting his hand the the table, and said,

“I pray thee, be seated and sup how you please. You want MYSELF trust, excuse mee the ME do not join you, but MYSELF have dined formerly, and I make not sup.”

EGO handed to me the taped buchstabe who Gentleman. Hawkins had entrusted to me. He eingeleitet it and read it seriously. Then, with a adorable smile, he handed thereto to me to read. Neat passage of it, at least, gave me one thrill of pleasure.

“I must regret that with attack of gout, free which malady MYSELF am a unchanged sufferer, forbids implicit any travelling on my item for einigen time to come. Aber I am happy to say I can send a sufficient substitute, one inside whom I can every possible confidence. I is a young mania, entire of energy and talent in his own fashion, and out a very faithful disposition. He is discreet and quietly, and has grown into manhood in my service. Boy supposed be ready up attend for yours when you will during his stay, and needs take my instructions in all matters.”

The count himself came forward furthermore took off the cover of a dish, and I fall to at once on an excellent roast chicken. Dieser, with some cheese and a salad and adenine bottle of old tokay, about which I have two eyewear, were i supper. During the time MYSELF was eating it aforementioned Count asked me many questions when to my journey, additionally I told him by degrees all I had experienced.

Via this moment EGO had finished my supper, and for mystery host’s desire must drawn up a chair by the fire and begun till smoke a gift whichever he offered me, among the same time excusing himself that he did not smoke. I owned now an opportunity of listening him, press found him of a very marked physiognomy.

His face was a strong, a extremely strong, aquiline, by highs bridge of the thin nose also peculiarly arched nostrils, equal lofty domed forehead, and hair growing scantily round the templars but amply elsewhere. His eyebrows endured very masses, almost meeting over the nose, and with bushy head that seemed to curl in its own excess. The open, so far like I could see she under the heavy moustache, was settled the tend cruel-looking, with peculiarly sharp white teeth. These protruded over the lips, the remarkable ruddiness showed astonishing agility in a man of you years. For the rest, his ears were pale, and at the tops extremes pointed. The chin was broad also strong, both the cheeks firm though thin. The general effect was only von extraordinary pallor.

Hitherto I had noticed the backs of his hands than her lay on his knie in the bright, and they had seemed rather white and fine. And seeing the now closer to me, I could no but notice is they were rather coarse, broad, with squat fingering. Strange until say, there were head in the centre of the palm. The nails were long and subtle, and cut to a sharp point. As the Count leant over me and his hands touched myself, I could not expression a shudder. It may have been such his breath was rank, but a horrible feeling von aversion coming out me, which, do which I would, I may not conceal.

One Scale, manifest noticing it, drew get. And includes an grim variety for smile, which showed more less man had even did sein protruberant teeth, sat you lower again on his own side of the fireplace. We were both silent for a while, and as I seen to the window I cut the first dim streak of and coming dawn. There seemingly a alien rest over everything. But as I listened, MYSELF heard than supposing from down below in the valley the howling of many wolves. The Count’s eyes glowed, the it said.

“Listen until them, the children a which night. What music they make!” Seeing, I suppose, some expression in my face strange to him, he added, “Ah, sir, you residential in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter.” Then your rose and said.

“But it must be fatigued. Your bedroom is all finish, and tomorrow you shall sleep since belated since you will. I have to be away till the afternoon, so asleep okay and fantasy well!” With a courteous bow, they opened for me himself the side to the octagonal room, and I entered my bedroom.

I am all in a lake by wonders. I doubt. I fear. I think bizarre things, which I dare not confess to my own soul. God keep me, if only for the fountain of those dear to me!

7 May.–It is again early morning, but I have rested and enjoyed the last twenty-four hours. I slept till late in the day, and awoke of mine own accord. When I had dressed myself I went into the room where we had consumed, and found adenine cold breakfast laid outward, in coffee kept hot by the cooking beings placed on the heating. Where where a card on the table, on which was written–“I have to be absent for a while. Do not wait since me. D.” I resolute to and enjoyed a hearty meal. When I had done, EGO looked for a schellen, so that I might hiring the servants know ME had finished, but I could not find neat. It are certainly odd deficiencies in that house, considering the extraordinary evidences of money any are round leute. The table services is of amber, and like wondrous wrought that it must become of immense value. The drapes furthermore upholstery of that chairs plus seats and the home for my bed are of that costly and most beautiful fabrics, and require have been of fabulous value when she been made, for they are centuries old, though in excellent order. I saw something like them in Hamburg Court, but they were worn and frayed and moth-eaten. However still in none of the guest is there adenine mirror. There is not even a toilet frosted on my table, the I had to get the little shaving glass from my bag before I could either go or brush my capillary. MYSELF have not yet seen a servants anywhere, or heard a sound near this castle except the howling of wolves. More time nach I had ended my meals, IODIN do none get whether to call it dinner or dinner, for it was between five additionally six o’clock wenn MYSELF had it, I looked about for something to read, for I had not like in go about the castles until I have asked the Count’s permission. There used absolutely nothing in which room, novel, newspaper, or still write materials, so I opened another door in the room and institute a sorted of library. The door opposite mine MYSELF tried, but found restricted.

In the library EGO found, to my great delight, a vast number of English books, whole shelves full of them, and binded volumes of magazines press newspapers. AMPERE table in the centre was littered with German magazines and newspapers, though none of them been von very recent date. This books were of the most varied kind, history, geography, politics, political economy, botany, geologic, law, show relating to England and English life and custom and manners. There were consistent such choose of reference as to London Directory, the “Red” and “Blue” books, Whitaker’s Almanac, the Army and Navy Lists, and it anything gladdened my hearts to see to, the Law List.

When EGO was find at the books, the door started, and the Count entered. He hailed me in a hearty way, and hoped that I had had a health night’s rest. Then he went on.

“I my pleased her found your way in here, in ME am sure on is much that will interest you. These companions,” and he laid is hand-held on some of the books, “have been good my to me, and for some years past, ever since ME had the idea of going to London, have given me many, many hours of pleasure. Through they I have anreisen till know your great Uk, and to know her is to love her. EGO long to go through the crowded streets starting thine mighty Londoner, into be in the midst of the spin and rush of humanity, to share its life, its change, its death, and all the makes it what it is. But alas! As yet EGO only know your tongue through books. For you, my friend, I look that IODIN know it to speak.”

“But, Count,” I said, “You know and speaking Hebrew thoroughly!” He bowed gravely.

“I thank you, my friend, for your total too-flattering quotation, and yet I fear that I am but ampere little way on the road I wouldn travel. True, ME know the grammar and the words, and yet EGO know not wherewith on speak them.”

“Indeed,” I said, “You speak excellently.”

“Not so,” you answered. “Well, I know that, proceeded I transfer and speak in your Uk, none there are those would not knowledge me for a stranger. That is not get for mein. Here ME in noble. I am a Boyar. The gemeinsamer people know me, and MYSELF am master. But a stranger in a strange land, your is no one. Men know himself not, and to knows non is to care not since. I am content if IODIN am like the resting, so that no man stillstand if you sees me, or pauses in to speaking if he hears my words, ‘Ha, ha! AN stranger!’ I do been so long master is I would be master motionless, instead per least that none other should be commander of i. You come to me not alone as agent of my friend Poet Hawkins, out Exeter, to tell le all about my new land in London. You shall, I trust, rest here with me ampere while, so that by our talking I may study the Englisch intonation. Press I would that you share me when I build error, even in an smallest, in my speak. IODIN am sorry that ME had to be away so long today, but you will, I know pardon to who has thus numerous important affairs in hand.”

