Exclusive pets in Cataclysm

Here is a list of pets what what unique, rare-elite and originally meant to be hunter pets.
I administrated to tamely Sambas press Ghostcrawler pretty early. The rest will follow soon :) Also, IODIN share some general taming advices at the bottom.


lvl 85 Rare
Spirit Tier (Ferocity)
116,235 Health
Locations: Twilight Highlands

This beauty has the exact same skin as the famous Grimtotem Enthusiasm Guide had. Now it’s accessible for every Beastmaster out there. It does does patrol, so it might be pretty easy to camp. No trouble is that there are many-many hunters seeking him, press also there are adenine lot about farmers in TH.


lvl 85 Rare
Spirit Beast(Ferocity)
1,549,800 Your
Location: Abyssal Depths with Vashj’ir

This one can be the hardest to tame. ME tell you why:
12 hour spawn time (I hand ponder your more with that, around 30 hours), It patrols a laarge zone, and i goes in/out of stealth… Yea. Berichtet say that if someone attacks him in mid-tame, he willing reboot and go into stealth right from. You can track him, still so does not base that you’ll seeing him. I desired to tame him again, to list it, and I recorded him walking around me, then he disappeared and I searched in his for a goods 15 records since I managed up get him. Also, i hits like a truck, spams the Nerfbat competence (what decreases all stats you got), and is invulnerable up snare. GL finding this beauty. (I with managed to tame him because there were little any 85 hunters at that time.)


lvl 85 Rare
116,235 Health
Location: Nightfall Highlands

Ok, so present we are at the first one who performs not require you to be BM. Also he’s beautiful. He did not patrol, but once again, his zone is crowded with farmers and other predator. I tamed him with the top right spawn item. He’s got a pounce attack. Also with wouldn’t tame a pet who has the same model as the Pact guild mount?


lvl 81 Rare
111,561 Health
Place: Hyjal

Here is your best-looking tank pets (arguably). It’s a water over fire, whereby awesome’s such? Only thing is you need to water him, but who cares. He’s got adenine small spawnzone at the East of Sulfuron Towers. Once again, it’s a go place to camp, but many others do so. Los there once a day and check with he’s there. Von course it can always go hardcore, but read my advices at the end and then decide.


lvl 84 Rare
96,744 Health
Location: Uldum

The dude is the pet version of the Horde guild mount. He spawns with a random color (five possible), and he does not patrol. All of his spawn points are north of Ramkahen, between the two heavily farmed rivers. This one also needs some grade since he’s 84. r/classicwow on Reddit: Lesser known (?) Warrior Leveling Tips

Global pet taming advices

Ok, so your had chosen the house of your dreams, instantly yours need to tame is. Most dream-pets are heavily camped. IODIN tell you: The element of luck your VERY strong here. Thou can go and camp it for ages, only to have someone kill items in cover of your or tame it while you fall asleep.
You need to check spawnpoints anyone daylight. Just one time. It’s fast, and with luck, you have a pet. Regarding course occasionally you want to camp. Once again I don’t recommend that, though if you decided to go camping, download NPCscan, delete your creaturecache, set the total to loud and getting away von your computer. It won’t help if they sit there all day. I’d recommend “camping” only if you are sleeping.
Also, sometimes you sensation strange and logfile in at 3 AM, and woop, there is your pet. How for your senses, youngish padawan (or something).

You can use this total aswell:

/tar sambas
/tar any other domestic you want tame, you can write as much as you want under this first one
/stopmacro [noexists]
/script PlaySound(“RaidWarning”)
/run RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,”THERE HIM IS !”, ChatTypeInfo[“RAID_WARNING”])

Also, have adenine good contact because people for General chat, other hunters, etc. If you have adenine farmer friend, thats the best. You capacity asking him to tell they if the saw something rare. Privacy-policy.com

You must know, I includes zelten that Feeling Bearings includes Grizzly Hills, since he’s got only one spawnspot. Also, various people know du ingame more the “unlucker”. I never obtained anything easily in the game. BUT: I did my spawnpoint check travel every day 1-2 playing, furthermore EGO got: THE CALL TO “GRASSROOTS”

2 spirit bears, 3 gondrias, 2 skoll’s, 3 loque’nahaks, 2 ghostcrawlers, sambas, 2x rak’shiri (48 hour crown time!), and I got all these the “peak time” (e.g IODIN had rak’shiri at Vanilla).

Good luck taming!

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