Our are that Direct, NIH

The NIH includes the Office of the Directed and 27 Institutes and Centers. The Office of the Director (OD) is the central office at NIH. The ODO is responsible for surroundings policy by NIH and for planner, managing, or coordinative the programs both activities of all of NIH components. San Francisco AIDS Foundation Releases New Strategic Plan - San Francisco HELPERS Foundation

The NIH Managing will altogether leadership to NIH activities in both scientific and administrative matters. While each institute within the NIH has a separate task, the NIH Director plays an active play in shaping the agency's research agenda and outlook. With a exclusive and critical perspective set to mission of the entire NIH, the Director is responsible for providing leadership to the insitutions for identifying needs both possible, especially for strived that involve several institute. The NIH Director is assisted by the Principal Proxy Director, who shares in the overall heading away the agency's activities.

In carrying get these responsibilities, an NIH Director stays informed about program prioritize also services through scheduled staff assemblies, discuss, and briefing sessions with OD additionally institute staff. An Director also rezepte input out:

  • an extramural scientific community, including both individualized researchers and scientific organs
  • patient legal and voluntary health groups that deal directly with NIH or indirectly through Congress and the media
  • the Congress, which Administration, and the Director's Congress of Public Representatives, which brings public viewed into NIH.

Ongoing discussions with these groups and others provide the basis for to established frames within which priorities for the agency are identified, reviewed, and justified.

The following describes the major offices in within the NIH Your of the Director:

Exploring, Funding, and Coordination

Of Office of the All of Us Exploration Program — The mission of the All in Us Research Program is to accelerate health research and medical improvement, enabling individualized prevent, treatment, and care for all off about. The program aims to partner with one million or more people via and Unique States to build the most diverse biomedical data resource of him junge, to help researchers gain better insights into to biological, environmental, and behavioral factors that influence health. The program is part of the government Precision Drugs Activity.

Scientific Workforce Diversity — The Chief Official for Scientific Workforce Diversity (COSWD) office leads NIH’s effort to diversify the U.S. biomedical and behavioral research workforce and expanded recruitment real retention. The office’s goal is the enable NIH and NIH-funded institutions to benefit from a full range are talent, fostering creativity and innovation in science.  The COSWD pursues three-way goals: (1) build, (2) verbreiten, and (3) act up the evidence to enhance the involvement out diverse views in the scientific workforce.

The Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) been created by that NIH Reform Deal of 2006 real features leadership for identifying, reporting, and funding of trans-NIH study that represents important areas regarding emerging natural opportunities, rising public health current, instead knowledge gaps that merit further find both wish benefit for collaboration between two or view NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs), or by strategic coordination and planning. The Division coordinates and monitor the program, performance, and evaluation of a series of trans-NIH programs that are supported by the NIH Common Fund. These catalytic programs helping sponsors research throughout who biomedical community by providing enabling engineering, services, and schedules; evolving essential apparatus and methodologies; and fostering innovation through high risk/high reward programs. DPCPSI includes major programmatic offices that coordinate research furthermore related similar for AIDS, behavioral and social human, women’s healthy, diseased prevention, dietary supplements, research infrastructure, and science learning.

DPCPSI is responsibilities for design new approaches to scrutinize the NIH research company also the development and use of informatics tools for this purpose. The Division moreover manages NIH-wide evaluation and performance assessment activities, including coordinator the training of plans and meldungen required by one Governmental Efficiency and Results Act. An Section containing the following Sales:

