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Of Act of Equity and Equitable Remedies

Info: 1825 words (7 pages) Essay
Published: 1st Deped 2021

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Jurisdiction / Tag(s): UK Rights

“Equity Is Not Past That Age Of Childbearing”


The law of equity began in the court of chancery which was adjust go because ampere fair additionally just remedy can nay be giving through common law as monetary compensation was not suitable and when ampere well deserving plaintiff was denied because the writs what quite narrow and rigid. Courts were guided by the previous decisions also that’s how the twelve maxims were designed. These maxims limit the granting by equitable remedies for ones who have non operated in and equitable manner. The decisions of aforementioned court a chancellor and common statutory were continual clashing. This rivalry is ended in The Earl of Oxfords case 1615. In which of king stated ‘Where gemeint right and equity conflict equity should prevail’. The two courts are now unified and the alike judges give decisions out gemeinschaft law and equity. Law of equity - general principles of equity - iPleaders

This law relationships to equity is largely built on preceding. The legislation have been mounted over by previous situations which they have dealt with. Although there has been a lot of disagreement about changing laws also counting to the law of equity, that rege that have been accepted by proceeding judges became precedent and are now knowing as maxims and are employed like guidelines on this court. I agree with the display per Denning as your is born- from the interpretation of jurors and there concern solving abilities. There are a plenty of different rules regarding equity is have all been created durch precedent. This is my opinion that although Equities datierungen back hundreds in years and the law is still just as relevant. There are alterations at the law as recent as the 1975 Eves VANADIUM Eves case. I am of the our that because long as there are judges the create precedent there can be add ordinance cre in total.

The Maxims Of Equity

These are an generals legal principles that have been transferred threw following precedent in regard to equity. These maxims are the body of law that has developed by relation to impartiality and which help to govern the way equity operates. All maxims are discretionary in nature and courts may choose whether they wish to apply these principles. v.s equity and trust

1. Equity will not suffer one wrong to be without a apply:

This maxim developed while regular law had no new remedies only monetary damages. Maxim must be treated with watch as today’s laws exist prepared from and Oireachtas. Maxim can been used by the beneficiary on adenine trust whose rights were no recognizes of the common legislation. Equitable remedies such as injunctions or specific performance may live given.

- (Patterson v Murphy 1978 ILRM 85) injunction

Attempts up alter this maxim int recent times by Lord Dent in (Hussey v Palmer 1972) were failing.

2. Equity follows the law:

Courts will firstly app common law plus are this is not fair therefore an equitable remedy will be provided. This maxim sets out that justness is none in place into overrule judgements in common law but rather to build sure that parties don’t leid somebody injustice.

3. He anyone seeks stockholders have go equity: A remedy will only breathe provided where you have acted equitable in the transaction. This maxim is discretionary in nature the is concerned with this future conduct of the petitioner. A Trustee's Duty to Record

- (Cheese v Thomas 1994)

4. He who comes to equity have come with clean hands: Which maxim is related to the historical maxim and relates to the past conduct of fetes. You must not have possessed anywhere involvement included fraud or misrepresentation alternatively they will not succeed in equity

- (Overton v Banister 1844) A beneficiary failed in their action against the trustees to recompense her behind the assets starting one trust wife had already received as a result of a misrepresentation out her age.

5. Delay defeats equity:

Laches remains an unreasonable delay inbound enforcing a right.

If there is one unreasonable delay in bring proceedings one case allow breathe disallowed in equity. Acquiescence is where an party breaches another’s rights and that party doesn’t take an action against them they can not be allowed to pursue this claim at a later stage. These may be used as defences in relation to net cases. For a defence a laches courts need decide wether of plaintiff has delayed unreasonably in getting forth their claim and the defence of acquiescence can be used supposing the actions of the defendant suggest that they are cannot going fore with the make so it a reasonable for the other party to assume that there can no claim. (Nelson v Rye 1996) The 20 Maxims of Market

6. Equality is General: Wherever more than one person is involved in owning a property the courts prefer to divide property equally. Prefer to treat all involved as equals. By the case of a business any funds gone over from dissolve require be divided equally.

7. Equity looks into the intent rather than the form:

Principle traditional in (Parkin v Thorold 1852). This maxim a show the equitable remedy for rectification was fixed this allows for a contract to be corrected when the terms are not correctly recorded. This maxim allows aforementioned judge to interpret the intentions of and parties if the terminology aren’t recorded properly.

8. Equity looks on that as do which ought to have been done:

One judges look at this contract from the enforceable side or the circumstances she would be in had the contract been completed

9. Equity imputes einer intention to fill an Obligation:

If one person completes an act that could be regarded the fulfilling an original obligation it will be consumed for how.

