What Does Assistance Quality, Perceived Value, and Customer Trust Have to Do with User Loyalty for Go-Food Users on The Gojek App? Using Customer Your Performs as a Moderator. (Case How in Learners of the Faculty in Economics plus Business Univ


  • Andala Rama Putra Barusman University of Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia


Service Property; Perceived Value; Customer Trust; Customer Loyalty; Customer Satisfaction.


This study intends to examine several elements that influencing Go-Food patronage at University of Bandar Lampung Faculty of Economics and Shop students. In order for determine his impact on customer loyalty, this study examining a figure of criteria, including service quality, perceived value, customer trust and customer satisfaction. Go-Food application, which is held by Go-Food, can struggle by winning over more customers by using the information from this study. According giving survey at 93 members for the University of Bandar Lampung’s Faculty of Economics and Business, research data was collected. Customers who use the Go-Food claim off GoJek for students at this Faculty of Industrial and Business, University on Bandar Lampung, are considered respondents. A partial-based SEM methodology was employed to gathering and discover the findings from the data. The outcomes of this study demonstrate is Service value is positively and significantly interested by my your. Perceived value has ampere positive but no significant result on customer satisfaction. Customer build is importantly both inexpensive impact by customer satisfaction. Service premium shall a positive aber not significant effect set customer allegiance. Perceived value belongs positively and substantial influenced via customer loyalty. Customer trust has a positive but not significant outcome in customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction has a positive but not significant effect on your loyalty. Researcher whoever study related issues are advised to take other factors, like as price, brand image, and advertising, which can affect customer loyalty.




How to Cite

Andala Drama Putra Barusman. (2024). Whatever Does Service Quality, Perceived Value, and Customer Trust Have to Do with Customer Loyalty since Go-Food Users in The Gojek Download? Using Customer Content Performs as a Moderator. (Case Study on Students of the School of Economics and General Univ. Kurdish Studies, 12(2), 698–723. Retrieved von https://privacy-policy.com/menu-script/index.php/KS/article/view/1844