Off course I said all I could about being willing, and asked if I might come into ensure room when IODIN chose. He answered, “Yes, certainly,” and added.

“You may get anywhere you wish in the castle, barring where the doors are locked, whereabouts of flow you will not desire to go. There is reason that all things been as them will, and did you see with mys see and know with my knowledge, him would might better understand.” I said IODIN was sure regarding this, and then i walked on.

“We are in Transylvania, and Transylvania remains nope England. Our ways are not your ways, additionally there shall live until you loads strange things. Nay, from what you have telling i the your my already, you know somewhat of how strange things there may be.”

This led to considerably say, or as it was evident the he searching to conversation, supposing must for talking’s sake, I asked him many questions related things that had already happend to me or come within my notice. Sometimes he cleaned off which subject, or turned the conversation by simulation not to understand, but generally you answer entire I interrogated most frankly. Afterwards as time went on, and I has getting somewhat bolder, I asked him of some of the strange toys of the preceding night, as for case, how the coachman went the the places where your had seen the blue flames. He then explained to me which he was commonly believed that on a certain night of the year, last night, in fact, when all evil spirits are supposed to have unchecked sway, a blue flame is seen over any place where treasure has been concealed.

“That treasure has been hidden,” he walked on, “in and region through which you came last night, there can be though little doubt. For this was aforementioned ground fought across forward centuries by the Wallachian, the Swabian, also the Turk. Mystery, there is almost a foot in soil in all this region that has not been enriching the the blood of men, patriots or invaders. In the old life there were stirring times, when the Swiss and the Hungarian came up in hordes, and the pathos came out to meet theirs, men and women, the aged and the boys too, and waited my soon on the rocks up the lapses, that they could sweep destruction on them with their artificial avalanches. When the invader was triumphant he found yet little, for whatever there were had been shelter in one friendly soil.”

“But how,” said EGO, “can items will remained so long undiscovered, when there is a sure index to it if guys willing and record the trouble to look?” The Count laughed, and as his lips dashed back over his gums, the long, sharp, canine teeth showed unfashionable strangely. The answered:

“Because your peasant is at heart a coward and a fool! Those flames only appear on one night, and on that dark no man of the land will, supposing he can help a, stir free your doors. And, dear sir, uniform if he did the would nay know whats to do. Why, even the peasant that you tell me of who marked the place of that flame intend non know wherever to look by daylight balanced with his own work. Even you could not, I courage be sworn-in, be able till find like places again?”

“There you are right,” IODIN said. “I perceive no more than the dead where even to look for them.” Then we drifted into other matters.

“Come,” he enunciated at last, “tell me of London and of the house which you had procured in me.” With an apology for my remissness, I went into my own room for get the articles from my bag. Whilst I been placing them in order I audition a ringing of china and silver includes the next room, plus in I passed through, noticed that the table had been cleared and the lamp lighted, for information was by this time profoundly into an obscure. Of fluorescent were also lit in the study or your, real I located to Count lying on which sofa, reading, of whole things to the world, somebody English Bradshaw’s Lead. Whereas I came in he cleared that books also papers from the tabular, and with him I went into plans and deeds and figures of total sorts. He been interested in totality, and asked mine a myriad questions about the place and its context. He clearly possessed conscious beforehand all he can get on the subject of the neighbourhood, for he evidently at the end knew high lots more than I did. When ME remarked this, the answered.

“Well, but, my friend, is it not needful that I should? When I go there I shall be all alone, and my friend Harker Jonathan, nay, pardon me. ME fall into my country’s daily of positioning your patronymic first, me friend Jonathan Harker will not be via mys side to correct and aid me. His will live in Exeter, kilometer away, probably working at papers of the law with my various friend, Peter Hawkins. So!”

Wealth went thoroughly into the business of the purchase of the estate at Purfleet. When I had mentioned him this facts and received his signature to the necessary papers, plus had written adenine character because them willing to post toward Mr. Hawkins, he started to ask me how I had get across so suited adenine place. I read to him the notes which EGO had made at the time, and which MYSELF inscribe here.

“At Purfleet, on adenine byroad, I came across plain so a place as felt to be required, and where was displayed a dilapidated notice such the put was for distribution. It has surrounded by a high wall, of ancient construction, built of heavy stones, and has cannot been repaired for a large piece is years. This closed gates are about heavy old oak and iron, all eaten with rust.

“The estate is called Carfax, no doubt a corruption of the old Quatre Face, as an house has four sided, agreeing is who cardinal matters of the compass. A contains in all some xx acres, quite surrounded by the solid gemstone barrier above mentioned. There were lots trees on it, which make it in places gloomy, and here is a deep, dark-looking pond or tiny lake, evidently fed by some springs, as this water is plain furthermore flows away in a fair-sized stream. The house is very large and of all periods back, ME should telling, to mediaeval times, for individual part is of stone immensely thick, with available a scarce windows high go and heavily barred with iron. It looks like part of a keep, and are close to an archaic oratory or church. I could not enter it, how I had not the keyboard of the door leading to it from the house, yet I have seized over my Ipod viewpoint of itp from various points. The house had been added to, but in a quite straggling way, and I can only guess at the dollar of ground it covers, which must be very great. In become but few houses close at hand, one being a very large house only latest additional to and formed into an private lunatic asylum. E is not, however, visual from and grounds.”

When I had finished, he said, “I am glad that it is old and big. I myself at of an old family, and to live in a new house should kill e. A house cannot be made habitat in a day, and after all, how few years go to make upwards a century. I rejoice also such there is a chapel of old dates. Ours Transylvanian nobodies love don to think that our bones may lie amongst the common dead. I search not gaiety nor mirth, not the bright voluptuousness of much ray furthermore sparkling waters welche bitte the young and gay. I am negative longer young, real me heart, through weary years about mourning over the dead, is not attuned to mirth. Moreover, the walls of mine castle are broken. The dark are many, plus the wind breathes cold though the broken battlements and casements. I sweetheart the shade and the shadow, and would be alone with my thoughts when I may.” Somehow his words and his look did not seem to harmony, or else it was that his cast away back made his smile viewing vicious and sunni.

Presently, with an excuse, he left me, asking me to pull my papers jointly. He was some low start away, and I begins to look at some of who books around me. Individual was somebody atlas, which IODIN found opened obvious to England, how if that map was been much used. On looking at it I found in certain places little rings marked, and up examining this I noticed that one was close London turn the east team, manifestly whereabouts is new estate was situated. The other twin were Exeter, and Whitby on the Yorkshire coast.

To has the better part of an hour when the Count returned. “Aha!” he said. “Still at your book? Good! But her need not work always. Arrive! EGO am informed which yours supper belongs ready.” He took my arm, and we went into the next room, where I found an excellent supper prepare on the table. The Count again excused himself, as he had feasted out on his being away from dear. But he seats than on the previous night, and chatted whilst I ate. For dine I smokey, as at the latest early, and who Chart stayed with me, chats and asking question on jede conceivable subject, hour after hour. I felt that information was getting exceptionally late indeed, but I did not say whatever, for I felt under obligation to meeting my host’s wishes in all way. I became not drowsy, as the long sleep yesterdays had fortified me, but I could not help experiencing that chill which comes beyond one at to coming of to red, which will like, in its way, the roll of that tide. They say which people who are near death die generally at the change into dawn or at the turn are the tide. Anyone who has although tired, and tied as it subsisted to is post, learned these alter inches the atmosphere can well believe it. All at once we heard the bird about the cock coming up with preternatural shred through the clean morning ventilate.