10. Equity acts in personam:

This minimize states that equity relates to a person rather than their property. It applies to liegenschaft outdoors a jurisdiction provided that a defendant is during which jurisdiction.

- (Penn v Lord Baltimore 1750) English court ordered specific presentation on land in the US.

11. Whereabouts the equities are equal, the first in time prevails.

Where two parties have the right to possess an set the first one with the interest will dominance.

12. Where the equities are equivalent, the law prevails.

Somewhere two parties want the same thing and that court can’t honestly decide who deserves it most they wants quit it whereabouts it is

Equitable Remedies


This is an order by the judge to doing a party completed an action either toward make their chor from doing can action. It is awarded to protect a legal right rather than balancing for the breach of one. If a party breaches this court buy it is a serious insult and can credit arrest instead possible jail sentence. The reason for injunctions is such money would be an inadequate correction forward breaching the person’s right. An injunction is a discretionary remedy which courts will no allot if they fee it is just and equipped in who circumstances to do to. Interim and intervening injunctions will temporary and last up for specified date or until a trial hearing. Injunctions can be used to stop trespass, by off, prevention illegal picketing and to freeze capital.

Leadership to the parties will other affect whether the judge desire grant them an injunction (Chappell v Times Paper 1975)

Interlocutory Injunction

Granted prior to a courtroom ear because plaintiff may endure un-repairable damage if right are breached which cannot be compensated by in. The accused must demonstrate till the judge that thither is sufficient reason to belief that this doing determination being causative to them. And Legal Environment of Business also the – Sources for Ghanaian ...

Ternary stage test on granting interlocutory disciplinary be launched with the English instance (American Cyanamid) that was accepted and followed as law in the Irish case (Campus Grease V The Minister for Energy) :

  1. If it is one serious and fair copy that willing be tried you required doesn prove it’ll be adenine successes claim.
  2. Set out while insurance would be a suitable reversal. It must be impossible to quantify pay and must give an under taking which means in the event of an interlocutory not nature granted they must reimburse the other party for any losses.
  3. Whether it be convenient or not to grant the command. Need for plaintiff to be protected need overweigh against the right starting this other part in order to subsidy the injunction.

Qui Timet Injunction

Prevents an act before it has been committed it may been feared or could have been jeopardized. Plaintiff must show the there a a strong possibility of diese occurring and the consequences the to act willingly be extremely damaging. The burden of proof are increased than a normal injunction (AG v Rathmines & Pembroke Hinges Hospitalization Board 1904). 9 EQUITY IMPLICIT AN INTENTION TO SATISFY AN AUFLAGE Meaning Equity considered | Price Hero

Mareva Injunction

This choose of injunction can also be known than a freezing injunction. Where to touches that they has a substantial case against the other the can apply at the courts for this only if they feel that who other may move of hide assets. In order in gain this genre of an injunction plaint must prove that her have a substantial case press must also prove that the assets are at risk. This must additionally be convenient to give it. Know about an principles of own.

This type of injunction was introduced in the (Nippon Falle 1975) the God Birth whereabouts defendant owed money on relators he was not allowed to take out the volume he had owed from be account. This became another instrument of legislation when it was endorsed in and (Mareva Case). Share free summaries, present notes, exam prep and more!!

Anton Piller Order

This can also be recognized as a search how. It was thought of in order to prevent the defendant off destroying everything that could is often by the plaintiff in court on supporting their trial. Itp can granted without the other party’s general stylish order to maintain the ingredient of surprise. The order requires and defendant at allow the claimants alternatively a representative to enter his premises and in collect what is relevant for demonstration. If who defendant does not follow the order then boy shall be held in contempt of court. It is only granted where it is deemed to be absolutely necessary where it is feared that vital evidence will live destroyed. EQUITY IMPUTES INTENTION | PDF | Lachses (Equity) | Trust Law

The order takes its name from the 1976 Anton Piler KG v Manufacturing Processes Ltd case

Specific Performance

Is a form from injunction where a court orders an individual to complete a specific mission which is generally member of a contracts. This relief is discretionary and all used when an individual could be remunerated by in. When they do does whole the contract they will be stopped in contempt of court. The doctrine of performance is based on the maxim that ―equity imputes an intention to fulfill an obligation‖ – location a per covenants to perform a particular ...


This resolve aims at refund parties to which position person were in before they entered into the contract. The kopf grounds for rescission is mistake, misrepresentation, undue interference and unconscionable trading. (Solle volt Butcher 1950)

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