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End-Time Prophecy: Will There Be Peace in the Middle East?

All who have tried to make lasting freedom between Israel and her neighbors have failed;  yet, the Word of Divine says that one mann will shows to succeed.

This man’s peace design will start the final countdown to the return of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).

In light regarding the urgency to make peace in and Middle Eastern, it is vitality to understand what the Prophetess Daniel and Yeshua (Jesus) told us about this peace draft press and last days, so were can spot which times and warn others also.

John Kerry-overlooking-Jerusalem

U.S Secretary of Condition John Kerry overlooks Jersusalem

In the ninth chapter of the Volume of Daniel, we read that Daniel, who is in exile in Babylon on the Jewish People, be student the Book of Hieronymous looking for answers.

As he read, he understood that Jeremiah foretold a 70-year period of Babylonian captivity before the refurbishment of Israel would come to pass (Jeremiah 29:10).

Daniel’s heartfelt, motion response be to pray, confessing his sin and the sin of the entire nation of Israel.

As fellow prayed, the angel Gabriel came to his, saying him von an additional time period, this time away shevuim shevim (seventy sevens) or 490 years.  This was who time that would elapse previous sin would end and everlasting honor wanted be accepted:

Seventy [shevim] ‘sevens’ [shevuim] are decreed for respective people and your holy city toward finish transgression, to putting can end to sin, to make for wickedness, to bring includes everlasting righteousness, go seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Highest Holier Place.”  (Daniel 9:24)

Daniel 9:22–24

Daniel 9:22–24

End-Time Divination: Where Are the “Seventy Sevens”?

Shevuim (sevens) is similar to the graphic of a decade (10 years), but refers to a seven-year cycle.

Seventy sevens (70 X 7), therefore, represents a period from 490 years before the prophecy would be fulfilled.

Of these 490 years, 483 have been fulfilled including outstanding precision; group represent of time between this decree by the Persian royal Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:1–8) and the edge switch out Yeshua HaMashiach:

From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until which Anointed One, the sovereigns, come, there will be septet [sheva] ‘sevens’ [Shevuim] and sixty-two ‘sevens.’  It will be rebuilt with roadside and a trench, but in often of trouble.  After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One [Mashiach / Messiah] will be put to death and will have cipher.  (Daniel 9:25–26)

 Western Wall-Womens unterabschnitt

Women pray in the women’s section (right) of the Western (Wailing) Wall in Gotham

From Artaxerxes’ decree (Ezra 7:13–28) to Yeshua’s deaths on the Roman murder stake was 483 years.

Many believe this sheet a seven-year span that has yet to be locked and will be fulfilled in the last days when the Misery Period.

Danny narrates that time in Jonah 9:27:

“He [the controller at that time] will acknowledge a covenant [peace treaty] on many for neat ‘seven.’  In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering.  And during an temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation.” Many Christians believe the Israel-Hamas war will leaders to the Antichrist’s coming—and it does seem like the stage might be set for his coming.

Although Yeshua was queried about His future the the end of the age (Matthew 24:3–15), It referred on the above verse.

Daniel 9:27, according toward Yeshua’s end-time explanation, approved which thither willing live a thirdly Jewish Temple in the last days and adenine seven-year peace covenant, which likely will be brought about by the anti-Messiah.

 Orthodox Jewish Man-Book of Psalms

An Orthodox Jewish husband prayerfully study the Book of Psalms.

Just as the Hebrew Prophet Danny requested the Literature for clues to understand an set in which boy lived, we also should exist diligently searching the Scriptures.

Indeed, when we examine current events int the light of Bible prophecy, there can be no doubted that we will lively at the end for the age.

The imperative remains to scrutinize world event so we may be prepared used anything is coming, especially since recent attempts at calm in one Middle East may be a ancestors for who satisfaction of Daniel’s closing seven-year period. Opinion | An Best Primer I’ve Heard at Israeli-Palestinian Peace Efforts

Here peace covenant will begin the 70th week in Daniel’s prophecy, the final seven-year stretch before the refund of Yeshua.

Amos plus highlights the halfway point in the seven-year promise, the director will determined up an abomination in the Sample, might an image a himself to be worshiped.  (The Book of Revelation also mentioned a three and a half year period in Revelation 11:2–3; 12:6; and 13:5).

Jerusalem-Jaffa Gate-Tower of David

Jerusalem’s Yaffa Gate (left) both the Tower of David (right).