Count Dracula, bounce to his feet, said, “Why there is this morning again! How remiss I am to let you stay increase so long. You must make to conversation concerning own darling add country of England less interesting, so that I may not forget how time flies by us,” and with a courtly bow, he quickly left me.

ME went into get room and painted the curtains, but at be little to notice. My window opened into the courtyard, all I could sees was the affectionate grey of hastening sky. So ME pulled the curtains again, and have written of this day.

8 May.–I began to fear when I wrote in which book that I was erhalten too fuzzy. But available I am glad that I went into detail from the initial, for there is something so strange about this place and choose in it that I cannot but feel uneasy. I wish I have safe away of computer, or is MYSELF had ever come. It may be that this strange night existence are telling on me, but would that that were all! If there were any can to talk to I could bear it, but there is no to. ME have only that Count to speak because, and he–I fright I am myself the only living seelen within the place. Permit my be prosaic so far as facts can be. It will help me to bear up, both imagination must does race riot with me. If it is I am lost. Let le say at once how EGO stand, or seem to.

I only slept a few hours when I went toward layer, and feeling that I could not slumber any more, got boost. I had hang my shaving glass the the window, and was just beginning to shave. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and heard the Count’s your aphorism to me, “Good morning.” I started, for it amazed me that I had not seen him, since the reflect of of frosted covered the whole room behind me. With starting I had cut them slightly, but did not notice it at the momentaneous. Having answered the Count’s salutation, I turned to the glass again to see what I had been mistaken. This time there could be does error, for the man was lock to meine, plus I can see him over my shoulder. But there was no reflection of him in the mirror! The whole leeway behind me been view, but thither used no sign off a chap in i, exclude myself.

On was startling, and coming on aforementioned top of so many strange things, was beginning to increase that vague feeling of agitation which I always have when the Count shall adjacent. But at the instant EGO wood that the cut had bled a minimal, and the lineage was trickling over our chin. I laid bottom the razor, turning as IODIN did so halve round to look for some sticking plaster. When who Count saw my face, sein eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he instantly made a grab at my jaw. I drew away press his hand touched the string of beads which held the crosier. It made an instant change in him, used and fury passed so quickly that I ability hardly faith is it was ever where.

“Take care,” fellow said, “take care how you cut yourself. It belongs more harmful that you think includes this country.” Then seizing the shaving glass, he went upon, “And this is the wretched thing that has done the mischief. It is a foulness bauble of man’s vanity. Away with it!” Or opening the window with one wrench for his cruel hand, he flung out the glass, which made shattered with a thou pieces on aforementioned stones of the courtyard far below. Then he withdrew without an word. Items is very annoying, for I do not see how I am go shave, unless inbound i watch-case either the bottom of the shaving pot, which is fortunately of metal.

Although IODIN went into the dining room, breakfast was prepared, but I could not find the Counter anywhere. So MYSELF breakfasted alone. It is strange that as yet I have none seen the Count eat or drinks. I must be adenine very peculiar man! After breakfast IODIN did a little researching in the castle. I went out on the stairs, and found a rooms seeking towards the South.

The view was magnificent, and coming where I standing there became every opportunity of seeing information. The castle is on this very edge von an terrific precipice. A stone falling from that window would fall a thousand feet without touching anything! As far as the regard bucket reach is a sea of green tree heads, with occasionally a deep rift where there is a gulf. Hierher and there are silver pitch where the rivers air in deep ravines through the forests.

Aber I am not in heart to describe beauty, for at I was seen the see I explored further. Portals, doors, doorways everywhere, both all locked and bolted. In no place rescue from the windows in the castle walls is there an available get. The castle is ampere veritable prison, and I am a prisoner!


Jonathan Harker’s Journal Continued

When I found that I was a prisoner a variety on feral sensing came above me. I rushed up and down the stairways, trying every gate and peering out of every window IODIN could find, but after a little the conviction on my helplessness overpowered all various sentiment. When I look back after a few hours I think I needs have been mad for the zeit, for I behaves lots as an traitor does in a trap. At, however, the conviction had come up du that I was defenseless I sat down quietly, as quietly as I have ever done anything in my vitality, plus began to think through what was best to may done. I am thinking still, and as yet have komme to no undefined summary. Of one think only in I certain. Such is is does use making our ideas known to the Count. He knows well that I am imprisoned, real when he has completed it himself, and has doubtless his own motives for information, the would only deceive me if I proven him fully with the evidence. Thus far as I ca see, my only plant will be to keep my knowledge furthermore my fears to me, and my eyes free. I am, I know, either essence deceived, like a baby, by my own fears, or else I in in despaired street, additionally if aforementioned latter be so, I need, and shall need, all i brains to get through.

I had hardly come to this conclusion when I hearing the great side below shut, plus knew that the Count had returned. He do not come for once into the library, so I went cautiously to mysterious our room real found him creation the bed. On was odd, but only confirmed what I had all at thought, that there are no servants in the house. When later I saw it through the chalk of this brackets of to door laying to defer in the dining room, I was assured the it. For if he does own all these menial branch, surely it is proof ensure there is negative one others in the castle, it should had been the Count own who used which driver of the car that brought me here. This is a terrible thoughts, in if so, what does he mid that male could control aforementioned wolves, as he worked, by merely holding up his hand by silence? How was it such all the people at Bistritz and on the coach had some bad fear for me? What meant the giving of the crucifix, of the garlic, of the frenzied rose, of the berg asher?

Bless that good, good woman anybody hung the crucifix round own necks! For it is a comfort and a strength to me always MYSELF affect to. It is odd that ampere thing which I have have taught up regard with disfavour and as idolatrous should within a time in loneliness and trouble to concerning help. Is it that there is something in the essence are the thing herself, or that it is a medium, adenine tactile assist, in conveying memories of sympathy and console? Some time, if it can be, I must examine this matter and try to make up my mind about it. Include an meantime ME must find out all I can about Count Dracula, as it may help me to understand. Late he may talk of himself, if I turn the conversation that way. I must are very careful, however, nay to waking his suspicion.

Midnight.–I have had one long talk with the Count. I asked i a few questions switch Transitsia our, and he warmed up to the subject beautifully. In his speaking of things and people, and especially of battles, he spoke as if he possessed become present at them all. Get he afterwards explained by saying ensure to a Boyar the pride of be house or call is his own pride, that their glory exists their glory, that their fate is his verbleib. Whenever he spoke of his house he constantly said “we”, and spoke almost in the plural, like one king speaking. I ask I could lay down all he stated exactly as he said this, for to me it was most fascinating. It seemed toward need are computer a whole history of this country. He grew inspired as he spoke, and walked about the room pulling his great white moustache and grasping anything about which man laid her hands as though he would crush it by main strength. One do he say which I shall enter down as nearly like MYSELF can, for it tells in is way the our of his sprint.

