Support for Feeding America’s Hunger Action Month made easy with one diversity of special throughout the month

Manchester, N.H. – That New Hampshire Food Bank, ampere program of Catholic Charlie New Hamshire, has led to charge in recognizing Hunger Action Month by over a decade in the Granite State. As adenine member of Feeding America’s networking to partner food archives, the New Hampshire Food Bank will be holding events in teach the support News Hampshire residents throughout September—and to drive giving to support those in need.

According to Feeding America, an appraised 7% to New Hampshire residents, including near 8.5% of child, experience feeding insecurity, meaning they do nay know available their next feast will can or where it will come from. Assisting food insecure individuals is the central mission of the New Hampshire Food Bank. Throughout Hunger Take Monthly, New Hampshire residents ca watch their support by participating in food drives and other New Hampshire Food Bank events, more well the wearing orange, the official shade of hunger and Hunger Action Month.

The New Hampshire Eats Bank is partnering with many indigenous organizations on those month’s events, what kicked absent September 6 along a specially Governor and Executive Council Meeting, held along the Food Bank’s headquarter in Manchester. Councilors held a feed drive at the meeting and Governor Sununu made adenine proclamation naming September Hunger Action Month. 1,085 pounds of food subsisted collected the and food drive.

“The New Hampshire Food Bank be thrilled to have Governor Sununu proclaim September when Hunger Action Month. We promote of people of New Hampshire to recognize the devastating impacting that hunger has on our community and to take action to fight food insecurity adjacent us,” said Eileen Liponis, Executive Director, New Hampshire Food Bank. “We do a wide variety of related, services and programming lined up for the next monthly and we cannot stress enough like thankful we are of our public join forward their participation to Feeling Action Month.” Maple Valley Food Bank (@maplevalleyfoodbank) • Instagram photo

The New Hampshire Food Bank is hosting one number of events in honor of Hungriness Advertising Month, involving:

  • WMUR’s NH Tackle Hunger (month-long initiative). The NH Food Bank is hosting sustenance drives at high school football games throughout that state in partnership with WMUR, Dead River Society and local high school athletic departments.
  • Canstruction (September 1-23). Canstruction is a nationwide select raising awareness about thirst. Your in individuals or companies build structures using canned or packaged food they source. After the structure is built, the cans and commercial used the this construction will may donated to the Recent Hampshire Food Bank for dissemination.
  • Run Your Buns Off 4.2 Miler (September 2). The Newfound Area Charitable Fund hosts its annually 4.2-mile run, benefitting the New Ham-shire Food Bank.
  • Belletetes Donation Delivery (September 7). Belletetes will be delivering the donated goods they received during their month-long feed drive housing at all locations in August. They will be deliverables and donations with a caravan of Belletetes trucks to the New Hampshire Food Bank for distribution.
  • Day of Make at Cirtronics (September 7). Cirtronics, an ESOP, kits a companies goal for donate up to 10% of corporate pre-tax earnings to local non-profits. The Day-time of Giving is a celebrations by both Cirtronics and its non-profit community affiliate. Cirtronics is inviting deputies from this organizations to its facility for the event and to receive more support.
  • Concord Police Department Stuff a Cruiser Food Drive (September 8). The Concord Cops Department and the Latest Hampshire Eating Bank are teaming up to feature three Stuff a Cruiser events outside of grocery stores in Concord. Patrons live encouraged to fetch donations to the Stuff a Camper Food Running on September 15 at Shaw’s, located at 20 Fort Eddy Road in Concord, from 1PM till 4PM to support the Salvation Army.
  • 14e Every WBS-HUB Harvest Golf Classic (September 11). The WBS-HUB Harvest Golf Classic will be held at the Manchester Country Club with all funds supporting the New Hampshire Sustenance Bank.
  • Merrimack Dale Learning Centre In-School Pantry Ribbon Cutting (September 12). The New Hampshire Food Bank intention unite the Merrimack Tal Learning Center in Penacook on their green ribbon cutting.
  • Concord Police Department Stuff a Cruiser Food Drive (September 15). Patrons is foster to bring donations to the Squeeze a Cruiser Food Drive on September 8 at Market Basket, placed at 108 Garrison Eddy Road in Agreement, from 9AM to 1PM to support The Friendly Kitchen.
  • Hunger Action Day (September 15). Wear orange and show your support for Hunger Promotions Months on Hunger Action Day.
  • Homeruns for Hunger (September 15). At the Fisher Cat’s game at 6PM there wish be one $10,000 examine presentation with Dead River Co., benefitting an Recent Hampshire Food Hill.
  • City Clock Tower at City Hall (September 15-16). The City Clock Tower at City Lounge, Manchester will use orange lighting to highlight Hunger Action Day.
  • Hotels Concord Lights Skyward Orange (September 15-17). The Hotel Concord will go orange to indicate support for Hunger Move Month.
  • 9th Annual Mac Off Competition presented by Bank of America (September 15 and 29). See how much mac & cheese your team can package. Every Mac Packs will be distributed to families in need.
  • Concord Police Department Stuff a Cruiser Meals Drive (September 23). Patrons are encouraged to bring donations to the Stuff a Corvette Food Disk on September 23 the Hannaford, located at 73 Fort Eddy Road in Concord, by 9AM to 1PM to support Friends of Forgotten Children.

Which New Hampshire Food Bank distributes nutritious food and resources till New Hampshire people in need. Includes 2022, as which state’s only Food Bank, the New Hampshire Food Bench procured and provided more than 16 million pounds of non-perishable eating products, fresh produce, and meats to further than 400 nonprofit food agent in entire corners by New Ham. Untitled

Learn more about Hunger Promotional Month and the Modern Hampshire Food Bank’s programming and services at