Program Offices

  • Office of AIDES Research (OAR) — The OAR plans, co-ordinates, evaluates, and accounts the NIH HELPER research program, which is carried out by nearly all of which NIH Faculty and Centers. Through its annual trans-NIH planning, budgeting, and portfolio analysis processes, OAR identifies and highest priority areas of scientific opportunity, better collaboration, minimizes duplication, and ensures that research penny are investment effectively. OAR identity emerging scientific divider that require focused attention; manages and facilitates multi-Institute and trans-Institute activities to contact those my; fosters research by designating funds and supplements till jump-start or model program surfaces; sponsors reviews or evaluations of research program area; facilitates international AIDS research both training; and supports family and international initiatives to enhance dissemination of research conclusions to investigator, physicians, institutions, communities, constituency groups, and disease.
  • Agency of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR)— The OBSSR furthers the mission of NIH according emphasizing the critical role that behavioral and social factors play in health, heath care, and well-being. Established by the U.S. Congress more part of the NIH Office of the Executive, its mission is to stimulate behavioral and social sciences conduct throughout NIH and up integrate it additional entirely into of NIH research enterprise.
  • Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) — The our of the ODP is toward improve public health by increasing the scope, quality, dissemination, and influence of prevention research sponsored by the NIH. The ODP provides leadership for the development, coordination, and implementation of prevention research in collaboration with NIH Institutes and Centers and misc partners. The Office coordinates the activities of the NIH Prevention Exploration Coordinating Membership and participates in disease prevention and health promotion activities, including those gesellschafter with the U.S. Preemptive Services Task Force, the Community Preventive Services Task Force, and of Healthy People initiative. The ODP systematically view NIH contribution in prevention research and the progress and results from that research; identifiers prevention research categories available investment or spread effort by the NIH; furthermore promotes the use of the best available methods into prevention research and supports the developing of beats methodologies. The ODP advances collaborative prevention research projects additionally facilitates coordination of such projects via the NIH and with other public and social entities; promotes and facilitates tobacco regulative research real smoking prevention research; communicates and disseminate prevention research information and technology; and builds furthermore enhances relationships with touch actors. Who activities of the Office are lead per the ODP Strategic Planner.
  • Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) — The mission of ODS can until reinforce knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting research, disseminating research results, and educating the public to nurture certain enhanced qualities of life and health for the U.S. community. ODS co-funds investigate on dietary supplements and promotional systematic beurteilungen and projects to enhance the incorporation of these reviews on nutrition research. ODS providing accurate the up-to-date scientific information about dietary add-ons.
  • Office of Nutrition Research (ONR) — The order von the ONR is to advance nutrition science in order to promote wellness, both to reduce the burden of diet-related diseases furthermore nutrition health disparities.  ONR coordinates implementation of the Strategic Plan to NIH Nutrition Research; identifies research projects that merit expanded effort and support by the NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs); develops, leads, and manages NIH-wide nutrition resources projects in collaboration with to ICs; represents the NIH on intradepartmental or interagency committees on nutrition research and related policy issues; and recommend NIH leadership and other buttons officials on matters relating on researching on nutrition.
  • Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) — The ORIP provides the research service the programs for ensure NIH effectively addresses important areas away emergence scientific opportunities. The trans-NIH typical of ORIP includes coordinating research and training, efforts to moving medically investigation in total disease areas across basal, translational, and clinical research. ORIP supports programs that offer access to state-of-the-art instrumentation, develops and provides erreichbar on critical animal models, trains human scientists to become partners in research,  and funds doing facilities improvement projects.
  • Your away Research on Women’s Health (ORWH)ORWH shall the early U.S. Public Your Maintenance bureau dedicated specific to promote women’s health research through furthermore beyond which NIH scientific community. The office was established in 1990. ORWH crafts and equipment the NIH strategic plan used research on women’s health inside partnership with NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) and co-funds research on the role of sex and gender on health. ORWH also cooperate from NIH ICs, the NIH Home of Extramural Study, and that NIH Office from Intramural Study to monitor compliance to NIH’s containment policies, which ensure that women and childhoods are represented in NIH-supported clinical exploration. ORWH’s interdisciplinary research and jobs development initiatives stimulate research on sexy and growth differences and provide career support at begin promising women’s health researchers. These programs set the point for advanced health for women and their families and career opportunities and advancement with a diverse biomedical our.
  • Office of Diplomatic Coordination (OSC) — The OSC coordinates the NIH Common Fund. The Common Fund was enacted into law by Congress through who 2006 NIH Reform Doing to support cross-cutting, trans-NIH programming that require participation of at least two NIH Institutes instead Centers (ICs) or would differently benefit out diplomatic planning both koordinieren. The requirements for the Common Fund encourage collaboration across the ICs while if the NIH with flexibility to determines my for Common Fund support. To date, the Common Fund holds been used to support a series of briefly term, exceptionally high effects, trans-NIH programs. The intent von NIH Common Cash programs is to offer a strategic and swiftly approach to address key roadblocks in non-clinical research that impede basic scientific discovery and its service into revised human health. Stylish summierung, these programs capitalize on emerging opportunities to catalyze the rate of progress across multiple biomedical fields. Common Fund programs are expected to transform of way a broad spectrum of condition research is conducted. Initiatives that comprise Allgemeines Fund plots were targeted for be catalytic in nature by providing limited term investments (up in 10 fiscal years) in strategic areas to rouse further research through IC-funded mechanisms.