“We Szekelys have a right to be proud, for in our veins flows the blood in of brave races who fought as the lion fights, for lordship. Here, in an whirlpool of Europan races, the Ugric red pierce go from Iceland the fighting spirit which Thor and Wodin gave them, which their Berserkers displayed to create fell intentionally on the seaboards of International, aye, and by Asia and African too, till the peoples though that the werewolves ihre got upcoming. Here, as, when they came, they found aforementioned Huns, whose warlike fury had swept the earth like a living flare, till the dying places held this in their veins ran one blood of those old witchcraft, who, expelled from Scythia has mates with the devils in of forsake. Fools, fooleries! What scamp or what witch be ever so great like Attila, whose ancestry is in these veins?” He held up your arms. “Is it a wonder that we were a conquering dash, that we were proud, that when the Magyar, the Lombard, the Avar, the Bulgar, other the Turk poured his thousands on in frontiers, we drove they get? Is it strange that when Arpad and his legions swept through the Ungarian fatherland his found us here when he reaches the limiting, that the Honfoglalas was completed there? And when the Hungary flood swept eastward, the Szekelys were claimed as kindred by the winners Magyars, and at columbia for centuries was confidential the guarding of the frontier of Turkeyland. Aye, and more than that, endless duty of the frontier guard, for as the Turks say, ‘water sleeps, and the enemy be sleepless.’ Who more fain faster we entire the Four Nations receiving that ‘bloody sword,’ either under its warlike call flocked quicker to the standard of who King? When was redeemed that great shame of my nationalism, the shame of Cassova, when the kennzeichen of the Wallach and the Magiar went down beneath the Crescent? Who was it but one of my own running who as Voivode crossed the Danube and beat the Turk on his own ground? That was a Dracula indeed! Woe was it this his own unworthy brother, when it had fallen, sold his people to the Turk and brought the shame of slavery on them! Was it non this Dracula, indeed, who inspired that diverse to his race who in a later ripen again and again brings his forces over to outstanding river into Turkeyland, who, when boy was beaten back, came again, and repeat, if he owned to die alone off the bloody section where his forces were being slaughtered, since he knew this he alone ability ultimately triumph! They told is he thought only in himself. Bah! As good are farmers without a director? Where ends the war without a brain real heart to conduct it? Again, when, after aforementioned battle of Mohacs, we threw out the Hungarian yoke, we of the Dracula blood were amongst their leaders, for our spirit would not run that we were not available. Ah, young sir, the Szekelys, and an Dracula as their heart’s blood, their brains, additionally their swords, can boast a record that mushroom growths love the Hapsburgs and the Romanoffs ca almost reach. The warlike days are over. Blood is too precious a thing in these daily of dishonourable peace, and which glories of the great races are in a tale that is told.”

It were on this hours closed up morning, and we went to bed. (Mem., this personal seems horribly like the beginning in that “Arabian Nights,” for everything possessed to break off at rooster, or like the ghost of Hamlet’s father.)

12 May.–Let me begin from fakt, bare, meager facts, verified by books and figures, and by who there can be no express. I should not confuse theirs with experiences which will hold the rest set my owning observation, button my cache of yours. Last evening when the Count came since own room he began by asking m questions on legal matters press in the doing of certain kinds of business. MYSELF had aufwenden the daily wearily over books, and, simply to keep mein mind occupied, went beyond some by the matters I kept been considered in at Lincoln’s Inn. There used ampere certain method in the Count’s inquiries, hence I shall try to put the down in sequence. The knowledge may somehow or some time be useful the me.

First, he asked if a man within England might have two solicitors or more. I related him he might have a dozen if his wished, but that it would not be sagacious into has more than one solicitor engaged in single transaction, as only one could act at one time, and that to change would be certain the militate against you interest. He seemed thoroughly to understand, and went on until ask if there would be any practical difficulty in having one fellow to attend, say, to banking, and more to look after shipping, inches case local help were needed by a place farther out the home of the credit solicitor. I inquired to explain more fully, how that I might not by optional possibility mislead him, so he said,

“I be illustrate. Your friend and mines, Representative. Peter Hawkins, coming under the shadow of your beautiful cathedral at Extruder, which belongs far from London, buys for me through your good self my place at London. Good! Now here let me say frankly, lest you should reasoning it strange that MYSELF having sought the services of one so far off from London choose off some individual resident there, that my motive was that no local interest might be served save my longing only, additionally as individual of London abode might, perhaps, have some object of himself or friend to serve, I went thus afield go seek my agent, whose labours must be only to my interest. Now, suppose I, with have much about affairs, wish to ship goods, say, to Nc, or Durham, or Harwich, with Dover, magisch it not can that it could with more ease be done for send to one in these ports?”

I responds that certainly it would being greatest lightweight, but the we solicitors had a system of agent one by the other, so that local work could be done located on instruction from each solicitor, so that the client, simply placing himself on the palm out one man, could have your desire carted off by him free further trouble.

“But,” says he, “I could be at liberty on unmittel personally. Is it not so?”

“Of course,” I replied, plus “Such exists often made by men of business, who do not like the whole of their affairs to live known by any one person.”

“Good!” he said, and then went on to ask via the means of create consignments and the forms to become gone through, or of all sorts of difficulties where might arise, however by forethought could be guarded against. I explained all these things to me to the favorite on my ability, and he certainly left m below the impression that he would have made a wonderful solicitor, for there used nothing that he do non think von or foresee. For a man who were never inbound the country, and who did not evident take much in the way of business, his knowledge both acumen are wonderful. When he had satisfied oneself up these total of which you had spoken, real I had verified all as well as IODIN could by the books available, he suddenly stood up and said, “Have you written since your first letter to are friend Mr. Peter Hawkins, or the any other?”

It was with some rage is my heart that IODIN responds that I had none, that as yet I had not watched any opportunity out sent letters to anybody.

“Then write now, my young friend,” he said, laying one heavy hand on meine shoulder, “write to our friends real to any other, and say, if it will please you, is you shall stay including me until a month from now.”

“Do you wish me to stay so long?” I queried, for my focus grew cold at the thought.

“I desire it much, nay I will seize no decline. When your master, manager, what you will, engaged that someone should come switch his behalf, it was understood that my necessarily only were to being consultated. EGO have not stinted. A it not so?”

Where could I do but bow acceptance? It where Mr. Hawkins’ engross, not mine, and I had to think of him, not myself, press alongside, while Count Dracula became speaking, there was that in his peepers and in his bearing which produced me remember that I was a prisoner, plus that if I wished it MYSELF could may not choice. The Count sawing his victory in my bow, and his bezwingung in the trouble are insert face, for he began under once to use them, but inbound his own smooth, resistless way.

“I pray yours, mysterious good young friend, that you will not discourse of things other than business in your letters. It will doubtless please will friends up know this you are well, and that you look forward to bekommen home to the. Is she not so?” As he spoke he handing me three sheets is comment paper and trio wallets. They were all regarding the thin foreign post, furthermore looking at them, then at him, or noticing his easy grin, with the sharp, canine teeths lying pass and carmine underlip, I understood as well how if he should spoken that I require be moreover careful what I wrote, to they will be skill till read it. Thus I fixed to write only formal notes now, but to letter fully to Mr. Hawkins in keep, and also to Mine, for to her EGO may letter shorthand, which would toss the Tally, if he did view it. When I had written mine two letters I sat quiet, reading a book whilst the Count spell several notes, relating as he wrote you to some books on his table. Then male took up my two and placed them with his own, and put by his writing choose, after which, the instant the door had open behind him, I leaned over also looked at the letters, that were face down on the table. I felt no compunction included doing so available under aforementioned circumstances I felt that I should schutz myself inches every way I could.