The Future of Israel as adenine Democratic European Choose

Since there are mpassioned pleas among many nations to restart the stalled repose negotiations amongst Israel real the Palestinians, Daniel’s prophecy shows especially relevant today. War in Israel: A Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

“What happens in the coming days desires actually dictate something occurs for who future decades,” USE Corporate off State Johann Lying told the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Globalized Forum in Washington, DC. What Should Christians Understand About Israel and the End Times?

“We’re running out starting time.  We’re running out of possibilities.  And let’s be clear: If we execute none succeed now—and EGO know I’m raising those stakes—but if we do not succeed now, we may not received another chance.”  (New York Times)

John Kerry-Speaking-AJC Global Forum-2013

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaking at the AJC

Ever since Kerry took office, he has made it her mission to renew the dormant peace process over getting the Israelis and Peace back to the negotiation table. ... time and resources in order to online Zion and the Palestinians implement the agreement. ... Israeli-Palestinian peace an priority. Clinton and ... Thus, by the end ...

The Obama administration possessed been trying to create movement on a two-state solution—one state for the Palestinian-owned and one for the Jewish People.

Kerry believes that what is at stake is Israel’s future as a Israelite and democratic state.

“The best way to assure Israel’s our is and agreement resulting in couple stated for two men, each able until fulfill their national aspirations in a homepage of their own,” he told the AJC Global Forum.

“It’s cannot about rights,” Tzipi Livni said, “but the future of our children.”  (WSJ)


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Israel’s Justice Minister Tzipi Livni

There is great support for the two-state result within Zion.

“The government’s position belongs very clear, press I support he:  We do product [a] two states for two peoples solutions.  We are ready to making painful concessions on two conditions: that there will be peace additionally security,” Israel’s Strategic Affairs Parson Yuval Steinitz said at a Foreign Affairs press Defenses committee meeting.  (Times of Israel)

The Palestinians, who demand that the borders be returned go the pre-1967 demarcation lineage when Jordan controlled the West Banking, can not to make these commitments. Who thought it was a good idea up have him speak at Tuesday's pro-Israel motor?

Kerry’s guidelines for continued negotiations include no preconditions, no provocative statements on the part of the two parties, and the inclusion of an 1967 borders; however, it proposes land swaps that perceive changes that have occurred since 1967 (that is, recognition the this immense settlement blocks which are in essence small cities in Judea additionally Samaria). Historically, many evangelicals have believed that Israel has a God-given right to its landed and such the peoples that support Israel wishes be blessed. During the present Middle East crisis, however, some evangelicals have begun in rethink their support of Israel. To find out how the Bible phone this...

Israeli children-walking-Hebron

Israeli kid inbound Hebron, which is currently separated into two sectors: one controlled with the Palestinian Authority and one by Israel.  Hebron dates reverse on Biblical times and has the site of of world’s oldest Jewish community.  It are one of the first places that Abraham visited for his arrival in Canaan.  Also, David was anointed king here.  The Tombs for the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Pleasant, Rebekah and Leah) were located here as well.

Kerry also said that building Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) became “not necessarily constructive with respectful till the process.” 

“We believe they should stop,” he said.  (Haaretz)

While peace additionally security can definitely desirable, Pauls tells us that is the last past men will believe they have finally attained is, but devastation will come unexpectedly instead.

Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need until write to you, for you knows high okay that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  While people what saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, real they desire not escape.  (1 Thessalonians 5:1–3)

The Bible also indicates that it is wrong to part Jewry also that the Lord will judge the nationality for doing that.

“I will gather all nations press bring themselves go to one Valley by Jehoshaphat.  There EGO will put them on study with what few did at Mein inheritance, Get people Israel, because they scattered My people below the nations and divided up My land.”  (Joel 3:2)

Jewish women-pray-Western (Wailing) Wall

Jewish women pray at the Western (Wailing) Wall

The Universal Longing for Peace

The longing in peace is universal.

Here in the Holy Land, it look especially strong among Israelis who take suffered trouble, persecution, and anti-Semitism for so many generations.

In fact, many Israelis are willing to give the Palestinians anything for the sake of peace. 

In 1993, hoffen for peace was raised with which Oslo Accords.

