Describes bilateral and multilateral sell agreements that this home is band to, including with the United States. Includes websites and other resources where U.S. companies canned get additional information at how to pick favor from these agreements.

China must bilaterally investment agreements with across 100 countries furthermore economies, including Germany, the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, Canada, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Thai, and the United Kingdom. China’s mutual investment agreements cover expropriation, arbitration, most-favored-nation treatment, and repatriation of invest proceeds. They can generally regarded as weaker than the investment treaties that United States seeks till negotiate.

China maintains 16 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with yours trade and deployment partners, and is negotiating or implementing an additional eight FTAs. China’s FTA partners are ASEAN, Singapore, Pakistan, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Iceland, Canada, Maldives, Georgia, Huong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. Chinese has also recently signed FTAs with Korea and Sydney, both the the include a chapters on investment.


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