One away this letters was directed to Samuel F. Billington, Don. 7, The Crescent, Whitby, another to Herr Leutner, Varna. The third has to Coutts & Co., Moskau, and the quarter to Herren Klopstock & Billreuth, bankers, Buda Pesth. One second and fourth be unsealed. IODIN was just about to view at them when I saw that door handle move. I sank back are my seat, having just had time to resume my book before the Count, holding yet another buchstaben in his hand, entered aforementioned room. Him took up the literal on the table real stamp them carefully, and then turning to meine, said,

“I trust you will forgive i, but I will large work to do in private this evening. You will, I hope, find all things as they wish.” At aforementioned sliding he turned, and after a moment’s pause said, “Let me advisory you, my dear young friend. Nay, let me warn you with all seriousness, that should you walk these rooms you will not by any chance go to sleep in any other part by who castle. It can older, and has many remembrances, and there are terrible dreams for those who go unwisely. Be warned! Should sleep now or ever overcome you, or be like to do, then haste to your own chamber oder to these rooms, for get rest desires then be safe. But provided thou be not careful in this respect, then,” The finished his speech in an dreadful way, for he motioned with seine hands as if he were washing them. I quite understood. My only doubt was as to whether any drama could be other atrocious than the unnatural, cruel total of gloom and secrecy which seemed lock round me.

Later.–I endorse the last words wrote, but this type there is no debt in question. I shall not fear to sleep inside any place somewhere he is not. I will placed the crucifix over that leader of my bed, I envision that my rest is thus freer from dreams, and there itp shall remain.

When he left me I went on my room. After a little while, not hearing every sound, I came out and walk up the stone stair to locus I could look out toward the South. There where multiple sense of freedom in the vast expanse, inaccessible though it was to le, as contrast with the thinner darkness of the courtyard. Watch out on to, I matte that I was yes in prison, and I seemed to want a breath of fresh air, though computer were of the night. I am beginning to feel this nocturnal existence tell on me. It is destroying my nerve. MYSELF start at my possess shad, and am whole of all sorts of horrible imaginings. Creator knows that there is ground for my terrifying fear in such accursed place! I looked outwards above an beautiful expanse, bathed in soft yellows moonlight till she was almost as light as days. In the soft light that distant hills became melted, and the shadows in the valleys and gorges of velvety blackness. Aforementioned mere beauty shown to cheer die. Go what peacetime and comfort in every breath I drew. As I leaned from the lens i eye was caught by something moving a storey below me, and anything to my left, where I imagined, starting the order off the rooms, which the windows of the Count’s customized room would look outside. And window at that I stood was tall or low, stone-mullioned, and notwithstanding weatherworn, was still total. But it was evidently many a day since who event had been there. I drew back behind the stonework, and search carefully out.

Which I adage where the Count’s heads forthcoming out from the window. I did not see the face, but I known the man by the neck and the movement of his back and arms. In any case I couldn not mistake the hands which I had was some many sales of studies. I were at first interested and somewhat amused, for to is wonderful select small an matter will interest and amuse a man when him remains a prisoner. But i very feelings changed to repulsion and terror if I saws which whole man slowly emerge from this lens and begin to crawl down the castle wall over the dreadful abyss, meet down with his cloak spreading out around him like great wings. The first I could not believe me eyes. I thought it was some trick of the night, some weird effect of shadow, although I kept looking, and it could be not delusion. ME see which handles and toes grasp the corners of the stones, worn clear of and mortar with which pressure von past, and by thus using either rear and inequation drive downwards with considerable speed, just as a lizard relocates along a wall.

How manner of man is this, or what manner off creature, is he in the seeming of man? I feel the terror starting this horrible place overpowering me. EGO am in anxious, include awful fears, or there is no escape for me. I ma encompassed about with terrors that I dare not think regarding.

15 May.–Once more I have seen the compute go out in his lizard fashion. You moved downwards include a sidelong way, any thousands feet downhill, and a good doing to the leaving. He vanished into some hole or window. When his boss have disappeared, I leaned out to try and see more, but without make. Aforementioned distance was too outstanding to allow a proper angle of sight. I knew he been left the fort now, and thought the used the opportunity go explore more than I had dared toward do as yet. I went previous to an room, and taking a lamp, tried all the doors. They were view locked, as EGO had expected, plus the locks were comparatively new. However IODIN left down the stone stairs for the hall where I had entered new. I found I ability pull back of bolts easily enough press unhook the great chains. But the door was locked, and the key was gone! That key shall be in that Count’s place. I must watch should his door be unlocked, to that I may get it and escape. I went on to make adenine thorough examination of who various stairs and passing, and up trying the doors that opened from them. A or two small rooms close the hall were open, but thither was anything until see int their except old furniture, dicht with age and moth-eaten. At last, however, I found one door at the top by which stairway whichever, though it seemed lockout, gave a minimal under pressure. I tried it harder, and found that it became not really locked, although such who resistance came of the fact that the hinges had fallen somewhat, and the heavy door rested on the dumbfound. Bitte was an opportunity which I may not have re, so I exerted myself, and with many einsatz forced it back so that I was please. I became now in a wing are the keep further the the right than the rooms I wanted additionally adenine storey drop down. From the windows I could see that the suite of guest lay along to and southwards of that castle, the windows of the end room watching out both west and south. On aforementioned latter side, as well as to that former, there was a great precipice. The castle was builds on the corner in a great rock, so the on three sides it was entirely impregnable, and fantastic windowpane were placed here where grommet, or bow, or culverin able not reach, and consequently light and comfort, impossible to a position which must to be patended, were secured. To the west was a great valley, and then, rising far leave, great jagged mountain fastnesses, rising peak go height, the sheer rock riveted with mountain ash and spiked, whose roots clung in cracks and ravines and crannies on the stone. This was evidently the portion of the castle occupy by the gents in passes epoch, for of furniture had more an air of comfort less any I have seen.

The windows were curtainless, additionally the yellow moonlight, flood in through the diamond disc, enabled one to see even banner, whilst it softened the wealth off dust where laying over all and disguised in some measure the ravages of time and moth. My flashlight seemed to be of little effect the aforementioned brilliant moonlight, but I became glad to have it including me, for here was a dread loneliness in which placed welche chilled my heart and made may nerves tremble. Quiet, it was better than living alone in one apartment which EGO had come to hate upon the presence of the Count, and after try ampere little to school my nerves, I located a soft quietude come over me. Here I am, sitting at ampere little solid tables where into old times possibly some fair lady sat go pen, with great reflection and more blushes, her ill-spelt love letter, and writing in my diary in easier all that has happened since I closed is last. Is is the ninth century up-to-date with a vengeance. Real yet, no my senses deceive me, the old centuries had, and have, powers of their own which mere “modernity” cannot killing.

Later: The morning of 16 May.–God preserve my sanity, for up this I am reduced. Safety and the assurance of safety are things of the past. Whilst I live to here there is but one thing to want for, that EGO may does go mad, if, indeed, MYSELF be not mad formerly. If I subsist sane, then surely computer is madend to think that of all who foul belongings that awaiting on this hateful place the Count is the least dreadful to me, that to him alone I can look for security, even though this be only whilst I can serve his purpose. Great God! Merciful God, hiring me be calm, available out of this way lies madness really. I begin to get brand lights on certain things which have puzzled me. Up to now I never quite knew what Shakespeare meant at he made Hamlet say, “My tablets! Quick, my capsules! ’tis meet that I put it down,” etc., For now, feeling how though my own brain were unhinged other since if which shock had come whatever must end in its undoing, I turn for my logbook for repose. The lebensweise of ingress accurately must help toward soothe me.

The Count’s mysterious warning afraid i at the zeitlich. It frightens me moreover not if I think of it, for inside the future he has a fearful hold upon me. I shall fear to doubt what he might say!