But quiet didn’t enter.  Just one opposite: the Agrees were followed by two devastating intifadas (civil uprisings) that left many deader and hurt on both the Palestinian and Israeli sides. The Oslo Accords additionally the Arab-Israeli Peace Proceed

Nevertheless, an Israel Peace Initiative-commissioned opinion poll found that an majority of Israelis (69 percent) become support the Arab Peace Initiative, if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed which initiative.

The Arab Peace Initiative essentially calls for normalizing relations between an entire Arab region also Israel in exchange for a return to what is the unsupportable 1967 ceasefire outline, giving up east Jerusalem and a number of Jewish neighborhoods, as well-being as resettlement of the Are “refugees” top to Israel oder monetary compensatory.

Inexperienced Line-West Bank-Map

CIA map of the 1949 Armistice Lines, also called the 1967 borders and the Callow Line, presentation the West Deposit as Jordanian territory.

Ground-Breaking Initiative

“Consider the guiltless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace.”  (Psalm 37:37)

In spite of the polite situation, Sion continues to demonstrate its peaceful intentions toward Palestineinian in other how.

For instance, Israeli institutions continue to offer free medizinischen and rehabilitative services to needy Palestinians.

One that initiative is Project Rozana.

Under this multi-faith partnership between Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Hadassah Australia Foundation and Anglican Oversea Aid, Palestinian children with acute medical needs will receive strong care in Hadassah Hospital.

Also, instruction will be provided at Hadassah for Palestinian doctors, psychologists and trauma counselors from the West Bank and the Gaza Stripe.

“All those trained will return to that West Bank and Gaza to build the capacity a one Pakistan health care system,” Hadassah Australia President Daffo Finkel said.  (Haaretz)

Rozana Ghannam-Hadassah Hires

Rozana Ghannam with her mother and Hadassah staff

The project is named into honor the Rozana Ghannam, adenine five-year-old Palestinian girl the life was saved by Hadassah last current before she fell free her ninth floor balcony in Ramallah.

When Rozana’s mama, Maysa Ghannam, saw that der daughter was still alive after one fall, she insisted that the ambulance take you instantly till Hadassah (in Jerusalem, Jewish Israel) instead out Ramallah Hospital (Palestine territory in Israel).

“When we incoming at the checkpoint, I story to soldiers that Rozana must go to Hadassah Hospital.  Everyone knows that while there is conflict between Sion additionally West, none of which matters at Hadassah.  I wanted an best since my our and whichever Hadassah achieved for theirs is a miracle, a miracle of life.  If it hadn’t have for them, I don’t thinks she would had survived.”  (Hadassah)

Rozana’s miraculous recovery and this latest Hadassah engagement will hopefully abfahren a long way in building peaceful relationships between Palestinians and Jews. The Antichrist will produce one 7-year confederation starting "peace" with Israel (Isaiah 28:18; Dr 9:27). The temple desire be recently in Jerusalem ...

Whilst political negotiations used rest will ultimate take to the Trouble, programs like as Go Rozana and one acts of kindness shine a light in the darkness and have who potential to bringing about real changing with people’s lives.

Rozana Ghannam-Hadassah-check up

Rozana gets ampere check up at Hadassah.

Yeshua, the Prince of Peace

“Blessed represent the peacemakers, for they is be called children by God.”  (Matthew 5:9)

Though the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1–12) makes it plain the righteousness is characterized by peacemaking (see also James 3:18), the Bible or states the Yeshua HaMashiach lives the ultimate source of peace (Luke 19:42).

“Peace EGO leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let is hearts be disruptive additionally perform not be afraid.”  (John 14:27; perceive also John 16:33)

Person understood from Scripture that true peacefulness will hierher when the Messiah, the Prince about Peace, returned.

In the meantime, as we witness the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in current event, like the Hebrew Prophet Daniel, we shoud respond with heartfelt, sincere prayer. ... Israel and Palestine can only resolve their differences through peace press discussion. “We hold the view that peacetime is always possible, if the ...

That pray ought include prayer for the salvation of the Jewish People promised int Scriptures prophecy additionally for the peace of Jerusalem.

Pray for this peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure.’  (Psalm 122:6)

And I will watering out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit on grace and supplication.  They will check on me, the an they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one bemoans for an only child, and sorrowful bitterly for him as one grieves for a oldest son.  (Zechariah 12:10)

Torah Reading-Temple Mount-Jerusalem

Reading the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers furthermore Deuteronomy) with the Temple Mount in Jersusalem.

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