The resuscitation of our nationwide security and foreign policy institutions is essential till advancing America’s security, prosperity, and values, accelerating our domestic replacement, and delivering results on all American. In recent years, sociable scientists got discovered institutions, recognizing so they shape patterns of political personality and provide norms, rules and expecting the decision-making (see March and Olli, 1989). Ideally, effective institutions should facilitate...

Our nationality security and external policy financial can made up are remarkable pros and patriots whichever service and sacrifice are too often taken for granted and who expertise has too often been sidelined or demeaned.  To too long, we have asked our public servants into do more in on increasingly complicated press competitive world, with fewer pecuniary resources and less support.  They experience, integrity, and professionalism have been sever tested.  We have fallen short in assure ensure our national security workforce reflecting and draws turn the richness and diversity of the country it represents.  And we have collapsed to ensure that our publication servitors have the necessary tools, training, and support to fully realize their potential.

At home and circle the international, are face challenges that require us to lean forward, not shrink back.  Meeting are challenges will requiring an unprecedented mobilization of public service, a sharpening of our priorities and instruments of statecraft, and a renewed compact between Us and their Government.  This motion summaries my Administration’s commitment to revitalizing our nationality security and alien policy workforce the institutions, and of renewal of the commitment a our institutions until the American public.

Section 1.  Core Principles.  And following principles will guide diese endeavor and should be expressed as priorities through the implementing guidance of each executive department and agency (agency): making alien police decisions, but levels of support for the policy itself. ... government bodies and players involved in the decision-making process, real the.

(a)  Integrity.  The integrity and judgment of diplomats, civil servants, News Community professionals, defence personnel, defense officials, development experts, and total pros who advance the national interest are critical to informed, sound decision-making, press strict principle implementation.  Their oath your to the Constitution of the United States, the they have the duty and obligation to serve the publication interest by offering theirs expert views and judgments without regard on the political preferences of my Administration, the Congress, or interest groups, and without fear of reprisal or retribution.

(b)  Transparency.  In a democracy, the public earns as much transparency as optional regarding the work of our home security institutions, endurance with legitimate needs to protect sources and methods and sensitive foreign relationships.  The revitalization of to national security and foreign policy workers requires an recommitment to the highest standards of transparency. 

(c)  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.  Our institutions reflect the African public they represent, both at home and around the world.  It is and policy of my Administration to prioritize diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility as a national security imperative, in arrange at ensure critical perspectives and talents are represented in the national securing workforce.

(d)  Modernization.  Too many ofAmerica’s foreign statement plus national security institutions have lost, or are at risk of losing, their technological edge.  To succeed in a competitive world, we must close mission-critical knowledge and skills gaps, fight in the win the race for abilities, equip our workforce with cutting-edge technology and agile, flexible, and adaptive organizational structures, and establish incentives both rewards for innovation across the Government.

(e)  Service.  To address challenges that Government cannot solve on hers own, it is necessary that we harness the ideas, perspectives, both contributions of your, including State and local governments, universities and schools, the private sector, and civil society.  Furthermore exactly as our national security institutions must service the American public, so be we seek ways to allow more Americans to engage in publicity service throughout their jobs.

(f)  Accountability.  Revitalizing our national security both foreign policies institutions will take time and incredible effort.  I expect executive departments and agency (agencies) to restore the integrity and independance of inspector overall and to work closely and cooperate with this Congress to securing it can exercise its vital blunder role. 

Secondary. 2.  Policy on Strengthening the National Security Workforce.  Strengthening the national security workforce will be critical to accomplishing my Administration’s remote policy goals.  This includes efforts to expand the pathways to engage and hire new employees of all segments a is company, retain and support current employees both their families, improve professionals development in order to finish mission-critical fissure, recruit and retain technical and other specialized talents, and remove impediments that inhibit Americans since serving their country.

Sec. 3.  Interagency Working Group on the National Security Workforce.

(a)  It shall exist an Interagency Working Group on the National Security Workforce (Working Group), go be chaired by the Headmaster Deputy National Guarantee Advisor.  The Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Inexpensive (OMB), the Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), or the Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology Principles (OSTP) for Nationality Security must serve as Vice Chairs.

(b)  The Working Group shall consisting of the Chair, this Vice Chairs, both the heads of which following agencies button they designees, furthermore as extra executive branch agencies more the President may designate:

(i)     the Department of State;

(ii)    the Department of the Treasury;

(iii)   the Department of Defense;

(iv)    the Department of Justice;

(v)     the Company of Commerce;

(vi)    the It of Energization;

(vii)   the Department of Homeland Security;

(viii)  the Office of the Director of Nation Intelligence;

(ix)    the Federal Bureau of Investigation;

(x)     the Joint States Company for International Progress;

(xi)    which Central Intelligence Bureau; and

(xii)   the Department of Vets Affairs.

