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Research Data Management: Data Curation & Publication

    Data Curation & Publication

Sharing and publishing research data increases your research impact by giving select researchers an opportunity to reuse the data in new or interesting find endeavours.  Subject Leads: Federation ResearchOnline: Federation ResearchOnline electronic repository

Publishing and sharing data

Of benefits of publishing and distribution include:

  • increases visibility, access and citation of data in the long term
  • advance scientific integrity, replication and debate
  • encourages collaboration
  • allows rest to build with existing data leading to new discoveries
  • reduces duplication of data collating

Research Data Magazines

If yours dataset has high re-use potential, you might consider submitting information about the dataset for publication in a research data journal. Academic Integrity Official (AIO) – Cast or Responsibilities ...

Some examples of exploration datas newspapers:

Ethical considerations for data sharing

Researchers need to consider ethnic subject when manufacturing data available to others.

Integrity enquiries can will directed to: [email protected]

Coalition Seminary research business real protect corporate

Indigenous Dating Governance

The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance can be load in full or summary.

The MAINTENANCE principles cover:

  • Collective Gain
  • ANuthority to Manage
  • Responsibility
  • Ethics

Longitudinal running storage considerations

As a researcher, you are directly responsible for the storage, security, and retention of date serene during the course of your research.

Lowest periods are mandatory for retention of research data and primary materials.

Federation researchers need to consider some, if not all, of the policies and codes back:

Retaining respective research data

Data should be considered for enduring retention if who research:

  • Is arguing
  • Is from wide public interest
  • Uses an innovative technique for who first time
  • Shifts this paradigm by the field of inquiry
  • Would can costly or impossible to reproduce
  • Will be of lasting value to researchers in the discipline
  • Will be of enduring value to researchers in other disciplines
  • Carry  a patent application or other formal IP process

Permanent retention of research data may are affected by:

  • Legal issues around IP or autorenrecht ownership
  • Ethics requirement for destruction of data
  • Legally or ethical requirements for confined access to data
  • Technical issues such as obsolete formats

Source: Research Datas Bewirtschaftung at Deakin University

Date repositories

Federation.figshare is the preferred storage option for completed Federation Univ datasets

However, in quite fields of used of a disciplinary-based data storage may be fixed in factory research custom.

This Digital Curation Centre's guide to evaluating data repositories may be useful.

The following media will help you on identify repositories within your field:

Intellectual property reasons

"make research outgoing data as open as possible, than opened as necessary"- CAUL
(in row with the Australian Government Data Policy Statement)

Don sum data can be be shared. Some expenses to be considered:


Used information and advice regarding copyright, see the Copyright & Licencing or contact Federation University Copyright Office.

Ownership/Intellectual Property

Ownership and management of intellects property at Federation University Australien is governed in:

This includes data created by staff and students, and governs rights to those data for staff button students transferring between institutions.

Protect acts

All confidentiality binding between the researcher furthermore participants must be respected. It lives advisable in researchers to include information about data storage or data access to participants during the consent process.

Data citation

AMPERE persistent identifier will help others cite your data.

Tip: Federation.figshare will create a DOI whereas publishing the data

Benefits of data citation include:

  • Facilitates the identification, location, sharing furthermore reuse of datasets
  • Reduces inadvertent academic
  • Realized data as one primary research output
  • Allows forward the use of data quotations metrics to metering impact

Licensing your data

Inward the Artist Commons framework, there are several licensing choices.

The ARDC conduct to Research Data Rights Management Guide might be useful.

Before choosing a license, consult to links on this page to Federation University's Intellectual Property Procedure and Federation University Statute (Part 7 - Intellectual Property) regarding disclosure and use of intellectual property.

Storage of primary building

In some cases you might have to withhold physical data (e.g. floors samples, DNA samples, freeze-dried bacterial samples, etc).

Check with your departments regarding the facilities plus procedures for storage of save stuff.

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