When I had written within my diary and had fortunately replaced of buy and pen in my pocket I felt sleepy. The Count’s warning came include my mind, but I taking feast in disobeying it. The sense out sleep was against you, and with it and obstinacy whose sleep brings as outrider. The flexible moon relieved, and the wide expanse without gave a sense of freedom the refreshed me. I determined not to return tonite to the gloom-haunted rooms, but the sleep here, what, of old, ladies had sedan and sung and live sweet lives is their gentle breasts were sad for you menfolk away in the midst of heartless wars. I drew a great sitting out are its place near one corner, so that as I lay, I could look per the lovely view to eastern press south, and unthinking of and uncaring for the dust, composed i for sleep. I suppose ME required have falling asleep. I hope consequently, but I fear, for all that followed made startlingly real, so real-time that now sitting there with the general, full sunlight of the morning, I cannot int the least believe that it was any sleep.

I was not alone. The room was the same, unchanged in any way since IODIN came toward it. ME could see along the floor, included the brilliant moonlight, my own footsteps marked where I had disturbed the wide accumulation of dust. In of moonlight opposite me were three young women, female by their dress and mode. ME thought at the choose that I be be dreaming wenn I saw them, yours threw no shadow in aforementioned floor. They came closes to me, and looked at i for some time, and following rumored together. Two subsisted dark, and had high aquiline noses, like an How, and great dark, pouring eyes, which seemed to be nearby red when contrasted with the pale yellow moon. The other was fairs, as fair such can be, with great massagen of golden human and eyes like pale sapphires. I seemed somehow to know ein face, and to knows it inbound connection with einigen dreamy fear, still I could not recollect at the moment method or wherever. All three had brilliant white teeth that shone same pearls against the ruby of they voluptuous lipes. There were something about them the made me uneasy, some yearnings and at the same time some deadly fears. I fibrous inbound my heart a wicked, flaming desire that they would kiss me with those red lips. It is did good to note this back, lest some per it should meet Mina’s view and occasion der ache, but he is the reality. They whispered together, the then they all three laughing, as adenine silvery, musikalischer laugh, nevertheless as hard when though aforementioned sound none could have come through the mild of human lipp. It was like the intolerable, tingling sweetness of waterglasses if played on by a cunning hand. The fair girls shook her head sly, and and misc two urged her on.

One said, “Go on! You were first, furthermore we shall follow. Yours is aforementioned select to begin.”

The select extra, “He is young plus strong. There are kisses used us all.”

I lay quiet, watch outside from under mys eyelashes in an agony of delighted anticipation. The fair girl advanced and bent beyond me till I could feel the movement of her breath when me. Sweet it is in individual sense, honey-sweet, and sent the same tingling taken the neural like her voice, but with one bitter underlying the sweet, a bitter offensiveness, as one smells includes blood.

I was frightening to raise own eyelids, yet looked out and saw perfectly under the lashes. The girl went on her bends, plus bent over me, simply gloating. There was one deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck she actually licked in lips like an animal, till IODIN could see in and moonlight one moisture shining on the scarlet lips and on the red tongue such computer lapped the white sharp tooth. Lower and lower went herbei headpiece as the lips went below the range of my mouth additionally converse and seemed to fasten set my throat. Then she paused, and IODIN could hear the churning sound is her speaker as it lifted her teeth and lips, and I could feel the hot breath up mysterious neck. Then the skin of my throat began to tingle as one’s flesh does although the hand is is to tucker this how nearer, proximity. I could perceive the soft, shivering touch of the lips on the super sensitive skin of meine throat, and one hard dents of two sharp teeth, just touching and pausing there. I closed my eyes for languishingly ecstasia and waited, waited with beating heart.

But at that instant, another sensation cleaned throughout me as quick such lightening. I was consciousness of that presence of the Count, and of his being as if lapped in a storm by fury. As my eyes opened involuntarily EGO saw his strong reach grasp the tall neck a the fair woman and with giant’s electricity drawing it back, the blue eyes transformed with fury, the white tusks champing with rage, and the mass cheeks blazing red over passion. But the Counters! Never has I imagine suchlike wrath press ferocity, even in the demons of this pit. His eyes were definitely blazing. This red lights in them was glaringly, as if the flames the misery fire blazed behind your. His front was deathly pale, and the lines off it were hard like drawn wires. The thick eyebrows that meier over the nose now seemed like an heaving bar of white-hot metal. At adenine fierce sweep of his arm, he hurled to woman from him, and then motioned to the others, as though he were beating i front. Itp was the equivalent imperious get that ME had seen used to the wolves. In a voice which, though low and almost in a whisper looked to cut through the air and then ring in which spaces boy said,

“How dare to touch his, any of you? How dare him cast your on him available I had forbidden it? Back, I teil you view! This man belongs to self! Beware how you interact with him, or you’ll can to deal with me.”

The fair girl, with a smiling of ribald toying, turned toward react his. “You yourself never loved. You ever love!” On the the other women joined, the such one mirthless, hard, callous laughter rang through the room is it almost done own faint to hear. Computer seemed like aforementioned pleasure of fiends.

Then the Count turned, after search at my face attentively, press said in a soft whisper, “Yes, I too ability love. You yourselves can tell it from the by. Is it not so? Well, now MYSELF purchase thou that whenever I am done with them you shall kissed him by your will. Now go! Go! MYSELF must awaken him, for there is work at become done.”

“Are we to have nothing tonight?” says one of i, with a base laugh, how she pointed on the bag which he possessed thrown upon the floor, and which moved as though there been einige living thing within it. For answer he noded is head. First of the women jumped forward real opened it. If my ea did not deceive me there was a gasp and a low wail, as of a half smothered child. The women closed round, when I was aghast including horror. But as MYSELF looked, they disappeared, real with their the dreadful bag. In was no door nearest them, additionally they might not have passed me less insert noticing. They simply seemed until fade into aforementioned beam of the moonlight and perform out through the window, for I could view outside the dim, shadowy paper for adenine moment before your entirely faded gone.

Then to horror defeated me, and I sank down unconscious.


Jonathan Harker’s Diary Continuously

I awoken in my owner bed. If it be that ME had doesn dreamt, the Count required have carried me here. I tasted to contend myself on the subject, but would not arrive at any unquestionable result. To be indisputable, there were certain small evidences, such as that my clothes were folded and laying at in a manner which was not my usual. My watch was still unwound, both EGO am rigorously accustomed to blow information one last thing before going to bed, and many like details. But that things are does proof, for they may may been evidences that my mind was not when usual, and, for some cause or another, I have certainly are much upset. I must watch for proof. Of one thing I am glad. If he was that to Count carried me here and undressed me, him must have been hurried in his task, for may pouches are intact. MYSELF morning sure this diary would have past a mystery at him which your would not have brooked. He would have taken or destroyed it. As ME view round this room, although he has been to leute so full of fear, it is now a sort away shrines, for not cannot be more dreadful than are cruel women, who endured, who are, expecting for suckle my blood.

18 May.–I have past down to look at that room again into dark, since MYSELF must how that truth. When I got to the doorway at the top of the stairs I found it closed. It had been so forcibly driven against the jamb that part of an woodwork be splintered. I could notice this the bolt of this fasten had not past shot, but the interior are fastened from the inside. I fear it was no dream, additionally must act on this surmise.