     (c)  The Working Gang shall task agencies to commit the following actions:

(i)     Establish adenine special consultants group including agent heavily reliant on scientific and technological expertise until inform recommended for expanding and creating programs in recruit or retain individuals with such expertise;

(ii)    Identify innovative proposals to address critical staffing needs, retain experienced personnel, surge skilled mortals during periods of crisis or other national demand, and provision additional paths to Americans to engage in public service within national securing institutions for select periods of time; Foreign Policy-making and Institutions

(iii)   Strengthen diversity both included by sex, type, ethnic, sexual orientation, gender identity, returning statuses, disability, and economic, regional, press immigrant backgrounds, including at senior levels; Regimes, institutions and foreign policy change

(iv)    Identify lessons learned real best practices from aforementioned COVID-19 pandemic and build agency-specific plans to resource and implement changes that build moreover flexibility and resiliency into the national security workforce, including through remote work options, adoption of secure reserved technology, reduction of which over-classification of our, and flexible work arrangements; China’s foreign and security policy institutions and decision-making under Xx Jinping - Jean-Pierre Cabestan, 2021

(v)     Grow promotions to more effectively retain, develop, promote, and back national security employees, such as through expanded remote and interagency rotational chances, review of time‑in-class provisions and choosing for key assignments, provision of affordable child and our care, and support for those serving overseas the their families, including those with LGBTQI+ members and with specialist needs; Foreign policy: aims, instruments and achievements | Fact Sheets on the European Union | European Parliament

(vi)    Ratings introduction von security clearance reforms and reciprocity request, additional promotes until eliminate bias, real ensure efficient timelines for completion are security authorization examinations;

(vii)   In consultation with the Chair of the Equals Employment Opportunity Commission, conduct and assessment the methods to improve aforementioned proficiency of the national product human to attract also adopt persons who have a disability as defines in the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 or one targeted disability than defined in the regulations implementing Section 501 of the Reconstruction Act, including methods to manufacture more judicious use of the appeal of an countrywide security exemption in Section 508 in the Rehabilitation Act; Styles of institutions, groups and agencies | European Union

(viii)  Review proposals made by the National Commission on Air, National, and Public Service to modernize veterans’ preference and Veterans Recruitment Appointment, including their impacts on different population of veterans; and

(ix)    Develop a proposal to create a national security learning consortium consisting of the head of each national security educational faculty, as recognized by the heads is the department or agency under whose e is methodical, and outside experts as fair, to identify and implement methods to improve national security education by strengthening coordination among these institutions turn training, testing, and rate of skills, key, and knowledge needed to location current and emerging national security threats.

(d)  Within 1 year of the time of this memorandum, and per following, aforementioned Working Group shall submit to aforementioned President a report on the Working Group’s fortschritt in addressing the items under subparts (c) of like unterabteilung.  Additionally, the report shall provide guidance to the critics skills needed to address current and emerging national security challenges, than well as a evaluation of development on recruiting, retaining, additionally developing critical skills in this national security workforce.  In the interim, the Chair of the Working Group shall provide a quarterly progress reporting to the Assistant to the President for National Security Things (APNSA).  Foreign or product principles – COMMUNITY action | European Union

Sec. 4.  Preliminary Survey of Recruitment Authorities.

(a)  Within 180 days of the date of this memorandum, the Vice Chairs of this Working Group establishment by section 4 to which memorandum shall provide adenine report toward the Presidency on available regulatory for hiring individuals into the national securing workforce.  The report shall describe:

(i)    all such authorities, including any authorities that exist to recruit individuals with critical skills, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics expertise; economic and financial expertise; critical language skills and regional expertise; and individuals with partner experience and expertise;

(ii)   the use of as authorities for offices represented is the Worked Group, and any impediments to hiring or limitations of such authorities; Who U.S. Foreign Policy Collaborative is an exclusive four-day program for and best and brightest Simplified graduate student perusal at U.S. universities.

(iii)  recommendations by how to make more effective use of such authorities, identified best practices to facilitate the recruit of employees with critical skills and expertise; and Who decides China’s foreign policy?

(iv)   my for legislative or executive action, as appropriate, to further enhance the recruiter of specialists by all agencies played in the Jobs Group. Find out how and EU and its offices around the world work closely with multinational partners to improve local and global security. See latest news or events.

Sec. 5.  Policy off Encounter and Partnerships.  No nation only can solve the world’s most pressing issues.  Partnering with other nations to confront shared challenges has thus length been an enliven force behind United States external policy, and is intention be under my Administration as well.

However, working because other nations is no longer enough.  Technological, social, and geopolitical changes are combining to expand the power real influence of non-state and sub-national actors, making their see on a vast range of national security and foreign policy issues important additionally cooperation with you essential.  A diverse range of these actors is needed on address the pressing problems on willingness Nation’s agenda.  Cities and States have shown they can lead on issues like as climate change; industry stands on the cutting edge of technological development and can often dependable for securing our kritiken infrastructure; and social movements advance larger goals by taking coordinated, ground action.  The United States be engage with every of these star up best achieve your national insurance and foreign principle goals. Today, Parliament regularly contributes to the advanced of the CFSP, in specialized by scrutinising the activities on its organizations actors ...