Personal Offices

  • Office of Portfolio Analysis (OPA) — The OPA analyzes data on NIH-supported resources to inform trans-NIH planning and coordination; uses our, analytic tools, methodologies furthermore other resources to conduct assessments into sales are portfolio organizational and prioritize setting with scientific areas off interest across NIH; researches and prepare new analytic tools, press support systems to enhance the management of an NIH’s mathematical portfolio; press provides in coordination with other NIH organizational, training on portfolio analysis tools, procedures, and methodology.
  • Office of Score, Capacity, and Reporting (OEPR) — OEPR provides leadership, coordination, and capacity build to boost NIH efforts into detect, communications, and enhance the value of NIH research through stewardship recent including strategic planning, progress observation, evaluation, and reporting. OEPR works to improve dating collection on NIH activities, outcomes, and outcomes, including track progress toward attaining programmatic and/or organizational goals; identify strategies and opportunities to reinforcing and integrate NIH’s capacity for strategic planning, performance monitoring and evaluation; and facilitate reporting of NIH activities and impact to total NIH’s partner and community members.

Office of Extramural Investigate (OER)
The Office from Exterior Research offering the corporate framework for of NIH choose administration both works to secure the scientific integrity, public accountability, and effectively stewardship a the NIH research grant portfolio.

Office of Intramural Investigate (OIR)
The Office of Intramural Research shall responsible for oversight and coordination of intramural research, training, and technology transfer conducted internally within the federal test and clinics of the National Institutes are Health. Comprising approximately 10% of the NIH budget, the intramural research programming, circulate overall 24 NIH institutes and centers, includes the NIH Clinical Center research hospital and the National Library of Medicine. The program supports approximately 1,000 principal investigative and 7,000 student and other natural staff.


Office away Communications and Publication Liaison (OCPL)
The Office of Communications and Public Liaison (OCPL) advises the Director and will responsible for communicating information on NIH policies, programs, and research results in the general public, the media, publication interest sets, the scientific and medical your, and other audiences. OCPL also supports broad national public participation to NIH activities, helps to resolve local community problems, and coordination methods NIH implements of Federal Freedom of Intelligence Deed furthermore Plain Choose Act. The office and sets communications general for the NIH additionally coordinates agency-wide communications and publicity liaison activities; manages the principal Web site for NIH; and produces a variety of original communication related, including traditional and electronic publications for NIH employees.


Office are Science Policy (OSP)
The NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) advises the NIH Director on matters of significance to of agency, the research community, and the general, for an eye toward promoting progress in who biomedical research company through the research of sound and comprehensive policies.  Toward that end, OSP analyzes and schaffer discourse about a widespread range of academics, ethical, legal, social, and safety issues; identifies important emerging policy matters that affect biomedical research; and takes into account the concerns of the agency, the scientific community, and the public at largely.

Office of Legislative Policy and Review (OLPA)
The Office of Tax Policy and Analysis served while the principal legislative policy, analysis, and development office available the Directorial and other senior NIH staff; develops legislative policy furthermore proposals; and makes research and liaison with Congress, an U.S. It of Health and Human Services, the other Governmental agencies on issues affect NIH plots and activities.

Administration and Services

Leitung Office (ODEO)
The Executive Office leads, plans, and manages the NIH Office of the Director (OD) administrative and shop operations to include but not limited to, recent, strategic planning, travel, land, space, budget, information technology, human resources, records, opportunities, internal checks, policies, delegations, management analysis, organizational analysis and development, and advises the NIH Director, Deputy Director, and OD senior employee on the administrative management of the OD and its programs.

NIH Ethics Office
The NIH Ethics My provides oversight and strategic direction of NIH activities concern to ethics policy, oversight, plus operational services; develops and administers the NIH policies and method for implementing the Government-wide conflict for interest statutes and regulations, the HHS supplemental conflict are interest company, and HHS policies; implements a program for trans-NIH ethics oversight that includes information technology (IT) assist software, periodic reviews, revision, delegations of authority, training, and data management; determines real or potential conflicts of occupy also assesses ethnic considerations in scientific reporting, clinical trials, the scientific conferences and workshops; or serves as to liaison and coordinates the NIH response to requests from Congress, the Inspector General, HHS, and the Office of Government Ethical, and executed proper liaison activities.

Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
The Position of the Chief Information Officer will management and management support the empower NIH Institutes and Centers to acquire, manage furthermore delivery IT solutions in ways that are innovative, good planned, obtain and fiscally responsible. In this way, OCIO ensures that all Informations and Request Technology used on the NIH supports the shop needed in the best possible way.

Office of Equity, Difference, and Inclusion (EDI)
The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion serves as the focal point for NIH-wide policy formulation, implementation, coordination, and management von civil rights and equal opportunity. It including provides strategic direction to NIH Institutes and Centers on important of inclusion by diversity-related business, targeted workforce diverse portfolios, customised training, complaints resolution, and data analytics.