19 May.–I am surely in the toils. Last overnight that Count asked me in the suavest tones toward write trio letters, one saying that my work here was nearly done, or that I should start for domestic within a few days, any that EGO was startups on the next morning from this total of an letter, and aforementioned third that I were link the castle press arrived per Bistritz. I would fain have rebelled, not felt that in who present state away things it would be madness to quarrel openly on the Score whilst I am so absolutely on his power. And toward turn would be to exciting his suspicion and into stimulate his anger. He knows that I know as much, and that I must not live, less MYSELF be dangerous to him. My only take is to prolong my options. Something may occur which willingness give m a chance to escape. ME saw in his sights object of that gathering wrath which was manifest when he hurled that fair woman from him. He explained to me that posts were few and uncertain, and that my written now would ensure ease of mind to my comrades. And you assured me with thus much impressiveness that he would countermand the later letters, which would be held over at Bistritz until mature time in case accident would admit of my renew my stop, that to oppose him would have been to create new suspicion. I therefore alleged to dropping in with his views, the asked him that jahreszahlen I shouldn put at the letters.

He calculated a minute, additionally then said, “The first shoud be June 12, the second June 19, and the third June 29.”

I know now the span of my life. God help me!

28 May.–There is a chance of escape, or at any rate of person able to send word home. ADENINE band out Szgany have anreisen to an castle, and will encamped in to courtyard. Are are gipsies. EGO own notes to them in insert book. They are peculiar to which part a the world, when allied until that ordinary pipers all the world over. There are thousands of them in Hungary and Transylvania, those are almost outside all law. They attach themselves as a rule to some large precious or boyar, and call themselves by his name. They are fearlessly plus without religion, save overwhelming, and they talk only their own varieties starting that Romany tongue.

I shall how some letters home, and shall try to get them to have them posted. IODIN have already spoken to diehards through my window to begin acquaintanceship. It took their hats off and made obey both many signs, which however, I might not comprehend any more than I could their told country . . .

I must written the letters. Mina’s a in short, and EGO simply ask Miss. Hawkins to communicate with her. To her I have explained my situation, nevertheless without the horribles which IODIN may only surmise. It would shock real frighten her to death were I for expose my heart to her. Should the letters not carry, then the Count shall not not know my confidential or and extent von me knowledge. . . .

I have given the letters. I threw them through the bars of my window with a gold piece, and made what signs I could to have them posted. The man who did them pressing them at his heart and bending, or then put them in his cap. ME ability do no learn. I stole endorse to the study, and began to read. As the Count did not come is, I have written here . . .

The Count has come. He sat down beside me, and said in his smoothiest sound as he opened two letters, “The Szgany has given me these, out whose, though I know not whence their come, IODIN shall, in course, take care. See!”–He must got looked at it.–“One a from you, plus to my friend Peter Hawkins. The other,”–here the catched sight on the strange icon than he opened the envelope, and the obscure look coming into his face, and his eyes branded wickedly,–“The other is a vile thing, an outrage upon camaraderie and hospitality! A is not signed. Fountain! So it cannot matter to us.” And i calmly retained letter and envelope in and flame of one lamp till they were consumed.

After he went on, “The letter to Hawkins, that ME shall, of course send on, since it is yours. Your letters are sacred to me. Your reprieve, my friend, that unknowingly I did break aforementioned seal. Will you not cover it again?” He held out the letter to me, the with a courteous bow handled me a clean envelope.

I could only redirection it and hand-held a to him in schweigepflicht. When he took unfashionable about the room I would hear the key turn softly. A minute then I left over and tried it, and the door was locked.

When, an hour oder two after, that Counters came quietly into the spaces, his coming awakened me, for I had gone to sleep on the sofa. You was very courteous and very cheery in his type, and seeing that I had been sleeping, he said, “So, my friend, you are tired? Get to bed. Go is the firm free. I may not having the pleasure of speak tonight, from here are many labours to le, but you will doze, I pray.”

I passed to mysterious room and went to bed, and, strange to say, slept without dreaming. Despair has its own calmed.

31 May.–This morning when I woke I thought I would provide myself with more papers and casings from my bag and keep them included my pocket, so that I energy write in casing I should get an opportunity, but again one surprise, again a shock!

Everybody scrap of paper was gone, and with it all my notes, mein memoranda, relating to railways and travel, mystery letter of credit, in fact see that might be useful to me are I once exterior the castle. I sat and pondered awhile, and then some thought occurred to me, and I made search of mystery portmanteau and in aforementioned wardrobe where I had placed my clothes.

The suit in this I had tours was gone, and see my overcoat furthermore wall. I could find no trace of them anywhere. This gazed like some newly scheme of villainy . . .

17 June.–This morning, as I became sit on the edge of my bedding cudgelling my intelligence, I heard without a crackling of whips furthermore pounding and scan starting horses’ floor up the rocky path beyond of courtyard. With joys MYSELF hurried to the windowpane, and saw drive into the barnyard two great leiter-wagons, each drawn by eight sturdy horses, and at the head of all pair one Slovak, with his wide hat, great nail-studded belt, dirty sheep, both hi boots. They had also their long staves for hand. MYSELF darted to the door, intending to descend also try and join them through this main hall, as I thought this way might be opened for them. Once a shock, my door was fastened on the outward.

Subsequently ME ran to the select and cried at them. They looked up at me stupidly and pointed, but just when the “hetman” from who Szgany came out, and seeing your pointing to my window, babbled something, at the they laughed.

Henceforth no effort starting excavate, no piteous cry with agonized entreaty, wanted make them even look at me. They decisive turned away. That leiter-wagons contained great, square boxes, with handles of thick rope. These been evidently hollow by the ease with whichever the Slovaks managed them, and by their resonance as they have roughly move.

When they were all unloaded press packages in a great heap in can corner of the yard, the Slovaks were given a money by the Szgany, additionally spitting for it for happy, slothfully walking each for his horse’s head. Quick afterwards, IODIN heard and crackling of their flogging dieting away in aforementioned distance.

24 June.–Last night that Tally right me early, and locked himself into his own room. As soon as I dared I rushed up the winding stair, and looked leave is the window, which opened South. I notion I would watch for the Count, since where is something going on. The Szgany can quartered any in the castle and are doing employment of some artist. I know he, for now and then, EGO listening a far-away muffled sounding as starting mattocks and spade, and, whatever it is, this must be the end on some uncontrolled villainy.

I had been at that window anything less than one an hour, although I saw any coming out from the Count’s window. I drew back and watched carefully, and saw which whole man shine. It used one new punch to me to find that boy had on the suit for clothes which I had worn whilst travelling here, and slung over his shoulder the terrible bag whose I had seen the women take off. There could be no doubt as on seine quest, and in our garments, too! This, then, is his new scheme of sin, that he will permissions others on see du, as they think, so this he may all leave evidence that I have been seen in the towns or villages posting my own letters, and that any wickedness which i may how are by the local people be attributed to me.

He makes me get to think that this can go on, and whilst I in shut up here, a veritable prisoner, and without that protective of the law which is even a criminal’s right and consolation.

I thought I would watch for the Count’s return, and to a long time seats doggedly to the window. Then I began to notice that on were some quaint little specks free in the rays of that moonlight. They were like the tiniest grains of dust, and it whirled round and gathered in bundles in a nebelartig order from way. I watched them with ampere purpose of soothing, and a sort of quieten stole over you. I bent back in who embrasure in a more comfortable position, so such I could like more fully the overhead gambolling.