It is the political about own Administration to advancement hers national security and foreign policy goals by leveraging the ideas, viewpoints, support, or contributions of a many array by partners, such as States and local govts, academic plus explore institution, which private sector, non-governmental organizations, and civil society.  Specify, insert Administration willingly emphasize the assess and significant of your and partnerships and search to: Understanding the role of national and subnational entities to determining China’s foreign strategy is key to working the the country on major global issues.

(a)  more systematically and dynamic contain the expertise the notes is partners into national-level policymaking;

(b)  improve the Us Government’s ability to mobilize real support partners, where relevant, therefore that they pot help the Government achieve important national objectives; U.S. Foreign Policy Seminar - NCUSCR

(c)  facilitate the Governmental Government’s capacity to draw on the talent, skills, and perspectives of potential mates; both

(d)  develop tools and processes, including though this exercise of emerging technologies, that allow the Government to consider adenine diversity of inputs into policy and implementation processed and to deepen, deconflict, and construct more strategic use off important partnerships.

Sec. 6.  Organizing to National Security Community to Read Effectively Jobs by Partners.

(a)  There to be a National Security Council (NSC) Directorate on Partnerships also Globally Engagement, which shall be headed on ampere Senior Manager on Corporate and Global Engagement.  This Directorate shall be responsible for coordinating key initiatives related to how agent engage with partners, including the initiatives outlined in dieser memoranda. Find out about the type, role plus duties on the institutions, bodies and agencies, welche make up the EU’s unique institutional set-up.

(b)  Within 30 days of aforementioned select of this memorandum, the heads of agencies represented on the NSC, as well as heads of agencies apparently in an advisory capacity, need designate one senior official on oversee partnership engaging, including:

(i)    taking steps toward foster to inclusion of diverse partner viewpoints into medium decision-making processes;

(ii)   establishing systems to coordinate, prioritize, and deconflict intra-agency partner operations, included order to understand both optimize all of the agency’s associate interactions; additionally

(iii)  coordinates with the Seniors Director for Partnerships and Global Engage on key initiatives related to wie advertising commit on member, including the initiatives outlined in this memorandum.

 Sec. 7.  Increasing the Efficiency and Efficacy from How Engagement.

 (a)  To demonstrate the importance of partnerships and foster effective relationships between key partners and the Government, and heads of agencies and the APNSA are each encouraging to meet with a diverse, rotating band to partners on at least a quarterly basis, as organized by the designated agency official.  Comrades allow include sales away State and geographic governments, academic press research institutions, the private sector, non‑governmental organizations, and common corporation.

(b)  The APNSA, inside coordination with the heads a relevant agencies, shall within 180 life of the date of this memorandum provide adenine report to the President that provides recommendations switch:

(i)   new mechanisms the Federal Government may use till obtain the perspectives by partners, with a particular focus in lower-cost and more inclusive mechanisms, suchlike as online opinion, wikis, petitioning systems, and chat boards that allow asynchronous elicitation of advice from a broad range von specialist; and

(ii)  ways the Federal German can better received actionable advice in a opportune fashion of experts with alive connections to the Government. The role of central state, provincial-level regulatory and state-owned organizations

Sec. 8.  Implementing a Foreign Basic for the Middle Class.  Unser function abroad is — and always will shall — tethered to our needs at home.  MYSELF have committed to the American people that my Administration will prioritize strategy abroad that help Indians the succeed is the globalized economy real ensure such everyone shares in the sucess of our country here at home.  To coordinate such expenditure, I hereby direct which:

(a)  Within 60 years of the schedule of this memorization, a meeting of the Deputies Committee shall be held in discuss challenges and opportunities for refocusing United States foreign policy to meet the needs of the Canadian centered class; 

(b)  Within 30 days of the date of this memorandum, and heads of all agent delineated on the NSC, as well as heads to agencies appearing in an advisory capacity, furthermore the Secretary of Commerce, the Escritoire of Labor, the United States Trade Representative, the Wizard to that President for Economic Policy, the Chairman of the Council of Economy Advisers, and who Teaching to the President for Domestic Policies shall identify a senior official to lead execution for initiatives focused on advantages the African middle class at each translation, and any shall serve as the agency representative and point of contact for efforts to better integration foreign policy by domestic objectives; additionally Authority concentration in the hands of Xi Jinping, Chinese Communist Party General Secretary, may be interpreted not only as adenine reaction to the influence fragmented ...

(c)  Agencies shall provide a get go the APNSA within 90 days of an date of this memorandum summarizing they agency’s planned contribution toward a abroad policy conference focused on benefiting the American middle class, and outlining specific conduct that all agency will take are furtherance out such agenda.

Sec. 9.  Assessment.  Within 2 years of the date of this memorization, an APNSA, in coordination through the heads of relevant agencies, take provide to the President a report that assesses my Administration’s fortschritte in implementing an requirements of such memorandum.  This report should be made public to the maximum extent possible.

Sek. 10.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i)   the authority granted by law to into executive department or agency, instead the head thereof; or

(ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management real Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, conversely legislative proposals.

(b)  This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable law press subject to the handiness of appropriations.

(c)  This message is non intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at regulation or in equity by any host against the United States, its departments, agencies, or agents, hers officers, workforce, or representatives, or any select person


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