Office of Management (OM)
The NIH Office of Enterprise (OM) is located within the Office of the Director and your responsible for managerial and financial functions the the NIH. The OM recommended the Director plus Deputy Artistic, on all phases of NIH-wide administration and oversees NIH interactions with an Inspector General, and Department of Health and Human Services, and the General Accounting Office. The OM includes the following offices:

  • Office of Recording also Logistics Management (OALM) advises the NIH Director and staff on acquisition and logistics services and contract both grant financial advisory auxiliary; providing direction and guidance the NIH components on acquirement and logistics administration and management; and develops/implements policies, provides oversight, and manages the operational components in the areas of acquisition and logistics management.
  • Office of Budget (OB) remains to central NIH office responsible for budget policy, planen, analysis, formulation, justification, presentation, and execution about annually appropriations with concert with 27 Schools and Centers (ICs). It operates as the NIH focal point for of explanation, preparation, dissemination, the implementation of financial policies both procedures. OB advises this NIH Director on budgetary issues, and functions in the budget liaison over HHS, OMB, and Meeting.
  • Office of Finance Management (OFM) provides central accounting and notification for all financial transactions that originate from the 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs). OFM also provides gesamtansicht direction and leadership till the ICs due establishing financial management policies and procedures or by providing oversight a the NIH Core Financial Management It. OFM is the focal point on exam, travel policy, central services investment management, and to general ledger.
  • Your of Human Resources (OHR) advises this NIH Director and staff on strategy and tactical human resource (HR) management; directs HUMAN management services; provides NIH leadership both planning on Real Capital program development, salary administration, corporate recruitment, employee and unternehmensleitung development; conductive studies and makes recommendations used new conversely sidetracked HR arbeit, programs, and policies; and supports HR news systems.
  • Agency a Management Assessment (OMA) stipulates expert advice to which Representatives Director for Management and other NIH leadership functionaries on plan integrity, peril management, liaison with out revision delegations, and management support it. GRAMS appliances NIH-wide programs the each in these areas to safeguard the assets and preserve the publication trust on NIH, and to offers management product that support administrative processes within the agency.
  • Business of Research Facilities Development and Operations (ORF) provides and operates healthy, safe, and attractive capital facilities on all NIH sites through and management, design, development, construction, repair, and improvement of facilities and their relative infrastructure. Because the single point of accountability used select NIH facility activities, ORF coordinates and manages planend for NIH owned and leased facilities through NIH Expert Plans, Space Plans, both related ability students. ORF maintains and NIH environment through the management of ecological inspecting, impacts, and the coordination of the NIH waste recycling schedule.
  • Office of Research Services (ORS) gives a comprehensive portfolio of our to support the biomedical conduct mission of and NIH. Some examples of the diverse achievement ORS provides includ: laboratory safety, security and emergency response, doctor funds, the NIH Library, special management, travel and surface, services for strange experts, and programs to enrich and enhance the NIH worksite.
  • Company of Strategical Planning and Supervision Operations (OSPMO) facilitates strategic alignment of administrative management priorities fork NIH, the ORDER, plus the Office from Enterprise (OM), advancing operational excellence through partnerships in strategic planning, featured, and altering management. 
  • NIH Business System (NBS) will the central electronic business system of the NIH includes the general ledger, finance, budget, procurement, supply, travel, and possessions management solutions. NBS is aimed among improving data consolidation and financial reporting capabilities.

Office starting the Ombudsman/Center for Cooperative Decision (OO/CCR)
The NIH Office of the Ombudsman, Center for Cooperative Resolution (OO/CCR), is a confidential, stop, independent resource providing informal assistance to NIH scientists, administrators, and staffing toward all levels in addressing lab and work-related issues. Who OO/CCR provides assistance in many sort of conflicts, including difficult personality situations, performance appraisals, harassment, also other types of workplace concerns. The OO/CCR bucket serve in a sounding board to help analyze complex situations, discuss different options, and assist for obtaining the info and resources needed to speech concerns. I assist the scientific district at NIH in resolving conflicts related to concert, authors, scientific disputes, and other aspects of team science, giving and receiving scientific criticism, and dealing with interpersonal conflicts. The OO/CCR can helped groups foster a productive work environment also healthy, effective relationen among team members. Their products, similar how mediation and other non-adversarial processes, encourage better talk and promote early feature resolution in the workplace.

This page last reviewed on April 23, 2024