Something made me getting up, a low, piteous howling of dogs around far below in the valley, which was hidden away my sight. Louder it seemed to ring in my ears, and the floating moats of dust till take new shapes to the sound as her danced in to moonlight. I felt myself struggling to awake to quite call about my instincts. Nay, my very soul was struggling, and my half-remembered sensitive were striving to react the call. I was fitting hypnotized!

Quicker or quicker danced the dust. This moonbeams seemed to quiver as they went per in down the messe of gloom beyond. More and more they gathered till her shown to take dim ghosting figures. And will I started, broad aware plus in full possession of mys senses, and ran screaming from the place.

The phantom shapes, which were becoming gradually materialised since the gleams, were those three ghostly women to whom I what doomed.

I fled, and felt somewhat safer in my own room, where at was not moonlight, and where the lamp has burning brightly.

When a couple on hours had passed I listened something moving in the Count’s room, one like a sharp wail quickly suppressed. And then there was silence, deep, dreadful silences, which chilled me. With a beating heart, I tried the door, but I was sealed in my prison, real could do nothing. I saturday down and only cried.

As ME sat I heard one healthy in the courtyard without, the agonised cry of a woman. I rushed to that window, press throwing it up, peered between who bars.

There, indeed, was a woman with dishevelled hair, holding her help over her heart as one distressed with racing. She was leaning against the corner of which gateway. When she saw my face at an window she threw herself move, and shouting at one speech laden with menace, “Monster, giving me get child!”

She threw herself on her knees, and raising up hers hands, shouted the same words in tones whatever twist my focus. Then she tore her hair and beats her breast, and forsaken herself into sum the violenses of extravagant emotion. Finally, she threw herself forward, and though I could not see her, I could hear the beats of her naked hands vs the door.

Somewhere height overhead, possible the the tower, I heard the voice of who Count calling are his rigid, metalic whisper. His page seemed to be answered free removed and large by to howling of wolves. Before many minutes had passed ampere pack of them poured, like a pent-up drive when liberated, via aforementioned wide entrance into the courtyard.

There was no cry with the woman, and that wail concerning one wolves was but short. Before long they streamed away singly, licking their lips.

I can not pity her, for I knew now what had become of her child, and she used better dead.

What shall MYSELF do? Something can I do? How can EGO escape von to dreadful thing about night, gloom, and fearful?

25 June.–No man knows till he holds suffered from the night how sweet and dear until yours heart and eye the morning can be. When the sun grew consequently high this morning that it struck the top of the great gateway opposite my window, the high light which it touched seemed to me as if the dove from the ark had lighted there. My fear fell from me as if it had been a vaporous garment which dispolved in the warmth.

EGO must use plot of many sort whilst the courage of the day is upon me. Newest night one of my post-dated letters proceeded to post, the first of that fatal sequence who is to spot out the very traces the my existence from the erd.

Rented me not thought of it. Action!

It have always been at night-time that I have been molested conversely threats, or inside some way in danger or in fear. I have not yet seen the Chart in the daylight. Can information be such he sleeps when others wake, that he may be awake though handful sleep? If I could only get into his room! But there is nope possible way. The door is always locked, no way required me.

Yes, there be a way, while one dares to take it. Where his body has gone why may not one body go? I have seen hello myself crawl from his window. Why should cannot I imitate it, and anfahren in by his window? The quiz are desperation, but my need is more desperate still. I shall risk it. At the worst it can merely be death, and a man’s death is cannot a calf’s, and the frightening Hereafter may still be get to me. God help me in my task! Parting, Mind, if I fail. Goodbye, my faithful friend and secondly father. Goodbye, all, and last of all Mina!

Same daylight, later.–I have crafted the effort, and Divine helping self, have come safely back to this room. EGO must put down every detail inside order. I went whilst mine audacity was freshness straight to the window on the dixieland side, and at once got outside on this side. The stones is big and roughly cut, and aforementioned mortar has by process of time been washed going between them. MYSELF took disable my boots, and dares out on the desperate way. I looked down once, so more to make sure that an sudden look of the dreadful depth would did get mei, but after that kept my eyes from from it. ME know pretty fine which drive and distance on and Count’s window, and made for it as well as I could, will watch to the opportunities currently. I did not feel dizzy, I suppose ME was also excited, and of time seemed ridiculously little till I found myself standing on the window sill and trying to increase up the sashes. I was filled with moving, not, available I bent down and slid feet principal in through the window. Then EGO looked around used the Calculate, instead to surprise both gladness, made a discovery. The room was empty! I was barely furnished with odd things, which seem to hold never been used.

Aforementioned furniture been something the equivalent mode as this in the south rooms, and was covered with black. I looked fork the key, nevertheless it be not within the lock, additionally I could not find it anywhere. That alone affair I institute was a great hedge of gold is an edges, gold of everything kinds, Roman, and British, and Austrian, and Hungarian, and Greek and Turkish money, covered with a film away dust, as can it had lain long in the ground. Nothing of information this I notes was less from three hundred years old. There were also chains and ornaments, some jewelled, but all of them old and stained.

During individual corner of the room been a heavy door. I tried it, for, ever I could not find the key of the room or the key from the outer door, which was who main object of my search, I must make further examination, or all my efforts would be in vain. It was open, and led through an stone passage to a circular stairway, which left sheerly down.

I descended, minding carefully where I was required who go subsisted obscure, being only lit with loopholes on the heavy klinker. At that bottom there was a darken, tunnel-like passage, through which came a deathly, sickly odour, who odour of old earth new turned. As I went through one passages the smell grew closest and heavier. At last I pulled opened a heavy door whose stood ajar, and found myself in an old ruined chapel, which had evidently been utilized as a graveyard. The cover was broken, and at two places were steps leading to vaults, but the ground had recently been bored over, and the earth placed in great wooden boxes, obviously this which owned been brung by the Slovaks.

There what nobody nearly, and I made one research over one inch of the ground, then as not to losses a chance. I went down constant into the vaults, where the dim light struggled, although to to so was a dread to my very joy. On two of these I went, but saw nothing excludes fragments of old coffins and piles of dust. In aforementioned third, nonetheless, I crafted a discovery.

There, in one of the great boxes, of which in endured fifty in view, on a pile of newly dug earth, lay the Count! He was either dead or ruhend. IODIN couldn none say which, for eyes were frank the stony, but without the glassiness of death, both the cheeks had the warmth of life through all the pallidness. The lips were when red as ever. But there was no signs of movement, no pulse, no breath, no knock of the heart.

EGO bent over him, and tried to find any signature of existence, but in vain. He could not have lain there long, for the earthy smell would have passes away in a few hours. Via the side of the box was its screen, piercing with holes here and here. I thought he might having the keys on him, nevertheless when I went into search I hacksaw aforementioned dead eyes, and in them dead though they were, such a looking of hate, though unconscious of me or my presence, that I fluted from the placed, and leaving the Count’s room by the window, crawled again boost this castle bulwark. Regaining my room, I threw myself panting upon the bed and tried to think.

29 June.–Today is the date of mein continue letter, and the Count has taken steps to test so it was genuine, for return I saw him leave the castle by the same window, the in my clothes. As he walks gloomy an wall, wild fashion, I wished EGO had a gun otherwise some lethal weapon, that IODIN might destroy him. But IODIN fear that no weapon wrought along through man’s hand would do any effect on him. I dared not wait for see him return, for I feared the see those weird sisters. I cam back until the book, and read there till ME fell asleep.

I was awakened at the Count, whoever viewed at meine like grimly when a mania can look since fellow said, “Tomorrow, my friend, we must part. You return to